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BROTHERS (Slater Brothers Book 6) by L.A. Casey (21)


Twenty-six years old ...


I looked at Ryder as he drove. We were on our way home from a job—a job neither of us wanted to do. My brother looked like a broken man. I knew it was breaking his heart to lie to Branna, but he had no choice in the matter. My heart went out to him. We had been out of the game for a few years now, but unfortunately, our past with Marco had caught up with Ryder and landed him neck deep in shit with the feds.

My brother had been given two options, help the feds by spying on Brandy Daley or be tried for murder and if convicted, go to prison without the possibility of parole. He was the only one of my brothers who the feds contacted, and I knew that was probably because of a deal Ryder had worked out to keep me and my other brothers safe. He was always protecting us, protecting Branna, and never once thought about protecting himself.

“Yeah, man?”

“I appreciate you helping me today,” Ryder said with his eyes locked on the road ahead. “This is the first and last time I’ll need your help with this bullshit, I promise.”

“Don’t sweat it, bro. I got you.”

“No,” Ryder said firmly. “This is the last time. You’re about to become a father, and nothing about that part of our lives is tainting that.”

I didn’t respond to him. He looked like he was beating himself up enough for needing me to help him. When he called me this morning and told me that Brandy wanted him to run a deal in Wexford, he knew he needed someone to accompany him. No one went to do deals on Brandy’s behalf without having some muscle to watch their back. Ryder didn’t trust any of Brandy’s men, and since I used to be an enforcer, I was his obvious choice.

“It’s over and done with now,” I said. “You got the deal and earned Brandy a hell of a profit. Put it out of your mind.”

I knew it was easier said than done, but my brother nodded. I looked at my phone for the millionth time and was frustrated to find it was still dead. Ryder’s phone was out of battery too, so I couldn’t check in with Aideen throughout the day to make sure she was okay. When we pulled into the parking lot of my building, we both got out and headed up to my apartment. The elevator opened on my floor just as I heard my girlfriend scream. My heart dropped, and I broke into a run and barrelled into my apartment, the door slamming against the wall.


Branna’s voice shouted, “In the bedroom!”

Ryder and I wasted no time. We rushed down the hallway and burst into the room. I took in the scene before me. My three brothers were pale, Aideen was naked from the waist down and in the birthing pool, and Branna was next to her and holding her hand. I focused on Aideen, and it took a second to realise what was happening. She was in labour ... and I was missing it.

“Strip down and get into the pool with her,” Branna ordered me. “She needs ye’.”

Aideen bellowed, “Where the fuck have ye’ been?”

I didn’t answer her, so she picked up two colourful balls and squeezed them. While she was focused on that, I looked at my brothers and said, “How long has she been in labour?”

“Most of the day,” Dominic answered. “We tried calling you guys.”

His words hurt like a knife twisting in my heart. I hurriedly stripped out of my clothes until I was down to my boxers and quickly moved over to the pool. I stepped inside and lowered myself on my behind. I spread my legs and moved up behind Aideen. I reached forward and gripped her waist before I leaned in and planted kisses along her neck and shoulder.

“I’m here, baby doll.”

Aideen began to cry, and it broke my heart. I felt the relief she experienced now that she had me with her, and I couldn’t begin to imagine how scared she was at having to going through labour on her own, wondering where I was and if I would make it in time to see our baby being born.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered to her and kissed the side of her head. “I’m so sorry.”

She turned to me and press her face to mine. “I can’t do this.”

“What are you talking about?” I smiled. “You’re doing it, and you’re doing it fucking awesomely.”

“Hell yeah, she is,” Branna agreed.

I interlocked my hands with her, and I didn’t make a sound when she squeezed me to the point my hands went numb. It was a small price to pay for the woman who was going through hell so she could bring my child into the world. She was so brave. I couldn’t fathom ever possessing an ounce of the strength she had.

“God, it hurts!”

She moved our joint hands under her stomach and wailed in pain.

“Spread your legs as wide as ye’ can, honey,” Branna instructed. “As soon as ye’ get another contraction, bear down and push, okay?”

Aideen gripped my hands even tighter as she listened to Branna and did exactly as she said. It didn’t take long for a contraction to hit, and when it did, my girl did exactly what Branna had said and pushed with all of her might. My blood ran cold when Aideen screamed. I had never heard that type of wail leave her body before, and it scared me half to death. I flicked my eyes to my brothers. Dominic, Ryder and Damien were staring at Aideen with their jaws slack while Alec had his hands covering his eyes as he recited The Lord’s Prayer out loud.

