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Burn For You (A Rocker Romance): A Sequel to By My Side by Theresa Troutman (2)

Chapter 2

Saturday night we were playing a gig at Mt. Eden Club. Our years of touring were finally getting us pushed further up the bill. Tia Sympathy (our band) now had second billing. Not bad for a bunch of kids who played for fun in university.

It was always a little chaotic before the gig. The clubs were small and everyone was always jockeying for position. Bands loaded and unloaded gear. This wasn't a big time production with a crew of roadies and tour buses. This was local stuff. You loaded your own gear in your car and were responsible for the load out, set up, soundcheck, and break down. Whoever said the life of an artist was glamorous never lived on Chinese take-away and low wages. I played for the fun and camaraderie. I never wanted it to be a profession.

"Alright you punters, settle down," the owner, Sam, announced over the microphone. "Let's give it up for Tia Sympathy!"

We walked onto the stage. I spied Alicia in the front of the crowd, grinning like a fool. She wore a white fitted tee with our band name on it. She enlisted Tia to help her make it. I thought is was mad, but Alicia was so proud. I had to admit, she looked completely fuckable in it. We were definitely going to have some late night fun later on, once we were alone.

The place was hot. I was already sweating before we started our set. The small circular fans were doing little to provide relief. As the lights dimmed, Tia took center stage. A cool blue spotlight illuminated her frame as she began singing a cappella. The crowd whistled their appreciation. After the first few lines, the band began to play.

The high I got playing live was incredible. The energy, spontaneity, sharing something so pure with a group of people all attributed to my addiction. Glancing over at Alicia, I watched as she danced and sang along. Giving her a playful wink, I didn't even take notice of other the girls standing in front of me.

We played our forty-five minute set to an eager crowd. The new original songs we played went over pretty well. Tia was thrilled. It a typical pub situation, punters were more likely to be drinking and talking. They weren't there to see the band play. It was awesome when they paid attention to the music. It made it all worthwhile.

* * *

After our set and break down, Alicia joined us backstage. "You guys were amazing!" she exclaimed.

"Sexy tee shirt," Tia commented giving Alicia a hug.

"Thanks, I'm friends with the designer. She's really talented."

The two women laughed at their inside joke. I came between them. "I say we hit the bar and grab some beers."

"Yes, I want to see the next band," Tia agreed. "Can't do that back here."

"Always looking for a way to better the act. Sometimes you have a one track mind, Tia."

"We can't all be as blissfully married as you are, Hunter."

"We need to find you a man," I countered.

"I don't need a man. I have my music," Tia replied glaring at me.

Alicia cleared her throat to get our attention. "Beer and music this way," she reminded pointed toward the club floor.

"I'm parched. Let's go, love," I said, wrapping my arm around my wife and leading her toward the bar.

"What was that all about?" Alicia inquired over the roar of the crowded. "Was that an argument?"

"I think she just sore because I found the perfect mate."

"Tia doesn't impress me as the jealous type. She's been all for our relationship."

"I think it has more to do with her parents pressuring her to settle down and get married," I confessed.

"And they only want her to marry a Maori."


"I think I'll invite her out for coffee tomorrow. Maybe we can get our nails done."

"A girls day out. That's sweet of you, love," I agreed placing a kiss on her lips. "But don't stay away all day. I love our lazy Sundays in bed."

I looked over my shoulder, but Tia was nowhere in sight. I hoped she wasn't too pissed off at me. Alicia and I had cozied up in a corner, drinking out beer and enjoying the next band.

About fifteen minutes later, Tia grabbed my elbow to get my attention. Her attitude had done a complete one-eighty from earlier. She started pulling me toward the exit. I grabbed Alicia's hand and took her with us.

Standing outside in the parking lot, Tia bounced with excitement. The words spilled out of her mouth so quickly, I barely caught the gist of what she was trying to tell me. "Hank Butler approached me in the club, asking me for a demo tape."


Rolling her eyes, she let out a huge huff. "Seriously? Hank Butler is the head of PR at Aotearoa Records."


"He loved our set. He took the demo and gave me his card. He wants a meeting with the band. This is our shot! We could be signed, Hunter," she triumphantly announced.

"Wow! That's great news, Tia," Alicia exclaimed, caught up in Tia's enthusiasm.

"He wants a meeting?" I asked.
