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Christmas Present by Lauren Wood (48)

Chapter five


It didn’t seem possible and yet there it was mocking me from the trash can. I couldn’t deal with it. I needed to put it behind me until there was a better time.

“I’m ready whenever you are.” Calvin was outside the door waiting for me to guide him with a helpful hand.

Revenge had a double-edged sword. It could be a way to finally breathe easier or it could leave you with haunted memories. I wasn’t sure which side he was going to fall on, but we were about to find out.

“I lost my innocence a long time ago. Tonight is your time. I will be gentle, but you will lose your cherry. I could do this for you, but you have insisted on being the one to pull the metaphorical trigger. I can respect that. I can even understand and empathize.” The last couple days, between marathon sex sessions, I had told him the vivid details of my own cross to bear.

“I saw the look in your eyes when you told me about killing those three people. It broke you inside, but you became stronger because of it. You might have lost a piece of your soul, but you gained a whole lot more. Don’t forget that.” I hadn’t thought of it that way.

I was better off exacting my form of revenge on those who had wronged me and had gotten away with it. No one regardless of intimidation was ever going to make me feel like there wasn’t anything that I could do. I wanted to give him the same gift.

“I’m not looking forward to this, but I am at the same time. I do have a confession to make.” This was something different and whatever he had to say was keeping him hostage.

“Are you sure this can’t wait? We only have a small window of opportunity. Let’s not waste it on sappy feelings. I’ve never been comfortable with romantic gestures.” I could see that he was debating whether or not it was important enough to get into.

“I didn’t get your information on the dark web. We met a couple months ago and you were drinking excessively. You admitted under the influence what you did for a living in not so many words. I was able to read between the lines. We went upstairs and enjoyed an hour of making each other happy.” I was floored and the whole night was mostly a memory that I was never going to regain. It was the anniversary of Jason’s death. I dealt with it the only way I knew how each and every year by drinking myself into a stupor.

“I don’t want to believe you, but the timeline does work out. One night a year is when I let down my guard. I should be angry, but I’m not. What I remember of that night is barely much of anything. The mistake of sleeping with you and telling you anything is far better than the alternative.” The Dr. had informed me that it had been two months since procreation. I got a second opinion by going to the drugstore and buying one of those home pregnancy kits.

This was no time to tell him of his impending fatherhood. I knew it was him and there was no doubt in my mind considering I had not been with anybody else without protection.

“You’re taking this news better than expected. I thought that you were going to throw things and make me hurt in places that I didn’t even know was possible.” It was my first thought, but I knew the bombshell waiting for him was going to be enough of a payback.

“I live my life by one certain rule. I change the things I can and accept the things I can’t. You should take a page from my book, Calvin. You never know when you are going to be blindsided with information. It can be shocking if you are not prepared for the unexpected.” I was giving him a helpful hint, but he wasn’t on my same wavelength.

We left the house and he was still scratching his head by how easily I had taken the news.

I drove all the way there and stopped a couple of miles back. We went the rest the way on foot until we were scaling the stone fence around the property. I made sure to circumvent the security. I had retrieved the code from a well-placed source in the security agency.

It wasn’t long before we were standing over his bed. There was a feminine form beside him and I silently put her to sleep with chloroform over her mouth. I did the same thing to the killer and he struggled for a moment before the fight ceased.

Calvin helped me to carry him downstairs to a chair set up in the middle of the room. It was arranged with photographs of his sister. Some of the earlier ones showed the innocent smile, but the last one was of the crime scene.

It didn’t take long for him to wake up from being medicated. I didn’t give him a high dose, unlike his female companion who was most likely going to wake up with a headache.

“What do you want? I have lots of money. Name your price.” He was struggling against his bonds, but he wasn’t going anywhere. Calvin moved around him until he was wrapping the cord around his neck. He closed his eyes and pulled back hard enough to give this man the idea death was going to come knocking.

“I don’t want your money. I want your life and I want you to burn in hell.” I was dying a little bit more inside by the way that he was fighting his natural urges. He wanted to continue, but his mind was trying to overcompensate by letting his conscience rear its ugly head.

The man was begging with his eyes bugging out of his skull. I couldn’t let him do this. He would never be the same. The father of my child couldn’t live with the burden of somebody’s blood on his hands. I was already broken inside. It didn’t seem fair to make him live the same nightmare.

I quickly and efficiently went over to him and cracked Calvin on the back of the neck. I turned and fired one quick shot into the back of the killer’s head leaving him to be found by his companion in the morning. Calvin was never going to forgive me. It was a small price to pay for him to keep his soul