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Declyn (The Wolves Den Book 3) by Serena Simpson (22)

Chapter Twenty-two



She grinned at him licking her lips. “I wonder if the water is hot?”

“No more solitary showers for you.”

“Then someone should feed me.”

“Aw yes, food. Clothe yourself although I prefer you this way.”

“Males from any planet seem to like the same thing.” She laughed before standing and disappearing back into the bathroom.

When she came out, he had changed his clothes and was waiting for her.

“Food.” She rubbed her belly before taking out an outfit.

“Cole’s cooking out and we’re invited.”

She nodded and followed him out the door. The street was more crowded than she anticipated. There were Kur’iks standing around, each one trying to get a look at her. Declyn slipped his hand around her waist as he smiled at his people waving and calling out greetings to all of them.

Safire broke off and walked up to a female who was watching her. She had the same beautiful eyes as the rest of the Kur’iks with hair that flowed down her back. Her gray skin seemed to shine as the sun kissed her.


“Hi, Alpha.” Her smile was bright and open.

“You can call me Fire.”


“Why are you standing out here?”

“We have never had a female Alpha. I wanted to get a look at you.” She gestured to the crowd. “I think we all do.”

“Declyn and I are on our way to a cookout at Cole’s. Would you like to join us?”

The look that flashed on her face was one of pride mixed with fear.

“Me? Yes, I mean, I’m not the one you should be asking.”

Her eyes narrowed as her lips turned down. “I can invite anyone I please.” She gave the female a smile to ease the tension that she felt climbing.

“Yes, Alpha. I didn’t mean it like that. I simply meant to state that there are others worthier for an invitation than I am.”

“Explain what you mean.”

“I didn’t have a high position on the ship. I fought like all the others but when not fighting all I did was manage the waste.”

“I see. Managing the waste meant you were not worthy?”

“Yes, Alpha.”

“This came from Declyn and Enzo? They treated you with less respect because of what your ship duties were?”

“No, Alpha. They never once treated me with disrespect or looked down on me.”

“Then who made you feel like you weren’t worthy of respect?”

She tilted her head down unable to look into her eyes.”

“What’s your name?”


“Nice to meet you, Minx. We are going to the cookout and your coming. When we sit down, we’ll talk about who made you feel unworthy.”

“Yes, Alpha.” She walked beside Fire with her head up.

She shook her head disappointed to find this issue within the pack that she was now Alpha of. Each eye standing along the side of the street met hers. Some of them shone with respect and pride because of her conversation with Minx. Others were wary of who she was and what she was. To those, she nodded with understanding. It was the eyes that reflected hatred at her that she was wary of. Those eyes reminded her of a feeling that she felt recently and sent a small shiver down her back, one she managed to control.

Fire looked up to see Jessie and Mia on the porch waiting for her. She gave them a wave.

“That’s Jessie and her daughter Mia standing on the porch. Go introduce yourself to them and tell them I’ll be over in a few minutes.”


“Go, Minx, I have business to take care of.”

The eyes that were shooting bullets into the center of her back were getting closer. She stood still addressing others that were standing around her until she could feel her adversary breathing down her neck. She made sure that everyone surrounding her was moved back until she knew they would be safe then she turned around.

Her feet never made a sound on the ground, and her breathing was silent as she faced the female that wanted her male.

“You.” The word was growled out as if it held every slur in the book.

“You’re correct it is I. How may I help you?” She kept her voice sunny as she smiled at the female who was drawing closer.

The first thing she noticed was that the female approaching was drenched in sunlight, but she didn’t shine the way Minx did. It was as if she was covered in a shadow, but no one else seemed to notice the darkness surrounding her.

“There’s nothing you can do for me. I just wanted to get a look at the competition. You won’t make it long around here.”

She started at the bottom of her feet and scanned her until she was looking at the crown of her head. “I won’t trade threats with you or barbs to see who comes out on top. If you have a problem with me lay it out clearly and we’ll deal with it, if not then I have a cookout to attend.”

Her eyes flashed black making Fire almost step back before her back stiffened and she held her ground.

“You’ll regret that. You all will.” She turned around on her heel and walked away.

Who is she?” The question was posed to Declyn even as she watched the other female walk away.

“She has no name. Never took one. At the time, it was never a problem, but now I see that she will be a problem.”

“No name. I find that fascinating.”

