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BROTHERS (Slater Brothers Book 6) by L.A. Casey (28)


Thirty-two years old ...

It had been three months since Branna and I made up, and four months and one week since all hell broke loose. We were still taking things slow, and by that, I mean really slow. We hadn’t done much more than kiss one another, and it was the best decision we had ever made. The first night we met in Darkness, sex between us was almost instant. There was thick sexual tension from the moment we locked eyes on one another, but this time around, we were trying a different approach. One where we listened to our minds and hearts, instead of our libidos.

After I came clean about the FBI and my involvement with them, I explained that it was because of them that I pulled away from Branna in the first place. I had agreed to help the feds to cover my ass for the death of Trent Miles and a few of Marco’s soldiers. To do away with the threat of prison, I spied on Brandy Daley for the feds, and I immersed myself so deep into the investigation that I almost lost myself, and Branna, in the process. Because I chose not to tell Branna about the situation, I indirectly formed a huge crack in our relationship. One we were still healing from. We switched up our tactics this time, and instead of doing everything ass backwards, we took things in baby steps.

That meant date nights with just a chaste kiss on Branna’s front porch.

We spent time together, lots of time, and reintroduced ourselves to everything we loved about one another, and learned new things along the way. It sounded boring, but it was anything but. When I knew I was going to see Branna, my stomach fluttered with butterflies, my heart pounded with excitement, and I couldn’t remove the smile from my face for all the money in the world. We were happy again. I was me, and Branna was Branna. We weren’t our old selves anymore; we were new and improved versions. What we endured—not only over the past two years, but from the moment we met—made us better people. Stronger people.

It solidified our bond and proved to me that we really could overcome anything.

I stared at Branna as I entered the living room of Alec and Keela’s home, and like a bee to honey, I was drawn to her. I moved next to her, reached out and poked my finger into her side, making her squirm.

“What’re you smiling about?”

Branna smiled, devilishly. “Just thinkin’ about the plans I have for us later.”

I was pretty sure I just gulped.

“What plans?”

I slid my arm around Branna’s waist when she smirked at me, and it was all I could do not to push her up against the wall and claim her lips with mine.

“One little smirk and I’m already hard for you.”

The little terror reached out and rubbed her hand over my thigh. “How hard?”

I gritted my teeth. “Stop, or I might succeed in traumatising my brothers this time.”

She laughed, most likely thinking back to our first night together when we were so hot for each other that we almost forgot my brothers were next to us, horrified.

“I don’t think I can wait.”

My entire body tensed. We had been taking things incredibly slow, so slow that a little kiss got my gears turning. I wanted sex with Branna. I wanted it more than my next breath, but because we had been putting it off, I was so nervous about it and felt a little faint. “It’s your call, Bran.”

“Now.” She licked her lips. “I want to feel ye’. All of ye’.”

“Fuck. Yes.”

Leaning down, I covered my mouth with hers and kissed her with hunger ... until a couple of throats were cleared.

“Uh, guys?” Alec mumbled. “I’m all for you both bumping uglies after such a long drought, but we’re still here. Jax, too.”

At the mentioned of Jax, Branna and I broke apart in an instant.


“What’re you sorry for, Bran?”

Branna looked over her shoulder when her sister spoke, and she smiled as Bronagh waddled into the room. The woman was so pregnant that simply breathing looked like it made her uncomfortable.

“Nothin’,” Branna replied. “We’re just talkin’.”

“Is that what you call it?” Keela snickered.

Branna looked at Keela, amusement dancing in her eyes as she said, “Keela said Dominic is sexy!”

Keela gasped at Branna’s declaration. “You agreed with me!”

Bronagh groaned. “Don’t use any word around me that has sex in it. Sex does this to ye’”—she pointed at her large, round stomach—”and gives ye’ stretch marks!”

“Did ye’ get many?” Keela inquired, apprehension to her voice. She and Alec were trying to get pregnant.

“Yes!” Bronagh huffed. “On me stomach, thighs, breasts, and even on me arse. Me fuckin’ arse!”

