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Chasing Secrets (Forevermore Book 3) by Anna James (7)





Chapter Seven


Maddie poked her head in beside Wyatt as he secured the base of the car seat to the bench in the rear of his pickup truck. The late-morning sun blazed high in a cloudless sky as they stood on the driveway outside her home.

Her stomach pitched and rolled as she waited. Maybe they could hold off sharing the news with Gramps for a little longer? Wyatt had indicated he’d wait. No. It wasn’t fair. Jacob needed a father, and Wyatt wanted to be there for his son. How could he if she didn’t tell people the truth?

He turned to her, an apprehensive expression on his handsome face. “Did I install it right? I want to make sure Jacob is safe.”

The care and concern radiating in his gaze warmed her insides. He’d taken his parenting responsibilities to heart from the moment he’d accepted Jacob as his. As he should. No need to get all mushy. She scrutinized the base, and reached in and gave it a tug. “It’s good.”

Lifting the carrier, he clicked Jacob into place. “I’ll buy another of these later today to keep in the truck, and we’ll have one for each vehicle.”

“Okay.” He turned and scooped her up into his arms. “You don’t have to carry me. I can hobble to the front seat from here. It’s only a couple of steps.”

“This is easier.”

For who? Not her. Her insides tingled, and the heady scent of him, dear Lord, she wanted to drag his head down to her and kiss him until they couldn’t breathe. No, no, no. She crossed her hands over her chest and gave him the sternest expression she could muster. “I made my way downstairs, and out to the car on my own.”

“Yes, and it cost you. You grimaced every step of the way.”

Damn. He was too observant for his own good.

“You might do more damage if you’re not careful.”

The heat from his warm body surrounded her, enveloped her. Shivers danced along her nerve endings, and she sank into the solid strength of him. Stop it right now. “Well, you can’t keep carrying me everywhere.” She’d never survive the sensation overload.

Wyatt let out a deep belly laugh, and she smiled to herself. God, she loved the joyous, carefree sound. It made her happy.

“Sure I can. It’s no sweat off my back. You’re as light as a feather.” He placed her on the bench, grabbed the belt and buckled her in. Closing her door, he strode to the driver’s side and slid behind the wheel. “Here we go.” He pushed the ignition.

Maddie stiffened. Shit. She couldn’t do this. Gramps hated Wyatt. When he learned the truth… Bile rose in her throat.

Wyatt laid a hand on her thigh and gave it a light squeeze. “It’ll be okay.”

Maddie nodded, swallowed hard. I hope you’re right.

They arrived at the hospital twenty minutes later. The stench of sickness lingered in the air and made it hard to breathe. She stopped outside Gramps’s room. “Wait here. I want to speak with him by myself.

“You don’t have to do this alone.”

Maybe not, but it was better this way. If Wyatt walked in before she had a chance to explain… She couldn’t fathom how Gramps would react. Maddie laid a hand on his arm. “Please. Let me speak with him first.”

“Okay, but I’ll be right here if you need me.”

“Thank you.” Maddie opened the door, stepped in, and pulled it closed. Gramps’s body lay motionless in the bed, the rise and fall of his chest his only indication of life. Her heart twisted. The big, strong, vital man she’d always loved had been reduced to a thin, frail ghost of his former self.

“Oh.” Moisture gathered in the corners of her eyes. She lifted a hand to cover her trembling lips. Hobbling to the edge of the bed, she brushed the white, wispy hair from his pale face. His lashes fluttered, and he opened his eyes.

Maddie pinned a smile on her face. “Hi, Gramps. How are you feeling today?”

He peered up at her, his gaze bright. “Better. How about you?”

“I’m fine. Are you up for a little chat?”

His eyes narrowed. “Is there a problem at my vineyard?”

She shook her head. Why did he always assume the worst? Did he have any faith in her? “No, this is about Jacob.”

He nodded. “No worries. I’ve already spoken with him.”

He talked to Jacob? “But you haven’t seen him yet. We only just arrived and—”

“Sure I have.”

Maddie bit her bottom lip. Dear Lord, was he hallucinating again? Did Gramps imagine her father had been here?

“He came to check up on me this morning.”

She let out a sigh of relief. A new orderly or nurse must have been assigned to Gramps. She glanced at the white board, and skimmed the list of his caregivers. No Jacob. Maybe the floor staff had forgotten to update it? “No, I wanted to talk to you about my son.”

George froze. “What about him? Is something wrong?”

“He’s fine.”

His body relaxed against the pillows. “Where is he? You always bring him to see me when you visit.”

“He’s out in the hall.” Maddie shoved her trembling hand in her pocket. “With his father.”

Gramps grinned. “Bryce is here?”

Oh crap. He didn’t remember their conversation. “No, no. Remember? We talked about this. Bryce isn’t—”

“Bring my great-grandson in here, son,” he bellowed.

Oh, dear God. “No!”


Wyatt paced back and forth in the hall like a trapped tiger ready to pounce the moment someone opened his cage. He should have gone in there with Maddie. The old man…

George wouldn’t take the news well given how he felt about Wyatt. He’d snap him in two given half a chance. Hell, Wyatt might do the same if their positions were reversed, and he deserved whatever recriminations Maddie’s grandfather might toss at him for getting Maddie pregnant and abandoning her.

