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Daddy Plus One: A Single Dad Secret Baby Billionaire Romance by Brooke Valentine (92)

Chapter Thirteen

Yvette had never been happier and was avoiding any kind of negativity, including her mother’s dire warning of being disowned. Her religious background was enough to make her worried to let the cat out of the bag.

She convinced Adam and Blake to keep their relationship on a need-to-know basis. She didn’t want anything to burst her bubble and cause her to believe she was making the worst mistake of her life.

The first two weeks were their way of expressing themselves by doing things that were not exactly for the faint of heart. They were constantly striving to outdo the last experience knowing full well it was a Herculean task, to say the least. They managed to break a few pieces of furniture in their quest to show each other a good time.

A glass coffee table had become a victim, shattering into pieces, but somehow they all managed to avoid any type of injury. Pieces of plaster had broken from the wall from how hard they slammed her up against it.

She had gotten some strange looks from some of the neighbors in the building. Some smiled sweetly and gave her winks of encouragement, but others turned up their noses in disgust.

Yvette was walking home from work with a skip to her step and then she suddenly stopped on a dime. There was a flash and then it was gone. She looked around for the source and found a shadow ducking into an alley. Without thinking about it, she hurried to catch up with it and was barely able to catch a glimpse of the man entering a hotel across the street.

“I thought that was you. I wasn’t expecting to see you until tonight, but this is a pleasant surprise.” Blake had been out doing some errands and found himself watching her chase what looked like a shadow.

“I think somebody has been watching me and I would like a few moments alone with him to question him thoroughly on his motives. I wouldn’t mind some company to keep me from doing something I might regret. My anger is above normal levels. I’m afraid of how I’m going to react when I corner him like a wounded animal.” She was feeling a little on edge and her emotions were all over the place. She woke up feeling depleted, but she thought it might have been a vitamin D deficiency.

“Lead the way. I will be happy to hold him down while you give him a piece of your mind. I’m not usually one to confront anyone, but for you, I will make the exception.” They went into the hotel and she pointed to the man impatiently waiting for the elevator. He had his back toward them, but his muscular frame was easily recognizable as someone of male influence.

“I think he spotted us over his shoulder.” Blake was moving closer using a couple of chairs to shield his approach. It wasn’t enough for the man not to recognize a problem when he saw it.

Jeffrey Grayson had been in tough positions before, but he tried to avoid unnecessary complications doing his job. His assignment was extensive with many days of surveillance and several photos for his troubles. He knew he was invading their personal space, but it wasn’t like he felt bad for capturing their free-for-all exploration of flesh.

“Don’t lose him. There are many places for him to hide.” Yvette’s body was hidden behind a fern and she was using her fingers to watch this man fidget nervously on the balls of his feet.

“We may as well take a more forceful approach. I can tell the elevator still has several floors before it makes it to the lobby.” They joined hands and casually walked with a purpose toward a man with a unique set of talents.

Jeffrey had no interest in speaking to those he was hired to keep an eye on from afar. He bolted for the safety of the stairwell, bounding up the stairs with the sound of footsteps following from behind. He looked down and found them keeping pace even though he believed himself to be in remarkable shape for his fifty years on the planet.

He was wearing all black, but in this environment, he stuck out like a sore thumb. Getting away wasn’t going to be easy, but talking to them was only going to cause more harm than good.

“He’s quick, but we can keep up with him by pushing each other to the limit. He’s going to have to pick a floor or keep going up to the roof. At this point, I don’t know why he’s following me, but I do have a good idea. I hope I’m wrong, but we won’t know until we get it from the horse’s mouth.” She was a little winded, but she forced herself to keep going even though her legs were burning with the effort.

“I think I know what you are going to say, but I don’t want to jinx it by giving it a voice. We don’t know anything for certain.” Blake was in a black sports coat with sweat accumulating through the white shirt underneath. He was all about classic style, but his shoes weren’t conducive to a high-speed chase up a set of stairs.

“I don’t like being caught off-guard. It makes me feel vulnerable and in a position of weakness. I hope I’m not making you do something you don’t want to do. We haven’t known each other long enough to understand our limitations. We have a pretty good idea of what we can do behind closed doors, but we have yet to take this public.” She was keeping her relationship from her mother and her friends.

