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Clash (Hard Hit Book 12) by Charity Parkerson (5)

Chapter Five

Gavin: There are club-level tickets for you at the will-call booth in Shreveport for my next game on Saturday. See you there.

Michael: Um. What?

Gavin: You said you like it when I’m conceited and controlling. I’m being both. Saturday night. Shreveport Arena. 7pm. I’ll see you there.

Michael: Yeah, I’m pretty sure I didn’t say that. I’ll have to check my schedule, and that’s a five-hour drive.

Gavin: Shreveport.

Michael: Fine, but I’m driving back home afterward.

Gavin: We’ll see.

Michael: I suppose we will.

* * *

It wasn’t like Michael to feel out of place. He was used to being alone. That was why he had such a hard time understanding why he felt like everyone was looking at him. He’d tried walking around. It wasn’t the first time he’d been club level for a game. Normally, at hockey games, he was with Mara and was always in high style. There was no reason for his feeling of unease, but Michael couldn’t sit still. A hand landed on his shoulder, nearly making Michael jump out of his skin, and that was before he turned to set eyes on the most beautiful man on the planet. In fact, he really was. Ryker De Blanc was one of the hottest underwear models in the world. There wasn’t a man or woman alive who hadn’t seen the man’s sexy body in all its glory.

“We were wondering if you’d like to join us,” Ryker said with a sexy English accent and drawing attention to the fact that he wasn’t alone. A brown-haired, blue-eyed dude stood at his side. Two other men stood at their backs. Ryker motioned toward the man beside him. “This is my husband Grady.”

Grady held out his hand for Michael to shake. “Nice to meet you.”

Michael accepted. “You too.” Even Michael heard the question in his voice. They all acted as if they knew him, but he’d yet to introduce himself.

Ryker motioned at the men behind him. “This is Lincoln and Shayne. We’re friends of Gavin’s,” he clarified.

The man named Shayne stepped forward. “Gavin texted me before the game and let me know you’d be here. He didn’t want you sitting alone.”

“Oh,” Michael said for lack of anything else. “I’m used to being alone,” Michael added, horrifying even himself. He had no idea why he’d admitted to such a thing.

“Nonetheless,” Ryker said, wearing a sweet smile, “we’re having dinner over there,” he said, motioning toward a nearby table where a well-dressed man sat alone. “You should join us.”

Since Michael couldn’t look away from Ryker’s mismatched eyes, he agreed. At least this way, he could stare at Ryker without being too obvious about it. “If you’re okay with me joining you, I’d love to.” Michael shifted his gaze Grady’s way as he made the claim. He’d learned a long time ago to ensure his gaze said he wasn’t interested in anything other than friendship. Spouses of celebrities could be a jealous and volatile lot. Grady’s smile seemed nice. Michael kept his head down and made his way toward to the table. When he reached the edge, the only man left sitting stood.

He pulled the chair beside him out for Michael to sit. “You’ve chosen to join us. Lovely,” the man said with a heavy Russian accent. “I am Maksim Petrov, and you are the sexy Michael Frost.”

Michael smiled. He didn’t bother asking how everyone knew him. They’d obviously been discussing him before deciding as a group to invite him over. “It’s nice to meet you,” Michael said, accepting the man’s offer to sit.

“I hear you work for Mara King,” Grady said as soon as Michael was settled.

He had a hard time picturing Gavin telling such a thing and was more than a little bothered by it for some reason. Still, he couldn’t deny it. “Yes. I’m her PA and handler.”

Maksim nodded. “See?” he said to the table at large. “I do not lie. I heard it from the Kieran Steele himself.” Ah. That explained a lot. Fuck. Everyone knew Kieran, and that man wasn’t above dropping a name.

Shayne nodded. “I love her movies. You must have an amazing life.”

Michael nodded. “She’s great. What do the rest of you do? Obviously, not you,” Michael said to Ryker. “I’ve seen your face on every magazine.” Damn, he had to stop himself from blushing as he said the words. Luckily, Ryker nodded, as if he hadn’t expected less. It was odd. There didn’t seem to be an ounce of conceit to Ryker. He was a bit quiet and reserved. The man also kept sneaking glances at his husband as if he thought the man hung the moon. A spike of jealousy ran through Michael. He wished someone would look at him like that.