Aideen noticed none of this.

“Branna,” she whimpered. “It’s burnin’.”

She leaned her head back against my shoulder as the contraction passed for the moment, and I wasted no time to kiss her and tell her proud I was of her. She was panting, sweating, and moaning as pain consumed her.

“Push through that sting. D’ye hear me, Ado?” Branna said. “Push through it with everythin’ ye’ have.”

For close to thirty minutes, that was exactly what Aideen did. She pushed, pushed, and pushed some more. I felt absolutely helpless. I found myself wishing I was feeling her pain just so she would have a moment’s peace.

“The baby’s crownin’ so that means the head is almost out, Kane,” Branna whispered. “You’re about to deliver your baby.”

Fear struck me.

“Branna, help him,” Aideen pleaded, most likely fearing I’d let our baby fall.

“I’m ready,” I said and kissed her shoulder. “I’ve got this, baby doll, trust me. Push as hard as you can one more time.”

Aideen had to adjust her position until she was in a squatted position, and I was behind her, with my hands between her thighs. I pressed my hands against her vagina and felt my baby’s head. I could feel hair, lots of hair, and a sob caught in my throat. This was my baby, and the woman I loved more than life was bringing him or her into the world. An abundance of love, adoration, and happiness flooded me, and I had never felt so lucky as I did just then.

My brothers flanked Branna on either side and reached out to Aideen. She grabbed one of Ryder’s arms and one of Alec’s to steady herself. Their eyes were solely on her face, and my heart was filled, knowing they were here for such a special moment. I never thought I’d want them here when my girlfriend’s half naked, but there was nothing sexual about birth.

It was beautiful, scary, and an incredible thing to witness.

“Let’s do this, Ado.” Alec smiled. “You’ve got this.”

She bobbed her head, sucked in a huge breath, and with all her might, she bore down and pushed like her life depended on it. My eyes widened as more of my child’s head became visible. I could feel tiny ears, then chubby cheeks.

“Good girl, baby doll,” I praised. “Keep pushing ... keep pushing.”

“The head is fully out,” Branna whooped a few seconds later.

Aideen screamed as she continued to push. Dominic moved to the side to get a better view and laughed. “Nothing but dark hair. That baby is a true Slater.” He tried to high five Damien, who pointed at his own mop of white hair, causing Dominic to wince and say, “My bad, bro.”

Aideen screamed loudly as our baby moved through her body.

“Shoulders are out,” I beamed. “Chest ... Torso ... Butt ... Legs ... and toes. You did it, baby.”

Aideen slumped forward against my brothers who supported her. I adjusted my baby in my arms, my heart slamming in my chest as I carefully looked between the chunky thighs. I blinked three times before I realised what I was looking at.

“It’s a ... boy!” I announced. “It’s definitely a boy.”

Aideen gasped and tried to look, but she couldn’t turn to see because I was behind her, and the cord was still attached to her and the baby.

“Are ye’ sure?”

Branna carefully helped Aideen sit down, she leaned over the pool and lifted her leg so I could wind the umbilical cord under her so she didn’t hurt Aideen or the baby. Aideen turned her head, locked eyes on our child, and burst into tears. She was smiling but only for a moment.

“Branna,” she said. “Why isn’t he cryin’?”

“It’s normal. Give ‘im a second,” Branna said then reached over and took the baby from me without asking.

My happiness fled, and overwhelming fear consumed me as I stared at my child, willing him to cry.

“Oh, please,” Aideen screamed as panic struck. “Please, make ‘im cry, Branna.”

Aideen tried to stand, so I grabbed her shoulders to keep her still. She shoved my hands away and tried to move closer to Branna, but I wouldn’t let her. Branna had to focus, and Aideen could have hurt herself so I wrapped my arms around her body, and held her against my chest.

“Come on, baby boy,” Branna cooed to the baby as she rubbed him roughly with one of our baby towels. “Give me a nice big cry.”

Time slowed down, and every moment felt like an hours ... until magic. The loudest wail you could imagine from a newborn filled my apartment, and it was the best sound I had ever heard in my entire life. Aideen cried with relief and so did I. I pressed my face against Aideen’s hair as I silently thanked God for helping my child.

