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Conviction (Club Destiny #1) by Nicole Edwards (26)


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 “Good morning, baby.” Logan whispered, watching the woman in his arms stir slowly.

Sam had passed out relatively early and slept nearly twelve hours, but Logan hadn’t had the heart to wake her, no matter how much he wanted to slide his rock hard cock into the sweet, warm depths of her body.

Instead, he’d settled for holding her in his arms, feeling the soft rise and fall of her even breathing. Unlike her, he hadn’t been able to sleep much since the night before.

There were so many thoughts running through his mind, he could hardly close his eyes. Between the vivid memories of the night before, the way Sam had looked splayed out across his brother, her body pulling them both deeper, her eager moans, the piercing scream when she’d come around their cocks, Logan had been just as excited afterward as he had been during. That had left him with a particularly restless night.

Then, his anxiety over the offer Xavier wanted him to deliver to her had his body shifting between hot and cold all night. As much as he wanted to believe her decision would be easy, in the sense that she wouldn’t be willing to leave him and go back to her old position in San Antonio, Logan knew better.

Sam was a smart woman, a very successful, independent woman who would make the decision on her own, and that scared him. While he’d been lying in bed next to her through the night, she’d been sleeping soundly and he’d been worrying.

After their heated bout of mind blowing sex, Sam had fallen asleep on the couch, only to have woken a short time later when they decided to spend an hour in the hot tub, making love twice more.

He wasn’t sure how his body had managed to keep going, but when it came to Sam, Logan wasn’t sure he’d ever be sated. She just did that to him, making his body rock hard and throbbing for more of everything she had to offer. Afterward, he’d carried her to his bed, where she’d fallen asleep almost immediately, clearly exhausted from the events of the night.

When her eyes opened, she turned slightly to look at him, a small smile curving her lips. Instead of turning in his arms, like he had hoped, Sam turned her attention back to the ceiling, then muttered a quick “excuse me”, before she jumped from the bed, darting for the bathroom.

He heard the sound of the toilet flush, then he could see her through the open bathroom door as she stood in front of the mirror, her sexy, naked back to him. She stood there only a moment before she reached for the toothbrush she’d been leaving at his house for the last few weeks.

A couple of minutes later, she was heading back toward the bed, her beautiful, full breasts making his mouth water, the vee between her legs making his fingers itch to touch her.

Maybe it was his hormones talking, but something looked different about her. Her incandescent green eyes glowed brightly, her skin was rosy, and she had an intent expression on her face. He couldn’t tear his eyes off of her, but a warning chimed somewhere in the deep recesses of his brain, telling him that something was off.

“We need to talk.”

And there it was.

When Sam wanted to talk, especially after the night they shared, Logan knew he should be worried. Instead of sitting up, preparing for some in depth conversation about the night before, where Sam would pick apart every detail, Logan held out his hand to her.

When she laid her small fingers in his palm, he gripped gently and pulled her over to him. She crawled across her side of the bed until she was beside him. Not wasting another moment, he pulled her closer, making her straddle his hips, aligning their bodies, sending flashes of heat straight to his groin.

Looking deep into her eyes, Logan let all of his emotions shine in his eyes, knowing what she would see when she looked at him. He needed to tell her – no, show her – exactly how he felt about her, and he couldn’t think of a better time than right now.

Seeing her in his bed, brushing her teeth in his bathroom, sauntering naked back to him settled something in his heart that he’d been wondering about for some time.

What was happening between them was special, intense, and he wanted to make this permanent. Logan wanted to wake up next to this woman every single day for the rest of his life.

As she straddled him, her hands pressed lightly against his chest, he brushed a long strand of her blond hair back over her shoulder, letting his fingers trail down the smooth, velvet skin of her arm.

“There’s something I have to tell you, but first,” Logan paused, gliding his hand back up her arm, over her shoulder, then cupping her neck, pulling her closer, “I need to do this.” Pulling her closer, Logan brushed his lips against hers, sliding his tongue out over her lower lip. He caressed her cheek with one hand while holding her to him with the other, still behind her head.

When her tongue darted out, tasting of toothpaste and the fire and ice woman he’d come to love, Logan took full advantage, crushing his mouth to hers, showing her with his kiss exactly what she did to him, how she made him feel.

As the kiss burned hotter, Logan aligned their bodies, positioning himself between her legs, then spreading them farther so he could slide into the deep, velvety recesses of her body.

She broke the kiss, resting her forehead against his as her body worked to accept the invasion, his cock sliding deeper into her tight entrance, sensation flooding him.

