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Destined (Forever Book 3) by Regan Ure (14)




Get your ass down to the gate now! A mind-link message from James woke me up. I took a moment to rub my eyes before I stumbled from my bed, still half-asleep. I found a pair of jeans and stepped into them and then buttoned them up.

What's going on? I asked as I hurried from my room. I took the stairs quickly and made a dash out of the house. The cool morning air hit my bare chest. I hadn't had a chance to find a shirt.

The gates were open. I ran toward James, who was helping Dean walk inside the compound. He had gone missing a couple of days ago.

"What's going on?" I asked my beta.

"Crystal has escaped-," James began to say, but I cut him off.

"How do you know that?" I asked, feeling like I had woken up halfway through a movie and now I was trying to catch up.

"She saved me," Dean said softly. My eyes went to him. "The Keepers were going to kill me but she got me out of there."

None of what they were telling me was making sense in my groggy mind.

"She got out?" I directed the question to James. He nodded his head.

"Then where is she?" I asked, feeling a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Had something happened to her and they didn't know how to tell me?

"She left," James told me, knowing how much this was going to hurt me.

"How long?" I asked, already formulating how far she could have gotten.

"Five minutes."

I was already running toward the still-open gates. I shifted without missing a beat, determined that this time she wasn't going to get away. There wasn't much of a scent to follow because I wasn't tracking a werewolf. I picked up the faintest sniff of a human scent.

All my feelings that had been building up to this moment began to break free. It was nearly impossible to concentrate on what I needed to do to find her. If I made a mistake, I would lose her forever and that just wasn't an option.

My legs strained as I followed the old scent, hoping I would come across a new scent that would lead me to my mate.

The moment I caught the tiniest trace of a fresh human smell, I locked on to it like a bloodhound and I followed it, allowing my instinct to guide me. My ears strained for any sound of movement in the forest as I ran, pausing slightly to make sure I was on the right track.

The moment I heard the soft rustle of leaves and the padding of footsteps on the forest floor, I felt the relief. I was so close. No longer needing the scent, I followed the sound, straining my muscles as I ran as fast as I could.

The moment I caught sight of her fiery red hair, I felt the first flitter of hope that I had refused to feel until there was actually a chance of finding her, and here I was. So close.

She didn't slow down but I knew she could hear me. Now I would be able to find out why she was so intent on running away. Then I would make sure this never happened again.

She was my mate and I wanted her forever.

When I got closer she faltered slightly as she looked back over her shoulder. It was all I needed.

The moment she stumbled, I pushed off the ground. With every sense connected to her, I began to shift, intent on wrapping my arms around her and never letting go. She cried out as she began to fall forward, but I was faster.

The moment my hands touched her, I felt the jolt of electricity that vibrated through me.

Mine. That feeling of completeness that had evaded me for so long wrapped around me as I tightened my hold on her, pulling her closer. My strong arms would keep her safe, cocooned in my warmth. I breathed in her sweet smell.

Our eyes met for the briefest moment. Shock and then love shone in her eyes. She felt it too.

I landed on the ground on my back, cushioning her fall with my body.

For a moment I lay still, just reveling in the feel of my mate in my arms. She didn't make a move to break away.

"Kyle," she murmured, and it made my heart sing. "Crys."

There had been so many times I never thought I would have this—my mate in my arms, safe from the outside world.

Then the reality began to prick at me, reminding me that even though for the moment she was with me and there was no immediate danger, the enemy was around and we needed to get back to the compound.

I hugged her once more before I eased my grip and stood up, helping her up.

"Are you okay?" I asked while I scanned for any obvious marks but there were none.

"I'm fine," she told me. The sound of her voice calmed me inside. She dusted some leaves from her clothes.

"We need to get back," I told her, taking her hand in mine possessively.

But she hesitated, pulling her hand free.

"I can't," she whispered, and I frowned.

"I won't accept that," I told her with a steeliness backed by my stubborn streak. I refused to allow her to get away again.

Before she had touched me, it would have been easier for her to leave; now it would be so much more difficult.

"We don't have time to discuss this," I told her, trying another route to talk her into coming back with me. "There are Keepers around and we don't want to run into one of them."