Dominic opened his mouth to speak, but Bronagh pointed her finger at him dangerously. “Not now,” she warned. “I don’t wanna hear it. I’m fat, I have stretch marks, I haven’t seen me feet in weeks, and I forget what regular sex feels like. Don’t annoy me more than I already am.”

Alec looked like he was about to pass out.

“Pregnancy stops you from having sex?” he asked wide-eyed before looking at Keela and saying, “We’re adopting.”

We all laughed.

“It’s only the past few weeks that it’s stopped,” Dominic grumbled. “It hurts her a little, so we don’t do it.”

“Why would it hurt?”

Everyone look at Branna for the answer to Kane’s question.

“Lots of different reasons, but there doesn’t have to be a specific one.” She shrugged. “When a woman is pregnant, there is more blood flow to the entire pelvic region, and that engorgement is sometimes just too uncomfortable durin’ sex. It goes away when the baby is born.”

“Praise Jesus for that, at least,” Dominic said. “And for anal.”

The women cringed while us men snickered.

“Bronagh,” Branna said. “Relax on the sofa.”

“I can’t. Me body is currently experiencin’ some technical difficulties.”

Branna stared at her sister. “What does that mean?”

“It means her ass is sore, and she can’t sit down.”

“Dominic!” Bronagh screeched, horrified.

Alec slapped his palm against our brother’s, and said, “My man.”

I shook my head, amused.

“You might as well do all the kinky shit now,” Kane mumbled. “After she has the baby, all that stuff only happens on rare occasions ... like when you get a babysitter.”

Branna tittered. “Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll find a way.”

“Damn right, we will.” Dominic grinned and winked at Bronagh who was shaking her head good-naturedly as she eased down onto the sofa next to Dominic who absentmindedly slung his arm over her shoulder. She said, “Change the subject.”

“Oh,” Keela chirped. “Then let’s play ‘Ask Me Anythin’. It’s a game for adults where all questions are appropriate. I’ll start simple. Alec, who is your celeb crush?”

I tuned out the conversation then as I stared at Branna, feeling like she was the only person in the room. I heard the laughter, the teasing, and even a few cusses here and there, but nothing pulled my attention away from the woman I loved or the smile on her face. I was fully aware that I was head over heels in love with her, and it made me mad to think I almost lost her because of my own foolishness. Never again would I keep a secret. I would always be truthful with her.


“Ryder, you go next.”

I looked at Damien when he spoke, then remembered that everyone was playing a game. I thought about what I wanted to know, then looked at Dominic and said, “What was the first thing about Bronagh that you found yourself attracted to?”

Dominic looked down at Bronagh, and said, “Your eyes. I had never seen eyes so emerald green before. They were, and still are, beautiful. Your ass got my attention, but your eyes held it.”

The women awed, and us men chuckled.

“Are all these questions gonna be about sex or a sexual act?” Alannah then questioned when she entered the room and leaned her arms on the back of the sofa beside Bronagh’s head. “Because sex is overrated.”

Every one of us snapped our attention to Alannah when she spoke. She rolled her eyes at us, and said, “It is; just because you all have good sex lives doesn’t mean everyone else does.”

Meaning her?

Alec grinned. “I know someone who would be more than happy to rectify that problem for you, Lana.”

The dumbass didn’t understand the term ‘subtle’.

“I’m going to get some water,” Damien said and shot up from his position on the sofa, and briskly walked into the kitchen.

Alannah focused on Alec. “I don’t think I need a someone when I have a somethin’.

“Sex toys?” Keela questioned with her eyebrows raised. “You’re full of surprises, Ryan.”

I wasn’t surprise. Alannah was quiet compared to the rest of the girls, but she had a spark in her. I had a feeling that my baby brother knew all about that spark.

“It’s 2016,” she replied to Keela. “Vibrators are perfectly acceptable life partners.”

Bronagh frowned. “We need to get you a boyfriend.”

Alannah laughed. “Trust me, as long as I recharge me double A batteries, I’ll never need a man again.”

“Right now, as a man, I feel cheap,” Dominic teased. “We’re more than sex machines. We have feelings too, you know?”

Alannah rolled her eyes. “Please, in school, ye’ fucked your way through the girls in our year for sport. Their hurt feelin’s never made ye’ feel cheap, but I can guarantee your actions made them feel cheap.”

