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Devils & Rye (Top Shelf Book 4) by Alta Hensley (10)


That smells good,” Alec complimented when he walked into the kitchen as I was cooking dinner. He came up behind me and kissed the side of my neck.

Like a boyfriend would do.

A couple.

Is that what we were now that we’d had sex?

My mind spun, but I didn’t want to show my naiveté by overthinking or over asking. I needed to just follow Alec’s lead on this. He knew what he was doing, and I didn’t. All I did know was that I had just lost my virginity in the best of ways. It was better than I could have imagined, and though I had never envisioned losing it to my Uncle Alec… Uncle Alec… it still felt right. Like in a weird way, this was all supposed to happen.

“Just some pasta,” I said. “I made garlic bread too.”

“Do you want me to open some wine to go with it?” he asked.

“More wine huh?” I asked with a smile.

“In moderation tonight,” he said with a chuckle.

“Yeah, we don’t want you to have to jump into the lake first thing in the morning again, now do we?” I said with a giggle.

“I still haven’t gotten you back for that, little one. And trust me,” he said as he grabbed the hand towel hanging near the sink. “I plan to.” He then snapped the towel on my behind.

“Ouch!” I said as I jumped away. “That hurts, you ass.” I tried to play angry, but I couldn’t wash the smile off my face if I’d tried. “You can’t just spank me with a towel!”

“Oh you call that spanking? Trust me. If I were going to really spank you, you would know… and like it,” Alec said with a wink as he wound up the towel in his hand like he was going to swat me with it again.

“Like a spanking? Are you crazy?” I turned my attention back to the boiling pasta and stirred.

“Oh you would. I can tell these things. You have a hidden submissive nature. I see it. Not only would you like the spanking, you would beg for more.”

I turned around with my mouth wide open to find Alec leaning against the counter with a mischievous look on his face. “I do not. I wouldn’t like a spanking one bit.”

“Want to wager a jump in the lake on that?” he asked.

“You’ve lost your mind. There is no way I am going to allow you to spank me,” I said with my arms against my chest doing my damnedest to not smile.

“Even if it means me having to jump in the lake again?” he asked. “I spank you, and if you don’t like it and beg for more, then I jump in the lake. If you hate it like you say you will, then I jump in the lake. Sounds fair.”

“Except that I am the one getting spanked!” I said, no longer being able to hide the smile.

“Are you a pussy? As your mother liked to call it.”

“Fine! But you better get ready to freeze your balls off again,” I warned. “I’m going to win this bet.”

Alec reached around me and turned off the burners and then the oven.

“Dinner can wait,” he declared.

“You’ve lost your mind, and when this is over, you are going to lose your balls too by frostbite.”

Alec swept me off my feet with little effort.

I smiled at the gesture as he carried me toward his bedroom. I secured my arms around his neck, my breath catching.

“You know I’m perfectly capable of walking.” I laughed lightly. I nuzzled my head to his chest, listening to his heart pound beneath my ear.

“If I could carry you all the time, I would. I love having you this close.”

There was seduction, dripping with desire about the way Alec held me when he carried me into the room. Not rushed, not aggressive, but hungry enough for me to feel the need he exuded as I pressed against the heat of his chest. My body melted with his. I felt wanted, desired more than I had thought possible to feel.

I laid my hand on his chest, soft hair peeking from beneath his cotton shirt, plenty of solid muscle, and felt his heart beating against my palm. I lifted my head and kissed the crook of his neck, the smell of pine, smoke from the fireplace, and man taking over my senses. I wanted to keep now just as it was. The end of lonely, the end of seclusion from any affection. The promise of hope filled my saddened heart.

Once Alec carried me across the threshold of his room, he placed me gently down while flicking on the lights. Instant warmth filled my core as I looked around.

The red brick fireplace took up an entire wall in his room. A large couch, loveseat, and rocking chair were the furniture in the room beside the bed. An artistically braided rug covered much of the wood-planked floor. The walls were mostly undecorated, with the view from the large bay window acting as the only needed art. My mother had done such a wonderful job decorating this room in particular. The entire house was a delicious combination of comfort mixed with functionality, but this room also had an air of romance present.

Alec noticed me taking stock, and smiled. He walked over to the fireplace and started to build a fire. Once the flames were ablaze, he stood up and wiped his hands on his jeans. “I’ll go get us a bottle of wine to share after I give you your promised spanking.”