“Ye’ little brat.” Branna tearfully laughed as she finished wiping the baby’s face. “Givin’ your mammy and daddy an awful fright like that.”

“Your fucking uncles, too,” Alec stated and bent forward, placing his hands on his knees, panting like he just ran a marathon.

Branna moved over to us and leaned down. She lowered her arms and gently rested the baby on Aideen’s chest. Both women adjusted Aideen’s T-shirt until our son was underneath it and resting against his mom’s chest. Aideen adjusted him so she could see between his legs.

“It is a boy,” she cried with happiness. “We have a son.”

I wrapped my arms around both of them and kissed the side of her face. “Thank you so much, baby.”

“For what?” She sniffled, looking back at me.

She was sweaty, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were red and swollen from crying, but I had never seen her look so beautiful in all the time I’ve known her.

“For giving him to me,” I answered and kissed her lips.

Aideen rested her forehead to mine, then we both looked at our son when he cried.

“Shhh,” Aideen cooed and gently rocked him. “Mammy’s got ye’.”

My heart burst with love at that moment. I was a father, and my girl was a mother.

“He looks just like ye’, Kane.” Branna sniffled. “He’s your double.”

“No way,” I murmured, looking at the baby. “He’s beautiful, so that’s all Aideen.”

My eyes roamed over his face. He had a cute button nose, chubby cheeks, a head full of dark brown hair, and plump pink lips. He was gorgeous, and he was ours.

“I love you,” Aideen whispered to him. “I love ye’ so much, baby boy.”

I repositioned myself behind her by putting my legs on either side of her hips and then pulled Aideen and our baby back against my chest. I leaned my head against Aideen’s, and we both continued to stare at our little piece of heaven. We had waited so long to meet him, and a huge part of me couldn’t believe he was here.

“I can’t believe we made him,” Aideen murmured. “He is perfect.”

“He is,” I agreed.

Aideen rested against me as Branna got her medical bag. I watched her approach the pool but said nothing. She silently placed a clamped on the baby’s umbilical cord, then place a second one about couple or so inches as from my son’s belly. Branna watched the cord, and I found myself watching it with her. I watched until there was no visible pulse on the cord, and when Branna checked it, and confirmed it, she got a scissors from her bag, smiled, and handed them to me.

“Cut between the clamp and my fingers.”

She pointed at the exact point. It was tougher than I expected it to be, but it was an experience I would always remember.

“Ye’ might want to claw me eyes out, but can I have ’im for a few minutes? I’ll dry ’im off and wrap ’im up nice and warm.”

Aideen looked up at Branna and said, “Why?”

Branna chuckled. “I have to help ye’ deliver the placenta, babe, and I want to weigh ‘im.”

“Okay.” Aideen sighed, and carefully handed our son to Branna.

“He will be back in your arms before ye’ know it.”

Branna weighed and measured the baby, and he was ten pounds even, and twenty inches long. After weighing him, Branna then cleaned him up, put a blue hat on his head, and wrapped him in a thick blanket then placed him in his bassinet. My brothers gave us their congratulations and left the room then to give us some privacy. Over the course of the next ten minutes, Aideen delivered the placenta.

“All done,” Branna announced then reached into the water and lifted the clump of bloody placenta, placed it into a plastic bag next to her, and sealed it. Branna removed her gloves, lifted our son from his bassinet, then gave him back to Aideen. She held her arms up to make sure the blanket the baby was wrapped in didn’t touch the water of the pool. I glanced up when I heard a soft click. I noticed Branna had left the room, so it was just Aideen, our son, and me.

“I was so scared there for a second.”

“Me too, sweetheart.” I kissed her shoulder. “My heart stopped.”

Our son wailed, and it made Aideen chuckle when I said, “I love your cry, little man.”

Aideen gazed down at the baby, and said, “Ye’ don’t think the smoke from that night hurt ‘im, right?”

“No,” I replied. “Look at him; he is healthy as can be. Pink and big all over.”

His little face was pressed against his mother’s chest, and his instinct took over. He tried to suckle on her skin, so Aideen nervously repositioned him under her breast. I reached around and adjusted her breast and nipple with my hand until it was close to the baby’s mouth. It took about a minute of adjusting and brushing Aideen’s nipple against our son’s lips, but he eventually latched on and began to suckle.


