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Brothers of Rock: WILLOW SON (Box Set - All 5 Novels Together) by London Casey, Karolyn James (6)

“And the date…”

“You saw the date,” Ryker said. “I’m done talking about it.”

“Thanks for the time, Ryker.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Lacy.”

At the door, Lacy smirked. “You know, I didn’t get where I am without instinct.”

“What’s your instinct telling you?”

“A half naked rockstar finds a woman on his bed. You know damn well what I would have done with you. You took a cold shower. You’re distant. You’re insistent about not naming Alyson.”


Lacy patted Ryker’s shoulder. “I hope it all works out. For both your sakes.”

Ryker slammed the door as Lacy walked away.

He ordered breakfast and the band came crashing into his room. Portis had a theory that if he gave them all separate rooms they’d stay out of trouble. All that did was give Colby and Tessa a room alone, and it gave Jett and Masie a room alone.

“How was your interview?” Van asked.


“What did she bother you about?” Brantley asked.

“The usual. I really don’t like doing those without you guys. This isn’t a solo thing.”

“It’s all for the band,” Colby said. “No worries.”

Ryker stood at the window, feeling distant. He looked at the parking lot, waiting for the car to show up.

“What’s wrong?” Jett asked.


“Don’t bullshit me.”

“I’m not.”

“I’ll fight you.”

“That’s the best you’ve got?”

“It’s what we do,” Jett said. “Right? The two guitarists battling forever.”

“How’s Masie?”

“Great. Glad I got to get her to sneak away.”

“That’s good, man.”

“What about you?” Jett asked. “How was the interview? She worthy of Ryker’s time?”

Ryker laughed. “No. I want nothing to do with talking right now. I just want music.”

“That’s a change. You usually love to talk about yourself.”


“Anytime. But seriously, you look skittish.”

A car pulled into the parking lot and stopped. It just sat there, brakes lights on. Even from this high up, Ryker just knew…

Then his cell phone beeped.

“I have to go,” Ryker said to Jett. “Just stall for me, man.”

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s Randy.”

“No fucking way.”

Ryker moved and Jett grabbed his arm. “Hey, brother. Be careful. Your brother is a piece of shit.”

“I know.”


Get in the car, Ryker.”

“I’m not going to get in the fucking car with you, Randy.”

“Why not?”

“The first time I was ever arrested was because of you. When I got into your car.”

Randy grinned with his dark, evil eyes. “Yeah. That was a shit night. Had no idea my boy was going to set me up to take a fall.”

“I took the fall,” Ryker said. “Almost cost me my entire career.”

“You’re doing pretty well. I see your shit posted all over the world. You have to be pulling in seven figures a year easily.”

“Are you here to talk about money?”

“No,” Randy said. “I’m set up just fine right now.”

Randy curled his lip. He played with a gold ring on his pinky. Everything about Ryker’s brother screamed wrong. He should have been the guy to help take care of Ryker but instead liked to beat up on Ryker. Then he got hooked on gambling and drugs. Twice now Randy had done time in jail.

“You look nervous,” Ryker said.

“Target’s on my back, little bro.”

“That’s my problem?”

“You got security and shit, right?”

“Does it look like it?”

“Come on, little bro,” Randy said. “I know there’s some big, tough guys up there taking orders from you.”

“When the time warrants it, sure,” Ryker said. “But I don’t have a permanent security detail.”

“What about a private jet?”

“Are you fucking serious?”

“I am,” Randy bellowed. He pointed at Ryker. “Don’t make me come over there and smack your fucking face. Like I used to do. Right?”

“Yeah, Randy, right.”

“Hey, who got you your first fucking guitar?”

“You stole it,” Ryker said.

“But I gave it to you, little bro. We had no fucking money. I needed to make sure Santa brought you something.”

Ryker felt his chest tighten a little. That was the worst part about Randy. He was a selfish dick, but every now and again there was a small glimmer of a halfway decent guy.

“That was the same year you never showed up,” Ryker said. “There was a guitar under the tree, along with your booze and drugs. You had gone out and came home bloody. Then someone tried to shoot the house.”

“Eh, fuck that,” Randy said. “But seriously, where’s the fucking security?”

“What is it, Randy? Just tell me.”

“There’s a bounty hunter after me.”

“And you want security? You’re in legal trouble?”

“I supplied some stuff to someone I shouldn’t have. Whoops.”


“You really want to know?”

“No, I don’t. I want you to leave.”

“Hey, don’t talk to me like that, little bro.”

Ryker leaned into the car. It stunk of old clothes and booze. “I’m not little anymore. Get out of here.”

“So that’s how it rolls? You send your brother packing?”

“Packing? What does that mean?”

“I showed you your first chord on guitar,” Randy said. “I remember your little scrawny fingers trying to reach the neck. Strumming and it sounded like shit.”

“And now look at me,” Ryker said.

He backed away from the car. Randy threw the door open and climbed out. He slapped the roof of the car.

“You fuck,” Randy growled. “You better fucking help me.”

“Or what? What are you going to do?”

“I’ll make calls.”

“Then do it. I’m not afraid of you, Randy. You’ll end up in jail, like always.”

“Come on,” Randy said. “I’m in trouble here. I’m using. I’m driving all night. I keep hearing sirens. They’re…”

A siren sounded off in the distance. Randy spun around. His face turned white and he instantly started to sweat.

“Oh, fuck,” he said. “They’re watching me.”

He got back into the car and started it.

Ryker stepped forward and looked into the car. He saw Randy grab a bottle from between the seats and take a drink. Fucking booze.

“No,” Randy said. He looked at Ryker. “Fuck you, little bro. Sticking me out there like this. I’m going to end up dead and then they’ll come after you.”

Randy peeled away, leaving Ryker standing there. His heart was as heavy as it always was when he had to deal with Randy.

A few minutes later, Jett came out to the parking lot.

“Ryker?” he asked.

“I need to talk to Harry,” Ryker said.

“Why? What’s wrong?”

Ryker’s heart pounded in his chest. He was pissed off. He wanted to fight his brother. There was only one thing that could ease all this.


But did she deserve to be dragged into the limelight rockstar world again?


Alyson hugged Ashley. “I’m so sorry about this.”

“Don’t be,” Ashley said. “Do what you need to do right now. It works out perfect.”

“You keep saying that,” Alyson said. “But I know you don't want to go on vacation with your father.”

“No, I don’t want to go on vacation with him or his new girlfriend. But it’s a trip to the islands. Sun. Beach. Sand. Drinks. Sexy boys with tans. I’ll make do. Just take care of your mom.”

“Yeah, sure,” Alyson said.

Back inside the apartment, Alyson found her mother in the bathroom on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor. Her face looked haggard, her hair sweaty and messy.

“You don’t have to do that,” Alyson said.

“Then who will? You can’t live in filth. That’s why you’re single. That’s why you’re peddling your body on television like some late night slut.”

Alyson gasped. Late night slut?

“Jeez,” Alyson said. “That’s harsh.”

“Harsh? How do you think I feel? I find out my daughter is on TV with some famous guy. I saw him touch your butt.”

“I slapped him for that. Plus, it was kind of fake.”

“Didn’t look fake to me.”

They had the same argument already. Except last time her mother was dead drunk. She didn’t remember how she got to the apartment either. Her purse had been spilled all over the floor, money scattered around. Just like always, Alyson had to clean her mother up and get her settled.

Now Ashley was gone, taking her father up on a last minute invite for a vacation. Ashley didn’t want to go, but she didn’t want to stay and deal with Alyson’s mother either.

Alyson’s mother climbed to her feet. She whipped a rag to the sink. She wiped a piece of sweaty hair from her face.

“It’s hot in here.”

“It’s a bathroom.”

“Turn on the air.”

“The air is on.”

“Must be a hot flash then.”

Or a hangover.

“Yeah,” Alyson said. “Mom, don’t get mad… but are you okay?”

“Just a little embarrassed by my daughter,” she said. “You were supposed to be smart. Getting your degrees and stuff. Getting a good job. To help take care of yourself. Take care of me. Right?”

“Yeah, right.”

“Then you’re on TV.” Her mother shook her head. “I saw it. Then I had to hear about it. Oh, they love some good gossip at the diner, let me tell you. My regulars were busting on me. I had people asking questions about you. No wonder I had a couple drinks last night, right?”

Her mother smiled. She always had a convenient way of making an excuse.

“There was an opportunity,” Alyson said. “Ashley really wanted it and she put my name down… I don’t know why. I think she just wanted to meet Ryker.”

“Oh, Ryker,” her mother said. “First name basis, huh? So my daughter is sleeping with some drug infested guy?”

Alyson’s eyes widened. Color flooded her cheeks. They hadn’t slept together, no. Ryker had…

“Look at that face,” her mother said. “Just like that time I caught the neighbor with his hand up your shirt.”

“Mom!” Alyson said.

Her mother left the bathroom with a scoff. Alyson looked at herself in the mirror. Usually this situation worked itself out in a couple days. Her mother would get mad, cry, drink, feel better, and then end it with asking for money. That’s why Alyson was always broke. She helped her mother far beyond she should have. But if she didn’t and her mother ran out of money, this was the result.

When Alyson left the bathroom, she heard the hollow pop sound of a cork leaving a wine bottle.

“Shit,” she whispered. She looked at the clock. It was at least close to four. It wouldn’t have been a surprise to find her mother drinking at nine in the morning.

“Want some?” her mother asked.

“No thanks.”

“Big plans?”

“Actually, no. No plans.”

“You should be dating someone. Find yourself a doctor or lawyer. Go where the money is. Let everything else fall into place. I tried the love thing once. We all know how that ended up.”


“Don’t do that to yourself. Go for the money. Marry fast. Then if it goes south, you can get half. Set yourself up.”

“Mom, that’s why I’m in school. I can take care of myself.”

“Yeah, right,” her mother said with a laugh. “You seem to be doing so well with that. Whoring around the TV.”

“Don’t call me a whore.”

“I didn’t call you a whore. You’re acting like one.”

“I’m not.”

Her mother gulped down the entire glass of wine. “Don’t run your mouth at me. I’ll come over there and backhand you.”

Alyson bit her tongue, literally. She was then saved by her phone as she charged down the hallway, tears in her eyes.

It was an unknown number, but it was still an excuse to avoid her mother.

She answered it, somewhere in her heart wishing it was a way out of everything.

That’s exactly what it was.


Ashley waved her hands as she yelled. Alyson stood on the street corner, grinning.

When Ashley dove into Alyson’s arms they almost crashed to the ground. Alyson was able to catch herself - and Ashley.

“This is crazy!” Ashley yelled. “This is really happening!”

“Relax,” Alyson said. “Just relax. Don’t cause a scene.”

“Uh, we’re going to see Willow Son play. I don’t give a damn about causing a scene.”

“You’re lucky you weren’t on the plane.”

“Like hell. I would have jumped out.”

Alyson laughed. “I can see you doing that. Demanding the plane land. Demanding someone bring you here.”

“For Willow Son, yes. Plus… Ryker…” Ashley’s eyes widened.


“He did this for you. Maybe he likes you.”

Alyson still hadn’t told Ashley about the other night with Ryker. For all Ashley knew, Alyson had worked and came home. She knew nothing of Ryker picking her up and taking her to see the stars.

To see the stars… that’s one way to put it.

“Come on,” Alyson said.

She took Ashley by the hand. The main part of the street had already been shut down. It was nothing but a giant Willow Son block party. People set up canopies, and were cooking on grills. There were speakers set up with different Willow Son songs playing. The mix of the sound was garbled, but it was a party. Everyone was happy, excited, hoping they had a chance to get into the bar and see the band play.

Police were on each corner, all coordinated to make sure everyone stayed safe.

As much fun as it looked, none of it pertained to Alyson or Ashley.

Alyson had been picked up by a private car and brought to the bar. Out back there was security, waiting to let the band inside, the road crew, and anyone who had access into the back. That included Alyson and Ashley.

Alyson flashed a laminated badge and the guys opened the doors. They went inside. There was nothing glorious about the place at all. It stunk of old wood and grease. The hallway was dark, narrow, three of six lights burned out. There was a door to a bathroom, a door to the kitchen, and a storage closet. Walking forward took Alyson and Ashley out to the main floor.

The place was jammed. People were lined up three deep at the bar, tables pushed against the wall, people shoulder to shoulder on the floor. There was no room to move or even breathe.

“Damn,” Ashley said. “We’re not going to get a drink, are we?”

“I doubt it,” Alyson said. “It’s going to take an hour to get over there.”

“No it’s not.”

Alyson turned and saw Ryker standing right off the side of the stage. He was hidden enough to not be seen by anyone in the bar, but he was right there. Standing in a black shirt with no sleeves. If there was anything hotter than Ryker smiling, it was Ryker smiling in a shirt with no damn sleeves.

It took Alyson a few seconds to process the scene and scoop her tongue up off the floor.

Ashley let out an ahhh! sound.

Ryker lifted his hand to show he was holding two beers. He twisted the caps off and put his hand out.

“I guess you could have them,” he said. “Just don’t tell anyone.”

Ashley’s mouth was still hanging open, trying to say something.

Alyson wasn’t much better, still stuck in a state of awe, amazed that she had gone from taking care of her alcoholic mother to facing a rockstar right now.

“Hope I didn’t ruin your night,” Ryker said.

“No,” Ashley said.

“She was about to get on a plane,” Alyson said. “Vacation.”

“You cancelled a vacation because of this?” Ryker asked.

“For Willow Son? Anything.”

“Damn. Well, thanks. I take it you must be Ashley.”

Ashley slowly turned her head and looked at Alyson. She mouthed, he knows me?

“Hey, hang tight for a second,” Ryker said.

He turned and trotted away.

“That’s Ryker,” Ashley said. “My heart almost stopped.”

“Easy,” Alyson said, feeling a quick sting of jealousy. “Don’t scare him away.”

“He’s used to it. Who cares?”

“I care,” Alyson said.

Before Ashley could ask the obvious question - why do you care? - Ryker had returned. And this time, he wasn’t alone. He had the rest of Willow Son with him.

Now Ashley covered her mouth, trying not to scream.

Even for Alyson, it was a pretty intense sight.

“No way,” the leader singer, Colby said.

“You brought the contest woman,” drummer Brantley said.

“Don’t worry about that,” Ryker said. “This is Alyson. I know you guys know that already. But this is Alyson’s friend, Ashley. She was supposed to be on a plane right now. Flying away to go on vacation. But she skipped her flight to be here.”

“Where were you going?” Jett asked.

“Islands,” Ashley said.

“Which ones?” Van asked.

“Warm ones,” Ashley said.

“Should’ve went,” Colby said with a grin.

“Point is,” Ryker said, “they’re here for us. Like the rest of the people. But how about a picture and autograph with Ashley?”

“What about Alyson?” Brantley asked.

Ryker looked at Alyson and winked. “I’ll take care of her myself.”

The words made Alyson blush and feel like she was going to pass out.

She then stood there and watched as the entire band signed an autograph for Ashley and took a picture. The second they finished, Ryker took Alyson by the hand and pulled her close.

“I’m glad you came,” he said.

“I’m glad you had someone call me.”

“Yeah, I should have called myself. I know. I was moving and helping get ready here. I just… needed to see you again, darling. That’s all.”

“Ryker,” Alyson said. “I don’t…”

“There they are!”

All it took was one person to get the entire crowd moving.

People cheered, screamed, and pushed to get their way to the side of the stage to see the band.

