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Chasing Secrets (Forevermore Book 3) by Anna James (18)





Chapter Eighteen


Fixed both of your distillation stills. Hopefully, Maddie would stop worrying now and get some rest. I’m heading back to Leone Estates now. Wyatt sent the text, shoved his cell back into his pocket and turned to Steve Hufnagel, Maddie’s operations manager. “You’re all set.”

Steve nodded and mumbled something under his breath Wyatt couldn’t make out. He could only imagine what the older man must be thinking. A Leone on Scott Hill property was bad enough, but one tinkering with George’s winemaking equipment… George wouldn’t be pleased. Wyatt almost laughed out loud at the understatement.

Too damned bad. Steve and everyone else would have to get used to it. The Leones and Scott-Smiths were forevermore tied together, and no one could change that no matter how much grumbling they did.

Steve stalked away and Wyatt headed down the hall toward the exit. He needed to pick up some acetaminophen in town before returning home. More diapers, too, since the ones Maddie had purchased this morning were still in his truck, which was at the repair shop now.

He heard arguing as he passed an open door on the left.

“How much longer do we have to wait?” a male voice asked.

Wyatt stopped in midstride. He recognized the voice but couldn’t place it.

“Not much longer. I promise. Just a couple of months and we’ll have everything we want.”

Bryce. But who was the other man and what did he and Bryce want?

“What if I can’t convince Leone to sell?”

Wyatt gritted his teeth. Sam Hodges. And he was working with Bryce. Son of a bitch. He turned and walked back to the open door, freezing at the entrance. His eyes bugged out as Bryce leaned in and kissed Sam. On the friggin’ lips. Holy fucking shit. I ran into him and his boyfriend, Maddie had told him. Was Sam the man she’d seen Bryce with? She hadn’t mentioned Sam’s name. Then again she might not know him. Quest was only interested in obtaining Leone Estates and Meadowbrook. He hadn’t heard any talk of them wanting Scott Hill.

Bryce grinned and pulled Sam into his arms. “Leone will sell.” He kissed Sam again, slow and intimate, leaving no doubt the two were lovers. “I’ll make sure of it.”

How far would Sam and Bryce go to get what they wanted? Did it include running Wyatt’s truck off the road? Bryce had known the details of what happened, yet no one had told him.

Wyatt needed to contact the police. He was convinced, now more than ever, that Bryce had something to do with Maddie’s accident.


“Come on, slugger.” The sun sank low in the sky as Wyatt lifted Jacob from his car seat, and shut the back passenger door of his father’s Range Rover. His to borrow until he could replace his truck. He stooped, tugged a grape from the vine, and held the plump, juicy fruit for Jacob to see. “We use these grapes to make our Merlot.” Jacob’s eyes widened. “And we’ll also use some of them in our new red blend.”

Wyatt peered around. All the trellises had been repaired, and Chip and his crew had salvaged most of the vines the wild animals had trampled. “But, we still need a name.” He hadn’t come up with one, and taste trials loomed on the horizon.

Jacob chortled, grabbed the purple sphere, and tried to set it in his mouth. Wyatt chuckled and plucked it away. “You’re not ready for that yet, but you will be soon.” It wouldn’t be long before Jacob would run through the vineyard as Wyatt had done as a child. In a few years Wyatt could start teaching him how to care for the vines and the soil as Nana, Grandpa and his father did with him. He smiled, marveling at the idea. A few short days ago, he’d never have dreamed the concept possible. What a difference a week made in the grand scheme of life.

Wyatt bit the fruit. “And these aren’t quite ripe enough either. Another month, maybe a little longer.”

The sound of an engine rumbled behind him. Wyatt turned. An old red pickup pulled up next to the Range Rover. Chip hopped out and ambled over.

“Didn’t expect to see you here, Wyatt.”

He gestured to the rows of grapevines with his free hand. “I haven’t had a chance to get out here since the wild animal incident last week. Figured I’d make sure the repairs to the vine trellises were completed and show Jacob around at the same time.”

“Great minds think alike.” Chip shoved his hands into his pockets and eyed Jacob curiously. “That your boy?”

Wyatt nodded. “Forgot you haven’t met him yet.”

“Cute kid. Looks like you.”

Thank God. If he didn’t, he might never have acknowledged the truth, and Jacob would have grown up without a father. Wyatt shuddered. He couldn’t fathom the possibility. Wyatt had always looked up to his dad and he hoped Jacob would do the same one day. “Right down to his chubby toes, but he’s got Maddie’s smile.”

Chip’s gaze lingered on Jacob a moment longer, and then he turned his attention to Wyatt. “Looks like you’ve got this covered. I’m heading home now. See you tomorrow.”

Chip strode away. Something seemed off about him, but Wyatt couldn’t put a finger on what.


