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Devil's Kiss (Sunset Cove Series Book 2) by Ella Frank (20)


DEREK WAS EXHAUSTED. He’d been at work since six that morning and it was just now coming up on eight in the evening. 

He still couldn’t believe he’d done what Jordan had asked, but he had. He’d shut down the gym half an hour ago and was halfway through closing out the books when there was a knock on his office door. 

The sun had now set, and the only lights that could be seen outside his office windows were the lamps lining the path that ran along the beach. There were couples out for evening strolls, and joggers taking advantage of the sun’s absence to get in a few miles without the risk of heat stroke. The calmness the night brought was peaceful and relaxing, and it was a welcome feeling after the hectic day he’d put in.

He knew the knocker had to be Jordan. He’d told him to come around the back and he would see a light on. But before Derek got a chance to tell him to come in, the door opened and Jordan stepped inside, dressed for a night at the gym. Red gym shorts and a black tank suited Jordan’s toned body to perfection. 

Long, lean, and limber, Jordan had proven many times over that just because he didn’t have the bulk and height that Derek possessed, he could still keep up with him for hours at a time in bed. His chestnut-colored hair was all the fuck over the place, and his eyes held a fire that sparked a kindred flame within Derek. 

He looked ramped up, and Derek knew the feeling. He was on edge with his own unfulfilled desire. Not that he was about to let Jordan know that. Instead, he leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands over his stomach. 

Play it cool, he told himself. Play. It. Cool. 

“Evening, Devaney.”

Jordan ran his eyes over him, and when the corner of his lips tugged into an arrogant smirk, Derek felt his dick come to life. Fucking traitor.

“Devaney tonight, am I? You haven’t used that for a while. If I remember correctly,” Jordan said as he placed his gym bag on the ground and walked toward the desk, “you used to call me that to keep me neatly tucked away in the professor box. Did you not?”

Derek got to his feet and rounded the desk until he was towering over Jordan, but as always, the guy didn’t back up or budge. Instead, he faced off with him in a way that never failed to get Derek hot and really fucking bothered.

“I did.”

Jordan ran his tongue along his top teeth, then flashed the most provocative grin Derek had seen in his life. 

“How’s that working for you tonight?”

Yeah, it wasn’t, and Jordan knew it. He was playing to every single weakness he knew Derek had. 

Bossy. Daring. And seductive as hell. He was in full-on sex pistol mode, and Derek knew he would be doing whatever the guy wanted by the end of this conversation.

While he tried to locate his tongue, Derek decided it would be wise to put a little distance between them, and sat back down behind his desk. He rolled his chair under it, but if he thought for one second that would stop the man stalking him—he was sorely mistaken. 

Jordan’s fingertips trailed the top of the wood as he walked around the edge of the desk and stopped beside it. He then hitched himself up onto it and leaned back to kick his leg in an impressive arc over Derek’s head, before sliding directly between his legs.

“Are you running away from me?” he asked.


Jordan raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

Derek grinned at that shameless man eyeing him like his favorite meal, and shook his head. “No.”

“Finally. An honest answer.” Jordan ran a finger down his jaw to his chin, and when Derek caught his wrist, halting any further touching, he pouted. “Is that any way to treat your date? By manhandling him?”

“You wish.” Derek chuckled, and by the way Jordan’s eyes darkened, he knew he was right on the money. 

Before this went any further, though, before he willingly capitulated, there was something he needed to say, and it had to be now before he lost the ability to speak at all. “Don’t do this to me if you’re just here to fuck around.”

Jordan sucked his lower lip behind his teeth, and when it jutted back out, shiny and wet, Derek had a sudden urge to taste that mouth on his, consequences be damned.

“Oh, I mean it,” Jordan said. “You see, I had kind of an epiphany of sorts.”

“Did you?”

“Yes, I did.”

“And what was that?”

“I want to wake up with you,” Jordan said, as he traced his thumb across Derek’s lower lip. Then he gave a lecherous grin and said, “After I’ve taken you to dinner, brought you back to my place, kissed and licked every bit of ink on your delicious body, and had my wicked way with you, of course.”

Jesus, how am I supposed to say no to that? 

“That was my epiphany.”

With Jordan’s wrist still restrained, Derek got to his feet with enough force that the office chair rolled away from him. He yanked Jordan forward so his ass was right on the edge of the desk and his head was craned back to look at him.

“So you really want to date me?” he asked. 

Jordan’s eyes dilated and he spread his legs apart. Derek took the invitation and moved in between them, cupping the erection now evident in Jordan’s gym shorts. 

“Yes,” Jordan said. “I really want to date you. Among other things.” He dropped his eyes to Derek’s lips. 

Fucking tease. 

“I meant in public, Jordan. Because you made me shut this place down tonight, and—”

“Shh…” Jordan whispered, and brought a finger to his lips. “That’s what I meant too. I just thought tonight being that it’s our first time—”

Derek scoffed.

