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Curtain Call by Max Hudson (8)

Chapter Seven

Jefferson parked his truck and went into the bar feeling extremely overdressed in his slacks and sweater vest. Nobody was paying him any attention though. Not at 6:00 on a Wednesday. The people in the bar weren’t interested in anything other than the football game on the flat screens, the miserable thoughts in their heads, and the drinks in their hands. It was kind of depressing, honestly. In that regard, Jeff fit right in.

Among this sordid crowd, it wasn’t hard to spot Luke. He was sitting over at the bar with his hand lightly curled around a half-empty glass of what appeared to be scotch on the rocks. Jeff zeroed in on the back of his neck and dazedly made his way over to him. His palms were sweating once again. Why couldn’t he have a cute nervous habit, like eyebrow scrunches? His sister did that and it made her look like an adorable child. She hated it, of course, but Jeff would have taken that over profuse sweat any day.

Jeff couldn’t believe Luke was here, that this was really happening. The guy he’d been crushing on and fantasizing about for weeks had just randomly showed up out of nowhere like prince fucking charming and asked him to get drinks. Why?

The more rational part of his brain was saying that this was just a friendly gesture. Luke probably thought Jeff was straight. Just two straight middle-aged bros having a drink on a weekday after leaving a school sanctioned event. Totally normal, right?

But then why had he made the comment about not standing him up? Was that his way of teasing him? He obviously wasn’t gay. He had a wife, a dead wife at that. Maybe Luke had figured out just how much Jeff liked him. It wasn’t that implausible considering Jeff could barely remember his own name when the other man was around. Maybe this was his way of letting him down gently. Or maybe Luke just wanted to talk more at length about Cam and Jeff was way overthinking everything. He tended to do that.

As if sensing Jeff’s raucous flurry of thoughts, Luke craned his neck and caught his eye. Jeff thought he saw the older man’s lips twitch slightly upward, but then he immediately took a sip of his scotch, effectively burying the gesture. Jeff swatted some crumbs off the barstool on Luke’s right and carefully sat down.

Jeff loudly cleared his throat and tried to casually lean against the bar, but he badly misjudged the distance and nearly toppled off the stool and onto the wood floor. Luke, very kindly, pretended not to notice.

“You want one?” he asked, gesturing down at his drink. “My treat.”

Jeff nodded.

“Sure,” he said. Of course, he greatly preferred gin to whiskey, but Luke didn’t need to know that.

Luke downed the rest of his drink in one go and signaled the bartender for two more.

“So,” he said, fingers tapping to the overplayed nostalgic pop song that was lightly filling the air. “My son seems to have really taken a liking to you. How are things really going with him? I mean, I’ve seen the midterm grades and I heard what the teacher’s said earlier, but I just want to make sure he’s okay with the play and all the extra studying. That kid’s always been good at suffering in silence.”

Jeff tried to hide his disappointment. It seemed like this was just destined to be an extended parent-teacher conference after all. He felt stupid for thinking it could have been anything more, even if it was just for a moment. In some ways it was a relief though. At least he could focus on something other than how fidgety and nervous he was.

“I mean, I haven’t known Cameron that long, but he seems to be adapting well. The drama kids, especially the upperclassmen can be pretty cliquish sometimes. The fact that Danielle invited him out with them tonight is really telling honestly.” Jeff shook his head to clear it. Luke probably didn’t care about all of that. He likely just wanted to hear about Cam’s grades and make sure they weren’t some kind of fluke. Still, he couldn’t keep himself from oversharing. He’d always had a bad habit of getting too attached to his students. It was the reason he had nearly 4000 friends on SocialBook despite his abysmal social life.

“But yeah,” Jeff continued. “He seems to be fitting in and enjoying himself. I think the schoolwork is mostly just a shyness problem. He gets overwhelmed quickly and you said it yourself, he’s not very prone to speaking up for himself or asking for help.”

Luke chuckled softly.

“That he’s not,” he admitted. “One time he got a concussion during football practice and didn’t tell anyone about it until he literally almost blacked out.”

Jeff’s eyes widened in concern.

“Really?” he asked.

“Yep.” Luke confirmed. Then he reached over and placed his rough calloused fingertips over Jeff’s wrist, making his stomach drop and his heart beat a staccato rhythm.

“Thank you,” Luke said. “For caring about him. Not a lot of teachers would go above and beyond like you have.”