I tensed. “Are you okay?”

Aideen nodded but continued to wince. “It hurts a little, but it’s okay. Branna said that some pain was normal.”

I pressed my face to the side of hers, and we both looked down as our son fed for the first time. I heard a little click but didn’t look up. I heard some movement, then the sound of a shutter caught my attention. I looked up and saw Branna smiling apologetically as she tucked her phone into her trouser pocket.

“Sorry, it was too perfect of a moment not to capture.”

I smiled and looked back down at my son.

“How is everythin’?” Branna whispered.

Aideen smiled. “Perfect.”

“Branna,” I murmured. “He latched on.”

“Brilliant,” she beamed as she moved closer. “Are ye’ feelin’ okay, Aideen?”

Aideen silently bobbed her head. I looked down at the baby and noticed he unlatched and smacked his lips together a few times, before just lying on his mom’s chest in a baby drunk daze.

“Your colostrum must taste good.” I chuckled. “Look at him.”

Aideen brush a fiver over his nose. “I love ‘im so much.”

“Me too, babydoll.”

“Put ‘im in his Moses basket,” Branna instructed me, “and we’ll get ‘er out of the pool. I want her dried and into warm clothes as soon as possible. I don’t want ‘er to catch a bug; she’s very vulnerable right now.”

I sprang into action as I climbed out of the birthing pool. I very carefully placed our son in his bassinet that was by Aideen’s side of the bed. I walked back to the pool, and with Branna’s help, we got Aideen up and out of the birthing pool. She could walk, but she was tender, so I supported most of her weigh to ease some of her discomfort. Branna went and got a basin of hot water and both of us washed Aideen down with a sponge. It was only brief, but it made Aideen feel better. She rested against me when I wrapped a large towel around her and gently rubbed her dry.

I quickly dried off, then pulled on clean boxers and a pair of sweatpants. Aideen lay on the bed so Branna could thoroughly check her vagina for any signs of tearing, and I was glad to hear that there was none. Aideen groaned as she stepped into an unflattering pair of granny panties that had a large maxi pad attached to it, and it made me chuckle. After that, I helped her into a fresh pair of loose pyjamas. I got her a hair tie and held her hips as she tied her hair up into a bun that sat on top of her head. Each action was so simple, so mundane, but I found it incredibly sexy, and I had no idea why.

I could only put down to her strength. She had just pushed a human being out of her body, and while she was exhausted, she looked like she could take on the world. I was blown away by her. She wanted to rest for a while, so I helped her up onto our bed and tucked her in. I heard voices outside, so I opened the bedroom door and saw my brothers, their girlfriends, Aideen’s brothers, and her dad lingering in the hallway. I laughed and shook my head.

I looked at Aideen. “Are you up for some visitors?”

She blinked. “Who’s ’ere?”

“Your father, all your brothers, all my brothers, and all of the girls.”

A smile stretched across Aideen’s face as she bobbed her head. “Of course, they can come in. They’ve waited to see ‘im as long as we have.”

I left the room, walked down the hallway and into the living room where everyone had moved to. The men were either sat down or leaning against a wall. All the women were huddled together, wide smiles on their faces as they spoke a mile a minute.

“Kane!” Bronagh squealed when she caught sight of me. “Congratulations!”

She rushed at me and threw her body at me. I caught her just as her chest collided with mine, and I was carefully of her pregnant belly as I set her gently on the ground. I gave her a warm hug, but she did not release me, and it was then I realised that she was crying. She was always crying, my little bumble bee. Her hormones tortured her.

“Do you ever stop with the waterworks?”

“No,” she replied on a sob.

I laughed, and so did my brothers. Dominic was thoroughly amused by her. I looked at him and found his eyes on Bronagh, and there was so much warmth and love in his gaze that I found myself giving Bronagh another squeeze because I was thankful she was the person to make my brother so happy.

“You’re a daddy!”

“I’m a daddy.”

When she released me, she leaned up on her tiptoes and gave me a big, wet kiss on the cheek.

“I’m so happy for you and Aideen.”

Everyone echoed Bronagh congratulations, my brothers hugged me, Aideen’s brothers did the same and clapped their hands against my back. Aideen’s father gave me the longest hug and thanked me for making his daughter so happy, but I assured him that she made me happy.

