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Daddy Issues by Seth King (13)

Eliot Prince


It’s crazy, how much more sensual some sun and nature can make you feel. All that caveman shit they talk about, it really is true. I’m baking and sweating and stretching out on the floating dock, just thinking, with my bathing suit pulled all the way up to make sure my legs get a little tanned. My abs are slick, and my dark-blonde hair is already shining a shade lighter. The feeling of my skin against the warm wooden deck, the smell of the trees and the soil and the Rhododendron bushes and the water, fuck – I could grab David right now and fuck his ass right here, but he’s off playing Scrabble or something with the kids.

Oh, well. The sex can wait. I’ve already jacked off today, anyway. And do you know why I’m horny in the first place? Last night’s sexting session.

I only saw his dick once before the photo disappeared, and yet it made me come two different times. That’s right, I jacked off immediately, and then an hour later I was still so turned on, I did it again. And would you like to know my response, after the first jackoff? I opened up my legs, took a picture of my hole, and sent the message. But by now, I’m trying to calm down and stop being such a horn-dog. In fact, I’ve got something to research.

I go to Google and enter the following: is it normal to be attracted to a family member

I cringe as the results load. Then I click on the first article. Real Life “Kissing Cousins:” This Surrey Woman Fell in Love With Her Second Cousin Once Removed!

The story is about a woman who fell for a distant family member at a family reunion. (Apparently “kissing cousins” is a term for a family member you don’t know, and only kiss on the cheek whenever you see them, which I’ve never heard about. Too bad there’s no term for former stepparents…)

Many people find themselves sexually attracted to distant relations, the author writes. Most Western societies frown upon this behavior today, but as recently as a century ago, marriages between cousins were accepted, and even encouraged. Several European royal houses experienced generations of genetic issues due to heavy inbreeding. Royal watchers applauded the marriage of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer for bringing “new blood” into the notoriously inbred British monarchy, when in fact Diana was actually Charles’ cousin through both of her parents. Diana was even born on a property owned by her cousin the Queen, and was essentially raised as a cousin of the royals. In fact, Diana first started fancying Charles when he was dating her older sister, Sarah…

I sit back and smile. Well, then. If getting with a distant relation was good enough for Charles and Diana, how could it not be good enough for me?

I’m looking through the next article about the soap opera royals when someone walks out onto the dock and drops a towel, making me freeze.

It’s him. I don’t even have to say his name to myself because I know who it is. I can kind of just sense when he’s around – this energy just explodes between us. (And that’s probably why I can sense him, too. My body knows what my libido won’t admit: this is dangerous.)

I look over. He’s gotten tan, too. His chest hair snakes up from his navel to the hollow between his chest, and his eyes are shining against his darker skin.

“Mind if I go for a swim?” he asks, and I nod as casually as I can. Sending random pictures is one thing – I haven’t quite figured out how to act around him in person yet. Then he does something shocking: he takes off his Speedo, walks to the edge of the dock, and dives in.

Holy shit.

His dick was just flopping inches away from my face – and it was better than I remember. Hairier, too. I’ve never hooked up with someone who didn’t man-scape – he only trims a little. And his balls are huge, as well. They look so full, too, after last night’s emptying session…

But why is he doing this? The dock is well out of view from the main house, and sure, the little kids go skinny dipping all the time, since we own the lake. But how would it look if someone came out and found Robert nude with his former stepson?

I watch him float around for a minute, his dick bobbing in and out of the clear water, then he dives down and exposes all of his ass to me. Or was it accidental? I don’t know, but I’ve never seen someone who didn’t shave their crack. And it was perfect…

This is also wrong on another level. I’m no longer with David, and I could do whatever I want, technically speaking. It wouldn’t be cheating, but he’s on this trip with me, so wouldn’t this be wrong in some sense? I mean, even though he’s the one who cheated…

“Hey,” he calls. “Help a brother out? Throw me my suit?”

Brother? More like stepfather, I think to myself. Then I throw him the Speedo, which he slides on in the water.

Finally he swims over and climbs out of the lake. First his head appears, and he’s staring right at me. Then his glistening chest, water dripping off his hair, and finally his fat package, barely contained by the Speedo. He climbs out and then plops down on his towel near me, his legs open as he lays out and soaks up the sunlight.

I look back. It’s off to one side, and I can see his hole underneath his balls. My heart is pounding in my ears. I can’t take much more of this.

“You’re hard,” he says with his eyes closed.


“Your dick’s hard. Just something I noticed.”

I rearrange my legs. “Well, this is weird. Can you put on your suit again?”

He looks over at me. “Fine. Sorry, just got back from Ibiza, where guys getting naked together is totally normal. Sure thing.”

