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Brantley's Way (The Running M Ranch Book 1) by KL Donn (4)



As soon as we’d gotten home from town, I dove right into working. A fence had gone down on the far west side of the property, so I spent the day helping Mason and Jake get it back together even when they insisted they had it handled.

The cold hard truth is I’ve been avoiding Pops. I don’t want to tell him his one living child is back in town and trying to buy Jet’s seed. I won’t do that to the old timer. I’m still stuck between pissed off and shocked.

By the time I’m stumbling into the house, dinner is over, the sun has long since set, and everything’s quiet. Heading straight up to my room, I go right for the shower. Needing to wash the grime and stress of the day off.

The hot water quickly relaxes my tired muscles, and I’m wishing for other ways to rid myself of tension. Ways that involve Adilynn’s thighs open and waiting for me. Her on her knee’s milking my cock for everything I’ve got.

God damn.

Just the image has my dick rising and my balls tightening. Gripping the base, I squeeze tight, so this wet dream doesn’t end too soon, and I picture her here with me.

Water would wash down her luscious tits, dripping off the peaks of her hard nipples as she watches with fascination while my hand jerks my cock. Her lips would be a perfect O when she finally leans forward to taste what she does to me. She would reach one hand between her legs and rub softly, just enough to make herself wetter for me.

Our moans would fill the shower with ecstasy, and the scent of our need would be an aroma neither of us can resist. Picking her up, I’d take her against the wall. Bury my cock in her so deeply she wouldn’t forget who owned her little ass.

My grip is so tight on my cock I half hope she’s a virgin, I want it to be painful, I want her to remember every last pump of my hips in her tight body. I want Adilynn to scream my name for years to come.

Woo. Years? Shit, that sounds good. A light buzz throughout my body sends my release shooting against the shower wall, and I find myself in need more now than ever before. And it’s all because of Adilynn. I really need to see this girl again; I need to know more.

After I finish washing up, I shut the water off and can hear my phone ringing from the other room. Wrapping a towel around my waist, my long strides have me there in seconds. “Hello?” My voice is gruff, and I have to clear my throat. “Hello?”

“Hey Brantley, it’s Dan.” Just the man I want to talk to.

“Hey man, how’d it go, did you see her? Is she okay?” I have no interest in small talk tonight.

His hesitance doesn’t bode well. “You sure she only fell?”

Puzzled about his question I ask, “Yes, I was there when it happened. Why, what’s wrong?”

“I’ve got some stuff for her, think you could pick it up from my house in the morning? Take it to her.” I’m really disliking this conversation.

“What the fuck is wrong with her?”

“Just come by the house in the morning.” Dan hangs up before I can demand anything else and I’m more worried than I was twelve hours ago. What the hell does he know? Looking at the clock, I see it’s now after midnight, and I know I can’t go banging on her door when she barely knows my name.

Fuck! I hate this whole goddamned situation right now.

Laying down in bed, I set the alarm on my phone for six, and try to close my eyes. All I can see though is Adilynn’s sad hazel gaze as she looked up at me yesterday. I wish I’d taken the time to know more about her then. I should have insisted on getting her number. Something, anything would be better than what I have right now.

I’m not a waiter, I’m a damn doer.

So help me, if Dan doesn’t give me information when I get to his place, I’m going to throttle the bastard and toss him in a stall with an angry Thunder.

* * *

I don’t think I slept a wink. I don’t even let my alarm go off before I’m out of the house and heading out to Dan’s ranch, halfway between mine and town.

Coffee in one hand, and the steering wheel in the other, I enjoy the breeze from my open window as rolling hills pass by, and horses graze the land. My ranch isn’t overly huge, only about 10,000 acres of land for my twenty horses, the few we board while breeding and the hay fields. I hope to keep expanding as our operation grows, but even if we stay the same, I’m content, happy.

Darrell showing up now might put a kink in my life though. I’m still pissed off at the man. I don’t know if I’m madder he showed up now or didn’t make an appearance two years ago. It was his brother for fuck’s sake. You’d think the man would come if for no other reason than it was family. I still haven’t decided on how to tell Pops yet either.

As I pull onto the winding drive up to Dan’s property, I know I have to put it out of my head so I can deal with this easier matter at hand. Chasing away Adilynn’s demons should be a piece of cake compared to trying to figure out Darrell and his motives.

“How’d I know you’d be here so damn early?” Dan steps off his porch with a full bag of what I assume is what he wants me to take to Adilynn.