She hesitated for a moment before she relented. I saw her backpack and picked it up for her. She couldn't shift so I stayed in my human form, leading the way back to the compound. I led her back while my hand held tightly onto hers, refusing to let go - even just for a moment.

It took us longer to get back to the compound but the sight of the familiar building and surrounding wall made me feel safe.

James stood waiting for us.

"Where's Dean?" I asked, looking around.

"Curtis is busy checking him over." I nodded.

"Is he okay?" Crystal asked, and James nodded. "He is, because of you."

Now that we were both safe and inside the compound, the gates closed and I turned to face her.

"We need to talk," I told her. She looked worried.

It was the first time I let go of her hand. My adrenaline and warm feelings began to wear thin when I remembered everything she had put me through. Anger began to filter through and by the time we got into the house my blood was boiling.

She followed behind me quietly. She could probably sense my growing rage.

I walked into the study and held the door open for her. When she walked in, I closed the door behind her and put her backpack down.

Standing in front of me with her hands clasped together, I allowed my eyes to drift over her, taking in every one of her beautiful features. She was truly breathtaking, and for a moment I allowed my possessiveness free rein.

Stepping forward, I reached out and touched her hand, needing to assure myself that this wasn't a dream and she was in fact standing here in front of me.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, and I saw the glistening in her eyes.

"I need answers." I pulled away from her. Her touch still tingled on my skin, distracting me slightly.

She looked so fragile with her large green eyes, but I remembered the feeling of rejection and fear that I had lived with since she had left and it helped me harden my heart.

"You owe me an explanation," I told her, pinning her with a determined look.

"It's not that easy," she began to say, looking more nervous than before.

"Do you think any of this has been easy?" I asked, feeling like I was going to lose my temper. "It wasn't easy finding out you were my mate from someone else. It wasn't easy finding out you'd left me even when you knew who I was."

I stilled, taking a deep breath, trying to rein in my overwhelming feelings.

"It was absolute hell wondering where you were. Whether you were still alive or lying dead somewhere. You have no idea how difficult it has been to wake up every day not knowing if I was ever going to find you." I paused for a moment. "That was hard."





I had never seen him so angry but I couldn't blame him. It would be impossible for someone to understand my actions without knowing my secret and what that meant for me.

The adrenaline that had kept me going through my exhaustion was waning and I felt so tired I could barely stand. I put a hand to my forehead and I swayed.

"Sit down," he commanded gruffly, helping me to the nearest chair. "When's the last time you ate?"

I tried to remember but couldn't. Briefly his eyes left mine and I could tell he was talking to someone through the mind-link.

"Someone is going to bring you some food."

I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to delay the inevitable, but he was still there when I opened them, studying me.

"Thank you," I murmured while trying to think of what I could do to avoid this conversation.

His forehead creased as he bent down beside me.

"Are you okay?" he asked, the concern taking over from the anger that had been evident only a few moments ago.

It gave me an idea.

"No…I'm not okay."

For the first time in a long time I allowed my feelings of fear to take over. I was so used to being in control, making sure I didn't make a mistake, keeping a tight control on my inner emotions. I knew there would be severe consequences if I did. I felt the tightness in my throat as Kyle's features softened and he reached a hand to my cheek.

"I'm sorry," he said. "You've been through so much."

I nodded as I felt my eyes sting. A tear slid down and he brushed it away. "You're exhausted."

I was. More tears fell and I began to sob.

"It's okay," he murmured, helping me to my feet. I leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close.

Feeling the tiredness seep through as I cried, my legs buckled slightly. Kyle shifted, picking me up with an arm under my legs.

"You need some sleep," he murmured, pressing a kiss to my forehead as he began to carry me out of the study.

I held on to him tightly, allowing him to take control as he carried me to his room. I had only ever been inside it once before. It looked the same. It was neat, with a big bed with dark blue linen. He set me down on the covers. It felt so soft and comforting. I wiped my tears as he removed my shoes carefully.

Someone knocked at the door before they entered, carrying a tray. Kyle took it from the young girl.

"Thanks," he said before she left, closing the door behind her.

He set the tray down on my lap.

"You need to eat."

He didn't have to tell me twice. My stomach grumbled at the smell of the meat stew.

Kyle sat beside me while I ate. The more I ate, the more tired I seemed to feel. When I was full he took the tray away. I lay down, allowing my aching muscles to relax.