“—we should make it a private matter. But if you want an audience, that’s really up to you. I’ve always been a little bit daring at heart.”

“A little bit?”

“Okay, a lot.”

Derek then lowered his head to whisper directly against Jordan’s lips, “Good. Then you won’t have any objections when I tell you I’m about to suck your dick right here, with the windows open.” 

When Jordan brought his own hand around to press Derek’s harder against his cock, his eyes shut. “Not even one.” 

God, he was everything Derek had always wanted, and there was no way he was going to let him get away tonight.

* * *

SHIT. I DIDN’T come here just for this, Jordan thought, as Derek pushed him back onto his desk and moved his hands to the elastic of his gym shorts. 

A triumphant smile curved Derek’s lips, and somewhere in the back of Jordan’s mind he thought, Please, like I’m gonna stop him. I’ve wanted this since he left last night. Sure, it hadn’t been his original goal when he drove over there. He’d actually come armed with a bottle of wine and food and was really going to have a date with the guy. But hey, if Derek wanted to go this route first, then Jordan was more than happy to accommodate him.

When he’d walked into Derek’s office and seen him sitting behind his desk in his tight white polo shirt that hugged his body like a second skin, Jordan had to find a way to get his hands and mouth on him as soon as possible. But it seemed for now the tables had turned.

Jordan arched his head back on the desk, eyeing the open windows, and heard Derek’s chuckle. 

“Don’t tell me you’re nervous. I won’t believe it for a fucking second.”

He wasn’t nervous, just curious how much of their performance might be witnessed by wandering eyes. Jordan then turned his head back in time to see Derek’s reaction to what he’d worn specifically for his gym date that evening. 

“Oh fuck. Jordan…” Derek said as he touched the cotton that was barely concealing his excited cock. “You dressed for the occasion.”

Jordan pumped his hips up off the desk and slipped his fingers inside the elastic of his purple jockstrap. “You know me. I always try and dress accordingly.”

Derek swatted his hands away and then slowly drew the underwear down until it was beneath his balls. “Liar. You don’t dress for anyone but yourself. It’s one of the things I love most about you. But I have to say, this…this is all for me. When you pulled this on tonight, all you were thinking about was how hard it would make me.”

Shit, Derek was going to make him come if he kept talking like that. Then he circled his fingers around the base of him and gave a strong tug of Jordan’s flesh, making him groan. “Goddamn, Derek. Turn the fucking light off.”

Derek smirked, and it made Jordan want to kiss it right off his face. 

“But if I do that I can’t see what I’m doing.”

“If you can’t find it in the dark, then we’re having problems.”

“Always a bossy know-it-all,” Derek said, and then before Jordan could respond, Derek crushed his mouth over the top of his. 

Jordan’s lips parted for him, as always. Never would he think to deny Derek access to any part of him. Over the years their connection had changed and grown, but it always held that undercurrent of give and take that each of them coveted from the other. Jordan bowed up off the desk, greedy for Derek’s taste as his tongue sampled him, dipping inside over and over again. Then Derek pulled back and told him, “Wait here.”

Jordan tracked Derek across the office to the door, where he double-checked it was locked, and then flipped the light switch, plunging the room into darkness. 

Yes… I can work with this. 

The night breeze was blowing through the windows, and, not one to waste a second when it came to getting what he wanted, Jordan kicked his sneakers off and raised his hips, shoving the rest of his clothes down and ridding himself of his socks as Derek came back around to loom over him.

God, the guy is built. It was one of the things Jordan loved most about him. His height, his muscles, and the grace with which he moved. There were no questions about it—Derek was a beautiful man. 

Once Jordan’s eyes adjusted to the dark, he saw that Derek had pulled his chair back to the desk and taken a seat, putting himself eye level with every vulnerable part of Jordan.

Bold as ever, Jordan leaned up on his elbows and placed a foot on either side of the chair’s armrests and heard Derek mutter, “Goddamn, Jordan.”

Jordan chuckled as he lay down so his back was flat on the desk, and then he reached for his cock. Just as he wrapped his fist around himself, the warm, wet slide of Derek’s tongue over his balls had a moan escaping his throat. He bucked his hips up for more, but Derek’s hands came up to hold him still. “Behave.”

Jordan scoffed. Yeah, like that word is even in my vocabulary. He thrust up again and felt the sharp nip of teeth on his thigh this time. “Ow.”

“I told you to behave,” Derek said, and Jordan was about to tell him to watch it, but he’d already lowered his head again and was sucking on the skin of his sac, rendering him pretty much useless.

As Derek gave him a thorough tongue lashing, Jordan feverishly pumped his cock before he was hauled to the edge of the desk, and Derek stood to take his length between his lips to the back of his throat. 

Jordan’s eyes closed and he clamped his teeth shut as he fucked Derek’s mouth like he’d never felt anything as good as those lips wrapped around him. 