“Do you all want to meet my son?”

Big smiles and loud squeals were my response. I chuckled as I led everyone down the hallway and into the bedroom. Branna was leaning over my son lying on the bed, dressing him as Aideen watched her every careful move, storing the information away.

“Omigod,” Keela whispered from my right.

We all watched silently as Branna gently put a vest on him followed by a blue onesie, mittens, and a white cardigan. She adjusted his hat, and she smiled when he yawned and made a squealing noise. I looked from Branna to Ryder and found his eyes solely on his woman. He watched her every move with so much intent I was surprised Branna’s skin didn’t catch fire.

He was harbouring great demons over his involvement with the feds and Brandy, but what he struggled with most was lying to Branna. He knew he couldn’t tell her anything because any involvement from her should things go badly would have bad implications. He knew that, and I knew that, but Branna could never know. He confided in me that their relationship was in trouble. Ever since he was approached by the feds, he found it difficult to look at her, to kiss her, hold her, or make love to her because he felt like dirt knowing what he was keeping from her. He was scared she was going to leave him ... and to be honest, so was I.

I turned back to Branna as she lifted my son, kissed his cheek, then placed him gently in Aideen’s waiting arms. She lifted her gaze to our family, and though she was exhausted and sore, she smiled widely. She took my breath away, and I had to force myself to remain still just so I wouldn’t cross the room, take her face in my hands, and kiss her senseless.

“Aideen,” Keela blubbered as she scurried forward to her best friend’s side. “Well done, honey.”

I glanced at Alec who was transfixed with his girl as she stared at my son with so much love it radiated from her. I saw love in my brother’s gaze and want. Want for a child that he and Keela could call their own.

“He is perfect,” Keela said, tears falling on to her cheeks. “So perfect.”

Aideen’s smile told everyone that she agreed.


Aideen looked up when her father spoke, and she beamed at him, “Hey, Granda.”

Keela quickly moved over to her place in front of Alec, and my brother wrapped his arms around her, then leaned down and nuzzled his face against her. I looked at Aideen father’s whose resolve shattered as tears fell from his eyes. He sat on the side of the bed, next to his daughter, and he wrapped his arms tightly around her.

“He looks just like ye’ when ye’ were a baby,” my father murmured. “So beautiful. I’m so proud of ye’, baby. Ma would be too.”

Tears filled Aideen’s eyes as she said, “D’ye want to hold ‘im?”

Her father nodded and stood. He reached down and gently picked up his grandson, holding him protectively against his chest. Aideen rubbed her eyes with her fingers as she watched grandfather and grandson get acquainted. For a single moment, I thought of my own father and how he missed out on a moment such as this, but then I remember that he was a cruel man who would hold no love for my son or any child fathered by his sons. I was glad that Mr Collins would be the only grandparent my children would know.

“Hey, buddy,” he whispered, his eyes welling up. “I’m your Granda.”

That was all that needed to be said for all the ladies to crumple to tears, making us men chuckle.

“Well done, baby sister.”

Aideen look at her eldest brother, JJ, and gestured for him to go to her. When he moved to her side, he leaned down and hugged her so tight I worried he might break her. Aideen’s other brothers followed suit. Gavin held onto her the longest and whispered something in her ear that made her laugh.

“What’s his name?” This came from Bronagh.

Aideen looked at me, and I shrugged my shoulders. We had discussed lots of names for boys and girls, but we never agreed on any, so we decided to wait until the baby was born to pick one.

“No idea yet.”

Everyone chuckled at us.

Aideen hugged my brothers then, and she thanked and apologised to Dominic, Alec, and Damien for any harm or discomfort she brought to them during my labour. They smiled at her and waved it off like it was no big deal. I could tell they were just happy they got to be a part of such a special moment.

When it was time for the women to hug Aideen, they all cried uncontrollably, even Alannah who was usually the best of them for controlling her emotions. I was thoroughly amused but touched because I felt the love of every person in the room for my son, for Aideen, and for me. I watched as every person fell in love with my child, and it only caused my love for them to grow.

I didn’t know how long everyone stayed, a few hours or so, but by the time they left, even Branna after she checked on Aideen and the baby once more, my girl was close to falling asleep sitting up. She had just finished feeding the baby again and settled back into our bed when she was suddenly lost in thought. She locked eyes on me as I folded up the birthing pool having drained it earlier, and I froze.



