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Carnal Beginnings: A dark romantic suspense (Carnal Series Book 1) by Reily Garrett (25)



“Hey, sweetheart, we’re home. Sit still, I’ll carry you inside.”

Adara’s hazy memory of Julien carrying her to the car promoted the contentment of being wrapped in a warm, fuzzy blanket. After waking up in Julien’s arms at the club, they’d spent an hour talking, first about her reaction, then about inane tidbits of trivia that came to mind. Though she’d been the one to panic, he was the one to apologize.

“Hmmm.” The sultry evening breeze swept the bangs from her face as he strode into the kitchen. The garage door closed with a small cha-chink as it locked. Nika’s cold nose brushed her ankle in greeting.

Warm and still feeling foggy, she snuggled in his arms. Every step he took sent shivers circling outward from where the plug nestled. Awareness of the fullness coupled with the floaty feeling from Julien’s forced breathing adventure made her body a jumble of emotions. Desperation for fulfillment consumed her, again. The fact she could consider sex confirmed her inner strength returning.

As she ran her fingers along his chest and up the back of his neck, his heated look made her smile. Without conscious thought, her body responded to the unspoken urgency in his eyes, and she squirmed in his embrace.

“How are you feeling, Adara?” Only when he laid her out on the massive bed did she realize it wasn’t her room. Both the headboard and footboard contained intricate iron scrollwork, a larger version of her own bed. Her passion-fogged mind registered rich, deep colors, leather, and low lighting when she glanced around the room. He opened the French doors to a balcony, admitting the soft sound of the surf along with the salty breeze.

“Umm, fine.”

“Adara. Describe fine.” That voice. The one that compelled her to tell all.

“Um, actually, I was hoping…”

“I’m listening.”

“I was hoping we could have sex. I need you, Julien.” Her voice rose just above the crash and slide of relentless waves on the beach.

“Good girl, but you’ve had a rough night. I’m not certain you’re ready—”

“I am...don’t you see? I’ve faced the worst of my fears and what happened? You held and soothed, then explained how some women want those things. I—I don’t—”

“I’m glad you understand the power you wield.”

“I do. At least with you. That’s why I feel so secure. Don’t you realize? Every girl dreams of a man to protect and cherish her, support, and encourage, all the things you’ve done. You’ve shown me a world, albeit with a few kinks, but a world where I can thrive. I want you.”

“Tell me what’s off-limits. Also, in the bedroom, you’ll address me as sir.”

“No limits.” Adding, “sir,” at his scowl. Her heart hammered in her chest. With her next heartbeat, his entire demeanor changed, more imposing, forceful, and omnipotent. Instead of fear, a calm assurance stole over her with his approach.


* * * *


The thought of sinking deep inside Adara sent Julien’s pulse into overdrive. Button by button, he opened her shirt to expose and nibble along every inch of her soft skin. She tasted so sweet, his memory never as good as the real thing.

A small shudder rippled through her body as his warm breath caressed the sensitive flesh of her neck. The sweet scent of her shampoo brought a surge of blood flow southbound.

Everything else faded away when he let his hands drift down her flanks. She lifted her hips for him to remove the short skirt. After turning her on her side to face him, he lay down beside her, wanting to see her need for him, to see the myriad of expressions cross her face as he played her body like a finely tuned instrument.

With erect nipples begging for his attention through the scant lacy bra, he pulled the fabric below her breast to taste her soft bud. Her gasp echoed in the silence while his tongue circled the peak before his mouth suckled. She groaned and arched into him.

“How did you like wearing the plug tonight?”

“I like the full feeling, and when I walk or move, it reminds me it’s there. Makes me ache inside, but in a good way.”

He traced his fingers along her ribcage, then down her flank to cup her ass and pull her closer against his engorged shaft straining under his jeans. It felt so right, such a long time in coming. She arched her back when he pressed his palm over the plug, the look of ecstasy on her face almost his undoing.

“Sweetheart, if I don’t have you soon, I’m going to explode.”

“Please, sir. Now. I want you.”

“Easy, sweetheart, anticipation makes it sweeter. On your hands and knees, Adara.”

A little help guided her into position before urging her knees apart. “Wider, sweetheart.” The sight of her ready and waiting for him was almost painful as he left the bed to discard his clothes.

“I’ve never seen a more beautiful sight.” Thoughts of all the things he’d do to her clouded his brain. For a moment, all he could do was look at the creamy skin of her hips.