Stepping down from my truck, I don’t mince words. “What’s wrong with her, Dan?”

He shakes his head like it’s fucking funny. “Nothing bad. But I have a feeling she could use a protector is all. She’s a sweet girl really, didn’t even want to accept my help.”

I had a feeling her pride would be unshakable. “I’m not surprised. Anything I should know about what she needs?” The more information I have, the better.

“Nope. Just be gentle. She’s a flicka that one.”

Not wanting to waste any more time, I say my thanks and head back to my truck before I remember, “Where’s she live?”

“You know that border place on the outskirts of town?”

“Yeah.” Everyone knows it.

“That’s her mother’s place, I’d take a gander she lives there too.”

Of fucking course, she would.

I’ve never met her mother, but I know her reputation and that she’s slept with anything with a swinging dick. Knowing Adilynn is her daughter doesn’t change my mind. Not every apple is rotten. Adilynn just got the rotten fucking tree.

* * *


Warmth from the sun creeps in through the slates in the hayloft of the barn, and I slowly begin to wake as the horses below me sound restless. After releasing Spot to her owner, I spent the night in the barn after mom brought some man home with her from the bar.

I learned early on to stay away from the house when she did that. Not all strange men have limits and some push for more than what’s offered. Or who.

Hopping along the wall after a fight to stand, I wonder how I’m going to get down. My knee has been getting progressively worse, and I’m sure the chilly night on a bed of hay wasn’t the best idea in the healing process either.

I don’t think I have the arm strength to hop from rung to rung either. “Shit.” Quite the predicament I’ve found myself in. Windbreaker chooses this time to pipe up and neigh while stomping her feet. I can tell it’s her because she has this soft way to her, it’s never harsh like I’ve heard from other horses.

“Keep your opinions to yourself missy,” I mutter, still trying to figure out my way down. When Tropic starts his song and dance, I’m actually beginning to get scared.

Biting the bullet, I know I have to bite my way through the pain in order to climb down the ladder. I really wish I’d worn my belt now, the leather would be handy for me to bite, so I don’t crack a molar as I maneuver my body in such a way that I have to slide over the edge on my belly. Right now, I’m just grateful there’s no one here to witness my misery. I think I’d die if I was caught like this.

With the first step, I bite my tongue so hard I taste blood and feel dizzy from the strain in my legs. I can feel the pull in the muscles from my thigh to my calf. It’s like a knotted ball being pulled apart one string at a time.

Before I’m halfway down, I’m ready to give up. If I wasn’t still eight feet off the ground, I’d risk letting go and jumping with the hopes of landing on my good foot. At this height, I know I’d just fall off balance and injure myself further. It’s a no-win situation.

Leaning my forehead on the rung I’m holding on to, I pray for a miracle that isn’t my mother walking in here. That bitch would likely laugh at me and walk away.

Feeling warm hands sliding up the back of my thighs has my body tensing as I jump and fall. Strong arms catch me though. Arms full of muscle and leading up to Brantley’s handsome face.

“Mr. Marbury,” I breathe out. “What are you doing here?” His gaze goes from heated to angry in a flash.

“What the hell happened to you?” I flinch at the bite in his tone.

“My knee still hurts is all.”

Carrying me to one of the benches along the wall between the feed bin and the saddle rack, he sets me down. Completely manipulating my body to do as he pleases, by laying me flat on my back. My traitorous body does as he commands too, the bitch.

“What happened, Adilynn?” His hard stare is glued to my face, and it’s then I remember my mother’s bruising.

Reaching a hand up, I try to mask the marks. “It’s nothing.”

His calloused hands roam my body freely as they move towards the scratches on my neck, and the bruising on my eye and cheek. His touch feels safe. “Mr. Marbury?” The reverence in his gaze confuses me, he doesn’t know me.

“Brantley,” he growls. “You call me Brantley, and this is not nothing. Who put their hands on you?”

Looking away, I find I can’t lie to him. But I can’t tell him who either. This is my life, Luke’s life. I can’t ruin it for either of us without a backup plan. I need a way out for Luke and me if I’m going to sling accusations around.

“I’ll let it go,” he says, “but not for long.”

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“Dan Collins sent me with some things for you.” He holds up a bag full of items.

“You didn’t have to come out here for this.” I meet his gaze again, and I think I’m drowning in their intensity.

Brantley’s eyes narrow and I bite the inside of my lip when he speaks. “I didn’t have to, I wanted to. I like you Adilynn, and I was worried.”

