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Burn For You (A Rocker Romance): A Sequel to By My Side by Theresa Troutman (14)

Chapter 14

My plane arrived early the next morning in Auckland. I grabbed a taxi to the wharf and set sail on my boat to Mt. Maunganui. I texted Alicia. Dad was in a coma. I had never willed that boat to go faster than I did today, sailing as if I were in the World's Cup race.

When I arrived home, I docked the boat and made my way to the hospital. Alicia was waiting for me at the entrance. She hugged me so tight I felt as if I couldn't breathe. Without a word, she took my hand and lead me inside the hospital to my dad's room.

When my mum laid eyes on me, she began to weep. Rushing toward her, I held her in my arms, while I gazed at my father lying in the hospital bed. He wasn't moving. His eyes were closed and a tube ran down his throat to help him breathe. "Thank God you're here, Hunter," my mum whispered into my chest.

"I'm here. Everything is going to be okay," I tried to reassure her, but I didn't believe it myself.

The doctor on duty walked into the room. "You must be Hunter," he said extending his hand. "I'm Doctor Brody."

"What's my dad's prognosis?" The doctor went into a long complicated explanation that I didn't understand. I stopped him midway. "Look, just tell me if he's going to recover or not."

"It's hard to say. He was alone when he went into cardiac arrest. When your mother found him, he wasn't breathing. The loss of oxygen to the brain can be devastating. I'm hoping the coma will give him time to heal."

"I took him lunch and found him collapsed on the floor," my mum cried out.

"Shh," I said as I placed my arm around her to comfort her.

Dr. Brody approached my dad and looked at his chart. Next, he looked at the monitors that were gauging my dad's vitals. "No change, but don't give up hope. I've seen miracles happen." The doctor gave us a small smile and then left the room.

My mum had dark circles under her eyes and her hair was slightly mussed. "When was the last time you got any sleep?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I've been here the whole time."

"She hasn't eaten either," Alicia added.

"Okay, that's it. We're going out to eat and then I'm taking you home to nap."

"No, someone has to be here if he wakes up," she protested.

"I'll stay," Alicia offered. "I'll call straight away if there is any news."

Smiling at my girl, I kissed her on the forehead, "Thanks, love."

* * *

Mum and I walked to the corner café near the hospital and took a seat in a booth away from the window. I ordered her some soup and tea, while I got a sandwich.

"Oh Hunter, I'm so glad you're here."

"You should have called me straight away," I admonished.

"I wasn't sure where you were and I know how important this opportunity is to you. I don't want to spoil it for you," she explained.

"Mum, none of that stuff matters. You and dad need me. I'm glad Alicia had the good sense to ring me."

"She has been wonderful. I'm so glad you married her. You two are a perfect match," mum smiled.

"So are you and dad. He'll be home soon, and I'll be here he does." My phone, that was top of the table, began to vibrate. It was Alicia.

"Hunter, you need to get back here now," Alicia said on the other end of the line.

"I'll be right there.We have to go back to the hospital." I placed some cash on the table to pay our check.

"I hope it's good news," Mum anxiously said, quickly standing up to leave the café.

* * *

We entered dad's room to a flurry of activity as Dr. Brody and two nurses were trying to resuscitate my father. My mum froze in place, her eyes wide with fear. Alicia stood by my side and took hold of my hand. The horrible sound of a flat line filled the room.

The doctor stopped working and looked at the clock on the wall. Then he announced, "Time of death twelve twenty-two p.m."

My mum gasped as her knees gave out and she began to fall to the floor. Quickly I grabbed onto her waist and steadied her. Alicia rushed to her other side and together we supported her body.

Dr. Brody walked toward us. "I'm so very sorry for your loss."

Tears were streaming down mum's face. I was lost for words. Finally, Alicia said, "Dr. Brody thank you for everything you did. We truly appreciate it."

"Take some time to say your good-byes."

The nurse had removed his breathing tube. Dad looked like he was simply asleep. I walked mum over to his bedside and pulled up a chair for her to sit on. "Do you want some time alone with him?" I asked.

She silently nodded her head.

"Alicia and I will be outside," I said in a soft voice. I took Alicia by the hand and together we left my mum with my dad.

I slumped down in a chair in the waiting room. Alicia sat next to me. "I can't believe this is happening." Alicia was silent. She squeezed my hand for support. "I had made up my mind yesterday to leave the band. I didn't think it would be for this."

"What do you mean?" Alicia asked.

"Dad's business—I've got to take it over. Mum can't do it alone," I explained.

"Is that what you want?"

I thought for a moment and then turned to face Alicia. "Yeah, it feels right. I always assumed one day, a long time from now, I would take over the business." I closed my eyes and willed myself to stay strong.

"For better or worse," Alicia whispered.

I half-heartedly chuckled. "I didn't think the worse would come four months into our marriage."

"We're okay. We're in this together."

"But how can I stay here when your job is back in Auckland?" I asked.

"We'll sort it out. Maybe they'll let me telecommute a few days a week. You let me worry about that. You have a funeral to plan."