Shayne spoke up, saving Michael from his bleak thoughts. “I’m in charge of media relations for the Blue Fires. That’s how I know Gavin.” He linked fingers with the man sitting beside him. “This is my husband, Lincoln. He’s a doctor.” Shayne sounded so proud, Michael couldn’t stop his smile.

Grady chimed in, “I’m a retired cop. Nowadays, I spend all my time traveling with Ryker. He needs someone watching his back, you know?”

“I’m sure,” Michael said before he could stop himself. Grady laughed, smoothing over the awkward moment.

Maksim touched his arm, dragging Michael’s attention his way. “I am one of those no-good talent scouts who stalks these games, looking to scoop up all the good players. But I give them money, so s’okay.”

“Can I buy you something to eat?” Ryker said, as if intentionally keeping Michael’s attention off Maksim. Michael understood. It was obvious the too-slick Russian was a player. Michael recognized all the signs. Ryker need not worry. Michael only had eyes for Gavin.

“I’m fine,” Michael said, already feeling like he was interrupting their dinner.

“Let me rephrase that,” Ryker said, smiling. “I’m buying you dinner. What would you like? They actually have healthy options here. No poisonous grease like you find in fast food places.”

Michael blinked. “No poison is always a good thing.”

The crowd roared, pulling everyone’s attention toward the ice. “Gavin Weeks has pulled off another perfect hat trick. The forward is the number one leader of hat tricks in the league and is in line to beat the record held since 1952.”

“Your man is quite the catch,” Maksim said. “I’ve been eyeing him for some time.”

Michael searched for a double meaning in Maksim’s words but heard none. “Any team would be lucky to have him,” Michael said out of loyalty.

Maksim’s dark blue eyes shone heavy with some unnamed emotion. Michael was afraid to look too deeply. “Seems to me he is very lucky to have you.”

Michael blinked at the compliment. He didn’t know how to react.

Maksim didn’t let him stew for long. “As it happens, New York has been after Gavin for a while.”

“I’m sure he’ll go for the right offer.” Michael wondered if he should take up acting. He wanted Gavin to be happy. It was like a knife to the heart, thinking about Gavin moving away. Michael’s phone chirped, alerting him of an incoming message. He hated to be rude, but he was also always on call. Michael tried checking his phone beneath the table. It was Mara, so he couldn’t ignore it.

Mara: Are you still in Shreveport?

Michael: Yes. Do you need me to come back?

Mara: No. I need you to stay there. Have you seen the weather?

Michael: No. I’ve been busy watching the game. What did I miss?

Mara: That flash flood has turned into a monsoon. The road to your house is flooded. I talked to your neighbor, and she said your house is fine, but no one can get in or out of your neighborhood. I would feel better if you would just stay there for the night. A lot of the roads around town are getting bad. I’ll send you a link to the flood map, so you can see for yourself.

Michael checked the link. Fuck. It looked like he would be better off in Shreveport. Several main roads were at or above flood stage. Before he realized what he was doing, Michael found himself searching the roads surrounding Gavin’s house as well. Damn, it looked like he couldn’t get home either. Not that it mattered. He’d traveled there with his team and already had a room.

Michael: Thanks for letting me know. I’ll be back as soon as the roads are passable.

Mara: Don’t worry over me. Just take care of yourself. I’ll see you when it’s safe.

“Anyone know any good hotels?” Michael asked the table at large. “Looks like the roads are washing out back home.”

A round of groans went up around the table, letting him know he wasn’t the only one who’d intended to go home after this. He felt his first click of common ground with the men. Michael hoped they’d all meet again someday.

* * *

Michael appeared in the mouth of the dressing room, looking sexy as sin and unsure of his welcome. Gavin had never been prouder to have someone waiting for him. It had been the world’s longest game, waiting to get to Michael. He tossed his towel aside, heading in Michael’s direction with tunnel vision. The rest of the world disappeared.