His fingers gliding over the near-perfect smoothness of her ass made his shaft ache. Even the thin white scars couldn’t mar the perfection.

She trembled under his touch.

Kneeling behind her and leaning forward let him cocoon her in his presence before circling his arm around her waist and smoothing his hand down her belly. Her muscles bunched under his exploration, until he eased over the soft curls when hips tilting forward and a shudder passing through her body defined her need.

The finger he inserted in her sheath met an unrivaled heat as her core’s response flowed around him. Several gentle thrusts and she moaned. He inserted another and curled them to feel for the familiar rough patch.

Adara rode one hand while his other pulled at, then turned the plug. Her hips rotated back and forth, the sobs and pleading only making his hunger burn hotter. The fine sheen of moisture covering her body added a surreal moment to the scene while the muscles in her hips clenched tight on a low moan.

Her sexual appetite amazed him. He’d only started and her body prepared for release with her legs and stomach tightening in waves. Images of how he could drag out her pleasure with the most exquisite sensual torture flitted through his brain. He would take a lifetime pleasuring her.

For an instant, he stopped, and her cry of frustration echoed in the still night. The shudder that ranged over her frame as he lightly nipped her back reverberated in his own body. Again, she cried out as her hand struck the mattress. “Julien, please!” Her body twisted and bucked, looking for release.

He pulled away and waited for clarity to assert itself, glad she couldn’t see his smile.

“What…Oh. Sir! Please, sir, continue.”

Once more, he started the double assault. Each time her body jerked in his hand, his own need thrust against her hip with increasing urgency. When he felt her gathering for the oncoming storm, he pulled the plug out. All his senses noted details of her passion, the scent of sex, the tension around his fingers inserted in her sheath, and the ripples of her body bucking for more. She threw her head back. The scream echoed in his mind, the sight of her bunching the bedspread in her grasp while her entire body strained against the invisible animalistic torture, a delight he’d savor forever.

He’d never witnessed such an incredible response. She shivered violently before collapsing. While she caught her breath, he reached over to the drawer of his nightstand and snatched up a condom. The damned thing seemed to shrink as he rolled it over his throbbing length.

Without giving her a moment to regroup. “On your back, Adara. I want to see your face when your next orgasm takes you. Look at me. Don’t look away from my eyes.”


“Oh, yeah, sweetheart. Again. And then some more. I’ll never get my fill of you.” Unable to wait any longer, he helped her roll over.

With a glazed look, she briefly cupped his cheek in her palm.

With his knee, he spread her thighs open. Still, his body’s urgent demand wouldn’t take precedence over his capacity for gentleness. He bent her knees before settling between her legs. A light preliminary touch, a gentle kiss, his bestial instincts roared for completion and drove him to the point of madness.

With one smooth thrust, he plunged into her depth, stretching her until she gasped. Her fingers seized the bedcovers, twisting, churning.

“Ahh, you’re too big. It won’t fit.”

With the arching of her back came the return of his sanity. “Easy, sweetheart, wait a sec. You’ll stretch to take all of me.” He lowered his chest to pillow her breasts, brushing back and forth until she moaned. So sweet, her heat squeezed his shaft with a reinforced grip. He took several deep breaths to calm the tempest overtaking him. Compassion overcame the need to slam deep inside with all his strength.

His fingers dug into her hips, holding her impaled until her body adjusted to his invasion. With infinite patience, he withdrew, dragging the head of his shaft against her most sensitive nerve bundle before smoothly thrusting back in.

A slow withdraw helped him regain his center and focus on Adara while a deep breath and readjusting his position allowed deeper penetration. With one hand first on her hip to hold her in place, he readjusted to circle her clit with the pad of his thumb. The grip of her legs tightening around his waist…feral instincts asking for more.

“Oh please, sir, again.”

“Mine,” he growled.

“Yes, yours. Always yours.”

With infinite patience, he sheathed himself to the hilt, then took another deep breath to slow his body’s response to the inconceivable heat. He’d never been inside an inferno. Circular motions and thrusting up with her hips let him know her body needed more.

 Her crystal-clear gaze seared a path to his soul, restructuring, changing him in ways he couldn’t fathom. Breaths mingled, a sharing of soul and spirit. When he surged deeper into her body, her widened eyes rolled upward on a gasp.

“Eyes on me, Adara.”

She moaned when he pulled out.