Ryker had no choice but to slip away with the rest of Willow Son. That eased the crowd a little but not all that much. Everyone was bumping and pushing, trying to see if they could see the band. Eventually, Ashley and Alyson ended up against the wall. The good thing about the small place was that no matter where you stood, you could see the stage.

Then, out of nowhere, Willow Son got on stage. They literally just strolled up on stage like they owned it. Well, they did own it. They were famous. They were rockstars.

There was a second pause, everyone absorbing what they were seeing, and the bar went crazy.

The second Alyson saw Ryker, she nibbled at her bottom lip.


She felt herself trembling, even from such a distance. Ryker was so bad in such a good way and that was scary. She saw herself quickly losing it all to him, just like the night he picked her up. Touched her. Loved her. Made her feel pleasure.

“Hey!” Colby’s voice boomed through a mic.

The bar kept cheering and screaming.

The rest of the band stood there, waving.

Then they all calmed the crowd.

“You ready for a little music?” Colby asked.

“A little Willow Son?” Jett asked.

“How about some new music?” Ryker asked.

He looked around and spotted Alyson. He winked at her and smiled.

The band then all grabbed acoustic guitars and set up barstools near the front of the stage. There were five mics, five guitars, and five rockstars.

It was going to be one hell of a night.

But Alyson didn’t need five… she just needed one.



Hearing the full sound of the songs he wrote really meant something to Ryker. Better yet, seeing the crowd singing back to them was pretty intense. The songs hadn’t even been released yet. Which meant people had been watching the videos of Ryker when he was on his own. Or the little snippets of the recording of the acoustic album. That’s how loyal the fans were.

They switched in and out of new and old songs, the acoustic sound offering something very different than the normal Willow Son sound.

After playing for an hour straight, there were still plenty of songs to go with.

The crowd had been mostly calm and collected. The police hadn’t been called, yet. It was a good show. In the back of Ryker’s mind he almost couldn’t wait for the show to end so he could grab Alyson and get her backstage. Have a drink with her. Keep the night alive with her.

“Okay,” Colby said. “Okay. Let me ask you something. I need you to be honest. Can you do that for us?”

The people cheered.

“Okay. These new songs. What do you think of them?”

Everyone applauded. People whistled. People raised their drinks.

“Something cool?” Colby asked. “Ryker wrote all those new songs. What do you think of that?”

“I love you, Ryker!” someone shouted.

“Take me on a date!” another voice called out.

“Just take me!” a third yelled.

Ryker laughed. “Wow. Well, I wish I could. I wish I had the time. Being a rockstar has been wearing me down. I never knew this shit was work!”

The crowd laughed and cheered.

Ryker looked to his left and saw Alyson. Man, he wanted to call her out so badly. But the last thing he wanted was more unwanted fame for her.

“Seriously though,” Ryker said. “Without you all coming here and going fucking crazy, this wouldn’t be happening. We’re going to be back on the road soon. But right now we’re getting these songs ready. It’s been a fight to get the project going. So, are you ready for it?”

The people cheered.

“Are you ready for the behind the scenes stuff?” Ryker yelled.

The crowd got louder.

Ryker stood up. “Are you ready for some loud music now? Some fired up, electric, mind blowing, in your face, rock your heart, make you scream, sing, dance, drink up, and never stop loving the night kind of music?”

As Ryker caught his breath, the crowd jumped and screamed.

The band traded their acoustic guitars for electric. Brantley behind the drums. Van with his bass. Jett and Ryker holding guitars. Colby at the mic. It was a far cry from the massive equipment set up the band usually had for bigger concerts. This was really stripped down. Really raw.

But the second Ryker hit a chord on the electric guitar - and the sound filled the bar - it was like life in his hands. That power and sound made his heart race. He took another breath and looked at Jett. They nodded and looked back to Brantley. Brantley then set the rest of the show off with a quick drum intro.

The bar came alive again and Willow Son kept the stage as theirs for another hour. They ran through as many of the songs as they could, wanting to make sure every person that left the bar left with a story, a memory, something they’d carry inside themselves for the rest of their lives.

When the show came to its conclusion, Willow Son stood at the end of the stage and waved. They demanded fresh beers and stood, raising their bottles to the fans that made them who they were.

It wasn’t quite the same sight as looking across an arena to see twenty thousand people. Then again, it was more humbling to be able to see every freaking person in the bar. Their faces, features, clothing. At one point in time the band used to play for ten people in a bar. Then it grew and grew. Then they got signed, broke big, toured the world, and here they were.

The band got off the stage and went back to the small hallway. There was no real place to hang out or party.

“What a show,” Colby said.

“I miss the arenas,” Jett said.

“I’m just happy that we played a show,” Ryker said.

“Hey,” Van said. “What’s with the date girl?”

“Date girl?” Ryker asked. “Her name is Alyson.”

“Is that turning into something?” Brantley asked.

“That’s nobody’s business,” Ryker said.

“What about her friend?” Van asked. “She’s a cute little thing.”

“Hold up,” Ryker said. “Just leave all that alone. Don’t bother Alyson or Ashley.”

“What, are you working both?” Jett asked.

“Freaking Ryker,” Colby said, shaking his head.

“Hey,” Ryker said. “No. I’m not going after her friend. I shouldn’t have even called Alyson to begin with. She doesn’t need any of this. But I like her.”

“You like someone?” Van asked. He stepped forward and smacked his hand to Ryker’s forehead.

Ryker slapped Van’s hand away. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Checking for a fever, bro. You have to be sick.”

“Real funny,” Ryker said.

A little swarm of people collected around the band. Some of them were the crew, wanting to know where to put all the equipment. A few people were asking questions, wanting to write articles for the local paper and some online ‘zines. Harry finally showed up, breaking through the crowd.

“Outside,” he ordered.

They went to the back of the bar. Outside, there was a barricade put up with security keeping the fans at bay. There were at least a hundred people standing there, cheering for the band.

The alley was small. Not enough room for a bus. There were a few cars waiting to take Willow Son out of there. On the opposite of the alley were reporters, cameras in hand, questions flying at the band. These were the moments when it always became a little tense. The security was good but not enough for Willow Son. Truthfully, if the fans wanted to get to the band, they could.

“Hey,” Ryker said. He grabbed at Colby. “Come here.”

Ryker approached the barricade, putting his hands up. “You all going to stay the hell calm?”

People whistled and cheered.

“Don’t make them kick us out,” Ryker said.

He went to one end of the barricade and started to sign autographs. Someone handed him a cell phone and he backed up and took a picture of the crowd. He handed the phone back to the person, smiling. The band worked down the line, talking to the fans, signing autographs. It was the best thing Ryker could possibly think of doing for the people.

With each slip of the black marker to a piece of paper, a shirt, a bra, Ryker wondered what Alyson was doing. If she was still inside the bar. If she was going to wait for Ryker to come get her.

Because he had a plan for the night.

Alyson may not have enjoyed her first night with a rockstar… but she was sure as hell going to love this one.


The show was amazing. It made Alyson want to see Willow Son on a bigger stage. In an arena. What they would do with a bigger stage and more time to keep playing. She was definitely hooked as a fan now. She definitely understood what it meant to Ryker and the rest of the guys. They weren’t just strumming guitars and singing words. They were playing their hearts out. Offering their soul to the crowd who sang back to them, and offered their soul back. It was really something magical to witness.

The crowd started to thin out, making it a little easier to walk around. Ashley took Alyson by the hand and walked her to the bar. They were able to get right up to it and order drinks. Ashley had a wild sense about her, able to command any place she was at. She ordered herself some kind of fruity drink.

“I have to catch a flight,” she said to Alyson. “My father is pissed at me.”

“He’ll get over it,” Alyson said.

“Of course he will. He doesn’t want me mad at him.” Ashley turned and faced Alyson. “So what’s your plan tonight?”

“Nothing,” Alyson said.

“Go find Ryker. That man likes you.”

“Stop it.”

“I’m serious. He invited you here. He looked at you like ten times. He’s really into you.”

“He’s not into me. Maybe he…”

“Look, whatever it is, just enjoy it. I’ve watched you work at your degree for years now. You never did anything crazy. Which is fine, I guess. But you have a chance right now. Have a memory that will last a lifetime.”

“Maybe I already have that,” Alyson said with a grin.

“No… way…”

“I’m not saying a word.”

“Yes you are. Talk. Right now.”

Alyson sipped her beer, unable to stop smiling. It kind of felt good to finally have something Ashley didn’t have and wouldn’t get. Well, not that she wouldn’t get it. If Ryker wanted Ashley…

Jealousy stung Alyson’s body again.

She swallowed it down as fast as she drank her beer.

She then felt someone touch her shoulder. When she turned, it was a tall and thick man standing there.


“Who’s asking?”


“Holy crap,” Ashley said.

“Can you come with me?” the man asked.

“What about my friend?” Alyson asked.

Ashley popped up. “I’m leaving.”

Alyson spun around. “Right now?”

“Yeah. I have to call a cab and then figure out the airport thing. It’s no big deal.”

“To me it is.”

“Aly, go have fun. The hot guitarist from Willow Son is looking for you. Go be found or something.”

Alyson couldn’t argue it. She wanted to be wanted by Ryker. She then got to walk through the bar, knowing her night was potentially going to be so much better than everyone else’s.

For a second, she smiled. Only a second because someone recognized her. Someone called her name and she looked back, figuring it was someone she knew. Maybe from a class or something.

She didn’t know the person. But the person knew her. The person had a cell phone out.

“That’s Alyson! From the Ryker date show!”

Before Alyson could do a thing, she was swarmed by people. Women were calling her name, among other things. She heard things like bitch and whore a few times. Guys started to grab at her, wanting a picture with her. They were drunk, acting stupid, many of them asking her for a date. Maybe it was all for fun, but Alyson didn’t feel any kind of fun at all.

They guy who came to get her wrapped his big arms around her and pulled her through the crowd. People kept trying to get at her though. It was intense and really scary. If this was the kind of stuff Ryker went through, she understood why he drank and why he acted like an ass for show.

Once out of the crowd, the guy let go of Alyson. He kept his arms out, making sure nobody could get to her.

“Jesus Christ,” the man said. “I’m so sorry about that. I had to kind of carry you.”

“It’s okay,” Alyson said. “That was…”

“Just go back there down the hall. There’s plenty of security outside. Nothing to worry about.”

Alyson nodded and turned.

As she walked the hallway she felt her entire body still shaking. There were just so many people grabbing at her. For no damn reason either. Just because she had been on a show? It was like for five minutes. She wasn’t famous. She wasn’t rich. She didn’t have the means to protect herself like Ryker did.

By the time Alyson got close to the back door of the bar, she paused and leaned against a wall. She took a few deep breaths. She was not ready for all this.

Then the door opened and Ryker stood there.

The second he looked at her, he ran for her. “Aly. What’s wrong?”

She looked at Ryker.

All she wanted to do was run away. Instead, she fell forward, into his arms.

And she started to cry.


Ryker was completely caught off guard. Here was a beautiful woman, in his arms, crying. He held her close, tight, looking around to see if there was something - or someone - that could have upset her. Because whatever it was, he planned on taking care of it. If it was a person, Ryker would kick their ass from here to next Tuesday.

After just a few seconds of crying, Alyson pushed away from him. She kept her head down, hiding her face. She wiped her eyes and tried turning away.

Ryker wasn’t having any of that. He grabbed her and kept her facing him. When she looked at him, her brown eyes shining from the tears, it was like something shocked his heart. His mouth ran dry and for a split second, the outspoken rockstar had nothing to say. That’s what Alyson did to him.

“What happened?” Ryker asked.

“Out there,” Alyson said. “Just like the other night. When you caught me…”


Alyson looked away again.

“Damn, darling, please tell me.”

“You!” Alyson shouted. “You, Ryker. All this is happening because of you. Because of that date. People yell at me, yell for me. They call me names. They want to know about you. They want a picture of me. Guys out there were touching me, saying things to me.”

“Tell me who?” Ryker said, feeling his muscles tightening. “I’ll go out there right now.”

“It wasn’t just one guy.”

Now Ryker was even more pissed off.

He took Alyson by the hand. “Come with me right now.”


“Trust me, okay? I’d never put you in danger, darling. I swear on it.”

Ryker led the way outside. People screamed and cheered for him. Then he heard people yelling for Alyson. Pictures were being taken like crazy, all of them obviously more intriguing since Ryker was with Alyson. He hated himself for the five second walk it took to get to the car.

Once inside, Ryker ordered the driver. “Get us the fuck out of here now.”

The driver maneuvered the vehicle down the alley. People had the guts to smack at the windows, yelling for Ryker, for Willow Son, for Alyson even. Reporters stuck their cameras right to the windows and took pictures, the lights flashing like giant fireflies.

All Ryker could do was hold Alyson’s hand to try and keep her feeling safe.

The fanfare was gone a minute later.

Ryker just sat in silence, torn between anger and guilt.

“Is it always like that?” she asked.

“For us? Yeah.”

“How do you do it?”

“Without them, there’s no band. So we take it the best we can. For every one crazy person there’s ten thousand that are good people. It’s the music that makes it happen.”

“And me?”

Ryker looked at Alyson. “What?”

“I’m not famous. Or rich. Or have security like you do. I don’t have a car waiting and can just command people, Ryker. If that guy you sent wasn’t there, I could have been hurt. The people… it was just like the restaurant. I lost my job. I almost lost my life, I think. I don’t know.”


Slowly, Ryker slipped a hand across to Alyson’s shoulder. He pulled at her. “I’m really sorry about that. You just have to know they’re all jealous. Because to them you are famous. Because you know me. It’ll go away. I promise.”

“How do you know?”

“I’ve been living it for years, darling.” Ryker reached out with his other hand and stroked Alyson’s cheek. “I had to watch things happen with Colby. With Jett. Brantley, Van, even myself. You saw what happened to Jett. He was painted as some drug addicted burn out, right? People demanding he go to rehab. Everyone has an opinion. It’s worse now because of how fast information travels. I mean, right now, there’s pictures of us online.”

Alyson shut her eyes. “Damn.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“No. I don’t know. I don’t want it, Ryker. I’m not famous. I have nothing famous about me.”

“That’s not true,” Ryker said. “You’re famous to me. I have something planned for tonight. But I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. I don’t want you to be nervous. If this is all too much for you… I can take you home. I won’t be mad at you.”

“No,” Alyson said. “No. I don’t want tonight to end. This part, I mean. You and me. It’s all amazing.”

“Good,” Ryker said. “Then it’s just you and me. Okay?”


The car took them to the studio. The most private place Ryker could imagine. A way of offering himself to Alyson in a way he never had done with another person. To show her that the guy - the rockstar - who was on the reality show really wasn’t Ryker. Yeah, he was a loud mouth. Yeah, he loved to get in anyone’s face for the hell of it. But a lot of that other stuff was extra fluff to make Portis happy. Anything to get the acoustic album out.

“What is this?” Alyson asked.

“Recording studio,” Ryker said. “You’ll like it.”

“I’m not singing or anything, am I?”

“Do you want to sing?”

“No. Nobody needs to hear that.”

“Do you sing in the shower?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know…”

Ryker grinned. She was flirting. He liked it.

“I’m sure I can make arrangements for that,” Ryker said. “There’s a shower in here.”

“In a recording studio?”

“Yeah. You know, some musicians are crazy enough that they sleep in the studio.”

“Have you slept in the studio?”