Jeff gave a nervous shrug. Luke had yet to remove his hand, and the longer he touched him, the fuzzier Jeff’s brain felt.

“Well Cameron is a great kid,” he started word vomiting. “Plus, he’s ridiculously talented. He could really go places with that voice of his. Maybe an arts school or even a standard university if he wants. I don’t like seeing potential go to waste. I see a lot of myself in him. I wish someone had stepped in to help guide me when I was young and directionless. Offering my time is the least I can do for him.”

The bartender returned, and Jeff took a careful sip and managed to only wince a little bit. Luke’s hazel eyes were boring into the side of his face and it felt like he could see right through him. They were both silent for what felt like a really long time.

“You know,” Luke began, inching the tiniest bit closer. “For as much time as you spend at my house, I feel like I never see you. It’s almost as if you’re avoiding me or something.” His eyes sparkled mischievously.

Jeff’s breath caught in his throat and his face went hot with shame.

“Oh, I uh, I-I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to uh...yeah just. Sorry.” He shook his head and pulled his hand out from underneath Luke’s. He took another long sip of his drink and savored the brief distraction that the burning of his esophagus offered.

Luke laughed. The sound was joyous and tinkling and looser than Jeff was used to.

“Don’t worry about it,” Luke said with a wave of his hand. “I was only kidding. Like I said before, I’m grateful that you’ve been getting him out of his shell. It’s been a rough couple of years since his mother died. It’s been rough for both of us. I feel like I haven’t really been able to be there for him as much as I should have.”

Jeff cleared his throat, but his words still came out shrill and thin.

“Yeah. Don’t mention it.”

He stared down at the rim of his glass pensively, unsure of what he was going to say next. He was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol himself and it made him feel bolder than usual.

“What was your wife’s name?” he asked, half expecting Luke to shut down and scooch away from him in disgust.

“Sarah,” Luke said softly. “Sarah McAllister. We met at a frat party the week I turned twenty-one. I was immediately taken by her, but she said she’d only give me her number if I could do a longer keg stand than she could, so I did it. I got really sick afterward, but it was worth it. Sarah took care of me and made sure I made it back to my room okay. We got engaged two years later.”

Jeff laughed loudly before remembering that Sarah was dead and that laughter probably wasn’t an incredibly appropriate reaction to a story like that.

“Sounds like she was pretty great,” Jeff said.

“She was,” Luke agreed.

His eyes were soft and wistful and only a little bit sad, as if the sting of this particular wound had slowly been dulled down into a manageable ache over the last few years. Jeff felt the unequal weight of the conversation and suddenly longed to share something personal about himself as well.

 “You want to know the real reason I suddenly decided to put on a musical halfway through the school year?” he asked.

Luke’s eyes were wide and curious. He nodded vigorously. Jeff looked down at the bar and busied himself with studying the old woodgrain. There was no backing out now.

“Because,” he said slowly. “My boyfriend cheated on me and I needed a distraction.”

He didn’t look up at Luke or wait for him to respond

His whole body relaxed on instinct when he heard Luke scoff and say, “What a fucking asshole.”

Jeff cracked a smile. No matter how much progress there was in the world, part of him always expected straight dudes to be somewhat homophobic. Life was just easier that way. Less crushing disappointment. Still, it felt good to be proven wrong. If Luke was at all fazed by the whole gay thing, he hid it well. In fact, if anything, he seemed to be looking at Jeff even more intently than he had been moments before.

“It was on our anniversary too,” Jeff admitted. “I came home early and caught them in bed together.”

“No,” Luke said, sounding genuinely appalled.

“Yep,” Jeff confirmed, popping the 'p'. “People seem to think that dating guys should be less dramatic than dating girls, but no. Turns out that it’s even worse.”

Luke smiled sympathetically.

“Well, that guy obviously didn’t deserve you anyway. I’m sure you can do better.”

Jeff tried to contain himself, but ultimately he had to let out a proper belly laugh at that one.

“Yeah. That’s easy for a straight guy to say.”

Luke paused with his drink halfway to his mouth and quirked a brow.

“Who said I was straight?”

He’d said it loudly enough that several people glanced over at him, including the bartender. Jeff shrunk down in his seat on instinct and tried to lower his voice. The sun would be going down soon and this wasn’t a gay bar. He didn’t want to get into any physical altercations tonight. He’d had enough of those in his teen years to last a lifetime.

“What did you just say?” he whispered.

Luke shrugged.