“Hey.” Even to Gavin’s ears, he sounded breathless.

Michael’s mouth lifted in one corner. His green eyes, which lived in Gavin’s mind, shone bright with interest. “Hey.”

Goddamn it. Gavin wished Michael would let him kiss him. It was beyond frustrating trying to overcome the past. “How much time do I have with you before you head back to New Orleans?”

His shoulders lifted. “Looks like you have all night,” Michael said, taking him by surprise. “Mara texted me earlier, saying the road to my house has been temporarily washed out by the flash flood. So it seems I need to find a room here.”

“Or you could stay in mine,” Gavin offered, even though he knew Michael wouldn’t accept.

“Or I could stay in yours,” Michael agreed, taking Gavin by surprise.

It took every ounce of Gavin’s self-control not to take off running for the car right then. He also fought to keep his face clear of all triumph. “It’s still early. Are you hungry?” Damn, he deserved a medal for keeping his excitement from his voice.

“Some guy named Ryker fed me, but I’m fine to go wherever if you’re hungry.”

Fuck. Ryker? He was married, but still. No one could compete with Ryker’s beauty. The dude was literally the hottest male model in the world. He’d fed Michael? Gavin had so many questions. “Ryker was here tonight? His husband must’ve been here with Shayne.” There. He’d managed to throw Ryker’s husband, Grady, into the mix and everything.

Michael nodded. “I met Shayne, Lincoln, and Grady. Oh, and some guy named Maksim. They all seemed like nice people.”

Fuck him twice. He’d met Maksim too. That was it. He could never invite Michael to another game alone. Maksim was single and ruthless. No doubt he already had Michael’s name programmed in his phone, and Michael didn’t know how it happened. That was how Maksim worked.

“So, are you hungry?” Michael asked, looking uncomfortable and making Gavin realize how long he’d been standing there lost in thought.

Gavin nodded. “A little. We could find a store so you can buy anything you need for an overnight trip, and I could just grab something there since you’ve eaten already.”

“That works for me. Do you need to tell anyone you’re out?”

“Nope, I’m good,” Gavin said, reaching for Michael’s hand and heading for the back door. “Do you remember where you parked?”

Michael glanced down at their joined hands, but didn’t try pulling away. “Not really, but I’m sure we’ll find it.”

As the back door came into view, their steps slowed. The bottom was falling out of the sky. Rain came down in sheets. They exchanged smiles. “We’re about to get soaked, looking for your car.”

“Yep,” Michael said, sounding entirely too happy about it.

He’d forgotten. Michael loved the rain. More times than he could count, he’d seen Michael stand outside during a storm, smiling as his clothes molded to his skin. Gavin was almost glad Michael couldn’t remember where he’d parked. He intentionally walked slow, under the guise of searching for Michael’s car. Gavin spotted it under a nearby light. He nodded in its direction. “There. Hey, do you want to skip the store until we can get dry or I can lend you some stuff?”

Michael glanced over and smiled. “That’s probably for the best. Of course, anything you lend me will probably swallow me whole.”

“But, damn, you’d look sexy with my clothes hanging off your gorgeous body.” Gavin couldn’t even find it in his heart to regret the words. He could already picture Michael wearing his clothes.

Instead of responding, Michael headed for the car without a word. The lights flashed when they got close. Gavin went over everything he’d said, wondering if he’d gone too far. Damn, he was tired of second guessing himself all the time. All Gavin wanted was to be with Michael. Happy. Gavin gave directions to his hotel room while still trying to decide his next move. Obviously, if Michael wouldn’t even kiss him, he wouldn’t be in Gavin’s bed tonight, but he’d have Michael to himself for the whole night. Surely he could make some progress. The hotel came into sight. Between the rain and the bad lighting, he could barely see a thing. Luckily, Michael got a parking space near the door. Before he could kill the car, one of Gavin’s favorite songs came on. It was an old love song that never got old in Gavin’s book. It said everything he felt about waiting for the one to come back.