He slides his Speedo up further, not that it covers anything. Then he just smiles at me, laughs, and looks away.


“Seems like you have quite the dramatic relationship with your boyfriend. Caught you two arguing on the lawn this morning.”

“We weren’t arguing. He wanted to go golfing, and I hate golfing,” I say. “And he’s not my boyfriend.”

“What? Why is he here, then?”


“Relationships usually are. You can tell me, though. It’s not like there’s anything else to do here.”

“He cheated on me a month ago,” I finally sigh. “But he’s begging for ten million more chances, and…I don’t know. I kind of let him come here to see if there was anything worth salvaging.”

“He cheated on you? But you’re better looking than him.”

My cock twitches. “That’s actually what he said. He said he was constantly insecure around me, and one night he was drunk at the club and the pressure just made him snap.”

“That’s bullshit. A cheater is just a cheater, period. Do you still love him?”

“I…don’t know. That’s what I came here to find out. I suppose not.”

“So he’s thinking this is where he’ll romantically get you back, and meanwhile you’re washing your hands of him…”

“I mean, it’s not that simple. We have over a year of history together. I can’t just throw that away. And having a hot hookup near me while I’m here isn’t bad, either.”

“But…I mean, you’re leading him on.”

“No I’m not. I’m just kind of pushing that off for as long as I can. I thought it would be easier. But it’s just making our breakup worse.”

“Can I ask how you found out he was…doing stuff?” he asks.

“I always knew. Our relationship was off from the start. I even went back on my Truvada halfway through, because I didn’t trust him. Truvada is-”

“The HIV preventative pill,” he laughs. “I know what Truvada is. I’m on it. I’m not that old.”

“Oh. Sorry. Anyway, I knew. And then we happened to be out at dinner with my mom, and I looked over and saw that he was texting the guy.”

“At dinner? With your mother?”

“He was just careless,” I shrug. “But the weird thing was, I wasn’t that devastated. I was almost relieved. But he begged and begged and begged for forgiveness, so…I let him come here.”

“You’re too nice, Eliot. I would’ve banished him the second he cheated.”

“Yeah, yeah. Did I mention again that he cheated on me? I’m not in the wrong, here.”

“Well I’m sorry. I’ve been cheated on. It felt like getting hit by a bus. You didn’t deserve that.”

“Oh, was it my mo-”

I catch myself.

“Sorry,” I say. “I’m not ready to talk about that yet.”

“What, your mother?” he asks. “We can talk about it. I have a very good relationship with her, you know. She was kinder to me than I ever deserved. We’re on great terms.”

“Now you are. And I’m sure those terms wouldn’t be so great if she knew you…”


I look away, then back at him. “I mean, if she knew…”

“If she knew what?” he asks, grabbing his cock in his Speedo, making my mouth go dry. “What do you think is happening here, Eliot?”

I stare directly at him. “I think you want to fuck me.”

He rubs the tip of it. His back arches a little. “Well. You’d be correct, then.”

“Yes. And it’s obviously…complicated.”

“You could say that,” he nods.

“Do you feel wrong about it, though?”

“I don’t know what I feel. Mostly erotic. How do you feel?”

“I don’t know. Same.”

“And what do you want to do about it?” he asks.

And then I turn and jump into the water.


When I come up for air, he’s laughing. It’s making his abs shine in the light, and I jump from my toes to my earlobes.

“What’s funny? God, I feel bad for even looking at you, even if it makes me smile. No, sorry, I won’t say that.”

“Oh, don’t be sorry.”


“Don’t you ever apologize for doing something that made you happy.”

My body feels light as air, even though I am floating in water. “Wow. That felt good.”

“What did?” he asks.

“You talking to me like that. David is always criticizing me, in his own little way. It’s nothing outright, he’ll just correct me or put me down or asking me whether I’m really going to wear those shoes with that shirt.”

He bites his lip. “Okay. Why the hell is he here?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, why the hell is he here? Why do you keep him around?”

“Because…because I’m afraid of what would happen if I turned him away.”

“I do think you’re afraid,” he says soon. “Not of that, though.”

“Of what, then?”

“Of allowing yourself to feel what you want to feel. So you stay comfortable, and instead feel nothing.”

“And how would you know?”

“Because I spent half my life like that,” he says plainly. “You don’t have to be in the closet to be suppressed, you know.”

A serious moment passes. Maybe too serious. Suddenly he turns and starts pulling one of the canoes off the railings where they’re kept, just above the water.

“What’re you doing?” I ask.

“Going canoeing,” he says as he turns. “I’m sick of us having to deal with all these people, all these distractions.”

“Oh, really? Who are you going with, then?”

“With you, silly,” he says before licking his top lip and flashing those eyes at me. “Come on. Get in.”




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