“I’m bisexual. Always have been. Always will be. Is that a problem?”

The look that Luke was giving him was half mocking and half full of genuine vulnerability that he might have missed if the shock of the situation hadn’t shaken him up quite a bit.

“N-no,” Jeff stammered. “Of course not. I’m just surprised is all.”

Jeff reached up to rub the back of his neck and scraped the edge of his teeth against his bottom lip. He was having trouble meeting Luke’s eyes. All of the slightly flirty behavior that he’d written off as wishful thinking, was it actually real? He didn’t want to be the kind of person who automatically assumed someone liked him just because he happened to be a man who was attracted to men, but suddenly all of his indulgent desires and fantasies about Luke felt possible. It wasn’t the most comfortable feeling in the world; it was sort of like being in the middle of a board game that you were badly losing only to have the rules suddenly change in your favor. Like, sure you now had a better chance of winning, but you couldn’t enjoy it because it didn’t actually feel earned.

The weirdest part was that Luke seemed completely comfortable with himself. What must that be like? Jeff had spent most of his life with his sexuality tucked into his back pocket. Not hiding it per se, but also not willingly sharing it unless someone asked. Jeff scanned Luke’s face carefully, searching for hidden insecurities, but there didn’t seem to be any. He was smiling at Jeff like an adorable puppy. It was a look that made him want to smile back and ball up his fists at the same time.

“Well I meant what I said. I think any guy would be lucky to have you,” Luke paused and looked down at him coyly. “Mr. Martin.”

Not Jeff. Not Jefferson. Mr. Martin. For something he got called almost every day, the name sure did sound different coming from Luke’s pillowy mouth.

Jeff wiped his sweaty hands on his pants. He was warm all over, to the point where he actually made an attempt to yank his sweater vest over his head. But of course, in true Jeff Martin fashion, he managed to get his head stuck in the neck opening and knock over his empty scotch glass with his wildly flailing arms. The distinct sound of shattering filled the air. Ultimately, Luke had to help peel the garment over his head and shoulders, and by the time he did, the bartender and a good portion of the patrons were scowling at them. Jeff’s adrenaline spiked and he grabbed hold of Luke’s hand, interlacing their fingers. The skin was as rough and textured as he’d imagined, a sharp contrast to his own hands which barely did more than turning weathered book pages.

“I think we should go now,” Jeff whispered.

Luke, for once seemed to be the one at a loss for words. He was looking down at their joined hands with an expression that Jeff’s brain was having trouble deciphering.

“Yeah, okay,” he said softly. “Where do you want to go?”

Jeff thought about it for a moment. He thought about his empty apartment and how good it would feel to erase all of the images of Manny with Luke. He thought of Luke’s confident grin and multicolored eyes and the way his skin was so warm against his.

“Do you want to go to my place?” Jeff asked.

“Yeah,” Luke breathed. Just one syllable. No more. No less, but it was enough to jumpstart Jeff’s already rapidly-beating heart.

Jeff waited patiently while Luke closed his tab. Then he pulled some cash out of his wallet and left it on the bar. A huge tip to act as an apology for breaking things, and also to hopefully encourage the bartender to step up and call the police if anyone tried to pull some funny business out in the parking lot.

Although neither Luke nor Jeff had drunk excessively, they both felt it was more responsible to get a ride back to Jeff’s place and deal with their vehicles in the morning. Besides, Jeff knew his nervousness and excitement at the moment would make it harder for him to drive home. So, Jeff called them a car. It ended up being a silver hatchback driven by a middle-aged man with a French accent. Luke and Jeff happily huddled close in the backseat with their knees pressed together. Jeff couldn’t take his eyes off the throbbing vein in the side of Luke’s throat.

Jeff’s nervousness made it difficult for him to think clearly. Despite his inability to give clear directions, the French guy managed to get them both to the apartment in one piece. Jeff went into the ride sharing app and gave him an absurdly huge tip as well. He’d always been overly generous, which had been a much larger problem when he was a broke college student, and still was, although to a much lesser degree, now.

Once inside, Jeff tossed his work satchel and his discarded sweater vest over the couch and promptly returned his attention to Luke, who was surveying the apartment with wide eyes and childish fascination. Jeff looked around as well, just to see what about the very plain space appealed to him, but he came up empty.