Maddie ambled downstairs. She found Wyatt stretched out on the floor next to Jacob who sat on one of his play mats with toys scattered around him. Bella ran circles around them. She gasped at the sight. “When did Jacob start sitting up on his own?” She’d missed a lot since the accident, spending the last four days in bed resting, at Wyatt’s insistence. And rest she did, because Wyatt had taken care of everything for her. The laundry, caring for Jacob, making meals—she’d been damned impressed with his culinary skills, and his stuffed eggplant parmesan…good grief, she’d gained five pounds just looking at all the sausage, ham and gooey mozzarella cheese. Her mouth watered just thinking about it. Maddie hadn’t lifted a finger since they arrived home, except to feed Jacob.

Home… Yes, sometime over the past week she’d come to think of the Leones’ guesthouse as her home. It wasn’t the dwelling as much as it was having Wyatt here with her and Jacob. And Bella, her self-appointed guardian. She watched over Maddie as much as Wyatt did. As if on cue, Bella trotted over to her, barked, and wagged her tail. Maddie smiled. She could get used to this if she let herself.

Wyatt rolled on to his back and flashed one of his grins that made her go weak in the knees. Oh yes, having him around wouldn’t be a hardship by any stretch of the imagination.

“What are you doing up? You should be—”

“I slept most of the day.”

“That’s because you needed the rest. You’re still recuperating.”

Maddie scooped up Bella and joined Wyatt and Jacob. She sat cross-legged on the floor and placed the dog in her lap. Bella squirmed and kissed her face. “I’m all rested out. It’s time for me to rejoin the world.”

He sat up and watched her. The care and concern etched in his glittering gaze warmed her heart.

“Your eyes look clear. How’s the head?”

“The constant pounding is gone. I have a dull ache every once in a while, but acetaminophen makes it disappear.”

He brushed a stray strand of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. “And the dizziness?”

“All better. The room has stopped spinning every time I move.” Thank God.

“Hungry? You missed breakfast and lunch while you slept.”

She nodded. “Enough to eat a horse.”

“I don’t have any stallions on hand, but I’m sure I can rustle up something tasty.”

Maddie laughed and mock punched him in the arm. “Relax. I can get leftovers from the fridge myself. You’ve been waiting on me hand and foot over the last few days. Consider yourself off duty.”

“What if I don’t want to be released from my self-appointed task?” He dropped a quick kiss on her lips. “Indulge me. I like taking care of you.”

“Y—you do?”

“Yep.” Wyatt made his way to the kitchen, and Bella scampered off after him.

Maddie stared at his retreating form, her mind reeling. He enjoyed tending to her? She couldn’t wrap her head around the idea. It was so unlike the Wyatt who’d wanted only sex and fun. The man who had left her in the middle of the night. The no-serious-relationship-for-me guy she’d known two years ago.

“How about some homemade chicken and rice soup and a ribeye steak panini with red peppers, tomato-basil sauce, and provolone cheese?”

“Oh my God, that sounds awesome, but I can’t eat both.” She patted her stomach. She still had at least ten pounds of baby fat to lose to get her shape back. “You keep cooking the way you have this week, and I’ll need to live on the treadmill for the next month!”

“You’re perfect the way you are.”

Oh my. Yes, she could get used to having him around all right. Maddie lifted Jacob into her arms and cuddled him. “Your daddy’s a pretty great guy,” she whispered, then lifted his shirt and blew a zerberts on his belly. His sweet, squeaky laugh was music to her ears.

Wyatt returned, and placed the sandwich at her side, then dropped to the floor with one of his own.

Maddie sat Jacob on the toy mat, amazed he remained upright without teetering over. She set out plastic blocks and rings in front of him, and he clutched one in his hand. “So when did this happen? He still couldn’t sit for more than a few seconds a few days ago.”

“Don’t worry. You didn’t miss anything. This is the first time he’s done it.” He winked at Jacob. “It’s our surprise for you.”

“You’ve been working with him?”

Wyatt snorted. “I wouldn’t call it work. He got bored sitting in his Superseat all the time. And we ran out of stories to read. That reminds me, I ordered a bunch of baby books on Amazon. They should be here tomorrow.”

“You read to Jacob?”

“Don’t look so shocked. Good Night Moon and On The Day You Were Born are his favorites, by the way.”

Wyatt Leone was one wonderful surprise after another. Chef, housekeeper, and daddy extraordinaire. Who’d have believed it? Not her, if she hadn’t witnessed the feat with her own two eyes. Don’t forget extraordinary lover too. Everything inside started to tingle. Oh my, oh my. Yes, it was definitely time to get back to the land of the living. Turning her attention to Wyatt she asked, “Have you heard back from the repair shop yet?”

He nodded. “The insurance company totaled my truck.”

Her shoulders sank. Shit, shit, shit. “I’m so sorry. I’ll pay for a new one.” It was the least she could do.