Ryker opened a door and held it for Alyson. The door shut with a hollow thud.

“Yeah, I have.”


“I have no time frame,” Ryker said. “No internal clock. I just do what I do. I’ve never punched a clock. I’ve never had a job. This has been my whole life. Writing, recording, touring. So if I’m working on a song, I ride it out until I lose inspiration.”

“That’s artistic.”

Ryker shrugged his shoulders. “What do you think this is? Processed? Then we just drink and sleep with women?”

“Well, yeah. At least that was what the guy I went on a date with seemed like.”

Ryker put a hand to Alyson’s waist and stopped her. He put a hand to the main door to the studio.

“Hey, look at me. This is me right now. Not that other shit. I know you don’t want to believe me and that’s fine. I wouldn’t believe me either. But this place, the studio, this is everything to me. I don’t bring people here. This is like my home. My religion. Where I find hope. I seek out peace. Where I share everything with the world, yet I try to keep it all so secret. Understand that?”

Alyson slowly nodded. “I was just joking…”

“I know. But I need you to trust me. Trust what I’m showing you. Giving you.”

“Okay. I do, Ryker.”

“Forget about what happened at the bar. Screw that stuff. You’re here. They’re not.”

Alyson nodded again.

Ryker moved his hand down the door and touched Alyson’s hand. He leaned down and couldn’t help himself. He needed to kiss her. He needed to taste her sweet lips again.

The kiss kept going, Ryker inching closer, pressing his body to Alyson’s. He slowly put her against the wall, tasting her mouth. His tongue wrestling with hers, their seconds together adding up, just the way he wanted tonight.

There were other intentions with the way Alyson’s hands grabbed at Ryker’s shirt. It was almost enough for him to lose his damn mind, but Ryker kept composure. He pulled away and grinned.

“Now let’s start our evening together,” he said.

He opened the door and took Alyson into the studio. After a quick tour of the massive control board and computers, he had a little treat waiting in the recording area. The large and echoey room had all of Willow Son’s equipment there. Different drum kits set up by Brantley. Guitars hung on the wall, leaning against the wall, on the floor like piles of a bones. Amps, cords, mics, everything a rockstar could ever imagine.

“You’ve slept here?” Alyson asked.

“Not in this studio,” Ryker said. “Sometimes, the best rockstars would even set up tents and spend nights. Days. A week or more. Just completely check out of reality.”

“I never realized that.”

Ryker sat on an amp and reached behind it. He had called in a few favors and had some wine delivered. He pulled out two glasses and a bottle.

“Drink?” he asked.

“Are you serious?”


“Are you trying to be romantic?”

“No. Not at all. If I wanted to be romantic…” Ryker reached behind the amp again. He had ordered eleven roses for Alyson. Just like the night of that damn date. “This is me being romantic.”

He gave Alyson the roses. She smiled, her cheeks turning almost the same shade of red as the roses.

“There’s eleven,” Alyson said.

“That’s kind of our thing, isn’t it?”

“We have a thing now?”

Ryker stood from the amp. “Yeah, darling, we definitely have a thing.”

Rkyer opened the wine and poured two glasses. He handed Alyson one.

“Now,” he said. “I want to know about you.”

“I’m nothing compared to you.”

“How can you say that? I’m sure what you do is far more interesting than me. My life is one track.”

“Being a rockstar. Making tons of money.”

“Sure. And you?”

“Waitressing tables. Well, I used to. Getting my MBA. Figuring out life.”

“That’s exciting.”

“Not sure. College is expensive.”

“That’s why you needed the money from the contest?”

“Sort of.”

“What else would you need it for?”


Ryker put his glass down. “Hey, I really want you to trust me.”

Alyson stared at him.

Damn, she’s stunning.

“Okay,” Alyson whispered. “Okay. I’m broke. I wanted my MBA to make something of myself. But I don’t feel it anymore. It feels like a time suck. I’ve had job interviews, but no real good offers. My last interview… the guy made innuendos about me and him together so I could get ahead. I only survive because Ashley’s apartment is paid for by her rich father. Oh, and Ashley is going on vacation because my mother decided to show up. She does that when she’s broke or in trouble.”

“Christ, that’s a heavy load,” Ryker said. “Is your mother in trouble?”

“No. Well, yeah. She’s a drunk. She can’t help herself and I’m always the reason.”

“Your mother is an alcoholic?”

Alyson reluctantly nodded.

Ryker stepped back. “And here I am, offering you drinks. Getting you a beer before the show. A bottle of wine now. Aly, I’m so sorry.”

“Why do you keep calling me Aly?”


“You did a few times. Why?”

“It just came to me,” Ryker said. “Is that bad?”

“No. Just that… nobody really calls me that.”

“Truthfully? You’re crazy beautiful. And I see Alyson as the smart woman finishing her degree and killing it out there in the world. But Aly… that’s you. Right now. The woman in front of me. Vulnerable. Worried. Trying to hold herself tough.” Ryker touched her cheek. “I’m sorry about your… stuff. I shouldn’t have offered you drinks.”

“Ryker, I’m not a drunk. And you can call me Aly anytime you want. It makes me feel different.”

“Different how?”

“Warm inside.”

Ryker put a hand to Alyson’s wine glass. He took it from her. His hands touched her waist and slid around and down, grabbing her ass. He lifted and pulled, making Alyson jump up. He walked her toward a half stack speaker and sat her on it.

“Warm inside,” Ryker whispered. “You deserve more than that inside you.”

“Oh yeah?” Alyson asked. “What else?”

Ryker looked right at her, going for the kill. No more games.

“You deserve me,” he said.


Alyson made her final decision.

She really wanted Ryker.

She wanted him in a way that wasn’t completely foreign to her but was definitely something that hadn’t come to her in a long time. Better yet, the fact that Ryker was the sexiest man she’d ever met and his hands were on her body.

His hands teased the bottom of her shirt. When his fingertips touched her bare skin, she shuddered and kissed back at him. He had been commanding their kisses for far too long. Alyson kissed harder, faster, wanting more of Ryker.

She got just that.

Ryker’s hands moved up and over her breasts, cupping her over her bra. His strong hands offered a gentle squeeze that shot desire straight down between her legs. Her left leg hooked around Ryker’s leg and she pulled, wanting to feel his thickness touch her. Forget that he was famous, that he was a rockstar. Forget that she was in a studio, that all of this was more along the lines of a fantasy than some sort of reality.

It felt good. It felt really good.

Ryker’s hands slid around to her bra. One quick flick of his hand and her bra was unclipped. His left hand then came down to her lower back. His other hand came back around, touching her bare breast.

Alyson closed her eyes and sighed. The touch of a strong man, holding her, allowing herself to become exposed to him.

Using his thumb and pointer finger, Ryker rolled her tender nipple, bringing it to an instant hardened state. Alyson jumped and hurried to claw at Ryker’s shirt. She had waited too long for this in her mind. Screw trying to be calm and wait. It was time to go crazy. Right here. Right in the studio where Willow Son recorded music.

Alyson brought her mouth back to Ryker’s, kissing him. She slid her cheek along his cheek, feeling the stubble of his facial hair. At his ear, she whispered the only thing she could.

“Take me, Ryker. Take me.”

“Oh, I am, darling,” Ryker said. “Don’t worry.”

Ryker lifted Alyson’s shirt. He let her bra fall to the floor. To the floor of the recording studio. Alyson tore at Ryker’s shirt. He allowed it up and over his head. Before it could hit the floor Alyson had her hands on his chest. Her fingertips moved down, feeling defined muscle touching his stomach, right down to his jeans. She leaned back a little on the piano, her mind still wrapping around that fact that she had a rockstar all over her. But then she told herself that he wanted her. That she had something to give to him. That she could offer her body in such a way, along her heart.

When Ryker touched her face with both hands, the world felt like it stopped spinning. His thumbs rubbed her cheeks, a burning look in his eyes. As Alyson breathed heavily, she never felt so exposed to someone before. Ryker pulled at Alyson, bringing their bodies together. She felt his strong chest touch her breasts. Another wave of heat poured through her body.

Their lips touched. They kissed hard, again. Then it stopped. Their noses flirted for a few seconds.

“It’s not just tonight,” Ryker whispered. “It’s not just a date.”

Alyson didn’t know what to say back. So she didn’t say anything. She put her hands to the back of Ryker’s neck and pulled. She wanted his mouth to hers and never wanted him to leave. They kissed as Ryker’s hands moved down her body. Down over her bare breasts. Down along her belly, right to her pants. He opened them and pulled Alyson from the piano. The kiss broke as Ryker started to kiss down. Alyson put her head back, feeling his lips and tongue caressing along her neck. There was a line between a romantic kiss and a sensual one. Ryker blasted through that line with the very tip of his tongue, going right down to her breasts.

She looked down as Ryker’s tongue swirled around her left nipple. Alyson groaned and thrust her chest at him. She touched the back of his hair. He stayed there only for a brief moment though. He kept kissing down her body. His hands touched the sides of her pants and panties, sliding them down to her ankles.

Alyson stepped out and was completely nude for Ryker.

His hands climbed up her legs and stopped at her hips. His thumbs teased at her hip bones. Alyson felt her entire body quivering with need. Ryker kissed just below her belly button. His eyes looked up at Alyson’s. There was a brief pause and Alyson bit at her bottom lip.

Everything, Ryker. You want it… take it…

Alyson slowly opened her legs. She reached back and touched the smoothed edge of the piano. She watched as Ryker continued his descent down her body. His tongue touching her smooth skin, seeking out her sex. When he touched her with his tongue, Alyson groaned and her hips rocked. Ryker gripped harder, keeping her steady. She felt him find her clit and make circles. Alyson’s legs instantly began to tingle. The pleasure was instant, running from her breasts down between her legs.

Ryker kissed her sex, flickering his tongue, teasing and tasting her. As fast as he started, however, was how fast he started to kiss back up her body. It left Alyson’s muscle tight, her desires desperate for more.

She grabbed at his jeans, having enough foreplay.

Ryker’s jeans were open, Alyson’s hand finding his hard thickness. She pulled him out of his jeans, looking down, her jaw dropping at the sight of his cock. Her hand scaled up to the tip. She squeezed and then pulled, never wanting a man as bad as she wanted Ryker right then.

Ryker put his hand to Alyson’s and pulled her away. He guided himself to her body, pressing against her core. There was a moment when they stared at each other, letting it all sink in. Ryker then reached back and pulled out a condom. Not for a second did their eyes lose each other’s as he sheathed himself. It was all in silence, a moment that was perhaps the sexiest of Alyson’s life. The fact that a man like Ryker could be in silence and still steal all her desires filled her with a wild sense of need.

Speaking of filling…

Ryker touched between her legs again. The pressure was immense, but staring at him, Alyson eased herself. With each gentle thrust, Ryker entered Alyson. He pressed until their bodies were fully connected. Alyson was full, her lips moving, but she had nothing to say.

Ryker put a hand to her lower back and pulled. His other hand touched the back of her head. He kissed her and started to love her. Pulling back, thrusting deeper. Rocking his body with hers, exploring every depth of her body. Alyson moved with him, the tingling feeling quickly becoming an uncontrollable wave of pleasure.

Then Ryker became something even hotter.

He stood, taking Alyson with him. Their bodies still together. He held her, turning, walking her toward the glass window in the studio. He put her against the window and started to have her again. Faster, harder, Ryker’s mouth and tongue kissing from her chest up to her neck.

“Darling, you’re perfect,” Ryker whispered into her ear.

“Yes,” Alyson moaned. “Keep going. Don’t ever stop.”

Ryker put his hands to Alyson’s ass. She pressed her upper back and head against the glass, offering herself to Ryker over and over. She held onto his shoulders, feeling him pounding deeper, waves of pleasure cresting, crashing, rebuilding. Her toes were curled tight enough that her legs started to hurt. But everything else felt so damn good it didn’t matter. Her left hand slipped down Ryker’s arm, feeling the definition of his bicep. She pictured him on stage, holding a guitar, thousands of people cheering his name. And yet, here he was, with the greatest show ever, all for her.

“Oh, fuck,” Alyson whispered as the pleasure reached its apex.

Her hips started to shake as a warm throb started deep in her belly. Her breath was stolen as she started to come. Ryker thrust deep and pulled back, still having her body as she climaxed. Alyson reached out, clawing at the window, her hand slipping along the glass.

Ryker grunted as he worked Alyson through her intense orgasm. It was by far the best she had ever experienced in her life. And Ryker was still going.

He turned, taking Alyson from the glass window. Moving to his knees, he placed Alyson on the ground. Never once did he leave her body. His right hand cupped behind her head, keeping her comfortable. His left hand explored her entire body, top to bottom. And he continued to love her, thrusting, pushing, pulling back, grunting as he held out as long as he possibly could.

Finally Alyson whispered, “Not just tonight, Ryker.”

She touched his hard chest and felt herself reaching another climax.

Just in time for Ryker to reach his own.


Ryker never saw a woman as beautiful as this. Wearing one of his button down flannel shirts, her hair messy from sleep - and sex - sitting across the table, her hand touching a steamy mug of coffee. One thing Ryker didn't want to do was look at the clock right now. Because now time was against him. Time was going to take Alyson away from him. She had things to do. He had things to do. The band was meeting in the studio to finish up a couple parts of some songs.

Then they had a meeting with Portis. He claimed to have some good news for the band.

Ryker secretly prayed for a tour. But when he looked at Alyson, he wasn’t sure how much of a tour he really wanted.

“What are you thinking about right now?” Alyson asked. “You keep staring at me and your eyes are spinning.”

“Forget about me,” Ryker said. “What are you thinking about?”

“My final project to finish up this degree,” Alyson said.

“What is it?”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“No. Tell me.”

“It’s boring.”

“Anything I’ve experienced with you, darling, has been far from boring.”

“Okay. It’s a project for a non-profit rehab center. Trying to think what I know and want.”

“Because of your mother?” Ryker asked.


“Damn. I’m sorry. How long has it been?”

“My entire life,” Alyson said. “She always wore more on her shoulders than she needed to. I used to try to take some off her and help, but it was never good enough. Even this time, she slipped because of me.”

“You? What did you do?”

“I was on TV with you,” Alyson said.

Ryker shut his eyes for a second. “I don’t even know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything,” Alyson said. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong. She looks for an excuse and I’m the best target.”

“So she shows up drunk?”

“Yeah. She’ll quit her job, piss all her money away, and then I’m left dangling to take care of her.”

“And you do that. And still finish all your work to get your MBA?”

Alyson nodded.

“That’s impressive,” Ryker said. “I’m no stranger to drunks and alcoholics. I know what that’s like.”

“Someone close?”

Ryker nodded. “Yeah.”

“A parent?”



Ryker stared at her. Simply beautiful. A woman he literally picked for himself. A woman he couldn’t get out of his mind, out of his heart.



“My brother. Randy.” Ryker felt anger swell in his body. “It was just me and him growing up. I get mad because I wanted him to do more for me. But he had no business with that, right? He wasn’t my father. But that didn’t mean he had to drag his addictions and demons through my life for years.”

“Wow. I had no idea.”

“He’s a curse. A secret. I’ve done all I could to keep him out of my life. But he gets into trouble and shows up. He thinks I can fix his problems.”

“Sounds familiar,” Alyson whispered.

Ryker rose up and walked around to the other side of the table. He crouched down, touching Alyson’s bare leg.