I giggled, but didn’t say anything as I watched him leave the room.

I stood in front of the fire, mesmerized by the dancing flames as I waited for him to return. The sound of Alec placing down the bottle and glasses on the table snapped me back to reality. Looking over my shoulder, I welcomed him with a warm smile.

“Are you really going to spank me?” I asked with a giggle.

“A bet is a bet.”

“It is,” I admitted under hooded eyes. “But I didn’t think you were serious.”

Or did I? Did I want him to be serious? I really didn’t know.

“I’m always serious.”

“I’m learning this.”

He chuckled. What a jovial mood he was in considering what was about to happen.

“What else are you serious about?” I asked, realizing I was trying to stall the inevitable. Or maybe it was just my lame attempt at flirting. I wasn’t good at things like this, and wondered if I would ever be.

“You. And I’m tired of resisting this. Resisting you all the time,” he told me, taking my elbow in a firm, yet loving grip. “I’m done trying to be right, and feeling guilty for being wrong. Us being together sexually opened a door that I’m not going to close. At least, not while we are here at the lake. As long as we are under this roof… I’m not holding back when it comes to you. You are about to see the real me. All of me. I don’t care if it’s wrong.”

I sighed a little. “It doesn’t have to be wrong.”

I realized that out of nervousness of the promised spanking—teasing or not—I had backed up to the fire. My shoulder blades pressed against the warm wood of the fireplace mantle. With no escape, I gazed up at his striking features. The man had the power to hypnotize me with his powerful glare. Alec leaned in to press his palm against the wall behind me, capturing me with his piercing eyes, and the warmth of his body.

The fervor that every square inch of my body evoked blazed in his eyes, releasing the same heat as the flames burning in the fireplace behind me. Alec grasped my arm tighter and started to walk toward the bed.

I could barely breathe when he looked at me that way. My pulse quickened, my chest pounded, and my stomach tightened. The scent of his masculinity swirled around me, making my mind blur. I wanted so badly to reach out and press my palm against the rough texture of his face. I somehow knew exactly how it would feel against my fingertips. His demand melted the crux of my sexuality and made me hungry for more. I wanted to feel his hands over my entire body.

Alec’s hand on my arm was hot and searing, yet sent shivers dashing through me. I studied his confidence, his determination, and knew there was no turning back, but I didn’t care. I wanted this. I wanted him.

“Lower your pants and panties,” Alec instructed like the command was so ordinary. The simple and direct order sent an electric spark through me. He sat down on the chair and waited for my compliance.

I tried to step back from him, but he stopped me by reaching out with his hand and taking hold of my wrist. Even though I thought I desperately wanted this, there was a part of me that wanted to resist as well. I wanted his command, craved his dominance… maybe I wanted to test him just for fun.

“Makayla…” he warned. Meeting my eyes, he went on, “Take off your clothes and lay over my lap.”

“But… you just said to lower my pants.”

“That was before you decided to hesitate,” he said and tightened his grip on me. “I like my women submissive. I think we may need to work on that.”

His authority and demand melted me. A sensation, that I could only assume as submission, washed over me by his tone alone. Chewing on my bottom lip, I slowly did as he asked, removing each item of clothing under his watchful eye.

“I’ve never done anything like this,” I said softly as I lowered myself across his thighs. Turning my head to look at him, I added, “I’m afraid… no, not afraid… nervous.”

He nodded as his arm tightened around my naked body to hold me in position. Alec held me tighter and closer than I’d expected he would do. It seemed as if he never meant to let me go. Everything in my world felt right somehow. Comfort, security, love, and an intense sexual desire, racked my nerves. Lying over his hard-muscled thighs, all I could think was that I needed him buried within me.

The first swat to my behind jolted me. It hurt. This wasn’t sexy time at all!

“Ouch!” I wailed. “Okay, you made your point.”

I resisted against the hand that held me firmly in place. My teeth clenched as I attempted to twist and turn my way to freedom. He met each move with another searing swat.

What the fuck? I thought this would be a light pat that would lead to incredible sex. Foreplay. This stung! He said I would like this. No way. I was going to win this bet hands down.

Alec paused for a teasing minute and then continued on with the fiery cadence on my, what had to be reddening, behind.

