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Big Stick: An Aces Hockey Novel by Kelly Jamieson (19)

Chapter 19

Which was why Nick was avoiding Jodie by spending most of Sunday exploring the flea markets in Wicker Park and the one on the South Side. He found two more chairs for the dining table. His “set” was mismatched, but they were all solid oak and finished with a golden oak stain. Once he’d refinished these two the same, they’d fit right in.

He found himself pausing in front of a display on a dresser, his gaze landing on an elephant. Actually, there were several. He picked up one to study it.

“Are you interested in elephants?” the shop attendant asked.

“Maybe. I, uh, know somebody who collects them.”

“Trunk up or down?”


The guy smiled. “Most people in the West believe a trunk up is lucky. But in Asia, they believe an elephant with the trunk down is lucky.”

Nick blinked. “Okay. How much is this one?” He picked up the one with the trunk up.

They negotiated a deal, and he left with chairs and an elephant.

He shook his head. He was trying not to see her, not find excuses to see her.

A dick move, really. Which made sense, since he was a dick.

He could be better than that though. Jodie deserved better than that.

Oh hell. She probably didn’t even want to see him again anyway.

On the way home, he stopped at Whole Foods and picked up dinner for himself. After unloading the chairs and the elephant, he got to work stripping one of the chairs of its old finish. Then he went in, cleaned up and heated up his dinner. After dinner, he went upstairs and scrolled through Netflix looking for a movie or something to watch. He found an action flick that had come out last year that he’d never seen. When it was over, he turned the TV off. Nearly nine o’clock.

With a sigh of resignation, he got up, jogged downstairs and picked up the elephant he’d bought that afternoon, grabbed a jacket, and let himself out the back door.

Lights were still on in the coach house.

He knocked softly, although apparently Zyana didn’t wake easily. The door opened a moment later, and his heart bumped in his chest at seeing Jodie.

She gave him a slightly quizzical look as she stepped back for him to enter. “Hi.”


Ah hell. This was awkward. He’d made it awkward. Everything had felt so easy and natural with them, and his messed-up head had made it all uncomfortable. “Here.” He held out the elephant. “I bought you this.”

Her gaze dropped to it, and she reached out slowly to take it from him. She passed her fingertips over the carved wood. “It’s lovely.” She lifted her eyes. “Thank you?”

One corner of his mouth lifted. “I was at a flea market and I saw it. I wasn’t sure if it’s what you like, but it seemed nice, so I picked it up.”

“I do like it. Thank you.”

He lifted one shoulder. “Is it okay with the trunk up?”

She smiled slowly, and his heart gave a kick against his ribs. “Yes. I like the trunk up.” She touched the elephant’s trunk. “Do you want to come in?”

“Sure.” He said it casually.

She nudged the door closed and moved to set the elephant on the island. “Would you like something to drink?”

“Nah, I’m good, thanks. Zyana in bed?”

“Yeah. I was watching TV.” She walked over and picked up the remote to turn off the TV. “I was just thinking about going up to have a bath with a good book.”

A bath with him would be better. Damn.

He followed her and sat on the couch.

“I was hoping you’d come over.” She sat beside him.

Her honesty took him aback. Not only was he a dick, he was a cowardly dick. “I wasn’t sure if I should.”

“Why not?” She watched him steadily.

“Because I’m an idiot.” He rubbed his forehead. “Last night a bunch of us went out after the game and Hallsy opened his big mouth about our date and Brick was pissed.”


“Yeah. And Hallsy didn’t seem to think that it was a good idea for you and me to…you know…”

Her lips quirked. “Uh-huh.”

“And I convinced myself it probably wasn’t a good idea, because I’m a dick, and so I was avoiding you today.” Wow, being honest felt good…also terrifying.

“I wondered if you were having regrets.”

“No!” The word burst from his lips. He shook his head vigorously. “Not regrets, no.”