“That’s why I feel it, darling. You and me. From the second I saw you. I just knew it. This isn’t a joke, or a show. You make things feel okay inside me. I’ve let you in, Aly. I never let anyone in. The studio. My apartment. Even my heart.”

Alyson blushed. She turned and faced Ryker. With a hint of seduction, Alyson opened her legs, letting the long shirt pull up, showing Ryker her panties.

Ryker gritted his teeth.

“You’re going to make me late.”

“I thought you didn’t go by any time?”

Ryker smiled. He loved that Alyson just called him out on something he said to her before.

He put both hands to her legs and moved up his own shirt that she wore. Touching the lines of her panties set his body on fire. His cock ached in his pants, having more room in his pajama bottoms than his jeans. Bringing his thumbs together, he pressed against Alyson’s center. She jumped and let out a hiss.

Ryker moved his hands around to her back and he came forward, bringing their bodies together. Their lips crashed, a wild smell and taste of coffee and the morning. It was insatiable. They kissed for a couple minutes, hands touching, lingering somewhere between want and need.

“Ah, fuck it,” Ryker growled as his lips touched Alyson’s. “Who needs to record an album? I’m already fucking rich and famous.”

Ryker stood and took Alyson with him. She let out a giggling cry. It drove Ryker even more wild. He never wanted someone like this before. Not just the physical connection, but everything else that came with Alyson.

In the bedroom, Ryker kicked the door shut and went right to work. He put Alyson on the bed, he on his knees, between her legs. She bent her legs, looking so fucking sexy right before him. Alyson put her hands to the bed and waited. Ryker unbuttoned the shirt, from the bottom up.

With the last button undone, Ryker opened the shirt and stared at Alyson’s chest. Her breasts were full, beautiful, a creamy color. His hands cupped, his thumbs teasing over her rosy nipples. Alyson shook and groaned, her nipples reacting to his touch, become hard.

Easing down her body, Ryker moved off the bed and grabbed at the top of her panties. He quickly pulled them down, tearing them off her body. He leaned forward, his right hand moving between her legs, touching her sweet and tender sex. Two fingers rubbed gently, feeling the wet heat of her desire. He teased, letting his fingertips test her, barely entering her, just enough so she’d thrust her hips at him.

Then Ryker took his hand away.

“Darling, you are perfect,” Ryker said. “In every way possible.”

“Yeah?” Alyson asked.

“Yes. Trust me.”

Alyson then sat up. Her hands slipped into the top of Ryker’s pants, guiding them down. She moved fast, with purpose, her hand cupping around the thick root of his erection as he popped free. She lovingly stroked him up and down a few times, making Ryker full and harder than ever. His legs and ass tensed, the urge to thrust, to fuck, was hard to fight off.

Then Alyson gave him a wild look. She inched forward, pressing her lips to him. Ryker let out a groan as she opened her mouth, those pretty, thin lips sliding over his cock. She moved on him, her mouth and tongue making it even more impossible to hold back.

Ryker put his fingers to her shoulder and pulled at her.

“More, darling, more,” he whispered.

Alyson moaned and listened. She took him in as far as she could and then slowly pulled back. It was like sensual torture, feeling her slide against every sensitive part of his shaft and tip of his thickness.

“Oh, yeah,” Ryker groaned.

Alyson’s mouth came off him. Her hand then went back to work, stroking him. She pushed back on the bed and nodded to Ryker.

All he could hear was her voice from before.

Take me.

Yeah, he was going to take her. Not just the first night, or the second night. Not just this morning either.

Ryker climbed on the bed. His hands devoured Alyson’s perfect, curvy body. His mouth devoured hers, making his heart pound and race. And with his body, he devoured her desires.

All he wanted now… was her love.


Ryker got into the studio late. Really late.

“Almost canceled the session,” Colby said.

Jett looked at him. “Everything good?”

He was obviously referring to Randy.

“All is well,” Ryker said. “Just ran a little late.”

“A little,” Van said.

“Good news is we finished up the songs,” Brantley said. “Just need your two cents on them.”

“That I can do,” Ryker said.

He dropped his guitar case and opened it. There was a folded piece of paper on the guitar. He grabbed it and opened it.

It was a note from Alyson.

Stole your shirt. But I’ll return it. If you want to see me again.

Ryker folded the note and grinned. He had no idea why she would even think for a second he didn’t want to see her again. Ryker felt like canceling the recording session for good and going to find Alyson. Scoop her up in his arms and take her away somewhere.

“You with us, man?” Brantley asked.

Ryker stood, grabbing his guitar. “Ready.”

Colby gave a thumbs up. The sound guy behind the glass pressed a button and a song started to play. The acoustic sound was strong, sharp, far better than the sound of the songs when Ryker played them by himself. During the solo, Ryker played along, note for note, the solo recorded the way he had written it. The perfect snap of the acoustic guitar strings, those single notes that were played beautifully slow, let each sound carry its own way to the next one. That’s what made the acoustic sound so amazing and sometimes really hard to work with. It left the song exposed. The music. The lyrics. It was all exposed.


Ryker stopped playing guitar and stopped listening. Exposed was a great word. He never talked to another woman about Randy. He never let a woman into his own personal space like he did Alyson. Maybe it was a way to make up for the stupid first date nonsense. But Ryker felt more.

The song started to fade and Ryker gave a thumbs up.

“That works,” he said after the song ended. “Fade it out. Let it do its thing.”

“I think we’re almost done here,” Van said. “Portis wants this to be ready and distributed as soon as possible.”

“Anything else we need to add?” Jett asked. “I mean, I think we have enough footage to make the video to go along with the album. The garage was a good setting.”

“We should bring the cameras here,” Ryker said. “Do a really stripped down song. Pick one. We drink. We play. We hit record. A bonus track and video.”

“Drunk in the studio,” Colby said. “Like cliche rockstars.”

“Might as well bring women here too,” Brantley said. “Make it a party.”

Ryker grinned.

“Wait a second,” Van said. “What the hell is that?”

“What?” Colby asked.

“Look at the glass. What…”

Ryker turned and saw it just as the rest of the band did.

A smeared handprint. On the glass.

It was Alyson’s handprint.

“That’s a handprint,” Van said.

“So what?” Ryker said. “Someone touched the glass.”

“No,” Brantley said. He used his drumstick to point to the handprint. “Let’s examine this.” He grinned, looking like a lawyer in a courtroom. “This is the evidence.”

“Of what?” Ryker asked.

“Some hot sex in the studio.”

“No way,” Jett said.

“Hey, you met Masie in a studio,” Van said to Jett.

“It wasn’t us.”

Everyone except Ryker looked at Colby.

“Please,” Colby said. “If I did, I won’t admit it.”

“Just look,” Brantley said. He pointed to the start of the handprint. “Look at the way the hand moved. Like she was curling her fingers, clawing, scratching, desperate to grab at something. At someone.”

Ryker swallowed hard. He relived that moment with Alyson in his memory. When she climaxed with a wild explosion, it brought their connection closer, more fierce.

“Then it ends here,” Brantley said, still using his drumstick. “So she was pulled away from the window.” He looked around the floor. “She was put down on the floor, right here in the studio. My guess is that she came first… then she was put on the floor so someone else could come…”

“But who?” Van asked, smiling.

Ryker felt everyone looking at him. “What?”

“How was date girl?” Colby asked. “What’s her name again? Alyson. Right?”

“Give it up,” Ryker said. “We have to go meet with Portis and Harry. Let’s focus on the music.”

“This is far more important,” Brantley said.

“How so?” Ryker asked.

“You do crazy shit all the time,” Jett said. “But lately you’ve been calmer. Plus, you made it clear that the studio was off limits. You never bring women here. This is your place.”

“So there’s your answer,” Ryker said. “You figured it out.”

Ryker took a few steps away.

“So I wonder who it was then,” Brantley said. “I mean, nobody in the band would lie, right? Especially Ryker. Not after what he did to us already.”

“Oh, Christ,” Ryker said. He looked over his shoulder. “Yeah, it was me, okay? I brought Alyson here. To show her who I really am. Not the moron that was on TV for that date thing.”

“And the real you put her against the glass?” Van asked.

“Hey. Leave it be.” Ryker turned and moved to the glass. He grabbed the bottom of his shirt and wiped at the handprint. “It was just some fuck, okay?”

“Wait,” Colby said. “Are you saying you like someone? Beyond what’s in their bra and between their legs?”

Ryker threw a hand out and grabbed Colby’s shirt. “Don’t talk about Aly like that.”

Colby put his hands up.

“Slow down,” Brantley said, putting a hand to Ryker’s arm.

“Sorry,” Ryker said. “I’m wound up.”

“I see that,” Colby said.

“You called her Aly,” Jett said. “Is this thing for real?”

“Yeah, it kind of is,” Ryker said.

“Wow,” Van said. “Ryker has a girlfriend.”

Ryker has a girlfriend.

That was something new. Ryker had dated, but he never had a girlfriend. He never had any interest other than the music, the life, and everything that came with it. Now he was falling for a woman who was as far from the rockstar life as you could get.

And that made it even better. It made it tempting. It wouldn’t let Ryker go.

“Yeah,” Ryker said. “I have stuff going on, okay?”

“I thought this place smelled like sex,” Brantley said.

Everyone started to laugh.

Ryker pushed away from Colby. “I hate all of you. This isn’t the easiest thing for me right now. She’s caught up in my fame and it’s not fair to her. This is tough.”

“Just follow your heart,” Colby said. “That’s all you can do, bro.”

Ryker already damn knew that. That’s what he scared him most. If he was going to follow his heart he was going to end up… with Alyson.


It’s the second notice. If I can’t get a money order I’m done. I’m going to be homeless. And Linda said she’ll change the locks and sell my stuff to pay what’s owed.”

Alyson crash landed from rockstar to reality really fast. From the second she walked into the apartment, it was a barrage from her mother. Instead of having Ashley attack her with questions, it was her mother yelling at her. And now this bomb. An eviction notice. Well, the second notice. It seemed Linda, the landlady, had been trying hard but enough was enough.

“Your rent is so cheap,” Alyson said. “This doesn’t make…”

“That’s the good thing,” her mother said. “You don’t need to give me that much.”

Of course not. It’s never that much. It’s always just enough. But it’s never actually enough. There will never be enough.


“Don’t do this to me,” her mother said. “I did my best with you, Alyson. I always did. I told myself, ‘Barb, you can slip and fall, but always get back up for your little Alyson.’ That’s what I always say. Still to this day. Last night, I’m checking the window at midnight. Wondering where you are.”

“I’m an adult,” Alyson said. “I can do whatever I want.”

“Oh, tough woman now. Sleazing around with a rockstar.”

“It’s not that.”

“Look at you! You’re hair is messy. You smell… well… you’re wearing another man’s clothing.”

Alyson felt herself becoming more and more deflated. She had no response. What was she going to do? Lie? What good would that do for her?

“No response,” her mother said. “As always.”

“Why can’t you take care of yourself?” Alyson asked. She quickly jumped, knowing her mother had the potential rage to swing at her. Her mother hated the truth. She always hated the truth.

“I take care of myself,” her mother said. “You…”

“I’m fine. I’m happy. I’m finishing up my MBA. I have a place.”

“That’s paid for by someone else.”

“I have someone in my life I care about.”

“Who? That guy from TV?”

“It’s not like that,” Alyson said.

Her mother rose up. She came close. Her breath had a mix of coffee and alcohol. The bags under her eyes looked like they weighed two hundred pounds.

“It is,” her mother said. “You’re not famous. You’re not going to be famous. I don’t want to be in your way, Alyson. I’m just trying to be your mother.”

“Then be it,” Alyson said. “Stop attacking me.”

“Do you have the money so I can avoid this eviction?”

“No. I don’t. I have worked…”

“Fucking a rockstar and now you’re broke. You’re trashy, Alyson.”

“You have a drinking problem.”

Then came a stare off. Alyson braced herself to be hit. She gritted her teeth, tightening her neck, trying to get ready to take the hit.

But it never came. Her mother backed off, touching her cheek.

“Who are you? We’re supposed to take care of each other.”

“You’ve never…”

“You watch your mother, girl.”

Alyson frowned. “I’m sorry. I’m broke.”

“Then ask your rich boyfriend. I’m sure he could take a night away from snorting drugs to help someone.”

“He doesn’t take drugs, Mom.”

“They all say that.”

“Ryker is different.”

“So was your father.”

Alyson felt a pain in her chest. It only got worse when her mother started to tear up. She then grabbed a set of keys off the coffee table. Alyson knew she should have jumped at her mother, trying to get her to stop. But that didn’t happen. Her mother left the apartment, slamming the door hard behind her.

And Alyson stood there, frozen, hurt.

She hoped her mother would come back in, regretting leaving. Part of Alyson never wanted to see the woman again. The cycle was going to keep repeating itself.

When Alyson finally did decide to move, she went into her room. She opened her laptop and pulled up her final project. The project that would seal the deal on getting her MBA. All she had to do was run through it again and submit it. Worst case, her professor would email back with suggestions. Best case, it would get accepted and Alyson could graduate. She’d get that expensive piece of paper in her hand and just look at it. Then she could suck it up and accept a job. Anywhere. Just to start. Just to have something to show for herself.

Reading the project was painful. Her idea for the rehab center was a shot in the dark. But it made sense. It was a place for people like her mother to go, with different stages of help. Not just for people who needed to stay there for extended periods of time. Not just for people who got together in the basement of a church once a week to talk. It would be a full center. So if someone like her mother had a bad day at work, she’d have somewhere to go. Someone to always talk to. A place to feel comfortable and battle her demons. Because that was the thing about addiction. You didn’t just defeat it once. You battled it every single day. And some days you were stronger than others.

The project was done. The financials made sense. All the necessary requirements were met. It showed a full spectrum from concept to design. Heck, the only thing it needed was a backer. Someone with a few million to toss around for the hell of it.

Alyson hit send on the email and then sighed a shaky breath. She closed her email and started looking for Willow Son videos. She stumbled across a set of videos from years ago when the band had just broken big. There was Ryker, in sunglasses, a cut off shirt, holes in his jeans. Standing like a total bad ass, a guitar around his neck, leaning against a sleek motorcycle. Two women stood with him, their hands all over his body.

It made Alyson jealous and nervous.

Was this who he was?

The video didn’t get much better when Ryker turned his head, kissing each woman. It looked like some shoot for a promo and it faded out to the band playing a concert. But it stuck with Alyson. She was just a regular woman. Struggling to survive. She didn’t have anything to offer Ryker. She couldn’t compete with women who were used to the rockstar life and everything that went along with it.

Then she looked at the videos of her and Ryker’s date. The view count was in the millions. Millions. Millions of people who saw her. Saw the entire processed thing. Saw Ryker grabbing her ass. Saw her turning and slapping him. But then there was a part when Ryker stepped up to her when she was looking out the window. The way he gently touched her.

“He cared,” Alyson whispered.

That night he cared. Even with the cameras and all the fake stuff going on.

Still tired from the wild time with Ryker, Alyson climbed to her bed. She shut her eyes and slipped away for a nap.

A ping sound woke her up. The softest of chimes, but her instinct knew it was an email from her professor. She sat up and looked at the clock. It was three hours later. That was a decent enough nap.

Alyson sat at her desk and checked.

It was her professor.

And it was official now.

She was going to graduate with her MBA.

Years of working on and off and now finally putting her heart into it.

It was here. It had happened.

Alyson grinned. She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry. She wanted someone to celebrate with.

But nobody was there. She was alone with good news.

Then there was a knock at the door.

