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Blood Red Rose (Rose and Thorn Book 1) by Fawn Bailey (13)



3 months later

“We are going to play a little game, just you and me.”

I stared up at Ellis from my kneeling position.

My limbs were tied together with a silk rope, not meant to hurt or cut into my skin, just immobilize me enough that he could do whatever he wanted with me. There was a trace of fresh tears on my face and my back still burned from the lashings with the whip he’d used before.

“What g-game?” I stuttered, my eyes following him around the room. I needed more information. But more than that, I needed to come again.

He’d been playing with me for hours. I’d been in the dungeon since the early morning when he’d walked into my bedroom without warning and dragged me there by my hair, screaming and begging him to let up the pressure on my locks. But he didn’t, as if he knew exactly how wet his roughness made me.

“I think you’ll like it.” He smiled and touched his fingers to my cheek, lightly caressing my blushing skin. “You always end up loving my games, don’t you, little one?”

He wasn’t far enough yet, not completely helpless to my charms, not at that point I sometimes brought him to when he forgot every rule that the Mansion had made me memorize. He wasn’t calling me baby yet, wasn’t saying my name. But I knew he would get there just as well as I knew the throbbing ache between my legs would be rewarded or punished with another orgasm.

“You can come as much as you want to…” He twirled a tendril of my highlighted hair between his fingers, smirking in my face. “But I don’t want to hear you speak again.”

Sometimes he was so unspeakably cruel I wanted to hate him for it, but not that day. That day, the hours of foreplay he’d put me through meant I was ripe and ready, desperate for him to give me what he’d been building inside my body.

“I’ll be quiet,” I whispered, and he laughed easily.

“You won’t just be quiet.” His finger slipped over my lips and I licked him tentatively. “You won’t make a fucking sound, little one. I don’t want to hear a whimper or a sob. I don’t want to hear you beg. I don’t even want you to fucking gasp. You got that?”

I raised my eyes to his and nodded wordlessly, and he patted my head.

“Good little girl,” he said, his fingers trailing down my back, over my ass, and into my asshole.

I was ready for it by then.

I’d been fucked, trained, touched and used by men and women alike, with Ellis always standing front and center, supervising, watching, making them use me any way he saw fit. He wasn’t the cruelest of them all, but he loved to torture me most. Not just in physical ways – Ellis loved to break me down systematically, attacking my senses, my mind, and my body. But my soul hadn’t broken yet, and I knew he was waiting for it, that moment when I finally came apart completely.

Yet there was still one last thing he hadn’t ripped away from me.

I was still a virgin.

He’d kept my pussy intact, never putting a toy or even his fingers inside me. With everything he and the others had done to me, I was grateful for the small mercy, at the same time terrified of it finally happening and eager to find out what it really felt like to be fucked.

“Let’s get started, then.” He got off the chair and walked over to the chest of toys in the corner of the room.

I’d gotten to know quite a few of them over the past few months. I wasn’t sure which one I craved most, but I knew which one I hated most.

And that was the one he picked that night, smirking at me when he saw the fear I tried so desperately to hide when he brought it out. He knew I realized, that it was exactly the one I’d been terrified of this whole time. Now, he was going to use it to make me break my promise and punish me accordingly.

“I can’t wait to break you,” he said as he approached me.

The dildo in his hands was enormous, twice the size of the ones I’d been forced to take regularly up my ass. It was studded with metal that always hurt when he put it inside me. But he’d only ever tried to push the head of it into my asshole or mouth. Never the whole thing. I shook in anticipation of what I knew he was going to say, what he was going to do.

“I wonder,” he muttered, his eyes almost manic. “What it will take to make that asshole rip…”

“Please,” I whispered and was rewarded by a swift slap to my face that sent me reeling.

He kneeled next to me.

Took my chin in his hands.

And told me something that would make me comply with every last demand he made.

He told me he would kill me if I didn’t follow his rules.

* * *

It was hours later. My throat was dry, my eyes straining because I’d tried so hard to keep my screams, moans and begging inside.

Ellis was getting tired of me, I could tell. He looked impatient as he paced the room in an effort to find something else to break me with. I had taken the monstrous toy, but even he had to stop when he realized he would inflict permanent damage if he didn’t slow down.

Now, he was eager to fuck me up more, and I was scared more than ever.

I was still tied up with the silk rope, the material now drenched in my own sweat. My pussy had drenched the ropes that held it open, and I was so embarrassed I could have cried because of that alone. Not because I was in pain, or tired, or because I wanted to come more. After twenty orgasms, they all blended into one painful fucking mess. But after he’d done that quickly, in less than half an hour, he’d forbidden me from coming again. So I was left stewing in quiet anger, with my pussy spasming and desperate to drench him. He wouldn’t let me, though. I was done coming, he’d said, done enjoying it. It was time for me to suffer.

The only thing I wanted to do was the one thing I wasn’t allowed to.


I wanted to scream my fucking heart out.

Ellis must have seen how close to the edge I was, and he approached me, seemingly contemplating whether to deal his final blow. I knew what he was going to say before the words even left his mouth.

“You’re going to lose your virginity tonight,” he said sweetly, his hands touching me lightly, his fingertips leaving goosebumps in their wake.