Without thought, he grabbed Michael’s arm, stopping him from turning off the song. “I have an idea. Don’t move,” Gavin said, leaping from the car and circling around to Michael’s side. He opened the door and held his hand out to Michael. “Turn it up and dance with me.”

Michael’s smile made the ridiculous offer worthwhile. “Here?”

Gavin nodded. “Right here. In the rain.”

He half expected Michael to swat his hand away. Instead, his smile grew as he turned the song up and let Gavin pull him from the car. “I always let you talk me into shit,” Michael said as his body molded against Gavin’s. Gavin could barely hear a word past the blood rushing through his ears. Michael had let him hug him, and he’d stolen a few touches and kisses on Michael’s neck. This was the closest Michael had let him get since they’d started seeing each other again. It still wasn’t close enough. Gavin touched his lips to the side of Michael’s neck, ignoring Michael’s claim. He quietly sang against the man’s skin, hoping he would understand every word was for him. They barely moved. In truth, it was more of a long hug than a dance. Gavin didn’t care. He felt every second in his chest. Michael’s arms tightened around him. His fingers found the edge of Gavin’s shirt and dove beneath, stroking Gavin’s back skin on skin. Rain beat down on them. Gavin’s heart soaked up every second.


Gavin’s heart turned over at the sound of Michael whispering his name. “Yeah?”

“People are looking out their window at us.”

A chuckle escaped Gavin. He didn’t care if people stared at them all night, but he’d hate for them to call management or the police, thinking they were drunk. That would dampen their night. He sighed. “I guess we should go inside before we’re answering to the cops, and we’re probably ruining the interior of your car.”

He felt Michael hesitate as he pulled away. Gavin wanted to beg for the man’s thoughts. Michael leaned inside the car and killed the ignition before closing the door. “It’s Mara’s car, so I guess I shouldn’t ruin it.”

“Yeah,” Gavin said past his rapidly tightening throat. He got the feeling he’d missed his chance to tell Michael how much he loved him… again.

* * *

Michael stared at Gavin’s back as he unlocked the hotel room door. His clothes were plastered to his skin, showing off every deep line of muscle. It was hot, but Michael’s ever-growing obsession had nothing do with Gavin’s looks. He’d forgotten how amazing Gavin could be when he wasn’t being a dick. Every second he spent in Gavin’s presence made him crave ten seconds more. He’d never been more frightened of depending on someone in his life, but Michael knew it wouldn’t be much longer before being with Gavin was all he wanted to do.

“Holy shit. It’s like I showered in my clothes,” Gavin said, laughing as he closed the door behind them. Michael couldn’t look away. Gavin looked so damn happy as he reached over his head and tried peeling his shirt off. He’d been right. Gavin’s smattering of light hair had turned into a bear’s chest. Michael’s resistance fell. He couldn’t take another second without touching Gavin. While Gavin’s shirt still covered his eyes, Michael closed the distance between them and captured the man’s mouth. His skin was like ice beneath Michael’s hands. Gavin went still, making Michael feel like he was kissing a statue. He immediately backed away. It had been a ridiculous sentiment. Gavin yanked his shirt the rest of the way off and tossed it aside. Heat blazed in the man’s gaze when he focused on Michael. Michael fought the urge to take another step back. There was nowhere to go.

“Don’t do something you don’t mean,” Gavin warned.

Michael’s throat wouldn’t work. Not that it mattered. He didn’t know what to say. Instead of speaking, he stared at Gavin—helpless. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that his every emotion was written all over his face. The only time in his life when he’d felt alive was when he was with Gavin. He wanted everything. Fuck it. He’d let Gavin take charge the last time they’d been together. Not this time. Without another thought, he closed the distance between them once more and captured Gavin’s mouth. He’d missed the way Gavin nipped at his lips and sucked on his tongue. Too many times to count, he’d slid his hand beneath the covers and stroked himself to the memory. No matter how many times he touched himself with Gavin’s name on his lips, he couldn’t recreate the sensation of Gavin touching him.