Yvette knew there was no way they could understand and would probably force her to take off the blinders.

“I’m up for an adventure and life does have the tendency to throw curveballs.” He was behind Yvette’s body encased in a pair of tight jeans.

She was lucky to be wearing the kind of footwear to keep pace with a man who didn’t want to be caught. There was no way for her to know whether or not he was carrying some sort of weapon to protect himself. The only thing that mattered was making him talk and getting the truth no matter how ugly it might be.

“I know you don’t want to hear this, but this is a marathon and not a sprint. We can’t outrace him, but we may be able to outdo him in stamina. Don’t overdo it or you may find yourself sucking his dust.” She knew Blake was an avid runner, but his desperation could rule over his good sense.

It could make him lose steam before he had a chance to grab that extra energy from deep down. She was giving him an encouraging word and was happy to report his manhood was still intact. His face had turned ashen white, but that didn’t stop him from slapping those polished black shoes against the cement floors.

“I should’ve known he was going to go all the way to the roof to try to lose us. I’m not going to give up that easily.” The never-ending sex in her penthouse and their apartment was making her crazy.

She never slept alone, but there were times she had the company of only one man. It was a nice departure, but it was even sweeter when they were together performing acts of depravity.

“I know what you mean. These shoes are not meant for endurance unlike the rest of my body which you can attest to. I seem to recall someone screaming my name while I was pounding hard and fast between her legs last night. You were left spent and lying there with a grin pasted on your face.” Blake had never had more sex in his life and each time was better than the first time.

“You pick the strangest time to talk about our love life. Remember you weren’t the one that brought this up. I would like to know how you are feeling after these last couple of weeks. Is the bloom off the rose? Do I still excite every part of you?” She was gaining traction and finding herself getting closer to the subject.

“I don’t know why I even have to justify that with an answer. Have I given you any reason to doubt my love for you? I’ve never felt like this with any woman I have been with. There was always a piece missing. I thought actions spoke louder than words. If we weren’t chasing him, I would show you by making my name spill from your lips in a moment of orgasmic release. I would give you so much pleasure you wouldn’t be able to stand up afterward.” He saw her stumble with her chest heaving and her breath rapid like a runaway locomotion.

“That was certainly a mouthful and more than enough to tell me what I wanted to hear.” She saw the door to the roof closing quickly and she jumped in time to wedge her hand in between.

Blake pulled her to her feet and turned her with a look of immediate concern in his eyes. They stared at each other and could’ve easily made their bodies into their own personal wonderland.

The heat between them had Blake momentarily stunned. He broke from the sexual trance long enough to open the door to the roof. He went out first to make sure the coast was clear.

Jeffrey was mildly impressed by how far they were willing to chase him down. He was no stranger to a gym and had become a changed man after a health scare a few years ago. His lifestyle remarkably improved by cutting out sugars and replacing them with the natural kind he had found in fresh fruit.

They were on the roof with the gravel surface sticking to their shoes. They could hear the incessant buzzing of the air-conditioning units.

They both hunched and looked around every corner to see if they could spot the man who had become something of a white whale. He was amazingly allusive, but there was no other way off the roof.

“I don’t know what you want with me, but you may as well come out and face your accusers.” Yvette felt like she was being violated. She was not going to take being treated like a victim.

“I know the look in her eye and I would do what she says if you know what’s good for you. This woman is not someone you should mess with unless you plan on taking your life into your hands. She is very determined and very little makes her back down from a fight.” Blake was painting a portrait of a woman with no quit in her vocabulary.

She heard the buzzing on her wristwatch and they both looked down at the flashing reminder of an appointment she had scheduled.

Jeffrey saw an opening and he used it. He had found a piece of rebar where he was standing and brandished it like a crazy man off his meds.

He slammed into them, knocking the woman off her feet and slamming the rebar into the man’s stomach, making him double over. He continued to use the weapon to immobilize the man and hurt him severely enough that the woman wouldn’t pursue.

Jeffrey ran down the stairs and was thankful to hear that nobody was in pursuit. He ducked into the sixth floor, taking the elevator down to the fourth and then the stairs the rest of the way. He was already running late and no doubt his employer was going to have some choice words for his professionalism and punctuality.




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