“Sam.” Her name was a whisper on his lips, their breaths mingling as he focused on the tight depths of her body gripping him, clamping on his cock with a ferocity that threatened the control he’d managed to maintain.

Gripping her firm ass in his hands, Logan held her above him enough that he could thrust upward, controlling his thrusts, hearing her breaths deepen, and the erotic moans she couldn’t hold back.

When she pushed up, using his chest to balance above him, Logan gazed deep into her eyes, offering a connection, only he and Sam shared. When their eyes met, her eyes filled with tears, Logan’s heart constricted.

He knew she felt the same thing he did, the all-encompassing emotion that surrounded them, the overpowering need swirling in the air. This wasn’t about sex. Their bodies sought something from the other, but it exceeded far beyond the realms of touch and taste alone, this was far more than anything Logan had ever experienced.

Logan moved faster, deeper, slowly pushing in, sliding back out, all the while, staring into her eyes. A single tear escaped, sliding down her cheek. Logan’s throat tightened, a strange, foreign feeling come over him. Hell, he was going to cry if he didn’t get a handle on himself.

“Don’t cry, baby.” He urged, continuing to drive deeper inside of her, emotions thickening his throat.

“It’s just…” She began, but he increased his efforts, thrusting faster, her head falling back as her body gripped him like a vice.

“Fuck.” He groaned, unable to maintain any sense of composure. He was at his limit, her soft, warm body, driving him to his limits. He was going to come, but he refused until she was right there with him.

“Come for me, Logan.” Sam said, again staring deep into his eyes. “I want to feel you.”

Her words did him in, he lifted her another inch, throwing his hips up off of the bed, ramming himself inside the deep, wet confines of her body, harder, faster until…

“Oh God! Yes!” Her scream pierced the air and Logan’s orgasm crashed down on him, flooding her with his seed, her cunt milking him for all he was worth.

“I love you, Sam.” Logan couldn’t stop the words as they flew from his mouth, a whisper in the otherwise silence of the room.

When she looked at him, he saw the doubt in her eyes, the confusion, and then her lips tipped slightly and she said the sweetest words he’d ever heard. “I love you, Logan.”

Rolling her over, his cock going instantly hard again, still inside of her, Logan began moving slowly, unable to stop himself from taking her again.

When her legs braced behind his back, he lifted her hip, changing the angle so he could drive deeper. God, he loved this woman with an intensity so strong, it threatened to take him under. Moments later, the world tilted, exploding with bright lights and fierce heat as they tumbled over into the oblivion once more.



Sam sat at the breakfast table in Logan’s kitchen, drinking coffee and scanning through her emails. Logan was still in the shower, but as soon as he came out, she was going to address the other issue they still had yet to talk about.

They might have had a revelation this morning, an all-out joining of hearts, but there was still a dark cloud looming over them. Something had happened during Logan’s conversation with Xavier and Alex, she could feel it, and the fact that he hadn’t been forthcoming with the information scared her.

As far as they’d come, admitting that what they shared was deeper than either of them had ever anticipated, she only hoped they could weather the storm brewing where XTX was concerned.

Sam wasn’t nave, she’d heard the rumors, heard the harsh comments one of her project managers liked to utter in passing. Knowing Xavier wouldn’t be expected to sit back and let this situation escalate, Sam knew there were some decisions that needed to be made.

She couldn’t imagine what her options were other than going back to the San Antonio office, if they would even allow that, or to terminate her employment with XTX and go somewhere else.

Neither of them were options that she looked forward to. First of all, she wasn’t going to leave Logan. Not after his declaration of love, not after all they had shared together. Maybe she had actually evolved in the last few months, but Sam wasn’t ready for this to be over.

“Want some breakfast?” Logan’s deep voice thundered through the kitchen, breaking her internal thoughts.

Glancing up, her eyes were drawn to the way his large body moved gracefully around the kitchen, the play and give of strong, sleek muscles along his back, his tanned skin still damp from his shower, standing shirtless in his kitchen, wearing only a pair of gym shorts.

She  had barely gotten dressed, grabbing one of his button down shirts from the closet, which came almost to her knees when she stood up. She’d purposely left the top two buttons unlatched, the swell of her breasts peeking out from under the soft, white cotton.

She had piled her hair up on top of her head, held by a small silver clip she carried in her purse. So different than her usual buttoned up appearance, Sam felt sexy and feminine. The heated look in Logan’s eyes when he took in the sight of her only heated her skin, sending a tingle between her legs.

There was no way she could handle any more of him right now. She was sore in places she had never expected, her muscles aching from all of the ‘exercise’ they’d engaged in over the last twelve hours or so.