She heard the scream of fear in her mind before any of the noise from the crowd reached her ears. Mia and Jade were warning her seeing what the others were missing.

Fire fell and rolled escaping the animal coming after her. Her heart pounded when she looked into its eyes. It was large, its teeth were covered in blood, and it was fixated on her even though it was surrounded with prey.

She crouched and moved in a circle as the beast stalked her.

I need a knife.”

“I will kill it.”

“You can kill it as Alpha, but the minute you do, I will no longer be taken seriously.”

“I hate this fucking shit!”

Stop talking to your mate and pay attention.

Use your claws that’s what they are there for.

What claws?

Lift your hands.

She did, watching as her beautiful nails became claws. For one surreal moment, she thought of Wolverine. Her claws weren’t as long as his, and they weren’t metal but they were lethal and whatever they were made of was hard.

She looked the animal in its eyes. “Let’s dance.”

It roared and threw itself at her claws extended, raking down her back before she could turn around and dig her claws into it throwing it away from her.

“I’m tired of getting hurt Declyn, we need to talk about this.”

There were chuckles both male and female as she backed up and waited for the animal to come at her again. He was hurt which would make him unpredictable as well as more determined to kill her. She was hurt too and dying today wasn’t on her bucket list.

“Come on. I don’t know how you got loose, but I know who was behind it. Nope can’t prove it yet, but Ms. No name, who will henceforth be known as Minerva, set you loose.”

“Why Minerva?” It was a question shouted from someone in the crowd watching her.

“Minerva was the Roman goddess of war. Believe me, there’s a war coming.”

The beast jumped up going for her neck. She fell flat on her back using her claws to tear out its intestines. It fell heavily on her drenching her with blood and other bodily fluids she refused to think about.

“I want the animals in the preserve checked on now. Make sure the barrier is up. I want to know how this one got loose.” Declyn snapped out the command as he pulled the animal off her.

“Hi,” she grinned up at him. “Did you get a look at my awesome claws?”

He pulled her to her feet trying to take her into his arms, but she stepped back holding up a finger before she turned to face the crowd.

“Is there anyone else who would like to challenge me? I’m taking all challengers right now. Line up.”

She stepped forward the crowd took a step backward. First one then another and another bowed before her until they were all on one knee.

“Alpha,” went up as a loud shout as they swore to serve her as they served Declyn.

“I swear to protect all of you to the best of my ability.” She turned to look at Declyn. “Well, it’s been a fun day.”

He caught her as she fell.




Tristan stood there shaking his head. “Alpha I have good news for you and good news.”

“Tell me.” He wasn’t in any mood to play around. Once again, his mate had been hurt on his watch. It had to stop.

“Alpha the area holding the animals is secure.”

“Where was the initial breach?”

“I was done along the back wall where it wouldn’t be noticed.”

“Check to make sure that it is completely sealed.”

“Yes, Alpha.”



“I want the barriers around the animals reinforced. When it’s done, make sure the password is encrypted. I want certain Kur’iks to have it. No one else.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

“Your mate is already healing. Her back will be healed completely before the end of the day.”

“Is that it?”

“No, she gained the respect of the Kur’iks who were not there. Stories about her and her kill are circulating the compound. She did you proud when she defended herself proving she was more than worthy of you and…”


“You are more than worthy of her.”

He felt his lips tilt with a moment's pride for what she had accomplished.

“It should not have happened Tristan.”

“I agree, Alpha, but what could have been years of her demanding her rightful spot was taken care of in ten to fifteen minutes. She is truly an Alpha female.” He gave a nod of respect before walking out.

She was his Alpia, his female, but someone other than Minerva was behind what happened today. She said war was coming, he believed her. Settling his mind, he sat on the bed next to her and began to slightly touch all his people allowing himself to judge where they were mentally. When he came to Minerva, he didn’t feel any desire for him coming from her.

He did feel a desire to be the Alpha female. This had been buried so deep within her that he never felt it. He would have had to invade her mind and her privacy to feel this thought. This was something he never felt the need to do with his people. Her actions made him reevaluate his previous policy.

As long as there wasn’t an Alpha female, she could quietly step into the spot. The stronger females ignored her, and she allowed that going after the weaker ones which is why there was never an outcry from his females to alert him to what was happening.

This was his fault. He should have been paying more attention. It would never happen again.

Fire’s hand gripped his.

“Together we will keep our people safe even from the evil within.”