“Is everything all right?” he asked finally. He was clenching his fists so tightly that his fingernails were leaving tiny half-moons on the fleshy part of his palms. It occurred to him that he should probably offer the other man a drink and a place to sit, or at the very least offer to take his coat, but then Luke looked up at him and gave him an indulgent, and thoroughly distracting smile and all such niceties fled from Jeff’s brain.

“Yeah,” Luke replied. “It’s just, there’s so much of you in this space. Even more than I imagined.”

Jeff unclenched one of his fists and rubbed at the back of his neck.

“You imagined my apartment?”

Luke bit his lips and nodded.

“Yeah. I wondered what kind of place you came home to. Where you slept and what color walls you had. Stuff like that.”

Jeff blinked slowly.


Luke’s lips quirked and there was a slight flush creeping up his tan neck.

“Don’t know. There’s something special about you Mr. Martin.”

Jeff looked down at the floor and shook his head. His shoulders felt tenser than he could ever remember them being and he could hear his heartbeat in his ears.

“There’s nothing special about me,” he choked out.

Luke stared at him for a moment before slowly and languorously moving around Jeff’s stiff body until he was standing right behind him. Suddenly Luke’s hands were on Jeff’s shoulders, carefully working out the knots there. Jeff shivered, and goosebumps pricked all over his body. He had to be dreaming this.

“Relax, Jefferson,” Luke whispered into his right ear.

Jeff, with much concentrated effort on his part, let his shoulders drop. Luke trailed his fingertips across them and dug his thumbs into the tissue, giving him a full-blown massage. Jeff closed his eyes and kept his lips pressed tightly together to hold in any errant sounds of pleasure.

Finally, after several seconds or minutes, Jeff could not be sure, Luke’s fingers stilled. The older man moved closer, pressing his entire weight into Jeff’s back. Jeff sucked in a shaky breath through his nose as Luke’s hands made their way from his shoulders to his chest. He even made a show of slipping some of his fingers through the gaps in his button down. The feeling of Luke’s rough fingertips on his bare skin was making his waistband feel uncomfortably tight. He longed to reach down and loosen his belt, but he was afraid moving might break this wonderful and terrifying spell. The words, “who said I was straight,” kept playing on a loop in his mind, over and over again.

Then there was the soft press of lips just above his shirt collar, making him gasp.

“You seem pretty special to me,” Luke said, husky and low.

Jeff swallowed hard. Luke’s breath was hot against the back of his neck.

“You barely know me,” Jeff argued feebly.

“And you barely know me,” Luke rebutted, slithering around Jeff’s body so that they were facing each other again. “But something tells me you have a bit of a crush on me.”

Jeff didn’t have a rebuttal for that, so he kept quiet. Luke reached up and traced Jeff’s stubbly jawline with his thumb. His pupils were blown wide, leaving a fiery trail of amber at the edges.

“Well, just in case you haven’t caught on by now,” Luke said, painfully slowly. “The feeling is mutual.”

This isn’t happening, Jeff thought.

“This is happening,” Luke assured him. He hadn’t realized that he’d spoken out loud.

“This might be a bad idea,” he whispered, reaching up to place his own hand on top of Luke’s on his cheek. “I’m your son’s teacher.”

Luke shrugged.

“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

But Jeff did want this. He wanted it so badly that he thought he might die if Luke didn’t kiss him right now. Usually he wasn’t very picky at all about who he invited into his bed. Why should he start now? Especially with someone as sweet and hot and perfect for him as Luke.

Jeff very gently removed Luke’s hand from his face and brushed his own fingers over the older man’s knuckles. Then he sucked in a deep breath and leaned in for the kiss. It was good. More than good. Just a delicate brushing of the lips at first, and then the more insistent pressing that made his stomach drop out from underneath him.

Jeff, feeling brave, flicked out his tongue ever so slightly and traced the inside of Luke’s top lip before retreating. Luke let out an honest to goodness moan, a soft and throaty sound that absolutely wrecked the remaining vestiges of Jeff’s composure. Then Luke’s tongue was in his mouth, sloppy and wet and so very hot. Jeff gave up on his nerves and sucked on it the way he really wanted. The way he had in his dreams the first night after they’d met.

Some small part of him was finally starting to believe that this was actually happening.

I’m making out with Luke Davis, he thought reverently. Luke Davis is making out with me.

Jeff would have been content to keep doing this for hours and hours, but then Luke readjusted his stance in a way that caused their hips to brush against each other and he jerked back, suddenly reminded of the uncomfortable friction building in his pants. He and Luke stared at each other for a moment. Jeff thought that the other man looked wild and hungry, not unlike a startled coyote out in the wilderness.