“You look so fucking sexy, wearing my name across your back,” Gavin said, fingering the jersey Michael wore that had Gavin’s name stitched across the back. “I hate to take this off, but I need your bare skin,” Gavin said, working the wet shirt over Michael’s head before coming back for more.

Michael didn’t play. He didn’t pretend he wasn’t after everything. His hands went for Gavin’s belt, sliding the leather loose. “I’ve missed everything about you,” Michael admitted with stinging eyes and no shame. Two months ago, he would’ve eaten shit before saying those words, but now he couldn’t hold them back. Between kisses and bites, confessions continued pouring out. “You’re my biggest regret.”

“Don’t say that,” Gavin begged, sounding desperate.

Michael shushed him. “It’s not for what you think. I regretted all the times I told you no. You’ve lived in the back of mind, torturing me with wondering how we’d fit. If we’d be as perfect as I expected. I need to know.”

To his surprise, Gavin stepped around him, leaving Michael staring at the man’s sexy back as he walked away. Hurt crippled him. He’d exposed his heart to Gavin. Gavin walked to the edge of the bed and turned down the covers. Michael watched it happen while still trying to grasp what was happening.

Gavin slipped his belt loose from the loops of his jeans and tossed it aside before digging out his loose change and tossing it on the side table. Still, Michael could only watch. Gavin pulled his wallet from his back pocket before finally meeting Michael’s gaze.

His eyebrows were raised in question as if he didn’t understand why Michael hadn’t moved. “Why aren’t you undressed and in bed yet?” Gavin said the words so calmly Michael didn’t react right away. He didn’t know what he’d been expecting. Maybe he’d thought his confession would have Gavin tossing him over his shoulder like a caveman. This was better—like Gavin felt the way Michael did—a calm acceptance they were meant to be together.

Michael’s feet finally unglued from the floor. He toed off his shoes and unbuttoned his pants as he headed for the bed. There was no discomfort. They’d been here before. Not to mention, the way Gavin eyed him, as if he was the sexiest man on the planet, drove Michael out of his clothes faster than he thought possible. On his back and waiting, Michael watched Gavin dig a condom from his wallet before shedding the rest of his clothes. The man’s body was perfect. He’d always been. Michael hadn’t forgotten, but Gavin was larger now—more muscular. Gavin’s gorgeous gaze never wavered from Michael. Michael’s dick throbbed and ached. Each breath he took came harder than the last. He needed everything Gavin’s eyes promised.

“This condom is lubricated, but it’s all I have with me,” Gavin said as he set one knee on the mattress and rolled the condom over his length.

Michael gave him a short nod, letting him know he understood. His throat wouldn’t work.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Gavin said, clarifying as if Michael’s nod hadn’t been enough.

“My chest hurts waiting for you to decide if you want me.” Michael had no idea why he’d said such a thing. He couldn’t take the pressure of Gavin moving so slow.

A small smile touched Gavin’s lips, making Michael’s mouth go dry. “Not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought of you and wanted you,” Gavin said as he settled between Michael’s thighs. “I’m trying to give you one last chance to back down. You’ll always be mine, even if you never are, but after this, I won’t let you walk away again.”

“You’ve always talked too much,” Michael said, pulling Gavin’s mouth down to his. He was past hearing speeches or being given chances. It was time for Gavin to give him everything he’d stolen.

Gavin’s tongue toyed with his. Michael’s cock leaked on his stomach. Lust curled in his gut. There was a sexy man between his thighs and Michael wanted to feel him pressing his way inside. Unfortunately, Gavin didn’t seem to be in the same hurry. Michael moved against him, silently seeking relief. His body felt empty without Gavin’s cock filling him. Gavin’s fingertips skimmed Michael’s hip, so close to where Michael wanted to be touched. Frustration grew out of control. Michael cupped his balls and massaged, making the aggravation worse. Michael’s heels dug into the mattress. He lifted his hips, shamelessly attempting to lure Gavin inside. Instead, Gavin’s fingertip lightly traced the line between Michael’s balls and asshole. Gavin’s lips moved to Michael’s jaw.