At the sound of Kyle returning, I opened my eyes to see him lean over me.

"Sleep," he instructed, caressing my cheek with his fingers. "We can talk when you wake up."

I closed my eyes, allowing the darkness to take me, feeling safer than I had in years. When I awoke, I would do what I had to, but for now I could burrow in the soft bed and sleep.



I expected to see Kyle when I woke up but I was alone. I yawned and stretched as I tried to figure what time it was. I slid out of the bed, keeping my footsteps light. The dark curtains kept the afternoon sun out of the room.

My brain wasn't even fully awake and I was already trying to figure out how to get out without anyone detecting me. It was going to be hard to leave Kyle again, especially since we had touched, but it would be so much harder if I stayed and something happened to him because of me.

He still had no idea what I was and what that meant for the safety of the people around me.

Kyle cared for me. I was his mate.

I knew how this would end. He would do everything he could to protect me, even if it meant giving up his life, and that wasn't something I could allow.

And what about the werewolves in my pack? They would try to protect me as well, but we would be no match against the Keepers. The situation was hopeless. There was no choice, really; I had to leave.

I needed to leave now. The door to the room was closed. I turned the handle but it wouldn't budge. Frowning, I tried again but it was locked.

Damn it! Kyle had locked the door. Why had he done that? Because he knew you would try to escape again.

I could break the door but with a house filled with werewolves it would be like ringing a bell and telling them to come and find me. Frustrated, I walked over to the bed and slumped down, putting my head into my hands. There was no way out.

Not long after, I heard the sound of a lock clicking into place and Kyle walked into the room. I was still sitting on the edge of the bed, dealing with the outcome I knew was going to be inevitable.

"You locked me in the room," I accused him, and he shrugged.

"I knew you would try to escape if I gave you a chance," he said. He didn't trust me, and to be honest he was right. After everything I had done to him, I couldn't expect him to.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, his eyes watchful.

"I'm fine." But I wasn't. Inside I was shaking. I had kept my secret for so long. Telling him went against everything I had worked so hard to accomplish.

"Good. Now we can talk."

I didn't want to but I didn't have much of a choice.

He remained standing a few feet away looking at me expectantly.

"Why did you run away?"

I swallowed as I tried to put the words together.

"Don't play with me, Crystal. I've been more than patient but I'm done waiting."

I stood up and walked to the window. The view of the pack below going about their daily tasks was what I saw.

"Everything was fine until I turned sixteen." Taking a deep breath, I turned to face him. "I noticed slight changes."

His forehead creased as he listened intently.

"They were so small I noticed them before anyone else did."

"What type of changes?" he asked.

I wet my lips. "I noticed I was stronger than I should be. I broke the handle off my bedroom door."

His frown deepened.

"Then I noticed I had a mark on the back of my neck that heated up when I was near werewolves."

I scanned his features, trying to gauge if he had begun to realize yet what I was.

"None of that makes any sense," he said, rubbing his chin.

"I was adopted."

Then it began to make sense. I saw the moment he realized what I was telling him was possible.

"How?" he asked. His voice was a little hoarse.

I shrugged.

"My parents knew what would happen if certain people found out about me, so they hid me, passing me off as an abandoned baby who needed a family."

"Your mom?"

"Was a werewolf," I answered.

"And your father?"

And here it came.

"A Keeper." I sighed the answer. It was out.

Although he'd clearly already begun to suspect that, my answer made him take a step backward.

"Claire knew," he said, and I nodded.

"She knew my parents. They needed to hide and she promised to watch over me when I was adopted by Rob and Liv."

"Do Rob and Liv know?"

I shook my head.

He began to pace as he digested my secret. I stood, watching him silently, allowing him the time to take it all in. Then he stopped.

"It still doesn't explain why you ran away?"

"Do you know what the Keepers will do to me if they find out about me?" I asked, calm even though I could feel my emotions stir inside of me.

"What?" he asked.

"They will kill me. I'm will not be allowed to live."

"I won't let anyone hurt you," he assured me, but I was shaking my head already.

"You've seen how strong they are. We aren't strong enough to fight off an attack by them. They will slaughter everyone. I won't stand by and watch everyone I love die trying to protect me."

Then I saw the understanding in his eyes.




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