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Curtain Call by Max Hudson (14)

Chapter Thirteen

“That’s got to be the sweetest story I’ve ever heard. You’re a regular matchmaker, Jefferson Martin.”

Jeff tapped his fingers on the steering wheel and smiled. After the phone call, neither of them was really feeling dinner anymore. They finished up quickly, skipped dessert, and got out of there. Luke had insisted on paying, which Jeff honestly appreciated. He was so broke that he’d resorted to using dollar store lotion that smelled like chemicals and turned his skin slightly green.

The two of them hadn’t wanted to part ways, and Jeff wasn’t too keen on taking Luke back to his apartment just yet, so he’d suggested that they go for a drive. He’d just spent the last half hour cruising down nice secluded backroads and telling Luke stories about old students, but particularly April and Dex. Luke seemed to be eating it up. He was sprawled out in the passenger’s seat with one hand behind his head and the other resting on top of Jeff’s upper thigh. Everything was surprisingly peaceful.

“Those two were going to get together regardless. I just helped speed up the process.”

“Still,” Luke said. “It’s so sweet that they want you to speak at the wedding. It’s crazy how much love and respect these kids have for you. I don’t think I have ever once been compelled to stay in touch with a teacher after finishing their class. I think the bond you have with them is so special.”

Jeff pulled up to a stop sign and idled there for a moment. It’s not like there was anyone behind him. In fact, there seemed to be nobody out here at all. There was just Jeff and Luke and the stars above them and trees all around them and the faint hum of lights from the residential homes off in the distance.

“It’s not like that with every student,” Jeff explained. “There are always a few every year that I get attached to. Either they’re really sweet or really talented or I just think that I can help them in some way. It’s always devastating when they graduate. I cry every single time.”

“Aww. You big softie,” Luke teased.

“I am. I don’t try to deny it.”

They were both smiling now, their heads turned toward each other ever so slightly. Luke reached over to stroke the side of Jeff’s face. Jeff reached up to place his fingers over Luke’s wrist. They stayed like that for several minutes.

“What are you thinking about?” Luke asked finally.

Jeff shrugged.

“I don’t know. Weddings? Nostalgia? You?”

“Oooh. I like that last part.”

Jeff snorted.

“You would,” he said, leaning in for a kiss.

Luke obliged, brushing their lips together so softly and tenderly that it took Jeff’s breath away. The older man broke away a few seconds later and tugged lightly on the top of Jeff’s sideburns. Jeff let his eyes fall closed and he leaned into the touch. He felt comfortable and completely relaxed; at home in his own skin like never before.

At least he did until there was a loud honk from behind them.

Jeff instinctively pressed down on the gas and the car jerked forward before Jeff got a hold of himself and pulled away at a steady clip. Glancing in the rearview mirror, he could see the driver in the convertible behind them flipping them the bird. Luke was laughing his ass off beside him. Jeff took a couple of random turns and floored it in an attempt to create distance between them and their unexpected audience.

“It’s not funny,” Jeff protested.

“It’s a little funny.”

“Fine. But only a little bit.”

Jeff pulled off the main road and parked the truck at the back of an empty lot that branched off into nearby hiking trail. Then he took the key out of the ignition, leaving them in darkness.

“Should I be concerned by the fact that you’ve taken me out to the middle of nowhere on our first date?” Luke asked.

Jeff shrugged and dug out a blanket from underneath his seat.

“Only if you hate stargazing.”

Luke grinned. “It’s a little cheesy, but I’m into it.”

And that was how the two of them ended up stretched out next to each other on top of the blanket in the bed of Jeff’s truck. The night was slightly chilly and the two of them were slowly gravitating toward the other’s warmth.

“I’ve never been good with constellations,” Luke admitted. “All I know is the big and little dipper.”

Jeff grabbed Luke’s hand and pointed it at the sky.

“You see those three stars in a straight line?” he asked.


“That’s Orion’s belt.”

Luke lowered his hand and turned to face Jeff.

“Where’d you learn that?”

Jeff shrugged.

“Probably read it in a book somewhere.”

Luke poked his stomach playfully.

“You would be the type of guy that knows so much stuff that he forgets where it all came from.”

“Well it is kind of my job to know stuff.”

“I feel like you’d be a walking encyclopedia whether you were a teacher or not.”

Jeff didn’t argue. Luke wasn’t wrong. Basically, all he’d ever done as a child was run home from school to watch music video countdowns and stay up late reading books. It was always a matter of hoarding the coolest and most relevant information so that he could dole it out to his sister and friends in measured bursts. He liked feeling like the smartest person in the room. Unfortunately, this was a trait that was later beaten out of him in high school, but he’d obviously still managed to retain his love of reading and learning new things despite it.

“Well it’s not like you’re a simpleton or anything,” Jeff said. “You’re so knowledgeable in your field. Just because I don’t understand it as easily doesn’t make that information any less valuable. In fact, I’d say that makes it even more valuable.”