Alyson feared it was the police.

Who else could it be? Ashley wasn’t even in the country right now.

Three hours was long enough time for her mother to go out and really get into trouble.

As she approached the door, she tried to convince herself that this wasn’t her fault. Even if she tried to tell her mother the truth. Even if she let her mother leave.

It’s not my fault. It’s… not… my…

Alyson opened the door.

… fault…

She stared and started to cry.


What happened?”

Alyson felt Ryker’s strong arms around her, holding her.

She shook her head.

The emotion came out of nowhere. Just so much at once. And then the last person she expected to see, but the first person she wanted to see, actually was there.


“Aly, talk to me,” Ryker said.

Alyson looked up at him. A strong, sexy man. A wild rockstar. The man who was slowly stealing her heart. Not that Alyson truly kept herself guarded, she never expected this. Not with a guy like Ryker.

“My mother stormed out,” Alyson said. “She’s behind on her rent and about to get kicked out of her apartment for good. Then I got an email… I’m officially graduating. I’m getting my MBA.”

“That’s amazing, darling,” Ryker said. He stroked her hair. “I’m happy for you. I’m proud of you. That takes a lot.”

“Do you always focus on the good?”

“Ah, there’s enough bad shit in this world to take anyone down. I’ve lived in that world. I’ve seen that world. You don’t want anything to do with that world.”

“My mother…”

“Is a grown woman. If she needs help, then let’s get her help. Not just give her money, right?”

“I’m sorry,” Alyson said. She backed away and wiped her eyes. She shook her hands and let out a groan. “This is stupid. This doesn’t even involve you. This is my personal life.”

“Hey,” Ryker said. “This matters to me. If it matters to you. I want to help.”

Alyson looked at Ryker. “You want to help. Why?”

“Why?” Ryker asked with a grin. “Maybe because I care about you, Aly. I’m not here right now for a jump and then to leave. I told you that before. I’m not doing that with you. I’m serious.”

There was a tightness in Alyson’s chest. One thing was for sure - Ryker was making it harder and harder not to fall for him.

“There’s nothing I can do,” Alyson said. “I told you how she is.”

“I know. And I’m still sorry about that. If there is anything I can do. I can call someone for you. We can track her down. Make sure she’s safe.”

“No. She’s a grown woman. You’re right.” Alyson walked toward the table. “Do you want something to drink? Coffee? Water? Beer?”

Alyson looked over her shoulder, smiling, trying to be flirty.

Ryker was right there. His hands grabbed the bottom of Alyson’s shirt, which was technically Ryker’s shirt. He pulled her to his body and slipped his arms around her waist.

“Hey,” he whispered, his lips teasing against her ear. “You’re still wearing my shirt. I like that.”

“It’s been a weird day,” Alyson said.

“Yeah, I know the feeling. Do you need to get changed?”

“Do you want me to get changed?”

“I’d prefer you naked.”

Alyson groaned. “Men.”

“You asked. I said the truth.”

“I could use a shower,” Alyson said.

She stepped forward, reaching back, grabbing Ryker’s hand.

“Oh, am I getting the grand tour of the apartment?” Ryker asked.

“Yeah, sure. Two bedrooms. A kitchen. A dining room. A living room. There, you got the tour.”

“Can’t forget about the bathroom,” Ryker said.

“You won’t.”

Alyson looked forward and bit her bottom lip. She liked her moments when she was able to actually flirt to actually get Ryker a little off center. But doing that turned her on wildly.

The second she shut the bathroom door, Ryker was all over her. He spun her around and unbuttoned the shirt, again. Alyson moved fast, opening his jeans, demanding his clothes off with her touch. When her body was on fire, there was no stopping her needs. Ryker had awakened her. That was for damn sure.

Ryker’s hands touched her waist, then around to her ass. She felt him slip between her legs, his rigid sex pressing against her center.

“Water,” Alyson said. “I mean… the shower. Now.”

“Are you commanding me now, darling?”


“I don’t think so,” Ryker said.

There was a fury in his eyes. It was deep and intense.

“Ryker, I want to feel you. All of you. Just… you and me…”

“Darling, are you taken care of?” Ryker asked.

Alyson nodded. “Yes. I’m okay. I want to feel everything.”

Ryker lifted her with ease and walked her to the shower. He reached and turned the water on. He pulled the lever and the shower started. Cold water splashed from the wall to Alyson’s body, making her shiver. But it was okay, the front of her body was pressed hard against Ryker’s burning hot body.

They kissed, waiting for the water to warm up. They kissed long beyond that moment, going until the bathroom started to fill with steam. That’s when Ryker stepped into the shower. The water hit Alyson’s body and she felt every muscle tighten, then slowly relax with a soothing feeling. Yet her heart was pounding, between her legs throbbing, her body in a war between relaxing and demanding Ryker.

He put her against the wall and put his forehead to hers.

“Damn, darling,” he said. “You don’t understand what you do to me. It’s nothing I’ve felt before.”

The water beat against them from the side. Water splashed, dripped, the entire scene, their corner of the world the most perfect place ever.

Alyson’s hands started on Ryker’s face. She playfully clawed at his cheeks as he pressed forward, entering her. He opened her gently, offering her a full feeling that made her groan. Ryker held there, gritting his teeth.

“Fuck,” he growled.

He pulled back and thrust. Alyson’s back bumped against the shower tile with each offering of Ryker’s body. Her hands slipped down to his neck. She put her head back a little until she hit the wall. Digging her fingers into the back of his neck, she pulled the rockstar to her own neck, wanting to feel him taste her.

Ryker kissed down, around, then down some more. Battling the shower water, Ryker loved her and kissed down to her breasts. He teased, flickered, then kissed right back up, demanding her mouth.

They kissed as though they were never going to kiss again. At first, it was wild and hot. But then Alyson started to worry. The way Ryker held her, touched her, fucked her, she knew something was happening. All her thoughts and worries were chased away as she climaxed. Her body was then hotter than any water that could spray from a shower head. Alyson wrapped her legs tight around the back of Ryker’s legs and pulled with each of his thrusts. Soon, he began to hit spots deep within her core that nobody ever had. And nobody ever would.

Alyson’s cries echoed in the bathroom. Ryker’s grunts did the same. His hands dug hard into the flesh of her ass. His pumps were beautifully thorough, right up until he started to come. Alyson felt his cock throbbing, pulsing inside her.

Their lips found each other’s again and they kissed. Long after Ryker was done, they continued to kiss. Alyson felt him ease down from their intimate moment but he never left her body.

As far as Alyson was concerned, they could just stay right there in the shower all day long. The idea was great, but there wasn’t enough hot water for it. In fact, there was only a few more minutes of hot water. The water started to get cooler and then cold.

Ryker turned the water off and wrapped a towel around Alyson’s body. He then stood behind her, hugging her.

“I have to talk to you,” he whispered.

There it is. I knew it.

“What?” Alyson asked.

“I’m going on the road with the band for a week. Press and shows.”

“Okay. Is that all?”

“For now, yes,” Ryker said.

Alyson looked back and up at him.

He wasn’t telling her everything. And part of Alyson didn’t want to know. Maybe it was better to just live in the fantasy of it all.


The shows were loud and long. The fans were loud and loyal. Everything with Willow Son was in full swing, except a little emptiness in Ryker’s heart. Life on the road was always good, but not having Alyson right there near him changed everything. Not that he was thousands of miles away or countries away from her, but the distance still bothered him. Especially with something burning in the back of his mind. He should have talked to Alyson about it already, but she had been upset about her mother. Then they got into the shower and the rest of the day became a blur until it was time to leave and meet the band.

Bar shows, eager fans, and the acoustic album ready to launch had the band at an all time high.

They were in a hotel after their last show - for now - and Ryker caught himself staring out a window. Just like before, Jett was the one who walked up to him. The two guitarists stood there, in silence. There had been so many rumors about Ryker and Jett competing, fighting, battling over the years, it should have put a strain on the band. At one point there was a major article done on the state of Willow Son with Ryker versus Jett.

Who would win the battle of guitarists? If Willow Son had to choose… as a band… who would be in and who would be out? Better yet, which guitarist could move on from Willow Son and actually do something?

Their pasts made the war in words even better. But the effect from all the talk and rumors was Ryker and Jett in the limelight, putting Willow Son there too. Every monthly guitar and music magazine had something about Willow Son.

“You’re quiet again,” Jett said.

“I know.”

“We notice. Everything. Want to talk about it?”

“Not really,” Ryker said. “I’m sure you can put the pieces together and figure it out.”

“You really like that girl.”


“You don’t want to sign that contract.”


“That’s a tough call,” Jett said. “I saw how all that shit plays out with Masie, bro. The lights. The stage. The opportunity that just wasn’t the right one. It’s not a good feeling.”

“You almost beat the piss out of another band’s lead singer.”

“He deserved it,” Jett said.

“I’m not arguing that,” Ryker said. “I would have done the same damn thing.”

Jett put a hand to Ryker’s shoulder. “And if I had my way before Masie got involved with all that… I would have told her not to.”

“Good to know.”

“Hey, we’re done on the road for now. We have all the footage we could possibly want for the album and DVD release stuff. It’s in the hands of Portis and his guys.”

“That’s what scares me. I feel like we’re going to be held hostage.”

“Nah,” Jett said. “We’ll prevail, man. Before you know it, we’ll have new songs and a new tour lined up. Hit the road, play every arena we can.”

“We’ll need a good opening act.”

“We’re picking the opening band,” another voice chimed in.

It was Brantley, holding a bottle of beer. He was swaying a little.

“That gives me an idea,” Ryker said.

“What’s that?” Colby asked.

“Let me sit on it.”

“Bro, I’m just going to say it,” Van said, leaning against the couch with his eyes half open. “We need to hold Portis fucking hostage, man. Right? Tell him what we are going to do. And… like…fuck you with your money…”

“Okay, Van,” Colby said. “You need to hit the couch. It’s time to call it a night.”

Everyone laughed as Colby took Van’s drink. He then pushed him over the back of the couch. The bassist landed on the couch and was asleep a few seconds later.

“There,” Colby said. “Like putting a big baby to sleep.”

“A big baby,” Brantley muttered. “That’s about right.”

Ryker turned and faced the window again. His mind spun faster than he could remember. Maybe not since the night before the band signed their first deal. Big wheeling and dealing record execs were breathing down their necks. There was money, tours, studio time, everything five young guys could imagine. It was set in a world when people bought CDs, didn’t have cameras in their phones, and when companies shelled out lots of money for music. Nothing like today. That night, Ryker stood and looked out the window of an apartment where the band had been partying. He was good and lit up, knowing he should have been in bed with someone. But he stood at the window, knowing that when he signed the papers, he’d get a seven figure check and in the blink of an eye everyone would know who he was. At that time, he was cocky and ready for it.

Now, he was actually a little nervous. The big rockstar and the bigger wall he put up had been cracked by Alyson. He missed her. He almost hated the entire fame scene because of what it had done to her.

“Man, you are just not here tonight,” Jett said. “Just saying.”

“You’re right,” Ryker said. “I’m not. This is the first time in my life that I didn’t want to be in a hotel or on a stage right now. I don’t even want to be playing guitar. I’ve found something else that’s interesting to me.”

“A woman,” Colby said.

“Always a woman,” Brantley said. “You guys are ridiculous with this stuff. I’ll never settle down.”

“Nobody said I was settling,” Ryker said. “I’m just missing her.”

The room fell silent.

Van let out a wild snore.

“Man, he’s going to feel like hell tomorrow,” Jett said.

“It’s Van,” Ryker said. “He could drink a gallon of whiskey and wake up the next day like nothing happened. I don’t know how he does it.”

“The bar tour is over,” Colby said. “Right? So we get to go back and figure out the next part of this thing. That’s what we have to look at right now. Finish up those songs for the actual album. Get out there, give the press everything they want to put our names everywhere. Then we’ll be on the road with a big tour. I can see it.”

“Depends on what Portis wants in return,” Brantley said.

“The guy is an ass,” Jett said. “But he is a genius with some of his marketing tactics. Everything he’s said has been truth.”

“I hate that part,” Ryker said. “I really hate that part.”

A cell phone vibrated on the counter.

It was Ryker’s.

“Harry,” he said. He looked at the clock. “Way too late for good news.”

“Shit,” Brantley said.

“Maybe he heard Van snoring,” Colby said.

Ryker snickered.

He took the call and Harry demanded the call be put on speakerphone.

“Everyone with me?” Harry asked.

“Everyone except Van,” Ryker said. “He’s passed out.”

“Okay. Well, his loss, not mine.”

“What loss?” Colby asked.

“I have some good news.”

“Good news this late?” Ryker asked.

“The new acoustic stuff has gone over amazing with Portis and his team. The video footage is like nothing I’ve ever seen. It’s done perfectly intimate. Exactly what you guys wanted to do. Oh, and Portis decided to throw the album out there as a special pre-order kind of thing.”

“Wow,” Brantley said.

“Sent it out to your fan club and mailing list. Full acoustic album for a big discount. Just to test the waters.”

“And the waters were…?” Colby said.

“Hot,” Harry said. “One of Portis’ guys didn’t add a code to the link. So it got shared. Went viral. Have you guys checked your phones at all? Been online?”

Ryker grinned. He looked at the bottles of beer and booze. “We’ve been preoccupied.”

Harry laughed. “You guys… you got over a million downloads in two hours. Portis left the link up. It’s climbing by the second. You’re going to top every chart possible. This is potentially record setting.”

“What about the video stuff?” Ryker asked.

“That will be added as a bonus,” Harry said. “Those who buy right now get it included in digital format. We’ll still release it on DVD, but Portis wants to add tonight’s show as a bonus to attract more sales.”

“Christ,” Colby said. “He’s good.”

“He’s really good,” Harry said. “That’s why… Ryker…”

“Not right now,” Ryker said. “I’m not talking about it.”

“I think we do need to talk about something else though. Can you take me off speakerphone?”

“No,” Ryker said. “Anything you need to say to me privately you can say to the guys. We’re family. We’re brothers. No secrets.”

Brantley put a hand to Ryker’s shoulder. He nodded.

“It’s about Randy.”

Ryker felt his throat tighten.

“Is he dead?” Ryker asked.

“No,” Harry said. “I had been keeping tabs on him after the hotel thing. I know he came looking for you and wanted money and protection.”

“I’m not worried about that,” Ryker said. “What happened to him?”

“He got arrested.”


“Tried robbing a store. Got caught. He was drunk.”

“He’s back inside?”

“Yeah,” Harry said. “I’m sorry, Ryker. I just wanted to throw it to you before the press gets it.”

“Fuck,” Brantley said. “The press will want that?”

“Of course they will,” Harry said. “It’s the fallen brother of a rockstar. Think about Ryker’s past. No offense, Ryker.”

“Yeah, sure,” Ryker said. “Well, let them do what they want.”

“It’s not that easy. If they want to go after him. Talk to him.”

Ryker gritted his teeth. “I’ll cross that bridge later. Is that all you wanted, Harry?”

“Yeah. Sorry to top it off with some bad news. I just didn’t want you to read it online and get upset.”

“It’s good,” Ryker said. “It’s good. Thanks for the good news.”

Ryker ended the call. He put his hands to the counter.

“Hey, brother,” Jett said. “Let it out if you need to.”

“You did the album,” Colby said. “That was your idea. And look at it.”

“Yeah,” Ryker said. He pushed from the counter. “I need to go.”