Michael broke as Gavin’s fingertip circled his asshole. “Jesus, you’re a tease. I thought you wanted—” Gavin pushed one finger inside, curling upward, hitting all the right places, and stealing Michael’s voice. A low moan ripped from the back of his throat.

“Oh, shit, Mikey. You don’t know how much I’ve missed hearing you make that sound.” A much larger pressure pushed against the ring of muscles surrounding his asshole. Michael held his breath. “I wanted to go slow, but I need to hear you make that sound again,” Gavin said, forcing his way inside an inch. Michael couldn’t take it. He reached between their bodies and stroked himself. His dick needed attention. The temptation was too thick. Another moan filled the air. He was too far gone to know if he’d been the one to make the sound. Gavin’s dick stretched him wide, filling him past completion as Gavin pushed inside another inch. Michael held Gavin’s stare as Gavin finally completely impaled him. Gavin looked turned on and sexy.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” Michael whispered without his brain’s permission. He couldn’t help it. If he ever stopped and took a moment to be honest with himself, Gavin had ruined him for all others a long time ago. He’d never looked at another soul and found them as Gavin’s equal. It didn’t matter this man had once broken his heart. Michael didn’t want anyone else.

“You’ve always been it for me,” Gavin said, mirroring Michael’s thoughts so closely, he wondered for a moment if he’d spoken aloud. Michael lifted his head and kissed him. He needed to feel those words on Gavin’s tongue. Gavin rocked against him, slow and torturing. He reached between them and pushed Michael’s hand aside, claiming Michael’s erection for himself. Michael nearly came right then. There it was. The way Gavin touched him. The way Michael had never been able to recreate. It was the strength and surety of his hands. The way his fingers moved. Michael was helpless. His hips lifted, mindlessly seeking more even as his tongue tried mimicking their bodies. Gavin fucked with his head. The way he made love made Michael feel loved. His heart couldn’t detach. That love he hadn’t been able to shake, even through years apart and no hope of reconnecting, fired to life as if a single day had barely passed. Michael couldn’t breathe around the emotions choking him. His body was on fire and on edge while his mind was a mess.

Gavin tore his mouth away and sucked on Michael’s shoulder. Pants and moans filled the room. “Fuck, baby,” Gavin groaned. “I need you to come for me. I’ve wanted this too long. Not gonna last,” he added, sounding ragged.

The idea of pushing Gavin past desperation, turning him on like this, had the pressure building in Michael’s balls. He tried breathing through the tightening of his body. It was no use. Gavin had no mercy. He tugged Michael’s cock until the pressure was too much. An explosion of light and ecstasy shook him from the inside. Liquid heat melded their bodies together as Michael rode out the waves.

Gavin gasped. “Holy shit, Mikey. Fuck. Goddamn.” The curses continued as Gavin pumped the condom full.

Michael couldn’t look away from Gavin’s pleasure-filled expression. Every muscle in the man’s face had hardened as he orgasmed before going soft. Now his kiss-swollen lips and flushed cheeks completed the image. Michael knew he’d never forget. The sight was already seared into his brain. If they never touched again, he finally had his biggest dream come true. Gavin had looked at him as if he loved him too.

* * *

Holding Michael was heaven. It was everything he’d dreamed it would be. Michael kept stroking his arms and Gavin fought to stay awake. As the exhaustion and peace settled over him, Gavin’s mind drifted. Memories rolled in.

The itch beneath his skin was especially bad tonight. Coach had a girl he wanted Gavin to meet. Apparently, she was some famous football player’s niece who’d just moved to town. She didn’t know anyone. It seemed his dad didn’t know anyone either because he’d chosen Gavin to take her out this weekend. There was a sickness in the pit of his stomach. What if this was finally the time Michael broke? One of these days, it would happen. No one in their right mind would put up with as much as Michael did. When Michael finally decided he was done with Gavin, it would kill him. What would happen to him when no one saw him any longer? Would he disappear?

He stubbed his toe as he headed to Michael’s bed in the dark. Even though he could barely see, he saw Michael jump, as if Gavin had woken him.

“Sorry,” Gavin whispered into the darkness.