Without breaking eye contact, Jeff reached down and unbuckled his belt. He slid it through the loops slowly and dropped it to the floor with a loud clunk. He risked a look down at Luke’s waistband and realized for the first time that the button was undone. Luke was also sporting a bulge, almost as big, if not bigger than his own.

Jeff swallowed and tried his best to remember how to form sentences.

“Bedroom?” was all he managed to get out, but it was enough. Luke’s Adam’s apple bobbed and he nodded firmly. Jeff grabbed him by the hand and led him through the apartment that they’d barely explored, and into the bedroom.

There was a small, rather annoying, part of Jeff’s brain that wanted to focus not on what was very likely about to happen with Luke, but on what had transpired in here with Manny several months ago. The intrusive thought made Jeff angry, and he pushed Luke down on top of the mattress in response. The older man landed with a startled oof and stars in his eyes.

Jeff held himself over him and waited, breath heavy. He wanted to see if Luke would bridge the distance between them, and the older man did not disappoint. Pulling Jeff down on top of himself, Luke’s next kiss somehow, was even hotter than the first. Now Jeff was the one moaning into Luke’s mouth. When they finally broke away, they were both panting. Jeff noticed that Luke had a light sheen of sweat building over his forehead and his mouth was hanging open slightly.

Jeff pressed his hand over Luke’s broad chest, feeling the muscle there through the sweater.

“Hey there,” Luke said softly. Then he sat up to start undoing the buttons on Jeff’s shirt. Once it was open, Luke trailed his hands all the way down Jeff’s chest, lingering at the soft patch of hair just above his slacks. Jeff’s breath hitched, but before he could really lose himself in the suffocating pleasure, Luke was already pulling away. Jeff let the other man fall back, but chose not to fall with him, remaining upright.

“You’re wearing way too many clothes,” Jeff decided, tugging at the edge of Luke’s sweater.

Luke laughed and sat up a bit so that Jeff could pull the garment over his head. He peeled off the white t-shirt that was underneath too, for good measure. Then before he knew it, Luke was shimmying out of his jeans. Jeff warred between wanting to stare at him, and the desire to rid himself of his own intrusive pants. Inevitably, the latter won out. He stood and all but ripped off the beige dress pants. When he turned back around, Luke was lying on top of his bed in nothing but a pair of blue boxers.

Jeff moved to rejoin him almost immediately, lying down on his side right beside him. It wasn’t even really a conscious effort; something deep and instinctual. It was like the two of them were tethered together by an invisible string. Like they’d known each other their entire lives. Luke reached out and traced a tentative line over the throbbing vein in Jeff’s neck before kissing him there. Jeff let his head fall back, an invitation for more. It felt like a drug; not that Jeff had ever done them, but he’d take the light scraping of Luke’s teeth on his neck over alcohol any day.

Then the kiss migrated up to his ear, then down the side of his jaw. Jeff let out an embarrassing whimper. God, they’d barely even gotten started and he was already a mess. Luke made a grunting sound of approval and kept moving down the length of Jeff’s torso until his mouth was hovering over his crotch. Jeff could feel the heat of Luke’s mouth just inches from where he wanted it, separated only by a thin layer of fabric. Then he pressed a soft kiss to his cock which made Jeff want to crawl out of his own skin and into Luke’s. Anything to get them closer together.

“May I?” Luke asked, though he looked like he already knew the answer.

Jeff nodded and held his breath as Luke slid his underwear off Jeff’s hips and stared down at his erection. He only allowed himself a moment of appreciation before springing into action. He stroked the inside of Jeff’s thighs before leaning in and taking the tip of his cock in his mouth.

“Fuck.” The word just fell out of Jeff’s open mouth of its own accord.

Luke hummed his approval and swirled his tongue around once before bobbing lower. Jeff was clutching the sheets in his fists for dear life. He looked down at Luke in disbelief. The mechanic had his eyes closed and his hands braced on either side of Jeff’s hips. He was really getting into it, as if he wanted this—needed this—just as much as Jeff did. It was earth-shatteringly sexy.

Jeff’s hands slowly found their way into Luke’s hair, tugging lightly. Luke seemed to like that as his mouth faltered ever so slightly. If they were going to do more than just blowjobs tonight, they were gonna have to get to them pretty soon. Jeff didn’t know how much longer he could last.