“Okay.” Her eyes warmed. “Then what’s the problem?”

“I don’t even know, to be honest.” He bent his head. His palms dampened and his heart thudded heavily. “I guess I was…scared.” Christ. He felt so vulnerable admitting that.


As before, he found himself telling her things he hadn’t planned to. “I don’t want to be responsible for other people. I’m no good at that.”

“Nick. We went on one date.”

He lifted his head at her soft tone and met her eyes. Okay. He’d said the same thing. She got it.

She set her hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “One date, one night. We had a good time. At least…I did. I thought you did too.”

“I did.”

“I’m not looking for someone to be responsible for me. Or to take care of me. Or me and Zyana. But I like having people in my life. And I like you.”

Christ. “I’m an asshole.”

“Mmm. Debatable. My point is, neither of us is looking for forever. But I want to be with you. And if you want to be with me…why not?”

He lifted his head and met her eyes. The moment stretched out. “That makes sense, I guess.”

“But I have a couple of requests.”


“No other women while we’re seeing each other.”

“Jesus. Of course not.”

“And you have to tell me if you want to end things. No ghosting. Just tell me. And I’ll do the same.”

He swallowed. “Okay.” That was a reasonable, mature request.

She slid closer, climbed onto his lap, and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you for the elephant.”

“You’re welcome.” He just got the words out when her lips met his in a soft kiss.

His blood sizzled and his hands automatically reached for her, settling on her hips.


Jodie smiled at Zyana’s delight, her heart expanding with warmth.

Nick had showed up at the coach house that evening with a Chicago Aces toy hockey set, including two little goal nets, two small sticks, and a soft ball.

“You ready to play, kiddo?” He reached for the bigger stick he’d also brought in.

“Yes!” Zyana picked up a little stick and swung at the ball.

Jodie glanced around the small space. “There’s not as much room here as at your place.”

“True. Well, we’ll have a short game. Then Sunday you can come over to my place.”

Jodie grabbed the other small stick, although playing hockey was far down on her list of favorite activities. But if Zyana wanted to play hockey, she’d play hockey.

She was so touched that Nick had done this, it distracted her from her goaltending duties and she let in the ball.

“I scowed!” Zyana lifted her arms in the air and did a little dance.

“Nice celly.” Nick held out a fist for her to bump.

Jodie laughed.

After some spirited hockey and a lot of laughter, Zyana had a snack and a glass of milk. “Okay, bedtime,” Jodie said. “Let’s go, sweetie.”

“Don’t want to go to bed.” Zyana’s little mouth set.

“It’s bedtime,” Jodie said again.

“I want Nick to wead me a stowy.”

Jodie’s head jerked to look at Nick, not sure how he’d feel about that.

“What?” He met her eyes. “Why are you looking at me like that? I can read.”

She huffed a laugh. “I’m sure you can. You don’t have to read her a story though.”

“I’ll do it. Call me when Zyana Gretzky is in bed. You pick the book,” he told Zyana, his joke going over her little head.

She nodded and skipped over to the stairs. Jodie followed, and once Zyana was in pajamas and tucked into bed with a couple of her favorite books, she headed back downstairs. “Okay, she’s waiting for you.”

He passed her, pausing to kiss her and grope her ass. She laughed and took his place on the couch.

He might say he hated kids, but he didn’t hate Zyana. She’d seen how he was growing more comfortable with her, and the more at ease he was, the more Zyana seemed to like him too.

That thought made her stomach clench.

This was the first time since Zyana had been born that Jodie’d actually had a relationship with a man. She wasn’t sure exactly what this relationship was, but it was a fact that Nick was in their life more than any other man had ever been. She’d dated guys, some of them more than once, but she’d never introduced them to Zyana because it didn’t feel right to do that unless it was going to be long term.

She had no idea if things with Nick were going to be long term, but he was in their life. Which led to the thought that when things ended with Nick…Zyana was going to lose him too. And she was clearly getting attached to him.