“Derek…” he said, close to losing it. He reached for the head bent down over him, and as he got his fingers tangled in the short strands, he tugged Derek’s face up so he could see him. “I want to feel your body against mine.”

Derek wasted no time as he whipped his shirt over his head, and the next thing Jordan heard was the sound of a zipper. Derek was over him a second later, lining their erections up, and suggesting, “Wrap a leg around me.” 

Jordan did as instructed, and when their bodies came into full naked contact, Derek cursed. Jordan’s cock was pounding, and he could feel the throb of Derek’s as it slid back and forth against his in a hot-as-fuck slide that was about to make his body detonate. 

Jordan squeezed his eyes shut as he wrapped his arms around Derek’s neck and rubbed himself over every hard surface he could get against. The fact that it was Derek’s cock and abdomen worked out perfectly, because nothing was more of a turn-on to him than the guy who he was about to come all over.

“Demanding. That’s what you are,” Derek told Jordan as he kissed and sucked his jaw and the two of them thrust against one another. “High maintenance, demanding, and insatiable. All the fucking time. And I love that about you. Fuck yes, I do. So get used to it. Now, come for me like you told me you would. Pressed against me, just like this.”

Oh God, it was all too much. The words, the raspy growl coming from Derek every time they moved against each other, and that body. Shit…

Jordan brought a hand to the back of Derek’s neck and hauled him down so he could take his mouth in a kiss as hot and filthy as what was taking place farther down. Then he slid his lips to Derek’s ear and whispered, “If this is what you do on your first dates, I can’t wait to go on our second.”

He wasn’t sure what it said about the two of them that that was the catalyst that made them both come. But his words, which were seemingly innocent, had Derek’s fingers flexing and the two of them exploding in a hot mess of sticky fluid. 

Christ. Nothing felt as good as when he was with Derek. Not one fucking thing. Jordan could feel Derek’s chest rise and fall against his own where they lay sprawled on the office desk, and he started to laugh.

“Guess you really do like the idea of dating me,” Derek said.

“I guess so, smartass,” Jordan said, and shoved Derek away from him.

“This wasn’t really a date, though,” Derek said as he moved off him and pulled his shorts back into place. 

Jordan sat up to get off the table, but Derek stepped back up between his legs and took his face in his hands to kiss his mouth. “I meant what I said. I want to go out with you. In public.”

Jordan nodded. “I know. Believe it or not, I actually came here tonight just to be with you. I even brought food…and wine. You just jumped me before I had a chance to offer it.”

“Yes. I can see that you put up a real struggle.”

“Hey, I’m just telling you the facts.”

Derek let him go and handed him a box of tissues. Once he was all cleaned up and Jordan had finished putting his own clothes back in order, Derek wandered over to the door and switched the lights back on. The both of them squinted, and once their eyes adjusted, Jordan flicked his to the desk.

“I have to say, Mr. Pearson. You may have just changed my mind about two things.”

Derek slipped his hands into his pockets and waited.

“I think I have a newfound appreciation for one-on-one spot training and being flat on my back. Bravo. It’s not every day someone can change my mind.”

Derek chuckled and Jordan’s heart swelled. It had been too long since they’d actually enjoyed each other’s company.

“So, I’ll, umm…call you?” When Jordan stuttered over his words, Derek’s chuckle turned into full-on laughter.

“You have no clue what the hell you’re doing, do you?”

“Um, no. Not really.”

Derek walked across the office to where Jordan was standing, and when he didn’t stop, Jordan backed up until he hit the door. 

“That’s kind of endearing.”

“How lovely,” Jordan deadpanned. “One thing I do know is: I never want to catch you at some club with another guy again. Got it?” 

 “I was never with him,” Derek clarified, and brushed their lips together. “When are you going to get it? You are the one I call. You are the one I want. And it’s about time we explored that for real. Don’t you think?”

Jordan crossed his arms over his chest, irrationally annoyed about that night at Boyz all over again. “I already said yes, didn’t I?”

Derek’s lips pulled tight—he was trying to restrain a smirk, no doubt. “You’re jealous.”

“Am not.”

“Yeah, you are.”

“Ugh,” Jordan huffed, and tried to shove Derek away. “Why would I be jealous? I just came all over you. I believe in some cultures, and definitely in the animal world, that makes you mine.”

“And don’t forget,” Derek said boldly, holding Jordan’s gaze, “your cock fits my ass like it was designed for it. So yeah, pretty sure that makes me yours. Just time to make it more…public.”

“There’s that word again.”

“You’re right. In a sense, it’s all about that other word you love so much. Respect, Jordan. It’s time that I had yours.”

Jordan took a step forward and cupped Derek’s face. It was important that it was understood he was telling the truth when he said, “I do respect you.”

My, how the tables had turned on that particular conversation.

“Maybe,” Derek said, and wrapped his fingers gently around Jordan’s wrists, before lowering them to his sides. “But it’s time to show me. Starting with date two.”