Her fragile look of hope and desire told him all he needed to know. With silent language as old as time, he let her know he saw to the depths of her soul, the terrors she hid from the world as well as the dreams yet to come. He welcomed them all, would hold and nurture her back to the fullness of life. All the while, he’d introduce her to pleasures she’d never imagined.

Inch by excruciating inch he filled her, watching her face, the look of wonder reflected in her eyes. Unshed tears, excitement, hope, but mostly he saw—love. The last proved his undoing. Steady thrusts pushed her farther up the bed, still he didn’t ease his pace or momentum. Her cries of pleasure drove him faster, harder, with all the force his thighs could deliver.

He felt her stomach muscles bunching again, her breath coming in short pants—she was on the precipice.

“Now, Adara, come for me.”

A light clap on her ass punctuated her screaming his name. He wanted to hold out longer, ease back, and bring her to the brink again as she flew to heaven, but her tight body pulsing around his cock proved more than he could handle. Her spasms milked him, sucked him in deeper, squeezing until he felt his balls tighten in painful spasm. His arms shook with the effort of his restraint. There was no more waiting. With a final thrust, he seated himself, his shaft hitting her womb, his body surging, pushing her forward. Her name, hoarse on his lips as his hot seed jettisoned from his body.

She didn’t grumble when he collapsed on top of her, instead, pulled him tight so that his weight pressed her into the mattress. Minutes later, he withdrew to move to her side and gather her in his arms. Her warm breath on his neck did nothing to slow his heart rate. Easing the condom off and knotting it, he dropped it on the floor by the bed.

Afterward, she lay in his arms like a contented feline, snuggled close.

“You okay, sweetheart?” It would’ve been nice to be gentler with her. Deep inside he was afraid he’d hurt her, yet her body commanded him as surely as his voice commanded her.

“I’m fine.” With light teasing strokes, she traced circular patterns on his chest.

“How do you feel?”

“To be honest, I didn’t think it was going to fit. Actually, I think I felt the tip of you in the back of my throat…”

Not for a very long time to come, babe. Her giggle skittered up his spine, curling in his chest to nestle securely around his heart. Nothing had ever felt so right.

“One size fits all, sweetheart. One size fits all.”

“Can I stay here? In your arms? All night?”

“That’s why you’re here, Adara. We need to discuss what spooked you at the club.” They had talked briefly, but reinforcing that conversation when she felt safe and secure might let her process more.

Silence met him.

“Adara?” He knew the voice would elicit an answer.

“Um, seeing all those whips. You’ve seen the scars on my body. Some of those whips looked like the ones my uncle used. I don’t ever want to be beaten like that again.”

“And so you won’t.”

“Do you ever use them on women?”

He wanted more time before delving into that aspect of the BDSM world yet had to be honest. “Adara, what your uncle did, repeatedly…consisted of abuse, not consensual. There’s a big difference. I’ve never left scars on a woman and I’ve never indulged in impact play without first having detailed discussions and consent.”

She sucked in a breath and stilled.

“Adara, BDSM isn’t about hitting. Impact play done on a lower scale can be very arousing. For instance, how did you feel when I smacked your ass tonight?”

After a pause she said, “I think it made me come. Does that make me a masochist?”

“Heavens no. A masochist loves the pain, needs the pain. You don’t.”

“But…if I’d known you were going to do that, it might have freaked me out.”

“Sounds like a need for desensitization.”

“If I say yes, does that mean you’re gonna beat me?”

“I am never going to beat you, Adara. If I spank you, even if I discipline you, it won’t be in the same context as what you’ve experienced. Tomorrow’s Saturday—we’ll go back to the club so you can talk to some subs and see what you think. Get their take. Okay?”


“Submissives. People, who give up control—well, for many reasons, but one in particular—to relax. It takes a strong person to do that. You have to have complete confidence in your partner and know he’ll have your best interests at heart. It frees you from responsibilities. Most people not in the scene fixate on the physical aspect, the sex, bondage, etc. However, the mental aspect is a major part. It’s not about giving up who and what you are, dreams and ambitions. The point is not to turn you into a mindless robot or a sex slave.”

“Is that what you want from me? To be your sub?”

“It’s something I’d like to explore with you. We’ll talk more tomorrow. It’s late now, you need sleep.”

It was much later when her breathing slowed and evened out into slumber. He held her cuddled on his shoulder, her hand resting over his heart. She still didn’t realize she held all the power. She even held his heart. Along their road together, she had become a necessary part of his life.