“No, you will not. My policy allows for a replacement vehicle.”


“No buts. It was an accident, Maddie. I’m just glad you’re okay. When I think about what might have happened.” A shudder ran through him. “I can’t—” He pulled her close and kissed her with such tenderness it made her want to weep.

Maddie eased away. She was falling hard for this sweet, adorable, loveable, perfect man, and it scared the crap out of her. Could she risk everything and give him her heart?

He’d cared for her, and stood by her side. Defended her when Gramps was at his worst. Comforted her when she’d needed him most. Invited her into his home, and she had no doubt he loved Jacob.

So what was her problem? Her stomach lurched. She was afraid. He’d split her heart in two when he ended things the last time. Sure, Wyatt seemed different this time around, and she wanted to believe he’d changed. But, and this was a big one, Maddie wasn’t sure she’d survive the fallout if he did it again. No. She wasn’t going to think about it now.

“I’m okay, Wyatt. You don’t have to worry about what might have happened, because it didn’t.”


He didn’t let her go. Maddie snuggled into the crook of his arm and fell a little more in lust with him. No. What she was feeling went deeper than sex and desire, although they were a part of it too. It couldn’t be love. No way, no how. Maddie didn’t want to fall in love with anyone. She didn’t want to end up alone if it didn’t work out. Just be happy. Live in the moment and don’t worry about the future.

Her cell buzzed. She reached into her sweat pants pocket and pulled out the phone. “It’s the police.”

Wyatt arched a brow. “I hope they’re calling to tell us Bryce is behind bars.”

“You really think he’s responsible?”

“Hell, yes.”

“I’m not so sure. I know what you heard the other day when you were over at Scott Hill, but how would running you off the road, assuming you were the target, insure you’d sell Leone Estates? How would either Bryce or Sam have known you were going to be on the road at that moment?”

“We won’t know until you answer.”

“Right.” Maddie connected the call. “Hello.”

“Hello, Ms. Scott-Smith. This is officer Cowell. Detective Russo asked me to give you a call.”

“Have you found the person who tried to run me off the road?” She punched the speaker button so Wyatt could hear.

“Not yet, but we do have a lead. We found an abandoned car in the next town over that fits the description you gave us, and sustained the type of damage in keeping with the dents found on Mr. Leone’s truck. The plates were removed, but we traced the owner from the vehicle identification number.”

“Who owns the car?”

“It’s registered to Zoe Richardson.”

“Zoe?” Maddie squeaked.

Wyatt arched a brow, surprise flickering in his gaze.

“Yes. Ms. Richardson reported the car stolen shortly after your accident.”

“You think Zoe ran me off the road?” No. It couldn’t be true.

“We’re still investigating, but it’s probable her car was the vehicle that hit you. We’re checking to see if the paint found on Ms. Richardson’s Acura matches Mr. Leone’s truck.”

Maddie shook her head. Maybe she was still suffering from the after-effects of the concussion, because she was totally confused. “I don’t understand. Zoe arrived at the scene after the crash. Wouldn’t one of the policemen have seen the damage to her car at that time?”

“The officer who took her statement and yours reported she had a different car.”

It still didn’t make sense to her. “Are you saying Zoe ran me off the road in her Acura, switched cars and came back, called the police, then reported the first car as stolen later in the day?” That scenario sounded crazy to her.

“We’re not sure how the events unfolded, but as I mentioned it’s likely her car was the vehicle that hit you. I’ll be in touch when we have more information.”

“Okay, thank you.” Maddie ended the call. She held up a hand when Wyatt made to speak. “I know what you’re going to say, but Zoe’s not involved in this.”

Wyatt’s hands clenched by his side. “You’re going to have to accept the possibility. You heard what Officer Cowell said.”

“You don’t understand.” She grasped his fist, and pressed her lips to his knuckles. He relaxed his hand and she laced her fingers through his. “She can’t be the person who hit me because I saw her shortly before the accident happened. She was walking into the market as I came out.”

“Still, she could have followed you.”

“Then change cars and get back in time to call the police and EMTs? I can’t buy that. There wasn’t enough time.”

“Bryce could have driven the car.”

Maddie sighed. “I suppose, but my gut is telling me otherwise. The police didn’t even mention Sam or Bryce. I really don’t think they’re involved in this. It’s much more likely that some kids stole Zoe’s car and took it for a joy ride, then abandoned it after they hit me. She probably didn’t realize it was missing until after she came home from the hospital.”

“I guess we’ll have to wait and see what the police come up with.”

A loud knock sounded at the front entrance. Before Maddie could rise to answer it, the door flew open and Margret Miller stepped in looking pale as a ghost.

Wyatt jumped up and hurried over. “What is it, Mom?”

“The outbuilding out on the north rim is on fire.”




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