I nodded, holding my mouth closed and looking up at him with my eyes wide and pleading. I wouldn’t say a word until he let me. I would do anything he wanted me to just so I could get a hit I’d never known I needed. Anything, anything he fucking wanted, for one orgasm. I didn’t even care how he made it happen anymore.

“That’s when you get to come,” he went on. “That’s when my cunt gets to squirt. You know how it’s going to happen, little one?”

I shook my head and he leaned down next to me, his voice a whisper in my ear.

“You will be blindfolded.” His voice was a soft caress, his tongue flicking against the nape of my neck, making me shiver in absolute silence. “You will be bound. You will be in a cool, quiet room and you won’t be able to see a thing. But you get to scream and beg and whimper as much as you need to. You won’t be fucked by just me. You’ll be fucked by men and women all night. They’ll do whatever the fuck they want to you while I supervise. And the only rule they’ll be aware of…”

He bit my ear and I bit my tongue so hard it bled. I couldn’t let myself make a sound. Not now, not yet.

“…Is that they can’t stop until you’ve been passed out for over a minute,” he finished. “I’ll be counting the seconds, little one. I bet it will take a while.”

He took my chin in his hands and lifted my face to look at him.

I didn’t hide my tears. Instead, I stared at him with devotion and my bottom lip trembling. My eyes were brimming with tears as he rubbed a finger over my lips.

“You don’t want to tell me how much you want that?” he taunted me, and I couldn’t help myself anymore.

I opened my mouth and sobbed, tears running down my face in rivulets and mixing with my saliva. I was a mess in seconds, shaking and crying so uncontrollably and loudly I thought I would pass out from the panic alone. He kneeled next to me, his hands soft against my cheeks as he stroked me.

“Shhh, baby,” he whispered, and my heart jumped. “Shhhh, it’s okay.”

He let me collapse against him, and his fingers deftly worked the knots around my shaking limbs. What was impossible for me to do myself, he finished in a couple of seconds, and the ropes fell away from me, leaving me shaking and terrified, clutching him for comfort and so very desperate for him to reassure me.

And then he was sitting on the floor, and his strong hands had dragged me into his lap. I settled against him, curling up into the smallest ball I could and growing quiet again, my sobs subsiding but the panic remaining, reigning supreme in my broken body. I went perfectly still, perfectly quiet. My body was rigid as I anticipated his punishment. I’d never been more terrified. I kept remembering his words.

If you make a fucking sound, I’m going to beat you black and blue.

I could feel the bruises already, knowing exactly which spots he would choose to turn into pretty blooms of color. But he didn’t do anything. Just held onto me tightly, so close I could barely breathe. I clung to him, my body submitting completely. Not a single breath escaped my lips as I waited for him to change his mind.

“I won’t touch you,” he promised me, the words whispered against my hair. “I promise you, Harlow, I’m not going to hurt you tonight.”

I gasped when he moved his mouth to mine and swallowed my exhale, kissing me with desperate need and a yearning I couldn’t fulfill. It wasn’t the first time I wondered whether I was, unbeknownst to me, involved in some sort of love triangle. It felt like he was a million miles away with his mind, but the kiss was greedy and reckless, needing me to respond. His body wanted me, but his mind was somewhere else.

“Okay,” I finally said, the words painful in my dry throat after hours of being tortured. “Okay, it’s okay, that’s okay.”

He couldn’t stop kissing me. He grabbed me by my throat and pinned me against the wall, kissing me like I was the sweetest little whore he’d ever had. I responded, but my eyes remained open, and I watched every expression under the sun dance over his face. Anger, denial. Fear, need, longing, wanting, regret. It was all there.

“Promise me you won’t come,” he whispered against my lips. “No coming, baby, no coming tonight.”

“None,” I whispered, overwhelmed by the intensity of my feelings for this man. This jackass, this kidnapper. This man who hurt, tortured, whipped, and teased me into submission. It dawned on me that I was probably in love with him, with this specific kind of loving hatred he exhibited towards me. I was obsessed with his sick fucking games, addicted to his pain, smitten with him, everything that made him Ellis. “I won’t come, I won’t come once, I promise.”

“But I will,” he said needily. “I will, Harlow, right? You’ll make me… You’ll drink from my cock like it’s a faucet, baby…”

I blushed at his words but kept nodding because it was the only thing I knew how to do anymore. He positioned me on my knees and got up himself, taking out his hard cock and pushing it into my throat without waiting for my mouth to adjust to his girth and length. He started to fuck me mercilessly, and I took it. Not just because I had to, but because he’d taught me to do this.

Playing with other women for his pleasure, being tortured by men while he watched. It was all done so I’d be trained properly, trained into a perfect little whore just for him, built to his liking, pieced together for his cum. He could do whatever he wanted to me, and I would take it willingly. I would suffer through it all for him.

What Ellis didn’t know though, was that I fucking loathed him.

I’d submitted my body to him. I’d let him have every last orifice, save for my pussy, and I was planning on escaping before he took my last shred of innocence away from me. I was going to hunt him down once I got the fuck out of there. I was going to make sure he was punished for every single crime he’d committed, not just with me, but with every innocent, brainwashed girl under his care.

“Please,” I whispered. “Let me have it, let me drink your cum, let me be yours, let me be your slut.”

“One last time,” he whispered. “One last time before tonight, baby. Open fucking wide.”