Not anymore. Wyatt would do right by his son. As for Maddie…

“I want to see Jacob,” George shouted.

“It’s show time, slugger.” Wyatt sucked in a deep breath, opened the door and stepped in. “Hello, George.”

George’s eyes widened, and his face flushed crimson. “Get. The hell. Outta here, Leone!”

“Gramps—” A pale-faced Maddie placed a hand on George’s arm. He swatted it away.

“This—” Spittle formed on George’s drawn lips. He wiped it and glowered at Wyatt. “This rat is Jacob’s father?”

Son of a bitch. Wyatt straightened and held his head high.

“Mutant,” George spat.

He stiffened. Opened his mouth ready to fire back an equally offensive comment, then snapped it closed. He wouldn’t let the old man get to him. “I understand you’re upset, George.” Wyatt moved closer.

“You stay the hell away from me.”

Jacob wailed. “Stop it right now. Both of you.” Maddie pressed unsteady fingers to her temples. “You’re upsetting the baby.”

Gramps glared at her. “Is he Jacob’s father?”

Maddie nodded. “Yes.”

“How could you?” Outrage spiked each staccato word George spoke. “This man killed your mother and father.”

“No, George.” Wyatt held his stomach, almost doubling over from the verbal blow.

“Wyatt didn’t cause the explosion, Gramps.”

She slumped into the leather chair by George’s bedside, gripping the antique gold pendant around her neck. Her mother’s necklace. Wyatt would know it anywhere. It was Maddie’s most prized possession. She wore it always. Close to her heart.

“He had nothing to do with the fire. It was an accident.”

“No, it wasn’t.” George clutched at his chest. He coughed and hissed. “He’s my enemy.”

Enemy? Wyatt shuddered. This was much worse than he’d envisioned.

“How could you betray me by consorting with…the likes of him?”

“It wasn’t like that. Please, Gramps. Wyatt and I—”

“Is everything okay?” A male orderly stepped into the room.

“Get out of here,” George roared. “I don’t need a doctor.”

The man pointed to his nametag and ambled over to the side of the bed. “I’m not a doctor. I’m your new nurse. My name is Jack. It’s nice to meet you, George.”

“Jack, not Jake,” Maddie mumbled. “I’m Maddie Scott-Smith, George’s granddaughter.” She rose and extended her hand to him. “Didn’t you meet my grandfather this morning?”

Jack shook his head. “My shift just started.” He lifted Gramps’s wrist and checked his pulse.

George tried to yank his arm away from Jack’s hand. “I said, I’m fine. Now leave me alone.”

Jack nodded, a calm expression on his face. “I will in a minute.” He leaned over and pressed some buttons on one of the monitors. “I’ve given you a sedative to help calm you.” He turned to Maddie, concern etched in his gaze. “Don’t stay too much longer.” He strode to the door.

“Get out. All of you.” He shoved Maddie away.

Maddie staggered back. “Grandpa.”

Holy hell. Enough was enough. Wyatt rushed to her side, wrapping an arm around her waist to steady her. “Don’t ever do that again. I won’t let you hurt her.”

“Shut up, Leone.” George’s cold, malevolent stare bore down on Maddie. “I want you and your bastard son out of my house today. I never want to see you again.”

Maddie gasped. “No, Gramps. Please.”

“You’re dead to me.” He turned away.

“No!” Her knees buckled.

Son of a bitch. Wyatt tightened his hold on her and pulled her against him.

“Please, please, don’t do this. Don’t cut us out of your life.”

“Get out. I want nothing to do with you anymore.”

Maddie stepped out of Wyatt’s embrace, squared her shoulders, and held her head high. “Fine. Let’s go, Wyatt.” She turned on her heel and marched from the room.

Holy fuckin’ shit. What kind of a man kicked his only family to the curb?

He’d never understood the depth of hatred the old man held for him until now. No wonder Maddie had wanted to keep their affair secret. How could he blame her after what he’d witnessed here this afternoon?

“Get out,” George seethed.

“Why are you putting her through this? If you want to be angry, take it out on me, not her. Maddie adores you.” Why, Wyatt couldn’t fathom, but she did.

“I do blame you. For everything. Now leave. Don’t come back. Any of you.”

Mean, nasty son of a bitch. “You don’t deserve her love.” Wyatt lifted Jacob and stalked out.

He found Maddie standing in the hall. Pale faced, arms clutched around her waist, she leaned heavily against the wall. He lifted a hand, caressed her soft, smooth skin. “Hey.”

Shattered blue eyes stared up at him.

His heart sank. He despised the old man for causing her such anguish and misery. She didn’t deserve his spite. He grasped her hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Come on. Let’s get you home.”

“I—I don’t have a home to go to.” Tears streamed down her beautiful face.

Wyatt didn’t hesitate. With his free arm, he pulled her against him and held her. “It’s okay. I promise. Your grandfather will change his mind once he calms down.”

Maddie shook her head. Silent sobs racked her body.

He tugged her closer and held her tight. She’s right. Once George got something in his head, he didn’t alter his opinion. Well, Maddie and Jacob wouldn’t suffer because the ornery coot had a stick up his ass. Not if he had anything to say about it. “Don’t worry about anything. You and Jacob will be fine.” He’d make damned sure of it. “You can stay in the guesthouse at Leone Estates for as long as you want.”