Jodie leaned her elbow on the armrest and rested her forehead on her hand. She was a terrible mother. She’d been all caught up in her own feelings for Nick, and she hadn’t even thought about Zyana. Other than happiness that Zyana and Nick were getting along so well.

She rose from the couch and headed to the fridge to pour herself a big glass of Chardonnay. It was half gone when Nick came downstairs.

“She fell asleep while I was reading the second story,” he said, smiling.


“What’s wrong?”

For a guy, he was often perceptive about her moods. Maybe from dealing with his brother’s illness, he’d become more attuned to things like that. “We’ve made a huge mistake.”

“What?” He frowned, sitting beside her.

“Us.” She waved a hand and gulped more wine. “You’re so nice to her, so patient and kind, and you brought her that hockey set and she loves it, and she loves you, and…and…” Her throat constricted and her nose stung. “And when you’re gone…she’s going to be so sad.” And so will I.

He said nothing for a moment. “You have a point.” He stood and walked away.

Her mouth fell open. Was he leaving? Just like that?

He went to the fridge and pulled out a beer.

She blinked, her insides relaxing minutely.

Nick popped the cap off the bottle and lifted it to his lips as he prowled back to her, an intense expression on his face, looking big and athletic and sexy as hell.

She blinked again, drawing back into the cushions.

“Okay.” He sat again. “What do we do about this?”

“A-about what?” Her mind was scrambled.

“About Zyana being sad. Do you think we should end things now?”


“Aren’t you the one who said building relationships is important?”

“Uh…” Yes, she had.

“People come and go in our lives. Believe me, I know.” His face tightened.

Her heart ached. “I know.”

“But you can’t protect her from that. It’s part of life.”

“I guess that’s true.” She swallowed. “If things ended with us now…would you miss Zyana?”

He closed his eyes and exhaled. “Yeah.” Then he opened his eyes and focused on her with laser intensity. “I’d miss you.”

Her heart galloped and her insides quivered. “I’d miss you too.”

“So what do we do about this?”

“I guess…we just take what we have right now and enjoy it.”

He lifted his chin, thinking.

“Are you okay with that?” she whispered.

“Yeah. Are you?”

She nodded, her throat tight.

“Then come here and kiss me.”

“These make-out sessions on the couch are getting to be a regular thing.” She straddled him on her knees, and he closed his hands around her waist.

“Yeah.” He kissed her mouth. “Want you in my bed again.” He kissed her cheek. “Wanna fuck you all night long.” He kissed her jaw.

Her belly flip-flopped. Her eyes closed and her head tipped back as he kissed her throat, then tugged down the loose neckline of her T-shirt. “I want that too.”

“Tell me when you’re comfortable with it. I know…” He kissed the top curve of one breast. “I understand.”

Her heart bumped, and she curved her hands over his strong shoulders. “Thank you.”

He felt up her breasts through her shirt and bra, and she shifted her aching pussy closer to him. His hips lifted, pressing his erection against her. “Feel how much I want you.”

“Oh yeah.” She sighed as his lips slid up her throat. “I want you too. So much.”

He fisted a hand into her hair and tilted her mouth for another long, deep kiss, their tongues sliding together, in and out. His other hand slipped under her shirt, pulled down the cup of her bra, and then she rose onto her knees so her breast was right in front of his face.

He groaned, studied her, then closed his eyes and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

Sensation streamed through her to her core, making her ache even more. With her top pushed up, he sucked her nipples, then licked her breasts, cupping her flesh with his hands until she was panting and mindless with need. She rose again to work her yoga pants down over her hips along with her panties, while Nick undid his fly, shoved his jeans lower, and pulled out his cock.

She let out a whimper of delight at the sight. He was beautiful—thick and hard, perfectly shaped, traced with heavy veins.

Then he growled. “I don’t have a condom.”

