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Christmas Present by Lauren Wood (43)

Chapter six


The man was unknown to me and he was in no mood for a casual conversation. He nudged me inside by pressing the muzzle of the revolver against my forehead. It was terrifying to think my life was going to be over in the blink of an eye.

“I can see you don’t even recognize me, but why should you. It’s not like you ever truly understood the consequences of your actions. I’ve been watching you for quite some time. I thought the letters were enough. You didn’t even do me the courtesy of answering them. I only wanted what I was due. Nothing more and nothing less, but you couldn’t even give me that.” The heat of the barrel was a stark reminder of how close I was to those pearly gates.

I glanced over my shoulder see the spot where Morgan was currently lying was vacant. There was no way to know where he had gone. Did he even understand what was going on?

“If this is about money then I can wire you whatever amount you want.” I remember reading the letters, but if there was any mention of a monetary settlement it was subtle.

“We could have avoided all of this. I lost everything when you swooped down like a vulture to pick at the bones of my business. My wife left me and my children never want to speak to me again. Money was the answer at the time. It’s not anymore. I need my pound of flesh and I’m damn well going to get it.” The finger on the trigger was hard to ignore.

“Everyone has a price. Tell me what yours is and I will give you twice the amount. You can start over never having to worry about working a day in your life. Doesn’t sitting on a tropical beach looking at the Emerald water and feeling the sun on your face sound like a good compromise?” I could see his eyes darting from side to side. It was quite apparent he was doing the calculations in his head.

I wasn’t even thinking and I turned with my back towards the door. I saw the flutter of the curtain behind my assailant.

“It’s not enough and you’re not going to get out of this by breaking out your checkbook.” It was surprising something like this hadn’t happened already.

I slammed shut my eyes and there was no reason to see it coming. I could only hope it was going to be quick and as painless as possible. I was going to ask for more details, but it didn’t seem necessary when his mind was already made up.

The barrel was leaving the faint outline embedded in my skin. Waiting for death became an effort just to stand there.

I heard what sounded like someone in pain and then a scream fading in the distance. I dared to open up my eyes and standing outside on the balcony was the naked form of Morgan.

He had his back toward me and was looking over the railing. I came to my senses and it dawned on me what happened. Joining him with my hand on his shoulder was met with the grisly sight of the man lying on a parked car down on the street.

“I tried to reach for him, but he scratched my hand. I think he knew this was how it was going to end.”

The police arrived an hour later and took our statements. We were wearing robes with the insignia of the hotel on the breast pocket. They found his tiny little apartment riddled with articles about me. He was obsessed and became even more so when I didn’t answer his letters.

They left shortly later and I was distraught until he lifted me and tossed me unceremoniously onto the bed. He stripped off the robe and landed heavily enough that I was bounced into the air a couple of feet.

“I forgot to mention when my adrenaline is pumping pretty heavily that I get a little excited. It was made even worse by what you were doing before all of this transpired.” He took a hold of the belt and released my body to his agreeable eyes.

“I’m glad I didn’t see what you did. It might have put a damper on the mood.” He positioned his legs on either side of my body. He had to literally force his erection down until his hot little head was touching my hole.

“We’ve been dancing around this for too long.” He made me dig my fingernails into his shoulders. He was looking right at me as he filled me to capacity. Those 9-inches knew exactly where to touch to get the desired reaction.

“It’s a little awkward, but I think I can make it work.” The room was hot and hazy which was driving me crazy. We worked together to find a complementary rhythm. It was as if we were attuned to each other’s bodies.

“Lila, I almost forgot what it was like to have a connection with another human being. My friendship with Henry doesn’t even compare to the intimacy between us.” His shaft was being inflicted by the rippling walls of my sex. I purposely squeezed them and I knew we were eventually going to face a problem.

“There was nothing I could do to prevent myself from falling for you. It certainly didn’t hurt the way you saved my life twice.” It seemed to be a theme. Two times he had saved me from the cold and impersonal hand of death. Two times I had risen to the stratosphere of pleasure. This was going to be my third.

“I spent my nights awake wondering what I could have done differently. The only solution is to let it go and break the cycle of despair once and for all.” He was slowing down and then he was speeding up never giving my body a chance to fully immerse itself into the pleasures of his quivering flesh.

“I wasn’t fooled and I knew you needed me to pull you out of the darkness. Fuck me, own that pussy like no man has ever done before. It’s time to see the silver lining. Look into my eyes and we will do this together.” He moved until he was suspended over the top of me. My legs were around his waist and the bottom half of my body was hanging precariously in the air.

“I can’t find the off switch. You turn me on and I’ve never been this sexually charged. It’s not just your body, but it’s the whole package. I’m going to… I’m going to… I want you to be there with me. I’m willing… willing to slow down.” His momentum had shifted into a different gear. His hard column of flesh was making contact with my clit with each forward thrust.

“I’m caught up in the fire in your eyes. There’s no reason to hesitate. I don’t need any kind of drug when I’m with you.” At least now I knew what it was to be in the presence of someone who truly wanted to be with me.

I came with his equipment getting a deep tissue massage from the inside. It was the perfect union. The feeling of his sizzling seed erupting from his loins was met with both of us screaming in a tandem exercise of a delicious release. All of my senses were enhanced.

“I have nothing left to give to my country.” He was able to make me shake from the inside out.

“I’m afraid I have some bad news for you.” He turned on his side curious to hear what I was going to say. “The land is fertile and will be in desperate need of your hard labor. Your duty to this country is far from over.” I motioned to my bald mound like I was a game show hostess showing the prize.

“I think after some orange juice this plow horse will be ready to go again.” We continued until the wee hours of the morning.

I had him move in and he became a permanent fixture in my life. He was still taking assignments, but he was selective about which ones he was going to take.

I still worried about him, but the homecoming more than made up for the sleepless nights. He would barely make it through the door before we were all over each other.

It was true about absence making the heart grow fonder.