Michael moved over, making room for him in the bed. Gavin didn’t waste any time climbing beneath the covers and snuggling close. He could tell by the Michael’s deep breathing that he was more asleep than awake. That was fine. Gavin just needed to hold him. Smell his skin. As his nose touched the side of Michael’s neck and his familiar scent filled Gavin’s nostrils, the backs of Gavin’s eyes stung. It hurt more than he could voice, knowing he wouldn’t get to keep the only person who mattered. Gavin hated himself more in that moment than he ever had. He hated his life. When Michael dumped him, maybe he’d drive his truck off a cliff. He didn’t want to be invisible anymore.

Gavin buried his nose against Michael’s throat and inhaled, as he’d done that night. Funny how not much had changed. Michael was still the only person who saw him or cared. Things were different now. He could and would be the person Michael deserved.

“You smell like this dream I had once,” Gavin said. He felt Michael’s lips shape a smile against his shoulder.

“Was it a good dream?”

Gavin inhaled again, trying to memorize every detail. “The best fucking dream in the world,” Gavin admitted as sleep tried pulling him under. “You were there,” Gavin confessed before moving even closer to Michael and letting the world fall away.

* * *

Michael couldn’t sleep. He equally couldn’t spend the entire night staring at Gavin like a lovesick puppy while Gavin slept. You were there. Those words kept floating through Michael’s mind. It was taking every ounce of his restraint not to wake Gavin and steal another moment of his time. He’d stared at Gavin like this while he slept more times than he could count. It used to be so he could keep him safe

A loud bang startled Michael from his dreams. He automatically moved over, making room for Gavin. The moment Gavin gathered him into his arms, Michael’s heart ached. Gavin was having one of his nights—one of his bad moments. Michael could practically feel the hurt rolling off him in waves. This was why he let this sneaking around go on. He knew in his heart, if Gavin had any other choice, he’d treat Michael like a king. It was in the way he held Michael sometimes—like his life was ending because he knew they were only temporary. And Michael didn’t doubt for a moment they were temporary. That never stopped Michael from dreaming.

After rolling to his side, Michael held Gavin closer and massaged every place he could reach, trying to ease his inner pain. He couldn’t change things, but he could hold Gavin and give him hope. “What if we ran away?”

“Where would two teenagers go?” Gavin asked, sounding defeated.

“Not now,” Michael clarified. “In a few months, we’ll both be eighteen. Less than a month after that, we’ll graduate. Let’s pick a college a thousand miles from here. We could get a small apartment.”

“I could paint while you study to get your law degree,” Gavin said, adding to the fantasy.

“Once I have it, I’d make enough to support us while you open your own studio,” Michael said, smiling against Gavin’s chest.

Gavin kissed his forehead. His lips lingered against Michael’s skin. “You make everything better.”

Moments like these made everything bearable. Being held by Gavin made everything worthwhile.

That was still true. With a sigh, Michael leaned over the edge of the bed and dug through his clothes until he found his phone. Unfortunately, not sleeping was a familiar state for Michael. Luckily, he had a bullshit game to focus on instead.

MichaelThePA: I see you cleared out the last of the enemies around the camp.

Gavin’s phone lit up on the bedside table, catching Michael’s eye. He tried ignoring it. It wasn’t any of his business who was calling in the middle of the night. At least, that was what he told himself. Otherwise, he might have to wake Gavin and kill him.

He checked on his game again. No response from #1HatTrick. Michael checked the time. It was one in the morning. No wonder the dude wasn’t answering. Michael was the crazy one in this equation. Still, he messaged him again.

MichaelThePA: Sorry. I guess you’re sleeping.

Gavin’s phone lit again. Michael’s gaze slid between their phones. That was odd. Michael did it again.

MichaelThePA: I didn’t realize how late it is.