Luke seemed to sense this, and pulled up, his tongue trailing all the way up Jeff’s shaft, making him shiver.

“Jeff,” he said slowly, purposefully.


“I want you to fuck me.”

Jeff stopped breathing.

Luke’s eyebrows creased, and the corners of his kiss-swollen mouth tugged down.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

Jeff shook his head, and then nodded, which was admittedly a confusing reaction. He scooted up the bed and into a fully seated position so that he could look the other man in the eyes.

“I’m fine,” he said, as soon as he could get the words out evenly. “Just surprised is all. I um, I just figured that you’d…” the entire expanse of his skin felt like it was on fire. “You know,” he finished lamely.

Luke was looking back at him with a mixture of amusement and unrestrained desire.

“You thought I’d what?” he asked.

Jeff wiped a hand over his face, as if that could mask the redness brewing there.

“I just figured that you’d want to top,” he admitted.

Luke didn’t say anything for a long while and Jeff started to grow restless, afraid that he’d upset the man or something. He knew better than to make assumptions about people. Just because Luke enjoyed having sex with girls didn’t mean that he’d always want to be the one doing the fucking. Heck, Jeff wasn’t a power bottom or anything, but he knew that if he went without it for too long, he’d start to miss it. That was just like him to go around ruining good things before they even got started. 

Then Luke shifted forward, leaning in for another kiss. Jeff met him halfway, his entire body sagging with relief.

“Jefferson,” Luke said, pulling back just a few inches from Jeff’s lips. “I appreciate your concern, but I have not been penetrated by a man in over a decade and right now I’d really like for you to fuck me so hard I can’t walk tomorrow. Is that okay with you?”

Jeff’s hips jerked upward at the suggestion.

“Yeah,” he breathed.

This was how he really knew he was not dreaming. Even in his wildest fantasies, he’d never cooked up a scenario in which Luke wanted him to fuck him.

Luke pressed a kiss into his jaw and then pulled back, bringing himself into a standing position next to the bed. Making sure he had Jeff’s full attention, he hooked his fingers into his boxers and slid them all the way down to his knees before letting them drop to the floor. He stepped out of them very carefully and then kicked them aside. For a moment, all Jeff could do was stare. Luke was basically perfect in every way. Tan, a little bit scruffy, and muscular, with a thick cock to match. Jeff palmed himself and cut his eyes over to the nightstand where he kept the condoms and lube.

Luke took the hint and grabbed them. Before either of them knew it, Luke was lying on his back with his knees tucked up, lazily stroking himself as Jeff slicked up his fingers and pressed against his entrance. Immediately, Luke’s head fell back, his hair a golden curtain over Jeff’s pillow. Jeff sucked in a breath and pulled back just a tiny bit, this time crooking his finger. Luke’s back arched and his hips pressed back down against Jeff’s hand.

“More,” he begged. “Please.”

Jeff had to close his eyes and take a moment to compose himself before slipping in a second finger and then a third. He wanted to go slowly, knowing full well that Luke wasn’t used to this, but Luke was having none of it. He just kept on grinding down on Jeff’s fingers and whispering profanities until Jeff couldn’t take it anymore. He pulled his hand back, much to Luke’s shock and dismay, and tore open a condom packet with his teeth. He rolled the rubber onto his throbbing cock while Luke stuck a pillow underneath his ass to elevate it.

Jeff paused with his cock lined up with Luke’s entrance. It took absolutely every ounce of his willpower to not thrust in right away, but he needed to ask. He knew he’d regret it if he didn’t.

“Are you sure about this?” he whispered.

“Yes,” Luke grunted. Jeff could see that his abs were tight and his thighs were straining; every part of his body coiled with want and anticipation. Jeff knew the feeling well.

He slid in. Luke was much tighter than he was used to and he had to hold his breath to keep from cumming right away.

“You okay?” he asked Luke through clenched teeth.

“Yes,” Luke whispered, sounding wrecked. “Just give me a minute.”

Jeff did as he asked and stood still as a statue. Finally, Luke’s body relaxed and he said, “All right, keep going.”

And keep going he did. He pulled back, eliciting a whimper from Luke, and thrust back in, again and again until he was finally able to build up a steady rhythm.

“Yes, God,” Luke hissed, stroking himself even faster. “Please don’t stop.”