“No. I’m not really hungry.” Sam stated, watching Logan as he began moving around the kitchen. “Logan,” she paused as her eyes met his, “I think we need to talk.”

She could see his heart in his eyes, and it nearly took her breath away. Could this actually be the real deal? Could she actually have a happily ever after? The man obviously knew what she wanted to talk about because he walked to the refrigerator, pulling the eggs and some vegetables out, continuing his pursuit to make breakfast.

“Do I have to pull the information out of you?”

She heard his deep sigh, saw how he hung his head, still giving her his back. After a moment, he reached over, pulling a frying pan from one of the top cabinets, his shoulders tense. She half expected him not to talk to her, but then he sighed again, and started talking.

“Xavier came to me on Friday to talk about the issue we have.”

“Issue? As in Larry and Abigail?” Sam knew the two V.P.s voiced their concerns about Logan and Sam’s relationship, but she didn’t know that it had gone any further. The impromptu Friday afternoon meeting had given her a clue that something had escalated, but she had tried not to jump to conclusions.

“Yes.” He replied, mixing eggs into a bowl, glancing over his shoulder once before he continued. “Apparently they aren’t going to let this go. So, Xavier and Alex have prepared an offer for you.”

For her? So, it all boiled down to the fact that she had to go. Her stomach tightened into knots, but she did her best not to show the concerns she had. “And that would be?”

As hard as she tried, she couldn’t hide the surprise in her voice. When Logan sat the bowl down, turning to give her his full attention, her chest squeezed, and a surge of nausea washed over her. Shit. She could do this. She could.

“Sam, I want to tell you I think it’s a fantastic offer. I didn’t want to be the one to have to tell you about it, but they wouldn’t let me off the hook. So, please just hear me out before you answer.”

She did her best to mask her expression, staring back at him as she waited for him to deliver the death blow. “Ok. Spill it.” This was going to drag out if she didn’t just face the music now.

“Alex has come with a job offer. He wants you to go work for CISS. Now wait, let me finish.” He must have noticed her involuntary jerk, because he stood straighter, walking toward her.

“They want me to leave XTX?” She asked incredulously. This couldn’t be happening. She had accomplished so much in her tenure at the company for it all to come to an abrupt end.

“Sam, it’s a generous offer. You wouldn’t be leaving XTX, at least for now. You would just be working for CISS, rather than employed directly at XTX. You’ll be contracted out to XTX, and you will report to Xavier, still doing the same thing you do today.” He added quickly.

Ok, so that wasn’t exactly what she was expecting.

Her plan to freak out had been thwarted, and it took Sam a moment to adjust to what he was telling her. Contemplating what this really meant for her, Sam stared at Logan, feeling stunned and hopeful.

“So the gist of it is that I will technically not be employed by XTX; however, I will still work for XTX. Did I understand you correctly?”

Logan was frozen in place, the expression on his face unreadable, but Sam could tell he was waiting for her reaction.

“Did you hear me, Logan?”

“Yes. Sorry. Yes, that’s the gist of it.” He confirmed. “You’d be employed by CISS in the same capacity, as an executive, with the same salary, bonus, as well as benefits.”

She liked the idea of it. The execution might be somewhat bumpy, but Sam liked the overall design of the plan. “Would I still manage the same projects I do today?”

“Yes. Everything would remain exactly the same; except you would report directly to Xavier and CISS is offering you a permanent position. Here in Dallas.”

That took her by surprise. Her current position was only temporary, until the project was completed – launched and stabilized. To know she would have a permanent position almost made the decision too easy. She wouldn’t have to leave Dallas. She could buy a house.

“Dylan and Alex are excited about bringing you onboard.”

“Sorry, I don’t know who Dylan is.” Sam stated, trying to dig into her memory banks to remember who he might be.

“Dylan Thomas. Xavier’s grandson. He has taken a vested interest in CISS and decided to go into business with Alex, relocating here sometime in the next six months or so. His daughter has been accepted to UTD so he’s decided he wants to be closer to her.”

Well, that explained it. Standing, Sam felt a little disoriented. Could this be too good to be true? Was this the answer to all of their problems? She wasn’t sure how Logan felt about the situation, he hadn’t offered his opinion, but Sam was afraid to ask him.

Maybe she shouldn’t be thinking of something so permanent so fast. Sure, he might have professed his love for her just that morning, but that didn’t mean he wanted her permanently employed so close by. What would happen if he decided to move on?