“You were?” I’m astonished.

He doesn’t answer me, just begins pulling items out from his bag. The knee brace is there that Dan spoke of as well as some creams, rubs and band-aids. When Brantley goes to untie my ace bandage, I freeze. From experience, I know the rush of circulation back into the limb is going to be extremely painful.

One hand holds my calf steadily as the other gently unwinds the material. I try to focus on the heat from his hand but once my knee is bare again, the agony is too much, and I slam my fist down against the bench and let out a pathetic whimper, while tears roll down the sides of my face. It feels like my whole leg is on fire.

“Jesus Murphy ducks on a stick!” I groan into my other fist.

“Ducks?” The man laughs.

“I have a little brother.”

How old?”


He looks up briefly. “You know he says worse than that, right?”

Jerk. “Doesn’t mean I have to know he does.”

Chuckling the man shakes his head while lowering my leg and reaching for some heating balm. “Have you been icing this?”

“I’m not an idiot.” I don’t know why I’m so snippy with him. He’s being incredibly nice.

“Never said you were.” It doesn’t even phase him.

“Adilynn!” I jump at my mother’s voice and nearly scream from the jolt to my knee. “Where are you? You can stop hiding now.” There’s equal parts laughter and condensation in her tone.

Pushing Brantley away from me, I toss everything into the empty stall across from us in the hopes mom is still oblivious to my injury.

I can hear her heavy steps moments before she rounds the corner. Brantley is standing just a foot in front of me with his hands on his hips and a sexy scowl on his lips. Part of me wishes I could kiss it into a smile.

“There you are!” She halts when she sees Brantley, smoothing her hands down her disheveled clothes as she tries to mask her disdainful look for me. “Well hello, handsome.” Her saunter looks more like a drunk penguin’s waddle as she reaches a hand out to him. “I’m Madison James, Ady’s mother.”

Ady? Since when?

I stay quiet. I know what happens next. She’ll proposition him, he’ll accept, and I’ll be left behind. Again.

I’m not sticking around for this. “I’ve got to go.” I say and force my knee to cooperate. I can’t watch it happen. I was starting to like him. I’ve been fantasizing about him.

Suddenly, I feel extremely dirty.

* * *


I watch Adilynn walk away, and if it weren’t for the pain in her gaze, I would have gone after her. But I now know where the pain is coming from.

Her mother.

I didn’t miss the look on the older woman’s face before she realized I was here too. Filled with nothing but hatred for her child and that’s something I can’t understand. I wait patiently for whatever proposition this witch is going to offer before I strike.

“Well,” she moans, “now that she’s gone, we can have some fun.” Her grin reminds me of the Cheshire cat. Full of greed and wicked intent.

“I don’t think so.” I push her hands off me and step back.

Her pout comes off more like a sneer, I think it might be a permanent fixture on her face though. “Why not? Adilynn won’t put out for you. Besides she won’t be able to rock your world like I can.”

I sidestep when she tries to touch me again. Not fucking happening. “You misunderstand, I have no interest in the local sperm dump. Your pussy is used more than a garbage truck. In fact, a garbage truck would probably be cleaner than you.”

“How dare you!” I anticipated her hit, so I’m able to catch her hand before she connects with my face.

“Sorry lady, I’ve got better things to do than argue over whether or not you’re the counties biggest whore.” Tipping my hat in her direction, I leave the barn and head for the house that looks like it might fall over.

I don’t bother knocking as I enter, my only intent is to get to Adilynn. A man snoring on the couch in the nude, surrounded by empty beer cans leaves me feeling as dirty as the house looks. I can’t imagine it’s because of Adilynn. It actually looks like there was a night of hard partying that happened, and I worry about my skittish filly even more.

“Adilynn,” I call softly, not wanting to scare her further. “Come on filly, tell me where you are.” The sounds of a rusty pipe running lead me upstairs and to a door off to my right. Hearing the shower running, I want to burst in there, I want to make sure she’s alright. But I can’t. I have to be patient, or I’ll likely scare her away.

Instead, I go in search of her room, hoping that’ll be her next destination. After opening three doors, I finally find what I hope is hers. A picture of her and a young boy, likely her brother, sit on a chest of drawers next to the door so I think it’s a safe bet.

Taking a seat on her small twin bed, I gaze around her room, saddened by what I see. Not much more than the basics. Only a few personal things like pictures and books, but they’re all filled with dust.