Sure enough, Gavin’s phone lit again. That was too much to be a coincidence. Something niggled at the back of his mind. Michael clicked on #1HatTrick’s avi picture. On his phone, it was too small to see it clearly without clicking on it and making it bigger. It just looked like a glob of colors. When the picture expanded, Michael’s breath caught. He’d known when he’d gone through Gavin’s sketchbook that the picture of the warrior elf looked familiar. It was the same avi he was looking at now. Everything clicked. Gavin held the number one spot in hat tricks in the league, nearing breaking the record. He couldn’t fucking believe it. Without thought, he punched Gavin in the arm.

“Oh my fucking God. You’re #1HatTrick.”

Gavin jumped a foot, gasping as if ripped from a deep sleep. “What the fuck?”

Michael didn’t back down. “That’s my question. What the actual fuck? You’re #1HatTrick.”

“Oh,” Gavin said, settling back down. He snagged Michael around the waist and tucked him underneath his large body, ensuring Michael couldn’t get away.

“Don’t ‘oh’ me and then settle down to cuddle like nothing happened. We’ve been messaging through this game for almost a year now.”

Gavin held him tighter, making it harder and harder for Michael to be upset. “Settle down, baby. I’ll tell you the story.”

In spite of himself, Michael found himself snuggling even closer. “Okay.” Gah. He hated how calm he sounded.

“A year or so ago, I was standing in Otto’s coffee house.”

“Hey, I go there all the time,” Michael said, interrupting.

Gavin squeezed him and he fell silent. “Anyhow,” Gavin said, trying to take back the conversation. “I was staring at the sign, trying to decide what I would get, even though I always get the same thing and, I swear, I smelled you. No matter how much time we’ve been apart, you’ve been in my head, and I knew it was you before I dropped my gaze and spotted that sexy freckle on the back of your neck. I couldn’t believe it. You had your head bowed, staring down at your phone. There were literally only inches between our bodies. It was like nothing had changed. I had to fight the urge to drop my lips to your neck and kiss that freckle, the way I always do.”

“Awww,” Michael said, hating himself for being moved so easily.

“Obviously, I couldn’t do that,” Gavin said, staying on topic despite Michael’s interruption. “But I was overwhelmed by how much I still wanted you in just one glance. So I watched you. You were playing some game on your phone, and you never noticed me. After you left, I couldn’t shake it. While still sitting there at a table in the coffee shop, I pulled out my phone, downloaded the game, and searched the username I’d seen on your phone. It took me two weeks of nonstop playing to get myself in a position to approach you. I didn’t really have a plan,” Gavin said, sounding as if he was lost in thought. “All I knew was—it was a connection to you. I held on to it and waited.”

Michael tensed. “Why do I get the feeling there’s more?”

“Because you know I’m insane for you,” Gavin said with a laugh.

“Oh,” Michael said lamely. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to hear more. The last thing he wanted was for something to come between them right when they were finding their way back.

“I’ll stop if you don’t want to hear more.”

Michael searched his heart. Did he want to know? Yes, he did. So far, he wasn’t creeped out or feeling betrayed. In fact, he was a little flattered Gavin had done so much to get close to him again. “Don’t stop,” Michael begged.

He felt Gavin smile against his throat. “You asked for it. After a few months, I finally had you telling me a few personal details, and I realized we knew some of the same people. I started finding ways to spend more and more time with those people, hoping to run into you. Then, you showed up at Kieran’s house. My patience paid off.”

Michael tried to think of something to say but couldn’t. The moment he’d realized #1HatTrick was Gavin, Gavin could’ve tried lying, but he hadn’t. He owned up to everything. Michael was a bit twisted when it came to Gavin. He wanted to be the man’s crazy obsession. It warmed his insides.

“Are you mad at me?”

Gavin’s question came out sounding so insecure, there was no way Michael could get angry. “I always knew there was something about #1HatTrick. He felt too much like a real friend even though we’d never met. I’m not surprised it’s you. You’ve always been the same—too much like a real friend, no matter what.”

“We’re more than friends,” Gavin said with the confidence of a man who hadn’t been asleep only moments earlier. “You’re mine and I’m yours. If you run, I’ll chase you.”

Happiness ripped through Michael’s chest. He’d waited years to hear those exact words. No way would he let a little bit of stalking stop him from getting everything he wanted from Gavin.