Suddenly, her stomach hurt. She needed some air. She turned and left the kitchen, leaving Logan behind her, still staring in her direction. Making a beeline for his bedroom, she found some clothes, a pair of shorts and a t-shirt she had left over last weekend, pulling them on quickly. She just needed to clear her head, get some perspective.

“Sam, where are you going?” Logan asked, standing in the doorway of his bedroom.

Sam didn’t know where she was going, but she needed a few minutes to clear her head, to think.

“I’m just going for a walk.” She decided.


Shit! Logan watched Sam walk out the front door as he remembered the food on the stove. Jogging through the house, he made it to the kitchen, only to find the butter he had placed in the pan had disintegrated from the heat. Needing something to do, he rinsed the pan, then started the process all over again. He needed to eat, and hopefully Sam would want to when she got back.

The fact that she went for a walk, and not a drive, left him with some hope. Since her car wasn’t at his house, he was pretty sure she would be back.

Pouring the eggs into the skillet, he turned the heat to low so they would slowly cook while he chopped the vegetables and the meat he’d pulled from the fridge earlier.

Logan admitted he wasn’t much of a cook, but when it came down to it, he was capable of making a pretty decent omelet. The problem he was facing now was that he wasn’t all that hungry anymore.

He’d been surprised by Sam’s immediate reaction to the information she’d asked for. At first he thought she had been pleased with the idea, she hadn’t gotten defensive or tried to shoot down the idea. It wasn’t until he mentioned the position would offer her a permanent relocation to Dallas that she seemed to have panicked.

Did she not want to move here permanently? Did she not want to take the opportunity? Would she have preferred if he had been the one to leave the company?

So many questions swam through his head, leaving him feeling sick to his stomach. Being the problem solver that he was, Logan didn’t know what he could do to make this situation any easier. For either of them. The only thing he did know was that he wasn’t willing to let her go without a fight.

He hadn’t told her about Xavier’s revelation that if she didn’t take this new opportunity, she would be heading back to San Antonio to her old job.

In his mind, that wasn’t even an option. Leaving XTX wasn’t in his cards, so keeping her there was his only way of making this work. But, he was willing to compromise.

Whatever it took, Logan wanted Sam in his life. He wanted her in his bed every night, for as long as they lived. He’d even considered proposing, but he didn’t want to move too fast, and he didn’t want to scare her off. They’d come to terms with their true feelings for each other just that morning.

Flipping the eggs so the other side cooked, Logan tapped the spatula on the counter. It wasn’t often that he was in a predicament he couldn’t dig himself out of on his own. But with Sam, he didn’t have a clue what he could do to make this work.

Adding the vegetables and meat to the egg mixture, Logan finished making breakfast, but by the time he was finished, he definitely wasn’t hungry. He wouldn’t let the food go to waste, so he grabbed a container from the cabinet, dumped the food into it and shoved it in the refrigerator.

Grabbing his laptop from the counter, Logan took a seat on the couch in the living room, propped his feet up on the coffee table and checked his emails. On any normal Saturday, he’d be making plans that didn’t have anything to do with work; unless he had something pressing he needed to take care of. Today, he didn’t have either.

Until Sam returned, Logan was at an impasse.

Just when he was about to close the laptop, his IM popped up.

[McDermott, Alex – 11:23am] What’s up? You talk to Sam?

[McCoy, Logan – 11:23am] Yes and no.

[McDermott, Alex – 11:24am] What the hell does that mean?

Logan stared blankly at the screen. He didn’t want to have this conversation with Alex right now. He couldn’t give the man an answer, because he didn’t know what Sam’s thoughts were.

[McCoy, Logan – 11:25am] It means I don’t fucking know.

[McDermott, Alex – 11:25am] Alright, alright. No need to get testy.

[McCoy, Logan – 11:25am] Fuck you, McDermott.

[McDermott, Alex – 11:25am] I know all about your kink, McCoy. I’m not interested.

Damn the bastard. Logan was in no mood for this shit. Especially not on company property.

He knew Alex was just yanking his chain, but the thought of his personal life being aired on company property, was enough to set him off. And yes, Alex was one of the very few people who knew some of the darker sides of Logan’s preferences, but Logan trusted the man implicitly.

[McDermott, Alex – 11:26am] Just screwing with you, man. I’ll let you be, just let me know when you know something.

Logan didn’t bother answering; he shut his laptop, tossing it onto the cushion beside him. Glancing at the clock on the cable box, Logan noticed that Sam had been gone for about thirty minutes. He wondered how long she would stay gone. Even in early September, it was damn hot outside in the middle of the day.

Getting to his feet, Logan paced the floor. He had no fucking clue where to go from there. Shit. Fuck. Damn.




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