I grabbed onto his ankles, squeezing with each spank. I gasped as his hand delivered another repetition of swats. “This isn’t what I thought it would be,” I blurted, hoping to stop the spanking.

His chuckle only blended with the sounds of the loud swats—palm against butt.

Though an electric connection seemed to arc between us with each spank. As insane as it was, surprisingly with some uncomfortable and searing time, I surrendered under Alec’s heavy hand. My mind blanked, and the sensations of my body took over. Submission surged through me as his hand peppered every spot of my upturned bottom. I dissolved into him, while closing my eyes and truly yielding to the delivered discipline.

And when, finally, he reached down to cradle my body close to his, I could only gasp for breath and whisper, “I need you. I need you now.”

* * *


Guiding Makayla onto the bed, my body nearly shook in anticipation as she lay down. I had wanted Makayla in my bed ever since we first made love and I claimed her virginity as mine, and my desire grew even more when she teased me about being spanked. It took everything I had not to just fuck her the minute I saw her naked again. My appetite couldn’t be satiated with this woman. But I wasn’t going to rush it and not give her the spanking that I had promised. I was a man of my word. Tonight, I didn’t want to just have sex with her. I wanted to make love to her. I didn’t just want to demand her submission; I wanted to earn it.

I let go of Makayla’s hand to light a candle on the nightstand. It gave just enough light along with the fire in the fireplace to cast us in a soft, romantic glow. When I turned to face her again, my heart skipped a beat. Makayla was pure perfection sprawled out naked on the bed. The spanking left her submissive, wanting, and ready. Her wide eyes were sultry as they watched me undress before her.

I towered over her, placing my palms on the mattress. “I love the way you look at me.”

Makayla arched her body, attempting to make contact with my chest. “And how am I looking at you?” she questioned, looking even deeper into my eyes.

“Like you belong to me.” I lowered my face to hers, nipping at her lips. “You’re mine in this house, Makayla. You will always be mine as long as we stay locked away in this safe house of ours,” I murmured against her mouth. “I shouldn’t say that. I shouldn’t do this. But fuck everything if it means you looking at me like that.”

My gaze locked on hers before I flipped her over onto her stomach. My hands rested on her hips as I compressed the full weight of my chest against her back. I pressed my lips to her ear and whispered, “I like seeing the pink on your ass.”

Makayla moaned softly and lifted her bottom to press against the hardness of my cock. “I love feeling you pressed against me.” Her voice was almost a purr.

“You were so beautiful lying over my knee as I spanked you,” I whispered, while one hand traveled to the silky smoothness of her sex. My fingertip pressed past the folds and dipped into her warmth.

“Oh, Alec,” Makayla cried as my finger gently prodded in and out of her wetness.

“I think you should be naughty more often so I can spank that perfect bottom of yours,” I growled into her ear. Her wetness intensified as she ground against my hand, urging me on.

“Yes,” she moaned, her muscles tensing as she neared the edge. “Yes… I want that. I want you to spank me again.”

I chuckled lightly. “Looks like you will be having a morning swim tomorrow.”

“I don’t care. Yes, anything. I just want you!”

“Come for me, Makayla. I want to feel you come against my hand.”

That was all it took. I held her body tight against me as she climaxed, absorbing the passionate spasms of her release.

With one fluid motion, I rolled her over and drove my hardness into her heated sex. Makayla’s head flew back as she cried out. Her fingers clutched desperately at my back. The sound of her pleasured cry triggered a desire to hear her moans over and over again. I could think of nothing else but rocking into her until her cries became a scream of ecstasy.

Makayla wrapped her legs around my back, pulling me deeper within. “I’m yours, Alec. I’ll always be yours,” she gasped before bringing her lips to mine. “Even if we leave this house.”

Not wanting to think about what leaving the house would mean, I thrust my tongue past her lips as I drove in and out of her heat. I closed my eyes, savoring the sensation of wave after wave of pleasure that washed over me. I groaned against her lips as my climax began to escalate.

I eased back and thrust into her again, drawing the desired scream to escape past our kiss. She arched against me, tilting her hips up, as I pressed deeper and harder.

When Makayla screamed out my name, her muscles pulsating around my cock, it was all I needed to pump my release deep within her. I allowed the sounds of her passion to push me over the edge.