The conversation took a turn from playful to serious in a split second. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Dominic frowned. “I was a kid—”

“That doesn’t change anythin’,” Alannah angrily cut him off. “Ye’ were old enough to know what ye’ were doin’ was hurtful, but ye’ did it anyway. Ye’ broke hearts and didn’t care about it. Ye’ were so horrible.”

Dominic looked sullen as he said, “I’m not Damien, Alannah. I didn’t do those things to you.”

Alannah blinked her eyes, then darted a scared look over her shoulder to make sure Damien wasn’t in earshot. Her shoulders sagged with relief when she didn’t see him. I looked over my shoulder too, and from my angle, I saw he was leaning against the wall outside the living room. There was no doubt from the expression on his face that he had heard everything she just said.

“I know,” Alannah then mumbled to Dominic, “it’s just hard for me to separate the pair of ye’ sometimes. Ye’ have his face, and when I see it, I hurt all over again.”


“Look, I’m sorry,” she quickly stated. “I had a bad start to me day, and I’m takin’ it out on all of you, and that’s not fair.”

“What happened?” I asked, concerned.

Alannah may not be dating any of my brothers, but she was part of our family, and we all loved her.

“Some arsehole rear ended me and I’ve to fork out a fortune to get me car fixed. It’s the last thing I need. Shit has just been goin’ from bad to worse for me lately. I just can’t catch a break,” she said and shrugged her shoulders.

Bronagh looked crestfallen with Alannah’s announcement.

“Talk to me.” She stood and rounded the chair until she was in front of Alannah. “What’s wrong?”

Alannah looked at Bronagh, then out of nowhere she burst into tears. “Me da,” she cried. “He is havin’ an affair, and me ma has no clue about it.”

“Oh, fuck,” Alec whispered when Bronagh folded her arms around Alannah.

“What am I goin’ to do, Bee?” she sobbed. “If I tell me ma, it’s goin’ to break ‘er heart, and if I don’t, I’ll be the worst daughter for keepin’ it from ‘er.”

Bronagh hugged Alannah tightly.

“Are ye’ sure he is havin’ an affair?” she quizzed. “Maybe you’re mistaken, babe.”

“I’m not,” Alannah sniffled. “I went into town yesterday evenin’ to get some ink cartridges for me printer, and as I was passin’ by a restaurant, somethin’ told me to look through the window. I did, and there he was, sittin’ with a woman half his age at the table near the window where anyone could see them. I think she might be the same age as me! At first, I didn’t even consider anythin’, then he reached out and took ‘er hand in his. One second, they were holdin’ hands, and the next, he leaned over, and they kissed!”

Double fuck,” Alec whispered.

“I didn’t know what do,” she said, her lower lip wobbling. “I was scared he would see me, so I just ran back to me car and drove back to me apartment. I rang me ma to see what she was doin’ and she said she was preparin’ dinner for me da, his favourite because he had been workin’ such long hours lately. She doesn’t know, Bronagh ... How could he do this to ‘er? To our family? I hate ‘im.”

My heart broke for her and for her unknowing mother.

“We’ll figure this out,” Bronagh said, consoling her friend.

I knew Bronagh was saying what she thought was necessary, but I could see from her face that she had no clue how to help Alannah through this, but I knew she’d do everything possible to help her. We all would.

“About your car,” Aideen added, shifting the attention onto her. “I’ll ring me da and have ‘im book your car into his garage. Me brothers love you. Dante thinks you’re, and I quote ‘im, a goddess, so I’m sure he will work on it free of charge.”

Alannah pulled back from Bronagh’s hold and looked at Aideen.

“I’ll pay. I don’t want them to help me with no charge, but if it could be in instalments, that’d be perfect.”

Aideen said, “We’ll work it out. Just don’t worry about it.”

Alannah nodded, but she wore her heart on her sleeve, and I could see worrying was all she would be doing. When I looked at her, the urge to protect her was something fierce.

“Lana.” Branna moved away from me and towards her. “Come with me. I want to talk to ye’.”

