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Cowboy Strong (Cowboy Up Book 5) by Allison Merritt, Leslie Garcia, Melissa Keir, Autumn Piper, Sara Walter Ellwood, D'Ann Lindun (30)










An enjoyable lunch had turned into an early evening conversation. Marcus couldn’t believe how easy it was to chat with Carlie. Educated but not pompous. No airs about her. They spoke of music and politics, his career and hers. He couldn’t say when he’d enjoyed himself more.

Finally, he stood. “Thank you for lunch. It was a true delight.”

Carlie smiled then rose from her chair. “Me, too. We’ll have to do it again.”

“Certainly. We do have the picnic lunch, yet.” Scooping up his hat, he placed it on his head.

Loud voices of two men arguing echoed into the small alley eating area. “Oh, my.” Carlie darted toward the sounds. She crouched along the wall and peered out into the street.

Marcus had seen too many fights turn into shooting matches these days. Jogging over, he shielded her body with his. “Be careful. It could be dangerous,” he whispered in her ear. Slowly glancing around the corner, Marcus noticed Preston yelling at an older man in a dark well-fitted suit. The gentleman poked at Preston’s chest and hollered about his family. Man, I give it to Preston. I’d have wanted to deck that man. Getting in his space like that. Preston shook his head then pointed toward the café.

“That’s my dad!” Carlie squealed. “Please, don’t let him see me.” She grabbed onto his shirt. Her eyes widened.

His momma would be angry if he didn’t try to help. He stole a quick glance around the eating area. No places to hide and, with the voices getting closer, Marcus’s heart pounded. “Shhh.” He cupped her face in his hands then slowly leaned in and kissed her.

The kiss was gentle, at first. He explored her lips with his own. Tilting his body into hers, he forced her up against the wall of the building, blocking her from view as his mouth plundered hers. Her passion met his, encouraging it to grow. Keeping one hand on her cheek, he ran the other through her hair, tugging her mouth and body closer.

“Oh my. Can’t you get a room?” an accented snarky voice sneered. Yet, Marcus didn’t stop. His desire took over, and all thoughts of Carlie’s father flew out of his head.

He felt a gentle push on his chest and lifted his head. “I think they’re gone.”

Carlie nodded. Her fingers trailed over his lips. “Was that necessary?”

“It worked. Your own father didn’t recognize you.”

She peered around. “Where did he go?” The anxiety was back in her voice.

“I heard them heading into your apartment.”

Stomping her foot, Carlie growled out her words. “I never should have given Preston a key. He betrayed me.”

Marcus watched her pace back and forth, her lips swollen from his kisses but her eyes spitting fury. He was glad not to be on the receiving end of her anger. “Are you going to go talk to your dad?”

She paused. “No. I can’t do it now. I need a plan. Can you still get me out of here?”

He tugged his keys from his pocket and dangled them in front of her eyes. “How about my place?”

Snatching the keys from his hands, she swung her purse over her shoulder. “Works for me.” Striding out of the alley, she paused and turned toward him. “Which way?”

“Truck’s the black one on the end.” He pointed to the left.

She tossed the keys at him. “Your truck. You drive.” She jogged to the vehicle and climbed in.




A comfortable silence filled the truck’s cab. The ride to Marcus’s home gave Carlie time to reflect. What was her dad doing here? She tugged her phone out of her purse. Fifteen missed calls and three text messages. All the calls were from her father. Those she ignored. She focused on the text messages from Preston.

Your dad’s here. He’s furious. Not just mad, over-the-top angry. Where are you?

He’s demanding to know why I’m not coming back to New York and is ranting about how you failed him.

I don’t know where you are, but you need to think of something. He’s determined to drag you back. He said he’s found you a husband since you couldn’t return me to the fold. We’re on our way to your place. Hide, until he cools down.

Preston had been trying to warn her, but the lunch with Marcus had monopolized her attention. She hadn’t even checked her phone. Shivers racked her body despite the warm sunshine through the windows.

Marcus reached over and wrapped his arm around her, drawing her close. “It’ll be fine.”

Lost in her thoughts, Carlie relaxed, the shaking subsided. What can he do? I’m an adult. He can’t force me to marry someone. His high-handedness is one of the reasons I’m staying away from New York.

They pulled into the driveway of a small log home high upon a hill. The green metal roof reflected the sunlight and the large front covered porch appeared to invite visitors to stop and rest for a while. Marcus parked the truck in front of the separate garage then ran around to open her door.

Carlie’s legs buckled, but before she could fall, Marcus swept her up into his arms and carried her to the front porch. Gently, he sat her on the bench swing.

“You rest. I’m going to get you some water.” He darted to the door, unlocked it, and went inside.

“Thank you.” Peeved at her father for coming to Whisper and stirring up trouble, Carlie craved revenge. Too bad I’m not pregnant with a homeless guy’s baby. She could see her dad’s grimace when the country club biddies turned their backs on him. For that, I’d go back to New York and make a personal appearance.

Marcus returned with two glasses of ice water. As he sat on the swing next to her, he handed her a drink. “Here. This’ll help, but take it slow.” He took a swig of his water. “Quite a shock, seeing your dad. Any idea why he’s here?”

“Preston messaged me. My dad’s found me a husband.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

“Ha. I didn’t know you were looking.” He chuckled.

She sipped her water. “Don’t worry. Dad’s got it covered.”

“Who is this paragon of a man?”

“I have no idea. But I’m sure he’s boring as hell. A member of the country club in good standing and probably will have an affair with his secretary and his assistant within two weeks of the wedding.” Now, she just sounded sad. She took another sip as she gazed at the man sitting next to her. His dark wavy hair curled about his head and made him seem less formidable. She imagined his head against the pillow on her bed. His eyes closed in sleep, a smile on his sexy lips. Carlie hungered to brush a stray lock of hair off his forehead. Instead, she brushed her fingers across her still-tingling lips then crossed her legs tight, hoping to ease the pulsing need she felt between them.

Marcus reached over and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. “I’m sorry. I’m sure your dad thinks he’s doing the right thing. Even though he’s hurting you.” He took the glass from her hand and set it on the porch near his feet.

Carlie laid her head on his shoulder. Tears slid down her cheeks. She couldn’t believe he was being so kind. Her emotions got the best of her. Marcus held her while she cried. His arms were a comfort, not sexual, but a strength she needed. It’d been difficult growing up and always trying so damn hard to please a man who thought status and wealth was more important than love and family. Carlie didn’t know how her mother handled it. As she wiped the tears with the back of her hand, she vowed to make him realize the error of his ways, even if it meant walking away from everyone she loved.

Marcus cupped her face, brushing his thumbs across her cheeks. “Do you think punching him out would do any good? I’m happy to do it.”

A small giggle escaped. Carlie was glad she’d won the date with Marcus. He’d become a good friend in a short amount of time. “If it was that easy, I’d punch him myself. The only thing which will make him leave me alone is if I got married.” She laid her hands over his. “But it would chafe his drawers if I married someone unacceptable for the country club crowd. Maybe he’d leave to save his reputation.”

Marcus bent down on one knee and held onto Carlie’s hand. “Will you marry me?”