Luke hummed noncommittally and trailed his fingers over Jeff’s side, lingering on the exposed inch of skin where his shirt had ridden up. Jeff let out a shiver that had nothing to do with the cold. Luke wrapped his arm around his waist, pulling him closer until their faces were just inches away. Jeff could feel Luke’s hot breath against his cheek.

“Thank you,” Luke whispered.

Jeff scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion.

"Hmm? For what?"

Luke shrugged.

“For a lot of things really. For inviting me out. For taking a chance on me. For dealing with my midlife coming out journey and all of my weird baggage that you’re not supposed to talk about on a first date, even though you know about it already.”

Jeff shook his head in disbelief and wormed one of his arms out from under the other man’s grip just so that he could poke him in the nose as he said, “You are literally the nicest and easiest person I’ve ever been with.”

Luke craned his neck in mock offense.

“Are you calling me easy?”

Jeff rolled his eyes.

“No. You know what I meant.”

“Hmm… I’m afraid I don’t. You’re gonna have to explain it to me.”

Luke’s grin was a beacon in the darkness and it could have gotten him out of even the worst of crimes, at least if Jeff was doing the booking.

“I mean,” Jeff began slowly. He wanted to make sure that he got this right. “That I don’t have to worry with you. I mean, I’m still going to worry because that’s just what I do, but you’re easy to talk to. And even though I was really nervous around you at first, the more we talk the easier it gets. I guess I’m always kind of afraid of other people’s judgments, especially from people I like, but you’ve never once done or said anything judgmental about me or anybody. You’re like, the epitome of chill. I feel like I could spill all of my secrets to you. Eventually. Someday. Probably.”

Jeff licked his lips and swallowed. It was a lot. He knew he was coming on too strong, but like he’d said, he wasn’t afraid of that anymore. He was all in at this point, and he was choosing to trust Luke with his very bruised, but still very open heart.

Luke didn’t say anything for a long while and Jeff’s neck started to get tired of supporting itself in their awkward position. He squirmed a little bit until Luke took the hint and let him go. Then Jeff repositioned himself so that he was straddling Luke’s waist and supporting the rest of his weight with his elbows. There was minimal light out here, but Jeff didn’t need light to catch the hitching in Luke’s breath or the way his hands were shaking as they stroked Jeff’s bent thighs.

“Come here,” Luke said finally.

The command sounded gruff and desperate, but his hands remained so achingly gentle.

Jeff forced himself to lean down slowly, pressing his torso into Luke’s centimeter by centimeter until the older man finally got impatient and wrapped his arms around Jeff’s neck, meeting him halfway. The kiss was sloppy and desperate and half-blind. Naturally, all of those things only made it better. Then there was the feeling of Luke’s hard cock against his leg. Suddenly Jeff wasn’t feeling very cold anymore.

Jeff moaned into Luke’s mouth and rutted against him shamelessly. Despite his growing arousal, he was very aware of the fact that they were still technically in public, but it was late and dark and there wasn’t a single person around. Plus, they were boxed in by the truck cab on one side and trees on the other. They could afford to have a little bit of fun.

Without breaking their kiss, Jeff leaned back a little so that he was kneeling and Luke was in a fully seated position. Luke immediately tried to scooch closer and remove the small gap that had been created, but Jeff pressed a hand into his chest. Then he sat back on his heels and unbuttoned his own pants. He didn’t take them off; he wasn’t feeling quite that brave, but he did slip his cock through the zipper, exposing it to the open air.

Despite the fact that Luke could probably only see shapes, he still looked his fill. He had his tongue pressed into the side of his cheek and he was palming himself through his pants now. It was probably the only time tonight that he was glad to be wearing khakis. They certainly did provide a lot of room.

“Can I?” Luke asked, barely above a whisper.

“Yes,” Jeff whispered back.

And then Luke was on him, pressing him back into the side panel as he took his dick in his mouth. His slick warmth was a stark contrast to the chilled air, and Jeff, having never indulged in outdoor sex of any kind, was instantly wrecked.

“Oh,” he said softly. He just kept repeating the word over again like it was the only thing he knew how to say. Luke definitely didn’t seem to mind. He was humming his approval right where it counted, using one hand to press down on Jeff’s hips to keep them from bucking and the other to stroke himself under his khakis.

Jeff didn’t stand a chance.

He hissed Luke’s name and dug his fingers into the older man’s shoulders so hard that there would certainly be bruises in the morning. That was the only warning he gave before spilling into Luke’s mouth. Luke swallowed his load without hesitation, which somehow managed to turn Jeff on even more. He tucked himself away and quickly got to work on returning the favor.

Luke lasted a little bit longer than he did, but not by much. He also whined and moaned the entire time. High pitched keening sounds that drove Jeff absolutely crazy. Jeff reached up under Luke’s polo and pinched his left nipple between his thumb and forefinger and that was all it took. Luke shouted his name and the sound reverberated all throughout the metal truck bed.

Afterward they laid together for a few more precious moments under the stars. They knew that they should say goodbye and return from this blissful bubble to their regular everyday lives, but they couldn’t resist the chance to linger in this beautiful memory for just a little while longer.