They both left the room, leaving us to wait in silence. No one knew what to say, not even Alec tried to filled the void with a joke. Minutes went by, and when Branna returned to the room, she frowned.

“She’s in denial,” she told us. “She thinks she can make ‘er da stop cheatin’ on her ma. She is puttin’ pressure on ‘erself to keep ’er family together.”

Bronagh rubbed her face with her hands. “What are we goin’ to do?”

“All we can do,” Branna replied. “Just be there for ‘er. Tellin’ ‘er what to do will only result in a fight because right now, what she has decided is the only thing that makes sense to ‘er.”

Silence fell upon the room until Damien said, “I have to fix shit with her. I heard what she said to Dominic, and I need to fix it. I hate what I’ve done to her.”

“I understand you better than anyone,” I said, “and my advice is baby steps. You’ve said you’re sorry multiple times, and you give her space whenever she is around, but what you need to do now is let her know you’re here, you’re staying, and that you will earn her trust back.”

“How the fuck am I going to do that?” Damien asked on a groan. “She barely looks at me.”

“I can’t answer that. It’s something you’ll have to figure out for yourself, kid, but it’s obvious you do care for her, so just stick to your guns.”

Damien nodded, then retreated into the company of his own mind so he could think. We spent the next few hours together, and after Keela made us a big feast, we scattered around the house to digest our food. I went upstairs with Kane and Alec to check out some new weights he bought, then went back downstairs to Branna. I had hoped I could entice her to come over to my house for a nap, but when I reached the doorway of the living room and saw her sitting on the couch with my nephew lying on her chest, my heart tightened. I loved how she looked holding a baby, and I imagined her hold a baby of our very own one day.

Branna locked eyes with me for a long moment, then said, “Ado, take ‘im, will ye’?”

Aideen got her and carefully lifted her son, resting him on the growing baby bump of my second nephew, then looked between Branna and myself, and said, “I’ve a feelin’ the drought is about to come to an end, am I right?”

“Yeah, babe,” Branna said as I stood, still staring at me. “There’s about to be a fuckin’ storm.”

“Go get ‘im, Mama.”

I straighten as she approached me, though I tried to appear like my heart wasn’t beating a mile a second. When she reached me, I grabbed her hand, and together we turned and rushed out of the house.

“Don’t break him, Branna!” I heard a voice shout from behind us then someone said, “I still want to be Ryder when I grow up!”

Branna and I laughed until we got into my—no, our house. As soon as the door closed, Branna turned to face me.

“I’m movin’ back in. Tonight.”


“We aren’t usin’ a condom either because I want us to have a baby.”


“From this moment on, bein’ a gentleman is over. When we’re alone, you’re to touch every part of me. Every. Single. Fuckin’. Part.”


“And I want to get married. Soon. We can figure out a date.”


Every time she spoke, she took a step backwards, and every time I replied, I took a step towards her.

“Just okay?” Branna asked. “Ye’ agree with everythin’ I’ve said?”

“Every. Single. Fucking. Word.”

Branna swallowed. “D’ye have anythin’ else to say?”

“Yeah.” I shot forward. “I’m going to make you scream.”

Branna yelped when I picked her up, put her over my shoulder, and beelined up the stairs, taking the steps two at a time. Like the snap of my fingers, we were in our bedroom, and I had her pressed against the bedroom door, pulling her clothes from her body as I dominated her mouth with mine. Branna matched my hunger and kissed me back, hard. Her hands frantically pulled at my shirt, and I heard some of the material rip. I growled against her mouth, grabbed my shirt, and continued what Branna started. I ripped the fabric from my body and blindly tossed it behind me. Branna placed her hands on my bare chest and groaned when she slid them around to my back.


“Now,” she begged against his lips. “No foreplay, just you inside me. Please, Ryder.”

She didn’t have to ask me twice.

“I love you, sweetness.”

Branna hummed. “I know, and I love ye’ too.”

“I just wanted to tell you.”

She licked her lips. “Why?”

“Because I’m going to fuck you like I don’t.”

Branna sucked in a sharp breath when I picked her up and moved her over to our bed. When I laid her down, I rid her of her shoes, socks, jeans, and panties. Her T-shirt was thrown somewhere in the room and so was her bra. I stripped out of my clothes so fast that it made Branna giggle.