She tiredly blinked. “Where were ye’ all day today?”

I stopped moving, stopped breathing.


I felt every muscle in my body tense as worry flooded me.

“What?” I asked as if I hadn’t heard her.

“Alec was callin’ ye’ for ages, Ryder too, but neither of ye’ answered. Where were ye’?”

“I was in the gym for about two hours.”

Aideen’s voice was soft when she said, “And for the other hours?”

I placed the birthing pool back in its container just to give me something to do before I turned to face her. The picture before me was one I had come to long for after I fell in love with Aideen and waited for my son to grow inside her body. She was the very definition of perfection as she sat on our bed under the covers with our son nestled against her chest.

“I was helping Ryder move ... some stuff.”

Tears welled in her eyes, and my heart broke knowing I was hurting her.


I took a step forward. “I swear if I knew you would be having the baby today I wouldn’t have left your side.”

She held my hand up in the air. “Stay where ye’ are.”

I wanted to disregard that demand, but I didn’t. I remained where I was.

Slowly, Aideen said, “Ye’ were movin’ drugs or weapons ... weren’t ye’?”

I opened my mouth, prepared to lie to her, but I closed it when no words came out. Tears fell onto her cheeks at my silence, and I had to ball my fists to keep from moving to her side.

“Please let me come to you.”

Aideen shook her head. “I was in labour all day ... and ye’ were out helpin’ Ryder with that horrible stuff.”

I swallowed. “I’m—”

“Your brothers held me hands, listened to me scream and curse at them, and did everythin’ in their power to help me. They never left me side the entire time. They were scared shitless, but they were there for me.”

“Aideen,” I whispered, feeling my own eyes well with tears.

I was ashamed, and I needed her to forgive me for not being there when she needed me most.

“Ye’ almost missed him comin’ into this world, Kane.”

I couldn’t hold her gaze anymore, so I looked down to my feet instead.

“I’m disgusted with myself for not being here for it all.”

She was disgusted with me too. I knew she was.

“What did I tell ye’?”

I looked up at her, feeling confused.

“I told ye’ I wouldn’t be with ye’ when you’re attached to that life.”

Panic rose within me, and I suddenly felt faint.

“Please,” I pleaded. “Please forgive me. I won’t do it again. I won’t help Ryder ever again. I swear on my life.”

Aideen’s expression was blank, and it scared me half to death.

“I think ye’ should leave,” she said, her jaw tight.

She was breaking up with me.

“Aideen,” I choked and stumbled forward until my knees knocked into our bed. “Please, I’m begging you, don’t do this.”

Please, don’t do this, baby doll.

“I didn’t do anythin’. You did,” she replied with a shake of her head. “I’ve asked ye’, no I’ve begged ye’, repeatedly, to tell me what you and Ryder were up to, and I’ve pleaded with ye’ not to be involved with it ... but ye’ completely ignored me. Ye’ said it wouldn’t take ye’ from me, but it has. Ye’ almost missed the birth of your son for it ... was it worth it?”


“I’m so sorry,” I cried. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”

Aideen remained cold towards me, and it made me want to scream.

“No, I’m sorry, Kane,” she said with a shake of her head. “I’m sorry I let this go so far. I truly thought your love and respect for me would be enough for ye’ to do the right thing, but I’m obviously not worth it. Ye’ chose somethin’ dangerous, illegal, and plain disgustin’ over me.”

She looked down to her left hand, wiggled the engagement ring off her finger and threw it to the end of the bed where it landed before me. With my heart in my throat, I looked from the ring to Aideen in what I knew was disbelief. She was breaking up with me. She was really breaking up with me.

“Please, don’t leave me,” I begged her, not caring how she would perceive me for pleaded. “I’ll die without you.”

She looked at our son and swallowed.

“If ye’ don’t put me first, what’s to say ye’ won’t put him first?”

Terrified, I grabbed her ring and crawled up the bed until I was face to face with her.

“I’m begging you not to do this. You and that precious boy are my everything, I swear to you.”

Aideen frowned, but I saw something flicker in her eyes. “I don’t know if that’s enough for us to work.”