“I have some upstairs…” God, she did not want to stop and go all the way up there. “But it’s okay…I think?” She peered into his eyes. “I’m on the pill.”

“I was tested not long ago,” he said, nodding. “Clean bill of health.”

“Me too.”

She bit her lip as she lowered herself over him, her body throbbing with need. The head of his cock pushed at her entrance. He held himself, guiding himself into her as she slowly let him fill her. Stretch her. Enchant her. Sensation flowed through her like warm honey, and she squeezed her muscles around him.

He groaned. “Oh fuck, when you do that…” He slid lower into the couch, resting his head against the cushions.

She moved on him, sliding up and down slowly. “Christ that feels good.” He groaned. “Bare inside you.”

He splayed his hands on her ass cheeks, helping her move, and he watched her breasts sway as she rose and fell on his shaft.

“Sweet,” he muttered, pressing his face between her breasts. “You have gorgeous tits.” He pulled a nipple into his mouth again.

She gasped and panted, bracing one hand on the back of the couch behind his head, the other on the armrest, arching her back.

He turned his head and kissed her upper arm, sliding a hand up and down her arm, making her shiver with delight. The hand still on her butt caressed her there, gave her a little spank that thrilled her and melted her, then his fingers slid into the crease between her cheeks. He brushed over the puckered entrance and dark, edgy pleasure bolted through her. She made a noise in her throat.

“Okay?” he asked quietly.

“Yes. God yes.” She loved that. She cupped his face and kissed him again as his fingers played back there, fire spreading through her body.

She moved faster, pressing her clit against him, trying to find the right spot, the right pressure that she needed. He slicked up moisture and slipped a finger inside her. Tension tightened her womb, almost painful, and she gasped as she spun into a dazzling vortex.

She fell over him, pressing her face into the couch cushions to muffle the helpless noises she made, and a groan rumbled in his chest as he thrust up into her, once, twice, a third time…holding himself there, pulsing inside her, filling her with liquid heat.

They stayed like that, breathing hard, bodies joined. “Wow,” Jodie murmured. “That was hot.”

“Mmmm.” He rubbed up and down her back. “You’re hot.”

She smiled drowsily, wanting to curl up against him and fall asleep.

He reached a hand out to grab some tissues from the box on the end table, holding them against her as he slowly pulled out. She hated that feeling of separating from him, even as she was touched by his care, mopping her up, helping her pull up her clothes.

When he was tucked back inside his jeans, he grabbed the soft throw blanket draped over the other end of the couch, lay down, and pulled her with him, fitting her ass to his groin, covering them both with the blanket. She snuggled against him, his strong arm over her front and let herself fall into post-orgasmic slumber.

“What? You’re not going to the fund-raiser?”

Jodie regarded him with wide eyes later that evening as he reluctantly put on his jacket to go back to his place. They’d both crashed on the couch for about an hour.

“Nah.” He shoved his arm into the jacket. “How’d you even know about it? Oh, you probably heard from Kendra.” Jodie was asking him about the event Friday night, organized by Rupper and Army. They’d been doing this for a few years, although their wives were also heavily involved now.

“Yeah.” She rose from the couch and padded toward him, tugging her shirt down. “She and Max are going. It’s to raise money for hockey programs in neighborhoods where kids can’t afford it.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“It’s for a good cause.”


“I can’t believe you’re not going.”

He sighed. “I know I should, but it’s not my kind of thing.”

“It’s bowling. It’s fun!”

“There are going to be a ton of people there, wanting to talk to us and get autographs.”

Her mouth lifted into a small smile. “I’m sure you can handle that.”

“Yeah, I’ve done it. But it’s not my favorite thing.”

She gazed up at him. “I think it would be fun. Come on…let’s both go.”

How was he supposed to say no to that? “What about Zyana?”

“I think Evaline would look after her for the evening.”

He shook his head, a reluctant smile tugging his lips. “Okay. Fine. Let’s go.”