Jeff moaned and thrusted in even harder. The part of him that was worried he was hurting Luke was completely eclipsed by the part of him that knew Luke was enjoying it. On a whim, Jeff reached up and pressed his hands over Luke’s abs, bracing himself. Luke responded to this new angle by bucking his hips and swearing under his breath. Jeff couldn’t hold back his smile. He never would have thought that he’d be the more composed one in this situation. Well, then again, he never thought he’d be in this situation at all.

“You like that?” Jeff whispered, feeling bold.

Luke sucked on his bottom lip and nodded. Jeff snapped his hips, and at the same time, reached up to pinch one of Luke’s nipples. Luke screamed Jeff’s name and buckled underneath him. Jeff focused on gross things like garbage cans and public bathrooms as he shifted his weight back down and batted Luke’s hand away from his own cock. Jeff took over, trying to time his thrusts and strokes at the exact same time. Judging from Luke’s sudden tight grip on the back of Jeff’s neck, this was a good choice.

Luke pulled Jeff down and kissed him like the world might end if he didn’t. Then he started gasping into Jeff’s mouth. Without breaking the kiss, Jeff got a tighter hold on Luke’s cock and gave a little twist. Luke cried out and frantically pushed Jeff off him with a loud cry of, “I’m gonna cum!”

Jeff pulled out and continued his attention to Luke’s cock. At the same time, Luke reached over with fumbling fingers and peeled the condom off Jeff’s cock so that Luke could return the favor. The two of them came like confetti poppers, one after the other, spilling white all over Luke’s seizing stomach. Jeff just stared down at Luke afterward, awestruck by his ragged breathing and the intensity with which they’d both came.

Luke licked his lips and attempted a smirk.

“Come here,” he said.

Jeff crawled across the bed and nestled himself in the crook of Luke’s shoulder. Luke reached up to run his fingers through Jeff’s hair, losing sight of them in the brown curls. Jeff felt like all of his limbs had been turned to jelly and it was pretty clear that Luke felt the same.

“How do you feel?” Jeff whispered.

Luke let out a throaty laugh.

“I feel pretty damn good,” he said, pressing a kiss to Jeff’s temple. He didn’t ask how Jeff was feeling, so it must have been pretty obvious. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had sex so good. Maybe never. And this was only the first time. There were so many more things left to discover...

The two of them lay together for a long time, concentrating on nothing but the sounds of their breaths slowly evening out. Eventually, Jeff crawled out of bed to get some tissues and methodically started cleaning Luke’s stomach, trying not to think too hard about what he was doing, lest he start the cycle of desire all over again. When he was done, he tossed the tissue aside, not caring about where they ended up. Luke welcomed him back to his side with a happy sigh and wrapped his huge arms around Jeff’s waist. Jeff breathed in the faint scent of sweat and lemongrass and let his eyes drift closed.

He had no idea how long they had been here or what time it was now, but he could feel himself getting sleepy. Jeff drifted off to sleep feeling safe, warm, and thoroughly satisfied.




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Shameless: Rules of Refinement Book Two (The Marriage Maker 6) by Erin Rye, Tarah Scott, Carmen Caie

The Long Walk Back by Rachel Dove

Scarlet Toys (Violent Circle Book 1) by S.M. Shade

Storm of Seduction: A contemporary reverse harem romance (Brothers Freed Book 2) by Bea Paige

Good at Being Bad (Rock Canyon, Idaho Book 8) by Codi Gary

Rocky (Dixie Reapers MC3) by Harley Wylde, Jessica Coulter Smith

Embrace the Romance: Pets in Space 2 by S.E. Smith, M.K. Eidem, Susan Grant, Michelle Howard, Cara Bristol, Veronica Scott, Pauline Baird Jones, Laurie A. Green, Sabine Priestley, Jessica E. Subject

Where You Least Expect by Kaye Blue

Beautiful Burn: A Novel by Jamie McGuire

Seduced by the Dragon (Fated Dragons Book 3) by Emilia Hartley

Puck Buddies by Teagan Kade

Falling for Mr. Wright (Bachelors in Suits) by Neeley, Robyn

Club Thrive: Agenda (The Club Thrive Series Book 3) by Alison Mello

Undeniable (Fated series Book 4) by A. S. Roberts

Ryker (The Powers That Be Book 4) by Harper Bentley

An Earl’s Love: Secrets of London by Alec, Joyce

Strip for me (Only one night series Book 1) by G. Bailey

Rule #4: You Can't Misinterpret a Mistletoe Kiss (The Rules of Love) by Anne-Marie Meyer