“Baby doll,” I breathed and placed my hands on her cheeks. “I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make this work. I don’t want to lose what I live for; you and our son. I never thought it was possible to love two people as much as I do you two. I love you both so much it hurts. Please, don’t take away my reason for living.”

Aideen’s eyes swam with tears as she leaned her face into mine.

“Ye’ swear on his life that you’re done with everythin’ related to your old life?”

Hope flared within me.

“I swear.” I frantically nodded. “I swear to God.”

Aideen regarded me for a long moment before she nodded and said, “Okay.”

I could hardly believe what she was saying. She was giving me a second chance when we both knew I didn’t deserve one. I crumpled before her and pressed my forehead against her. I pressed my lips against her, and when I felt her kiss me back with hunger, my heart thumped with relief.

“I love you so fucking much.”

Aideen put her arms around my neck. “I love ye’ too, sweetheart ... now give me me ring back.”

I wiped my face free of tears before I placed the ring back on her finger and kissed it.

“Ye’ have me heart, Kane,” she said to me when I looked into her eyes. “Don’t ever forget that.”

“I won’t,” I assured her. “Not ever.”

When she kissed me, I kissed her back without reservation. I quickly got under the covers with her and moved as close to her as I could.

“Lie down,” I urged. “I need to hold you.”

I helped her get settled on the bed before I stretched out next to her exhausted body.

“Baby doll?”

She snuggled back against me and murmured, “Yes.”

“I say it all the time, but I really do love you with all of my heart. You know that, right?”

“I know, babe.” She hummed. “I’m sorry about bein’ so horrible. I never want to hurt ye’ or make ye’ cry.”

“You had every right to be furious with me. I almost missed our son being born over Ryder and his stupid deals.”

She put her hand over mine. “Let’s not talk about it anymore. It’s done now, and your decision has been made. Ye’ made it for his birth, and that’s all that matters.”

I hugged her and lowered my hands to her smaller but still rounded stomach.

“It’s all flabby.”

I found myself chuckling. “It’s weird that your stomach isn’t huge and hard. I can still feel a smaller bump, but Branna said that will go down in a few days as your womb starts the process of shrinking back to normal.”

Aideen glanced over her shoulder at me. “Ye’ talked to ‘er about stuff like that?”

Every chance I got.

“All the time.” I nodded. “I wanted to know what you’re going through.”

Aideen smiled, then returned her gaze to our son in his bassinet.

“What will we name ‘im?”

I blew out a breath. “I don’t know. What do you like?”

“Promise you won’t laugh?” I gave her a squeeze, so she said, “Jax.”

I promise my silent promise and laughed, lowly.



Aideen sighed. “Ye’ don’t like it.”

“I actually do. I was just thinking of how Jax Teller brought us together that fateful day in Ryder and Branna’s house.”

Aideen giggled. “Through Jax Teller all things are possible.”

I smiled. “Jax Slater ... that sounds cool.”

“Jax Slater,” Aideen repeated. “I love it.”

“So we’re settled on his name being Jax?”

“Yeah,” Aideen said, then paused. “But what will his middle name be?”

“I was thinking it could be your father’s name.”

Aideen gasped. “Really?”

“Of course.” I nodded. “Your dad is awesome, and the look of admiration and love he holds for you and Jax fills my heart. He is a good man and will be an awesome papaw.”

“Papaw,” she repeated. “That’s so cute, I love that.”

I was elated. “So his name is Jax Daniel Slater?”

“Yes! Wait, Jax Daniel ... is it just me, or does that sound like Jack Daniels?”

I repeated it under my breath and found it was similar and laughed.

“We can’t change it now. We already agreed.”

Aideen vibrated with silent laughter. “Me da will get a right kick out of this.”

I sat up on my elbow and leaned up so I could see into my son’s bassinet.

“I love you, Jax.”

When I looked down at Aideen, she had rolled onto her back and stared up at me.

“Me and you?”

“Me and you.”

Her smile was the last thing she did before she fell asleep in my arms. I held her body against mine for a long time. I stared at her, blown away by how much I loved this woman, and amazed by her strength and patience as she brought our son into the world. I flicked my eyes to Jax and smiled when he pulled a cute face in his sleep. I lay down beside Aideen, held her tight, and sighed in utter happiness, knowing that I had my family and they had me too. I fell asleep knowing that I had the whole world in my woman and son, and I knew then that I was the luckiest son of bitch on the face of the planet.