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Darkness Binds (Others of Seattle Book 8) by Brandy L Rivers (20)

Chapter 20



“I don’t understand what you want me to do,” Amelia said once again. She sat cross-legged in front of Brent. She wore his shirt and her panties, while he wore his boxers, nothing more. She was tempted to forget the magic and jump into his lap. Still, they had a job to do.

Rather, she had a job to do. Right after he helped her get at least a grasp of what she needed to do. Start a ritual that he would help her complete, once she was inside. She needed to convince Eamon she was leaning toward him, gain his trust, and slip inside the Old House, which could look like anything. All depending on who was there and the power they wielded.

Brent took her hands, watching her with excitement. “Close your eyes and clear your thoughts.”

Sighing, she did, breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth. Didn’t seem to be helping, but she followed his direction.

“What do you sense?”

“Warmth directly in front of me. Strong hands holding mine. Desire building.”

He laughed, the tone seductive. “You’ll make love to me after you do this. I know you’re not used to this, and our lack of clothing is a distraction, but I’ll make it worth the wait.”

“You better,” she muttered, refocusing on the task. “Now what?”

“How many spirits do you sense, besides us?”

Biting her lip, she started to count. “Twenty-seven.”

“Besides us?” Brent asked.

She nodded, her eyes flipping open. “Yeah.”

Sitting back, his brow pinched. “That’s more than I sense.”

“By how many?”

“Five. I would expect a couple, but five is a lot.”

“Wouldn’t you expect me to sense less?”

He shook his head. “You’re the more powerful one. I told you. Remember, I have other skills as well as the sorcery.”

“Ever going to tell me what all you can do?”

“I’ll show you, but not tonight. You need to learn this first. Now, ask them to bring you the bottle of wine.”

She rolled her eyes.

He laughed. “I know, you can’t drink it, but I can. And as I understand, you’ll still feel the effects once it’s flowing through my blood.”

Her breath caught. “You want me to bite again?”

He nodded. “I can be your only source of blood. Maybe not until we deal with Crom Cruach, but soon.”

“Do you believe in fate?”

He nodded. “You are my fate.”

“And you’re afraid I’m your end.”

“I’m starting to believe that was fear talking. And even if I die, you can find me in my next life. Eamon always finds you. Even if you don’t always want him.”

She dropped her gaze. “True.”

“Do you want him?”

She shook her head. “Not really. While I was drinking, I remembered what it was like in the past, but then I remember what he is, what he’s done, the fact he wants to bring Crom Cruach into this world.”

“Amelia, perhaps if you were honest with him about what Crom is, why he frightens you, and how creating vampires was never your intent, he may come around.”

“You think I can pull it off?”

He nodded. “If you can convince him, I think I know a way to purge Crom from this world without destroying Eamon. But only if you can trust him to join our side.”

“How do I tell Eamon without Crom learning of my plan?”

Brent rubbed at his face. “That, I don’t know. You could tell him he’ll need to trust you. Leave it at that.”

“Don’t even suggest me fucking him—”

He leaned forward, kissing her slowly. When he sat back, Brent smiled. “Not making that suggestion again. Now, ask the spirits to bring you the wine.”

Her eyes narrowed, but she smirked. “Wine, please.”

The bottle scooted off the end table and started to fall, but floated in front of her as a corkscrew drifted through the air, followed by a glass.

She gasped. “Holy shit!”

Brent grinned. “And they aren’t the least bit upset. They offer their help freely. Just don’t abuse the gifts. Don’t expect them to fight your battles. But with Zoe helping you with the physical aspect, I know you can handle that.”

Amelia nodded. “I can. And I can protect you, better than I ever imagined.”

“Aye, but I can protect you as well.”

She smiled. “I believe you. Now what else?”

“Basic magic. Form ice in your hand. Nearly all sorcerers have some ability with the elements. Like this.”

He held out his hand, staring at his palm. Ice crystals formed over his skin, then expanded, forming a ball.

“And if I can’t?” she whispered. “I never could in any other life.”

“No, but you have some of my magic in you now too. Try.”

She called ice and her hand started to grow cold, but nothing much happened.

“Focus on the coldest winter you can remember,” Brent offered.

She remembered the snow, the ice, the freezing cold wind. The ball formed slowly, floating in her palm.

“Now ask for help from the winter spirit in the room.”

“Spirit, how do I make it colder?” she asked.

A shiver traveled down her spine, then ice shards shot up from her hand, straight into the ceiling. She shook her hands, blinking at Brent. “Was that supposed to happen?”

The spirit giggled. You’re a conductor for our energy. Simply ask, and you shall receive, but don’t do what other spirits ask of you. They can trap you within your body.

Brent nodded. “Don’t worry, Frost. Amelia is wise beyond her years.”

She’s had many lives, Kalbrenthis. More than even you.

Amelia looked into Brent’s eyes. “I understand the concept. Please tell me we can be done with this part.”

“Yes, we can.” He stood, and she popped to her feet. He picked her up and carried her back to the room.