“You’re so eager.”

I looked at her. “You have no fucking idea.”

I was starved of being imitate with her for a long time too, and I was beyond ready to bring that to an end and reintroduce myself to every part of her soft, curvy, perfect body. To show her eagerness, she parted her thighs for me as I crawled up her body and hovered over her. Branna groaned when I balanced my weight on my left forearm and used my right hand to grip the base of my throbbing cock and rubbed the head back and forth over her pulsing clit.

“Ryder,” she moaned and slid her hands around my waist and to my back.

“I’m here, sweetness,” I said, my body shaking. “And I’m not going anywhere. Ever.”

“I’m holdin’ ye’ to that.”

I slowly rubbed the head of my cock down her pussy until it kissed her entrance.

“Fuck,” I trembled. “I’m scared, and I don’t know why.”

Branna moved her hands to my face.

“You’re nervous, but don’t be. It’s just us.”

“Just us.”

Branna nodded. “Watch me as ye’ enter me, ye’ll feel better. I promise.”

With my eyes locked on hers, I slowly slid into her tight, wet cunt. My eyes threatened to roll back as I pushed into her body, inch by agonising inch. Branna’s eyes did roll back, her lips parted, her cheeks flushed and bliss contorted her features.

“Beautiful,” I murmured.

I leaned down and pressed my mouth to hers, and she moaned.

“I fit perfectly with you,” I whispered against her lips. “You’re wrapped around me so tight, Bran ... fuck.”

She returned her hands to my back and gently grazed her nails against my skin, causing me to hiss and begin to thrust into her harder. Branna’s moans were music to my ears, but when she moved her hand to her pussy and slowly circled her clit, heat ignited in my balls.

“Yes,” I rasped. “Rub that pretty clit of yours, baby. Show me what you’ve been doing when you didn’t have me.”

Branna hummed, then surprised me when she lifted her essence-coated fingers to my lips. Her eyes were hooded with desire as she watched me lap away the cream before I sucked them into my mouth. When she returned her fingers back to her clit, her body shook.

“Holy fuck!”

I drove into her harder, faster, and a hell of a lot deeper.

“Did you pretend your fingers were my mouth, baby?” I asked, my voice primal. “Did you fuck yourself and wish it was me?”

“Yes!” Branna panted. “Only you.”

Jolts of pleasure flooded my body. “Come on, baby. I’m so close.”

My orgasm slammed into me just as hard as Branna’s did. It consumed me and flowed through my veins, pumping the feeling of ecstasy throughout my body. My spine stiffened, my hips jerked in involuntary motions, and a pleasure so hot and intense spread across my body and soothed me completely. I was vaguely aware as I fell forward, covering Branna’s body with mine. She laughed and moved her hands to my sides and began to tickle me. I twitched and jerked in response and rolled to the side, falling off her, and out of her, in one fluid motion.


Branna hummed. “My thoughts exactly.”

I reached my hand out, and Branna threaded her fingers through mine.

“Can we do that again?” I asked, my breathing laboured. “Right now?”

Branna laughed, again. “After I take a power nap because that orgasm was ... wow.”

“I know how you feel.” I shuddered. “It wasn’t the longest sex we’ve ever had, but damn if it didn’t feel like the best.”

“All that foreplay and teasin’ over the past three months has finally found its release.”

I turned and grabbed her. I pulled her a few inches up the bed until her head rested on a pillow. I covered us with the bedcover and snuggled my body against hers. Every bad thing we had been through over the past couple of years led to this moment, and it was all worth it.

“I love you, sweetness.”

Branna squeezed me. “I love ye’, too.”

Hearing her say those words, but better yet, feeling those words whenever she looked at me or touched me meant everything to me. I had a woman who loved me like I was her whole world, and in my heart, I knew that to her, I was her world. Just like she was mine to me. We had spent our lives looking out for our families and always put ourselves on the back burner, but no more. I would take care of Branna, but in return, she would take care of me too. She was my future, and I was happy to say it had never looked as bright or as beautiful.

She was my happily ever after, and I’d be damned if I didn’t deserve her.




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