“What?” Brantley asked.

“I need to go right now.”

“Whoa, man,” Colby said. “It’s late.”

Ryker threw a hand and grabbed Colby’s shirt. “I’m fucking leaving.”

“Hey,” Jett said. He grabbed Ryker by the shoulder.

Ryker turned and shoved Jett. Jett stumbled back and then lunged forward at Ryker. The two tangled and went up on the counter. Beer bottles tipped over and rolled to the floor, shattering.

“Stop!” Brantley bellowed.

Ryker didn’t want to stop. He wanted to attack. He wanted to fight.

The two guitarists went to the floor in the kitchen. Ryker had his hands tight around Jett’s shirt as Jett did the same to him. They kicked and fought and stood up.

Ryker then felt something grab the back of his neck. He turned his head and saw Brantley. The drummer had some serious size and strength. The two guitarists were broken apart.

Brantley kept them apart. “Fuck! The two of you.”

“What?” Ryker asked.

Jett smacked Brantley’s hand out of the way. He picked up Ryker’s phone off the floor.

He tossed it to Ryker. “Call for a ride. Don’t be a dumb ass.”

“Thanks,” Ryker said.

Ryker walked to his room and grabbed his bag. He grabbed a guitar case and turned. Jett stood in the door. His shirt was torn up and stretched.

“What?” Ryker asked.

“Tell Alyson she’s achieved something not even me or the band has.”

“Which is what?”

Jett stepped forward and put a finger to Ryker’s chest. “She got to your heart.”


Alyson sat up in bed and wiped her eyes with a tissue. She felt completely alone. Even though Ashley was in the next room, sleeping, trying to catch up on sleep from her vacation and jet lag, Alyson felt utterly alone.

Jimmy called and apologized. Working at the restaurant was easier now. Alyson’s fifteen minutes of fame had come and gone. Nobody bothered her for a picture or asked about Ryker. A couple people asked her if they knew her and Alyson simply said she had been working at the restaurant for a long time. That took care of any questions posed.

Tonight, she wasn’t in bed worried about her job. Or her degree. Or her graduation that was just a week away. It was that her mother had finally gotten herself completely in trouble. Kicked out of her apartment, possessions lost, and forced into a treatment center. The cost was far too much for Alyson to think about, although her mother’s landlady took some pity on Alyson and allowed her to sell some of the mother’s jewelry to get her into the center. Twice now her mother had called, crying, begging to get out. She was free to go on her own, but she didn’t. Somewhere in Alyson’s heart she hoped that meant her mother understood that it was important to get cleaned up. Of course their last conversation ended with her mother blaming Alyson. Telling her that she was the reason she drank. That when Alyson came home from the hospital as a baby, she cried too much. She was colicky and cried all night. The only thing that took the crying away was booze. Not for Alyson, but her mother would drink herself to sleep and leave Alyson crying.

The truth hurt a lot and reality was sometimes a curse.

Alyson hugged her knees in the dark room and wanted a sign. She wanted to believe in signs. They had to be out there, right? They had to exist. A butterfly. A cardinal. The shapes of the clouds. Even rain at the right time. They were all signs.

Now the darkness in her room perhaps represented something else.

Or not.

It was darkness. Complete darkness.

Alyson’s phone lit up and vibrated with a text from Ryker.

That at least brought a flicker of a smile to her face.

The text, however, changed everything.

Darling - go to the door.

Alyson crept to the door with her heart racing. She opened the bedroom door and found… nothing. The apartment was dimly lit from a light above the range. She walked through the apartment. Her mouth was dry. Part of her said Ryker had sent something to her. Something cute, romantic, nothing more. Part of her wanted it to be Ryker.

All of her wanted it to be both.

At the front door, Alyson unhooked the chain, opened the deadlock, and opened the door.

There was a guitar case there. A bag next to it.


She turned her head and saw the door to the landing open and Ryker walked in, tucking his cell phone away. He stepped to the guitar case and bag and reached for Alyson’s waist.

“I’m here, darling,” he whispered. “Right where I want to be.”

Alyson was in shock. She wasn’t sure whether she should yell, cry, or do both. So she just stood there. Her knees felt like they were going to give way. Her heart raced faster. Ryker’s touch to her waist set her body on fire. Her lips trembled, fearing what she was going to say first to him.

Ryker never gave Alyson a chance to talk tough. He stepped over his guitar case and bag. He slipped his hands to her lower back, pulling her body tight to his. She could feel him, all of him. Then his lips grazed hers for a second, making everything right again.

He sucked in a breath and smiled. “I’ve been waiting too long for that, darling.”

“Then don’t stop. Don’t waste time.”

Ryker didn’t.

He kissed Alyson again. And again. And again…

Their tongues flirted before Ryker took full control as he always did. He broke the kiss to grab his guitar and bag. He tossed those in the apartment and then set his sights right back on Alyson. He cupped her ass and lifted her.

He slammed the door, locked it, and walked Alyson right to her bedroom. Her arms were around his neck; she stared down at him. The feeling was intense. Way too intense for all of this to be real.

As Ryker gently placed Alyson down on the bed, he kissed her. His lips ravaged hers. He kissed down to her neck, his hands climbing up her shirt, touching her bare skin. Alyson hurried to tear at Ryker’s shirt. She wanted it off. She wanted the rockstar naked. She wanted the rockstar deep inside her body.

It took them a matter of seconds to tear each other’s clothes off. They kissed the entire time, taking turns at each other’s necks, chests; their hands touching everywhere they possibly could.

Ryker cupped her breast with one hand, his other hand touching her inner thigh. He pushed, opening her, and he came forward. When he touched her, Alyson groaned and thrust. The thought of anything easy and gentle was kidnapped by the wild side Ryker brought out in her. She clawed at his back, demanding him.

When Ryker thrust hard, Alyson groaned and curled up. Her lips found his defined chest, kissing, whimpering, doing everything to keep from screaming and waking the entire building.

Ryker’s hands held Alyson tight, slowly climbing from her hips to her sides. He rolled to his back, bringing Alyson on top of him. She let out a cry with the quick move. Her hands shook as she pressed at his chest. Leaning forward, Alyson moaned when she felt Ryker’s mouth kiss her breasts. His tongue flickered against her hard nipples, one at a time, sending surges of heat through her body. Her hips were hard at work, pumping with Ryker’s movements, wanting to give him all she could offer. Her body, her pleasure. She wanted to give him her heart also.

Ryker touched Alyson’s cheeks and he gently pulled at her. He wanted her mouth. She gave that to him, too. They kissed wildly. Alyson reached climax, her body tightening, Ryker moving hard and fast, keeping her pleasure going. He rolled her to her her back, just the way they began. One hand cradled her neck, the other at her left hip. His grip tight, a little ticklish, but the look in his eyes controlled everything. It was the sexiest look Alyson had ever seen in her life.

“Oh, darling,” Ryker growled. “You don’t know what you do to me.”

“I can feel it,” Alyson said, short of breath. “Oh, I can feel it. It feels good.”

Ryker let out a hiss and thrust hard and deep. He kissed Alyson again and then moved to her neck. She felt his teeth graze her skin as his cock finally let go. He throbbed inside, pulsing with force as he came.

A few minutes later, Alyson rested her head on Ryker’s chest, listening to his heart beat. There was plenty to say, but the silence was better.

Ryker’s touch was strong, warming, perfect.

The silence was only broken with Ryker’s heavy breaths.

“I couldn’t wait,” he whispered. “I had to come back tonight.”

Alyson looked to the window and saw the faint line of light trying to poke through the blinds.

“It’s morning,” Alyson said.

“I don’t care. When I’m with you, time stops.”

Alyson smiled and shut her eyes.

Then let’s make it stop forever.


Ryker got out of the bed and found his jeans. He put them on and left the room, wanting to make some coffee for Alyson. He had to talk to her about a few things. Well, not a few things. Just one really big thing that was on the table that involved her.

When Ryker turned the corner to the kitchen, the smell of coffee hit him.

A woman stood there, whom Ryker recognized as Alyson’s roommate, Ashley. She saw him, gasped, and dropped an empty mug. It hit the floor with a thundering crack and broke.

She covered her mouth.

Her eyes scanned his body, down and up.

“Morning,” Ryker said.

He crouched down and grabbed the two chunks of the mug and tossed them in the trash.

“Ashley, right?”

“Fucking hell,” Ashley said. “Is this real? Are you real?”

Ryker put his arm out. “You can touch.”

Ashley’s hand shook as she touched his hand.

“I’m real,” Ryker said. “Just coming to get some coffee for Alyson.”

“Is everything okay?”

Alyson walked into the kitchen wearing Ryker’s shirt.

Damn, she made everything of his look better when she wore it.

“Holy crap,” Ashley said.

Ryker slipped an arm around Alyson’s waist and pulled her close. He kissed the top of her head.

“Good morning, darling,” he said.

Alyson’s face turned bright red. “Good morning.”

“He calls you darling,” Ashley said. “This is crazy.”

“Mind if I get some coffee?” Ryker asked.

Ashley backed away. He sent the two women to the table and poured everyone a coffee. He then made some eggs and Ashley asked if she could take a picture and brag that the guitarist from Willow Son made her breakfast. Ryker had to laugh. It was strange but he didn’t care.

After breakfast, he ended up back in Alyson’s bedroom.

He touched the shirt on her and groaned. “I need this back.”

“Oh, you’re leaving now? Show up in the middle of the night and sleep with me? Then leave the next morning?”

“Hey, at least I made you breakfast.”

“Fine,” Alyson said.

She put her hands up. Ryker lifted the shirt up over her head. She was topless, no bra, now wearing nothing but a pair of black panties. The same panties he had torn off her body late the night before. He threw the shirt to the bed and touched her chest. Cupping her breast, his thumbs grazed her nipples.

“Fuck, you make everything hard.”

Alyson bit her lip and backed up. She got a new shirt and threw it on. It covered her breasts but her erect nipples pushed through the fabric.

Ryker then patted the bed. “Sit with me, darling.”


“I didn’t just come here to sleep with you. I needed to see you. To be with you. I couldn’t wait. And now I need to talk to you.”


“Our acoustic album is number one already.”

“Ryker! That’s amazing!”

Alyson threw her arms around him. He felt her perfect tender breasts pressing against him. He gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to throw her down to the bed and love her again.

“Yeah, it’s something. But there’s a little going on.”

“Which is?”

Ryker swallowed. “Portis wants to do something else with us.”

“The band?”

“No. You and me.”


“The date thing was a hit, for him. For his people. For whatever. It helped everyone.”

“Not me,” Alyson said.

“I know, darling. I’m approaching with caution everywhere right now.”

“What does he want?”

“A follow up date. Or I say we broke up and I go after one of the other women. Or date them all. Like some kind of big thing.”

Alyson stood up from the bed. She hugged herself, trying to really pull away.

“What did you say?”

Ryker stood up. “I’m at the mercy of everything right now.”

“And I have to get dragged into it again.”

“I didn’t say that. I didn’t sign anything, Aly. I promise. I wanted to talk to you first.”

“What would I have to sign?”

“The contract. There’s a lot of legal stuff behind it. More than what you had to sign the first time. But there’s money with it.”


“I know you want to open that center. Right?”

“So I have to whore myself on television to do it.”

“I didn’t say…”

Alyson put a hand out. “Don’t. It doesn’t matter. My mother is in a rehab center now.”


“That was my news to tell you. She got herself kicked out of her place for good. I stood up to her. She started to get in trouble and ended up there. So, yeah, I’m broke right now. But at least she’s okay.”

“Christ,” Ryker said. He stepped toward Alyson. “You should have told me.”

“You were gone.”

“Not vanished. On tour.”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s not your problem.”

“It is to me!” Ryker said. “I…”


“My brother was arrested for robbing a store,” Ryker said. “I know the feeling.”

Now there was silence. Alyson’s eyes were glossy with tears.

Ryker touched her; she didn’t pull away. “Aly, I’m not going to do that to you. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m not going to blame you. I’m not going to leave you. I’m talking to you. If I signed that contract and you didn’t, they’d change the direction of the show. But I’m here. I’m going to figure it out.”

“What happens if you don’t do what he wants?” Alyson whispered.

“He can make life annoying. He’s got a lot invested in us and we have a lot invested in him.”

“So I’m the one in the middle.”

“I’m sorry.”

Alyson put her head to Ryker’s chest.

He squeezed her tight and took a deep breath.

“I’ll fix it. I promise. Let me work something out.”

Alyson looked up at him. “I can’t do that. I can’t have you choose between Willow Son and me. That’s not fair. I don’t stack up.”

“Shit, darling,” Ryker said. “You’re everything to me. I stood on stage last night and played. I looked out to all those people. They were staring at me, cheering me on, going wild with the band. And it just didn’t feel right. Not without you.”

“You can’t say stuff like that to me.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m really starting to fall for you.”

“Good.” Ryker stroked Alyson’s cheek with his thumb. “Fall with me then, Aly.”


Ryker didn’t wear fancy clothes. Even for the most important meetings of his life. It just wasn’t his style.

Willow Son stood outside the conference room, waiting on Portis. He was in a meeting, sitting on the edge of the table, a woman sitting in a seat in front of him. He waved his hands, laughed, talked fast. The smooth approach he was famous for, almost as sleek and slick as a car salesman.

Impatient, Ryker tapped on the window.

Portis looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t have time!” Ryker yelled.

“Jesus, man,” Colby said. “You’re lucky he wants to even talk right now.”

“I don’t care. I need to straighten this all out.”

“Don’t push too hard,” Jett warned.

“Hey. We’re the number one album for another week. The pre-sale for the DVD has set records. We’re on tap for sponsorships for the next major tour. We are everything to this guy.”

“What are you going to offer him?” Van asked.

“What he wants,” Ryker said.

“Alyson is going to sign off?” Brantley asked.

“No. She’s not.”

“Then what are you going to do?” Colby asked. “Just screw her over?”

“I’ll take care of things,” Ryker said. “First part is all me. Second part is you guys.”

Portis shook hands with the woman and led her to the door.

Ryker felt a hand grab his shoulder.

“What are you trying to prove?” Jett asked, almost growling.


“You care about that woman?”

“I told you I did.”

“Then act like it.”

Ryker threw an elbow to knock Jett away. “I fucking am.”

Portis opened the door. “We’ll be in touch shortly. We’ll get you into that studio and make some great music, Hailey.”

“Whoa. Willow Son.”

“Yes,” Portis said. “This is Willow Son. My pride and joy.”

“Oh, good Christ,” Ryker said.

“Can I ask you guys something?” the woman, Hailey, asked.

“Shoot,” Jett said.

“I just signed with Portis. Can I get a picture with you guys?”

“Sure,” Colby said.

Portis stepped in. “Only if we take a second one with all of us. Together. Keep the image.”

“Okay,” Colby said.

Ryker rolled his eyes. He didn’t mind the picture with Hailey; she was at least a fan. Adding Portis suddenly turned it into a publicity stunt.

Hailey walked away and Willow Son went into the conference room. Harry followed a minute later, rushing as he came from a separate meeting about album distribution.

“I’m just going to leave the floor open,” Portis said as he sat and folded his hands.

Harry sat at the opposite end of the table.

Ryker reached into his leather jacket and pulled out the contract for the television show. He looked down at Harry, then to Portis.

He then ripped it in half.

Portis nodded. “Don’t worry, we have copies.”

Smart ass.

“No,” Ryker said. “No dating stuff. No fake rockstar jackass stuff. No.”