The sight of her standing next to a gorgeous tan and white Arabian has me taking notice. Her smile is radiant, happy, full of pure love. The animal is every bit the same. Walking over to it, I pick the frame up and wonder what happened to this happy woman.

“That’s Windbreaker.” I turn at her voice, not shocked to see her in another pair of short-shorts and a purple tank top tucked into the waist. “She’s in the barn. Best horse in the universe.”

The love Adilynn feels for this animal is right there in her voice, and I can relate. I feel the same for my animals too. “How long have you had her?”

“Thirteen years.” That I am shocked about, and I shouldn’t be. Looks are deceiving. “You’re wondering how I’ve taken care of her.” Her hand circles the room, but I have the feeling she means the entire house. “I give up a lot to make sure she has everything she needs.”

“I can see that.” Looking down, her fists at her sides and I can tell somethings on her mind. “Say it, Adilynn.”

Her head whips up at my words. “What do you want, Mr. Marbury?”

Stepping closer to her, I grab both of her fists and unlock her fingers. “I told you little filly, call me Brantley.” My gaze searches hers, waiting for the acceptance that she will.

“What do you want, Brantley?” Music to my fucking ears.

“I want the chance to know you.” It’s as simple and complicated as that. She’s the right girl to come into my life at the wrong time, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

She squints her eyes as if it’s a foreign concept. “Why?”

Grazing the palm of my hand along her cheek and into her hair, I pet her, soothe her. I want Adilynn pliant to my advances, but I’ll wait. “Because I want to know who you are, what you like, love, hate. I want to know everything about you, Adilynn.”

Her forehead scrunches while she thinks about my answer. “You want to be friends?”

Not really. “If that’s what you’re willing to give me right now, then yes, I want to be friends.” Even if it kills me. When she goes to open her mouth again, I waylay her, “If you ask why again, you’re going to feel the sting of my hand on your bare ass.”

Her jaw drops, eyes open wide as saucers, and I watch her heatedly as she responds to my threat internally. I can see her nipples perk behind her shirt. Goosebumps line her skin and a light blush creeps up her neck and into her face.

“That’s not very friendly,” she whimpers.

Tightening my grip in her soft blonde hair, I lean closer, murmuring, “Just because I want to be your friend now, doesn’t mean I don’t want more later.”

“Oh.” She barely breathes, and I’m left satisfied.

Running my fingers through her hair I watch the way her head tilts just the slightest bit, and I’m left wondering when the last time she had any affection was. “You busy today?” I left Blaine a note that I would be out for the day. I’m sure he’ll call a dozen times to find out where and why.

“Busy?” She asks like she’s in a daze. “I have to clean the stalls and wait for Tropic’s owner this afternoon. Should probably take Windbreaker for a ride too.” Her gaze strays to the window.

“I’ll help.” Grabbing her hand, I pull gently, aware of her knee, not wanting her to have the chance to deny me. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing–friends? –but I know I need to be around Adilynn as much as possible.

We pass the naked asshole on the couch, and I have to fight the urge to kick him in the face before we’re outside again.

Adilynn’s hand pulls in mine as I see her mother coming out of the barn, hips swaying heavily and a nasty smirk on her face. My girl stands to the side as the other woman passes her by and stops to whisper quietly in her ear.

Any color Adilynn had in her face disappears in a flash as the older woman enters the house. Walking up to her, I wrap my hand around her waist as I ask, “What’d she just say?” It comes out more like a growl.

Her eyes water as she looks up to me, “I’d like you to leave now.”

“Excuse me?” What the fuck just happened? That cunt of a mother of hers is going to get a huge piece of my fucking mind soon.

“I have too much to do, and you’ll be a distraction.” Adilynn limp-runs away before I can dispute her. Hot on her heels, I realize she’s faster than she looks and by the time I get to the barn door, she’s bareback on Windbreaker and barreling through the open barn doors and into the fields behind the house before I can do a damn thing.

“Fuck!” I slap the side of the door, and another horse kicks up a fuss. If I didn’t know that it was someone else’s animal, I’d go after her. As it stands, I have too much respect for other ranchers and farmers to use their animal without permission.

Fuming mad, I wait around, mucking out the stalls, and clean up the feed bins while I wait on my temperamental little filly. It’s nearing lunchtime when I can’t wait any longer. Scribbling a quick note to her, I hang it on the inside of Windbreakers stall where I know she’ll see and get it.

I’ll be back. I won’t let her get away from me so easily.




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