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Claiming His Baby: An M/M Shifter MPreg Romance (Scarlet Mountain Pack Book 3) by Aspen Grey (10)


Everything was black.

I could hear the sounds of the world going by outside the car, but the black mask over my eyes meant I couldn’t see a thing. My hands were bound behind my back with a pair of furry handcuffs like the ones you’d buy at a sex shop.

I was in the back of Marcellus’s limousine and we were on our way to the auction.

I’d spent my night alone on the floor of the basement. They’d taken Chuck back upstairs and I hadn’t seen him since. They might have killed him – they might not have. Marcellus’s punishments really varied on his mood.

They’d gotten me up and brought me to the shower, making sure I was clean and ready for today. Marcellus’s grooming team had gone over me like I was a movie star headed for the red carpet. I’d seen it done before with other omegas. They wanted me at the top of my game today, so to speak, so I’d fetch the highest price at auction. They’d wrapped me in an obviously expensive white robe and then taken me to the car.

“Boy you look great,” Marcellus had said as he led me to the car. “If I didn’t have enough pups of my own by now I might be inclined to keep you and put a baby in your belly.”

He and his men had roared with laughter at the look of horror that must have come over my face as I was ushered into the car.

We’d been driving for a while now. I had no idea where we were headed, but I’d managed to get myself into a detached state, almost a Zen state of no emotion, but all that changed when I felt the car slow.

This is it, was the first thought that popped into my head. And my body just went into overdrive. My limbs started shaking and my heart was beating so hard I thought my chest would explode like that scene from Alien.

I heard the tires crunch over stone and all I could picture was us pulling into an enormous country estate with a huge stone mansion, a circular driveway out front filled with luxury cars, butlers in tuxedos and people wearing masks.

But I’d never get a chance to see whether I was right or not. We parked and I heard the door open and a set of unfamiliar hands took me by the arm.

“This way,” the person said, but not to me. He was speaking to Marcellus. I wasn’t a person – I was merchandise.

“Nice place,” Marcellus joked. “You know I feel like I’m almost family by now? After how many times I’ve been here?”

“Very good, sir,” the voice said with respect. He was definitely the help and not a boss. My feet didn’t want to move as they pulled me across the driveway. I felt hard stone steps beneath my feet and willed my legs forward. I wanted to turn and run for my life, but it was no use. My hands were bound and my eyes were covered. I had no idea where I was and when they caught me, the punishment would be unimaginable.

A door opened and I found myself being led through a maze of hallways, the sound of shoes clicking off a hard floor, until finally I was taken into a room and sat down on a hard chair. The mask was removed from my face, and I found myself staring into Marcellus’s eyes.

“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. Time to meet your prince.”

Another man stood behind him, still like a statue. He was older, graying, dressed in a black suit and held himself with the air of a man who had seen it all. There was something vacant in his eyes. But when I looked at him, a barely perceptible smile crossed his face.

He likes this, I thought.

“Now, you’re gonna wait here with Fred,” he told me. “I’m going out there to see the stock you’re competing with and Freddie here’s gonna bring you out when it’s your turn.”

He stood up to go, but stopped.

“Oh,” he said. “I almost forgot.”

Pulling out the bottle of pheromone blocker, he winked at me and sprayed me all over.

“We can’t let them know you had your heat already, can we?” he mused, dousing me completely to make sure my scent was completely masked.

With a final cruel smile, Marcellus turned away. As he stepped out the door, he slipped a hefty tip into Fred’s jacket pocket.

“Thank you, sir,” Fred said with a nod. And with that, Marcellus was gone.

I looked around the room to see if there was somehow a way to escape but found nothing. It was basically a fancy closet, with off-white stone walls and a matching floor, and nothing but a chair that I was sitting in. It was a holding cell.

No sounds penetrated the thick wooden door beside Fred and I knew there was nothing I could do.

I sat in silence, with Fred’s unmoving eyes fixed on me. I don’t know how long I sat there, but I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard it – an ugly digital beep from somewhere announcing it was my turn.

Fred’s lips twisted up.

“Time to go,” he said menacingly.

He moved over to me with a speed that didn’t match his stature. His scent was that of a beta, and I could see he was more than happy with his place in life. He took me by the shoulders and pulled me to my feet.

The world seemed to dull and slow as he pulled me through the door into a hall with the same walls of the room I’d just left. It was cold and hideous, sterile and impersonal. My body felt exposed beneath the robe and as I approached a large black door, I fully understood that there was no escape.

“In we go,” he cackled as the door swung inward like a gaping mouth ready to swallow me whole. “Make sure to smile.”

He pushed me forward and I stepped inside.