“Oh, you’re calling the shots?” Portis asked.

“Alyson is not signing that,” Ryker said. “That’s not fair to her. Money aside, she gets no protection and it puts her out there like a fool.”

“So you do the dating thing,” Portis said. “It’s easy as that.”

“No. I refuse.”

The room fell silent.

Portis raised an eyebrow, staring down at Harry.

“I had no idea,” Harry said. “But… if we need to talk…”

“There’s no talking,” Ryker said.

“I agree,” Jett said. “Enough of this. We’re rockstars. We belong on stage or in the studio.”

“I need something better,” Portis said. “To put this thing…”

“We’re number one,” Brantley said.

“For now,” Portis said.

“Then you get me and my brother,” Ryker said. He stood up. “That’s what you get.”

“Ryker, what are you doing?” Harry asked.

“Talk to me,” Portis said.

“I’ll go face him in jail,” Ryker said. “The fallen brother. Two brothers on opposite ends of the world. He blames me for everything. Who wouldn’t want that story?”

“I heard about that,” Portis said. “I’ve been keeping it hush. But you might be on to something.”

“That’s my offer,” Ryker said. “Then we finish the new album and we tour. No more bullshit stuff.”

“I’ll do it if you go in with no security.”

“Like hell he will,” Harry said.

“I’ll do it,” Ryker said. “I’ll face Randy without security.”

Ryker knew what was at stake here. Facing his brother without security. Feeling exposed, vulnerable, stripped down. And all of it being filmed.

“Bro,” Jett said. “No way.”

“It’s fine,” Ryker said. “I don’t care. I’m not afraid of him.”

“What if something happens?” Colby asked. “I mean… you’re there alone. If he tries…”

“You’re brother is that rough?” Portis asked, grinning.

“He’s something,” Ryker said. “It’ll be something.”

“I’ll accept that,” Portis said. “But I want more. I want lights.”

“Lights,” Harry said. “Christ, Portis. I’m starting to get annoyed here.”

“No, no,” Ryker said. “We’ve got that solved.”

“We do?” Van asked.

“Major tour,” Ryker said. “But the band needs an opening act. Willow Son will hit the road with a band that we choose. We go through tapes, videos online, contact bands. Find guys that are signed looking for a break. Whatever we have to do. Make it look good. Then we pick a band and we’re off. You get your TV time, Portis. And we get to build some buzz for the music and tour.”

“Damn,” Harry said. “He’s thinking smarter than both of us, Portis.”

Portis never liked to admit complete defeat. His eyes screamed yes! but he kept his calm. “Let me run all this by my guys, okay?”

“Do what you have to do,” Ryker said. He pointed to ripped up contract. “But that, that will never happen. End of discussion. You could drop me off the label and bring in a replacement guitarist.”

Portis grinned. “So that one you picked means that much to you, huh?”

“That’s my personal life.”

“Okay,” Portis said. “Let me do what I do. You need to go write some music.”

Portis left the conference room.

Ryker hung his head, sighing in relief.

“Where did you pull that from?” Van asked.

“Had my thoughts when you were passed out on the couch in that hotel,” Ryker said.

“You shouldn’t have to face your brother,” Colby said. “Fuck that guy.”

“No. It’s good. I’ll get it all cleared up right now. Then I never had to deal with it again.”

This was going to hurt a lot. But if this kept Alyson out of the light and in Ryker’s arms, the pain was worth it. Because… well… love was taking complete control now.


Alyson put her cap on a table and looked at the leather folder. Inside was nothing, for now, but she had officially graduated with her MBA. Everything was done now. She had two solid job offers on the table, one with a NPO that helped low income families and another was a big company looking for someone to assist with mergers and acquisitions. A far cry between the two but Alyson wanted it that way. Her internal struggle of career versus what she wanted still raged inside her heart.

Her professor had even told her that her business plan was so solid he was going to try and pass it around to a few of his friends. People that were always looking for a way to spend their millions. It excited Alyson, but her professor was completely honest that most of the time his friends liked to talk about spending money but rarely ever did.

The crowd in the auditorium had been loud. When her name was called and people applauded, she strutted across the stage, looking out, and had a vision of herself on stage like she was part of Willow Son. Only nobody in the audience knew who she was.

But it was all over now.

The years of work had paid off and hopefully her nights as a waitress at Jimmy’s place was finally done once and for all. People were everywhere in the back area of the auditorium. Mothers and fathers celebrating their kids - some in their twenties, some in their forties. There were people who were closer to retirement than college years, which was really inspiring.

There was a commotion of people gathering in one spot, pushing and cheering. It caught Alyson’s full attention. She moved to her toes and looked, wondering if something happened to someone. The crowd started to open and what she was left with was complete and total shock.

It was Jett.

Wait, no.

Not just Jett… Jett and Colby.


It was the entire band.

Willow Son had come to her graduation.

Ryker was last, carrying roses. Alyson knew there was eleven before she even took the roses from Ryker. She hugged him tight and he hugged her tighter, lifting her and turning her.

“You did it,” he said. “You really did it.”

“Hey, this is really awesome,” Van said.

“Thank you,” Alyson said. She wiped a tear from her eye. “I can’t believe you all came.”

People were surrounding the band. They were stuck between total shock and asking for autographs. Plenty of phones were snapping pictures. More than a few were making the connection that Alyson was the woman from the dating show with Ryker. It was like being famous all over again. This time Alyson just stared at Ryker. She wanted to tell him she loved him. She still couldn’t get it out of her mind that Ryker was supposed to do another reality show. With or without Alyson.

“Hey,” Brantley said, “I have an idea. Why don’t we fire Harry, get dropped from the label, and then have Alyson run us?”

“Whoa,” Alyson said.

“That’s not a bad idea,” Ryker said. “She’s smart enough.”

“You want to run your own business, right?” Colby asked.

“I’m not dealing with a bunch of rockstars,” Alyson said with a smile.

“Only one,” Ryker said as he moved his hand around her waist and pulled her close. “Only one.”

“Exactly,” Alyson whispered.

“Where’s your hot roommate?” Van asked.

“Her father is in the hospital,” Alyson said. “Nothing serious, I think. He was short of breath and Ashley freaked out and had to be with him. Rightfully so.”

“Hey, can we get out of here?” Ryker asked, his lips flirting with Alyson’s ear. It made her shiver with heat.

“Yeah. Let me…”

Alyson pushed herself away from Ryker. She handed him the roses. The entire room started to wave in and out. She could only focus on one thing.

Her mother… was here…


Alyson took the bright flowers and hugged her mother. She backed away and stared in disbelief. Her mother looked pretty good. Her face was bright. Her eyes weren’t sunk into her skull. The bags under her eyes were a little less dark and a little less saggy. Even her hair looked clean and nicely done.


“Oh, Alyson,” her mother said. “Look at you. Look at my baby girl!”

Alyson took her mother by the wrist and pulled her to a more private spot. She wasn’t sure how to approach the situation.

So she just spoke.

“What are you doing here?”

Her mother frowned. “You’re not excited to see me?”

“The last time I saw you, you stormed out of my apartment and then blamed me for everything until you ended up in a treatment center.”

Her mother swallowed hard. “Yeah. That’s exactly right.”


Her mother touched her shoulder. “You paid for all that, didn’t you?”

“It wasn’t free. I got the call from Debbie that you were there. She helped me to work out the money stuff. But, yeah, I took care of it.”

“You always took care of it.”

“Don’t get too excited,” Alyson said. “I had to sell a lot of your stuff to make it work. You’re apartment is gone though.”

“Good. I don’t want it. I have a room.”

“A room?”

“Yeah. I pay by the week. It’s nothing grand. But another woman from the center, Cathy, lives there. It’s this big house with four floors. The guy who owns it helps people like me.”

“People like you?”

For years Alyson had waited to hear her mother admit that something was wrong. Not the excuses. Not the reasons. But the actual problem.

“I have a drinking problem. I know that. I’ve always known that. I let it get in my way over and over. I’ve worried about you so much though.”

“So I’m still the reason,” Alyson said.

“I didn’t say that, dammit. I’m saying that my fear for you hurt me. Because you didn’t have a man in your life.”

“The thing is, I do have a man in my life,” Alyson said.

She pointed and her mother turned.

Willow Son was busy talking to people, signing autographs, taking pictures. Everyone but Ryker. He stared right at Alyson, his sexy eyes burning at her. Watching her. Taking care of her from a distance.

“The rockstar?” her mother asked.

“His name is Ryker,” Alyson asked. “He’s a good man. He’s a musician, yes, but that doesn't mean he doesn’t care about me.”

“You trust him?”

“With my life.”

Her mother nodded. “Then who am I to judge?”

“I hope you don't mind me asking, but what are you doing out of that place?” Alyson asked. “You should stay there. Get all the help you can get.”

“I’ve gotten that,” her mother said. “I’ve met people like me. I’ve faced my fear, my pain, and I’ve done something I’ve never done before. I’ve admitted wrongdoing. I feel better. I have a long road in front of me.”

Alyson’s mind raced. This was why she wanted to open her center. Because she wouldn’t just bring people in and out like a fast food restaurant. She would make it so the place was more of a second home. A place to always go to do something to keep the demons at bay.

“I’m glad you’re admitting all this,” Alyson said.

“What are you going to do with your fancy degree?”



“How are you paying for your room?”

“Work,” her mother said with a smile. “I’m taking care of things.”

“I hope that’s true,” Alyson said. “I hope it all works out.”

Her mother inched closer. “The same for you. I hope that man behind me doesn’t hurt you.”

“And if he does, I’ll handle it. I’m not going to seal up my heart and be afraid.”

Her mother blinked, tears in her eyes. “When did you become a woman?”

“A long time ago, Mom.”

“I know. I’m sorry I missed all of it. But I didn’t miss this, did I?”


“So you can’t be mad at me.”

Alyson groaned on the inside. Somehow everything always got twisted back to her mother.

“Just please take care of yourself. You’re the mother. You're supposed to take care of me.”

“I am,” her mother said. “I’m here. I’m supporting you. I bought you flowers. Aren’t they nice?”

Alyson thought about arguing. Then she saw Ryker from the corner of her eye. He was signing an autograph for a woman named Jessie. The woman was beautiful. Alyson knew Jessie from an economics course they had together. She was the definition of perfect. Height, weight, hair, eyes, a naturally beautiful face - a chest any woman would be jealous of. She stood there, trying to touch Ryker’s arm as he signed the autograph. He kept moving his arm away from her. Once he signed the autograph, he said something, touched Jessie’s shoulder, and walked away. His eyes went right back to Alyson.

Jessie stood surprised, like she had expected Ryker to grab her and take her to a closet and fuck her.

Ryker wanted Alyson.

“The flowers are great,” Alyson said. “Thank you for coming.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for anything in the world.”

Alyson hugged her mother. It was a long hug, a hug that she couldn’t remember the last time they shared together. Her mother then began to give a list of things she had to do, excuses why she didn’t want to do the list but she had to get it done. It was typical of her mother and she eventually left.

The crowd started to get a little crazy because of Willow Son being there so the band had to leave next. But Ryker stayed with Alyson. His hand never left her lower back as he walked with her from the auditorium. Alyson held flowers, roses, her MBA, and she held the growing love for Ryker - the sexy rockstar who had stolen her heart.


Ryker traced lines up and down Alyson’s naked back. Their clothes were all over the floor, right where they damn belonged. Alyson panted, her hot breath spreading across his chest. A smile was on his face and he couldn't help it. Her body was beautiful and perfect. Her right leg was draped over his leg just enough so her body touched his. He could feel her burning wetness between her legs.

Alyson curled her toes, playing with Ryker’s lanky feet.

She kissed his chest and then worked up his neck.

“You ready again?” Ryker asked.

“Are you?” Alyson shot back.

“For you, I’m always ready.”

Alyson’s hand touched Ryker’s lower stomach. She inched down, trying to be seductive. But there was something waiting for Alyson. When her fingers touched his cock, she let out a gasp.

“Told you,” Ryker whispered.

“You’re hard again?”

“That’s what you do.”

Alyson really did. She made him painfully hard, yet it was so good.

Her hand tightened around his thick shaft. She gently pumped at him, inching up and down. She rested her chin on his chest, smiling as she did so.

Ryker smirked. He could play the game too. He ruled this fucking game. His hand slid down Alyson’s back and up over the mound of her ass. He cupped her there, squeezing until she jumped with a giggle. His fingers then moved around, feeling the welcoming warmth of her sweet silk. His fingers dipped into her, feeling her tender and throb from a few minutes ago when they finished.

As he explored her body, Alyson sighed and gripped at his thickness tighter. She jerked at him harder. They were locked in an intense, sensual moment, hands exploring, eyes focused together.

There were no words. There were just sounds.

Slowly, Alyson slithered her body on top of Ryker’s. She reached down between her legs, gripping him, guiding him to her sex. As Alyson lowered herself down, Ryker resisted the urge to thrust. He grunted instead, her warmth sheathing him with a pulse that threatened to make him come almost instantly.

But that didn’t happen. Ryker had full control of everything. His hands gently grazed Alyson’s perfectly curved hips. He rocked her softly, wanting to feel everything she had to offer. Slow and steady, Alyson moved down, her hair in Ryker’s face, their breaths entangling as much as their lips and tongues.

It quickly became the greatest sex of Ryker’s life.

Because for the first time in his wild, rockstar life, he knew what it felt like to make love to woman. A woman he loved.


The black car stopped outside the chain linked fence. There was barbed wire rolled up with razor hooks at the top. On the pavement on the inside were a group of guys wearing orange pants and white sleeveless shirts. They were shouting, calling for the pass as a game of basketball was being played. The pole for the basketball hoop was rusted. The backboard chipped. The rim bent. There was no net on the rim.

Another group of men sat against the fence.

Ryker stepped out of the car. He was dressed in what he wanted. Jeans, t-shirt, whatever the hell he could grab out of the closest. The line between inside and outside the fence was thin.

Sunglasses on his face, Ryker slammed the car door and started to walk. There were cameras all around him. Following his moves.

The second he was noticed, the calls started.


Yo! Ryker! I love Willow Son, man!

Nice fucking sunglasses!

Come on in, brother!

Most of the calls were nice. Some weren’t.

A line of guys were at the fence. The guards waited for Ryker at the door.

Ryker took a detour and went to the fence. He greeted anyone who wanted to talk to him.

“Are you really here?” one of the men asked.

“I’m here,” Ryker said. “Need to talk to my brother. Randy.”

“I don’t know him. But fuck I know you, man. I love your band.”

“Thank you.”

“Your music is solid shit. I miss it. I want to fucking hear new shit.”

“Just go straight,” Ryker said. “Take the line, brother.”

“Yeah, I got it. I fucking got it.”

“Man, you’re sitting here for another two years,” another guy said.

Ryker hit the fence and then walked to the guards.

“Arms out,” the guard said.

This was all for show. To make it more dramatic.

Then guard then put a hand to the door.

“For the record, we are not responsible for you. If a prison inmate takes you as a hostage we will not negotiate any release. You are entering at your own risk. We will not stop an attack and we will not put our employees in danger for your own well being. You are under no guard and no protection upon entering this facility.”

Ryker nodded.

The walk through the prison was honestly terrifying. He kept a straight face, knowing what kind of hell a mental and emotional prison felt like.

Ryker was taken to a room with a table and two chairs.

He sat and waited.

The door opened again and there was Randy. Dressed in orange, his hair greasy and messy, his face scruff with hair. He had a nice shiner that was a yellowish color.

“Brother,” Ryker said.

Randy sat down. The cuffs were taken off. The guard left the room. So much of all this was probably illegal and completely dangerous. But this was for ratings and entertainment.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Randy asked.

“Trying to figure out what you’re doing. What happened?”

“I’m better off in here. There’s limits, little bro. There’s walls. It’s all contained. I’m better off contained.”

“You robbed a store?”

Randy laughed. “Fuck that. I took down a bottle of whiskey and decided to go back inside. So I got a gun and went to a store. I didn’t plan on taking a thing. I just wanted to get locked up.”

“You realize what you did to that person behind the counter?”

Randy grinned. “Don’t worry. I’m sure your band can play a song and make it all better.”

“That’s what you think? It’s all about me, right? You’re selfish.”

“Fuck you, little bro. I took care of you.”

“You didn’t,” Ryker growled. “You think you did. But you didn’t.”

“And now you’re here being famous. Going to put your broken brother on television for a few dollars.”

Ryker swallowed hard. “There was no reason for this, Randy.”

Randy pushed at the table. “Yes there was. You don’t fucking get it.”

“Then make me get it.”

Randy slowly stood. He stretched his arms. “I’m supposed to be chained to the table.”

“I guess they trust us,” Ryker said. He stood up too. “I just want to know what’s going through your head.”

Randy stared forward at a wall. “Okay. You want to know…”

Randy turned and jumped at Ryker. He hit him and had Ryker against the wall. Ryker hit with a thud and felt pain rage up and down his back. Randy put his forearm to Ryker’s throat.

“They’re not going to save you,” Randy said. “They’ll let me kill you.”

“Then do it.”

“You were fucking dumped on me. Goddammit. I was left with you. I didn’t fucking want it. I didn’t fucking ask for it.”

“Sorry about that,” Ryker said. “What does that have to do with you being here?”

“Nothing. I just wanted to say that.”

Randy pushed away from Ryker. He left a small opening and Ryker finally decided to take it. He threw a right and smacked Randy at the side of his face. Randy flew off his feet and went to the ground.

“I’ve wanted to do that for years,” Ryker said.

Randy pushed up and climbed to his feet. He wiped blood from his mouth. He nodded. “Good, little bro. Very good. My turn.”

Randy came at Ryker. Ryker didn’t defend himself. He took the punch and then delivered one of his own. The two brothers then tangled up and ended up on the table. Hitting, kicking, cursing. Years of pent up shit finally reaching it’s ultimate apex.

Ryker had no intentions of hurting Randy or killing him, but he knew if he didn’t defend himself, Randy might actually kill him.

They ended up in a corner, Randy holding Ryker there. Randy threw left after left, trying to get to Ryker’s gut and chin. Ryker blocked the punches with his ribs, lifting his knees, and landing plenty of his own punches.

Finally, Ryker kicked at Randy’s ankle and pulled at Randy’s shirt, tripping him.

Randy toppled to the ground and just sat against the wall. He was out of breath. His face bleeding, cheeks swollen.

Randy patted the floor. “Sit down, little bro.”

Ryker inched down to the ground.

“I owe so much,” Randy said. “To the world. I got involved with drugs and guns. I’m going to be put away for the rest of my life if the book is thrown at me. I was in trouble with some guys. So I’m safer in here. And if someone gets to me in here, they’ll make it quick. Just take me.”

“That’s the life you want?”

“I didn’t say that,” Randy said. He looked at Ryker. “I was shitty to you growing up. A bad role model. A worse brother. But you dumped on me and I was supposed to do what? Be your father? I couldn’t take care of myself.”

“I tried to help you,” Ryker said. “When I hit it big, man, I tried to help you.”

“I came to you looking for help,” Randy said.

“And I was mad at you. You wanted security. That’s not how it works in my world. You’re not going to hurt people, Randy.”

“Looks like I already have.”

“You’ve done plenty,” Ryker said.

Randy inched to the right. “Listen to me, little bro. You don’t need my life. You don’t need to ask a thing about it. I’m here. You’re not. Whatever deal you got worked out for TV, then enjoy it. Earn your money, save it, spend it, I don’t care.”

“I can help you get set up,” Ryker said. “I’m not taking care of you. You’re a piece of shit.”

“I know I am.” Randy reached and put a hand to Ryker’s. “I know I am. I’ll never stop either. This is all I know. This is my life. Nothing can change me now.”

Randy squeezed Ryker’s hand. It was the closest thing to affection Ryker could remember coming from his older brother.

“You know, I used to steal guitar strings for you,” Randy said.

“You did?”

“Yeah.” Randy smiled. “I watched you, little bro. Tearing up that guitar. Learning notes or chords or whatever the hell they are. Really going at it. I saw a long time before the rest of the world did just what you were. I knew you had a chance. You could get away from all this. So I’d steal anything you needed for the guitar. I guess in a way my way of showing you love was to shield it all. Take all the falls I could take. To keep you away from it. You could keep your anger focused on me and not look the other way.”

Ryker looked at his brother. “I wish things would have been different.”

“Not me,” Randy said. “I’m good here. I’ll learn the system, make some friends. Hell, when I told my cell mate who I was, he protected me.”


“There was a fight outside a few days ago. I got tangled up in it for no reason. My cell mate, Stevey, man, he came in and took care of me. I got socked in the eye once. Stevey is at least six-foot-eight. He threw one punch and knocked a guy clean out. I’m good here, Ryker.”

Randy put his other hand out and slapped Ryker in the face. Ryker did the same to Randy. They stared at each other. Reliving all the memories. The years flooded with bad. Times when there was no food. No electric. No heat. Just them living in nothing more than a box. Yet it always seemed to work out just enough that they survived. Because of what Randy did. He was an asshole and that would never change.

They pulled each other in and touched foreheads.

“I love you, little bro,” Randy whispered.

Ryker swallowed a lump in his throat. “I love you, man. You are such a fucking piece of shit though, Randy.”

“I know. Now get the fuck out of here. Go get your guitar and write something.”

Ryker stood up and helped his brother up. Randy went back to the table and sat down. He folded his hands and stared.

“What are you doing?” Ryker asked.

“Taking my spot. So when they come in they see me like this. I don’t want any trouble.”

Ryker realized he was able to just open the door and leave. Nobody would bother him. If Randy tried the same thing, he’d be tackled. He’d be cuffed, taken away, probably punished for trying to leave.

Opening the door, two guards rushed by Ryker to go get Randy. Ryker looked over his shoulder and saw the guards pick Randy up. They slapped cuffs on him. It wasn’t the first time Ryker saw his brother get handcuffed. It probably wouldn’t be the last.

The cameras were there again, waiting.

Ryker put his sunglasses on and walked through the hallways and to the door. He opened it and there was another camera waiting. He could already picture the dramatic take of it all. Running the footage of talking, fighting, the slow walking, some kind of music played behind it all.

The yard was empty now.

Ryker went to the gate and gripped it. He pulled and gritted his teeth. There was a lot of emotion inside him. Ultimately, he was free. Free to walk. Free to drive. Free to ride. Free to be Ryker from Willow Son.

“Free,” he whispered.

Ryker walked to the car and opened the backdoor.

“Everything go… Ryker! What happened?”

Ryker couldn’t survive the day without Alyson with him. He slid next to her and grabbed her by the face. He kissed her, never tasting anything so good in his life before. He kissed Alyson for a few minutes before stopping.

The connection was deep. The connection was real.

Alyson stroked his cheek. “What happened?”

“Just two brothers talking.”

“That doesn’t…”

“Aly, darling. Listen to me. I love you. I’m in love with you.”

Alyson opened her mouth and Ryker kissed her again.

This time Alyson broke the kiss. For good reason. She had something to say.

“I love you, Ryker.”


Colby dropped a box on the floor in the studio. The band had almost moved into the place by now. He kicked the box and gave a thumbs up.

Ryker leaned forward and looked inside. “Seriously? People still send videos in the mail? I thought everything was online and stuff.”

“These are demos and videos,” Colby said. “Lots of stuff to go through here. Portis is rounding up a list of signed bands too.”

“This is going to be torture,” Van said. “Way too much work.”

“We could turn the tour into a festival,” Brantley said. “Have twenty bands per show.”

“That’s not a bad idea,” Jett said.

“Maybe we toss that at Portis,” Ryker said. “We’ll still need a true opening act though. But maybe we can do something regional. Invite all these bands to jam with us.”

“We need to listen to all of this first,” Colby said.

“How about we take care of our own album first?” Jett asked. “Ryker has been putting together some really good stuff.”

Colby sat on an amp. “Yeah? More of that deep, emotional stuff?”

“It’s all I’ve got,” Ryker said. “You know that.”

“I can’t believe all that happened with your brother,” Brantley said. “That fight…”

“Nothing big.”

“He looked like he wanted to kill you.”

“Maybe he did,” Ryker said. “I was a burden on him. Just like he was on me.”

“What’s his deal?” Van asked.

“I don’t know and I don’t care. I’m here. He’s not. And we have work to do.”

“Agreed,” Colby said.

The band got their instruments and got ready to record. Ryker put on headphones to hear the full sound. Brantley counted off with a four count on the drum sticks. Ryker started to play a riff, something he wrote late last night on an acoustic guitar while Alyson was asleep in his bed. Yeah, this was going to be a slow ballad kind of song. But that was okay. Ryker was doing the one thing he learned to best.

Follow his heart.


Alyson stared at Portis. She couldn’t believe this was actually happening. Sitting across from the guy who tried to strong arm Ryker into putting her back on TV.

“What do you think, Rob?” Portis asked.

Rob - a friend of Portis - flipped through a couple more pages. He gave a nod and looked at Alyson. “This is a major undertaking.”

“I believe in it.”

“What’s in it for you?”

“The center.”

“You want a job there? You want to own it? You want profit off it?”

“No,” Alyson said. “My mother is an alcoholic.”

“I’m sorry,” Rob said. “My father was. Drank himself into divorce, jail, and then death.”

“I know what it’s like,” Alyson said. “I’m not looking to score a deal. I don’t want a fancy car. I believe in this. It was a risk doing this as a project for my MBA, but I believed in it then. I believe in it now.”

“A lot of strings were pulled for this meeting,” Rob said. “I’m supposed to be on a flight to London.”

“I’ll pay for your ticket,” Alyson said.

Portis laughed. “She’s tough. She stood up to Ryker. Stood up to me.”

“Didn’t like the TV fame, huh?” Rob asked.

“Wasn’t for me. Fame is better left to Ryker. I’m good with this. Helping people who need it. And not just treatment today or tomorrow. But something that goes on forever.”

“The drawings are beautiful,” Rob said. “I mean, visually, this is outstanding.”

Alyson nodded. She finally got Ashley to tap into her hidden talent as an artist. She drew pictures of the entire building, the landscape, gardens, parking lot. The treatment center was right there on paper. Ready to come to life.

“Portis, why haven’t you invested?” Rob asked.

“I’m a music guy. I don’t know anything about this.”

“You’ve invested in other ventures before.”

“This a conflict of interest,” Portis said.

Rob rubbed his chin. “It’s going to take time and work. A lot of effort. I don’t part with my money so easily.”

“You’re not parting with it,” Alyson said. “You’re using it for good. And investment. It’s still there.”

“Unless the investment goes bad.”

“Which is won’t,” Alyson persisted.

“Okay,” Rob said. “Give me your best one then. Last chance. You’re walking the plank. One more step and you drown.”

“Christmas Eve,” Alyson said.

“What?” Rob asked.

She stood up. “Christmas Eve. I sat on the couch and waited for Santa Claus to come. I waited until after midnight. No sleigh bells ringing. No thudding of hooves on the roof. The door opened and I popped off the couch. I thought Santa came down the chimney. It wasn’t Santa. It was my mother. She fell into the apartment and fell down. I ran to her and she started to get sick. Right on the carpet. She demanded I clean it up and then slapped me. She passed out.” Alyson took a breath. “I cleaned the carpet. Then it was morning and Santa never came. My mother told me it was because I was up all night. I should have slept. She had no idea she threw up. She forgot about Christmas, about me.”

Alyson stood behind her chair. “I was offered a six figure consulting job. Company car. Benefits. The full package. I said no to it for this. For anyone who has dealt with what I have before. I’m going to open this center. I’m not asking you for money, Rob. I’m offering you this… for me. For my mother. For you. For your father.”

Rob blinked fast. He looked at Portis.

“Rob,” Portis said. “Where would we be without a little risk?”

Rob closed the folder. “Done.”

“Done?” Alyson asked.

“Done.” He stood up. “I’ll finance the first two rounds of whatever you need.”

Before Alyson could speak, Rob made a call to completely cancel his London trip.

Simply put - he wanted to get to work right now.

Right now.


The door opened and Alyson turned to see Ryker coming at her. She jumped into his arms. He spun her around and then put her down.

“It’s happening,” she said.

“Of course it is,” Ryker said. “It’s what this world needs.”

“You did all this for me. You pushed at Portis. You…”

“No. You did it all. For me. To me. With me.”

They kissed and Ryker backed up. He slowly closed the blinds in the door and window. He locked the door. He moved at Alyson again.

Her body was on fire.

“Are these papers important?” Ryker asked.

“Some are.”

“Oh well.”

Ryker lifted Alyson and put her on the table. She let out a cry.


“Right here, darling,” he said. “Right here, right now, and then forever.”

They kissed and Ryker’s strong, rockstar hands went to work. Nobody had gotten to Alyson like he had. And she wanted to keep going… just keep going…

Right here, right now, and then forever.


Van closed up the case for his bass and sat on an amp. He rubbed his forehead and looked around the beat up garage. The band had done a hell of a job in here; writing and filming the music and video that now had Willow Son back at the top of the charts.

Yet there was no true tour talks.

The road was comfort, like a willing woman or a fresh bottle of whiskey. The road offered something nobody else could and something Van was addicted to.


Grabbing an acoustic guitar, he started to play one of the new songs off the acoustic album. He had to hand it to Ryker. The songs were solid and well written. Who knew the wild guitarist had a hidden talent like that? Every musician usually had a notebook or two full of lyrics and music, including Van. But his music was his. From a different time. From a different place.

Van’s phone lit up.

It was a message.

Can you talk?

The number, unknown, but the area code sending Van’s heart racing already. There were only a handful of people he knew from that area code. That was a place he ran from. The first time he experienced the road and he never looked back.

Who is this?

Van waited, tapping his fingers on the body of the guitar.

I made a promise to you. I still have the ring.

Van shut his eyes and shook his head. This could not be happening right now.

I told you to keep it.

She was typing back. Van looked forward at that stone wall. His heart already twisted like a wet towel, the memories coming back to life, dripping. His leg was jumping. He felt ready to explode.

What was she going to do? Hold it against him? Throw the ring back at him? Apologize for everything she said and did…

The message popped up.

I’m engaged, Van. Sorry.

Van dropped his phone, the screen cracking. He then stood up, turned, and slammed the acoustic guitar on the amp. He did it over and over until there was nothing left but a neck and curled up strings.

Yeah, his heart was still broken.

* * *

Ready for more?

Bassist Van is looking to end the night so he could get out of the fancy clothes and get away from the big shot, business dinner that the record company insisted Willow Son attend. However, before the night ends, he meets one of the waitresses and suddenly the night has plenty of time to kill… so much so that Van wants to keep going in true rockstar style – all night long.