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Devils & Rye (Top Shelf Book 4) by Alta Hensley (23)


I snuggled more deeply into Alec’s arms. He hadn’t let me out of his sight, or the bed, since arriving back at the lake house. I was exhausted and starving, and knew he had to be as well.

“We should go out and get something to eat,” he suggested, as if reading my mind.

The idea of an early dinner sounded great, but I didn’t want to move. I liked it right here in his arms, my body warm, melting as I thought of all the lovemaking we had just shared and no doubt would continue to. Lots of slow, lingering kisses, mixed with passionate gasps and pleas for more. I smiled against his chest. I loved the way we drove each other crazy.

“I’m not hungry,” I lied. I wanted to sit here like this, in his arms, until one of us was forced to move.

“I thought for sure we worked up an appetite. Is it time for another round?” he suggested.

Another smile pulled at my lips. “I’m not sure I can. I think you’ve truly worn me out.”

“Then dinner it is.”

I raised my head to look at him. “Okay, just give me a few minutes to get ready.”

“You’re beautiful just the way you are.”

“I’m naked.”

“Exactly,” he chuckled.

I sighed and collapsed against his muscled chest once more. “Do you want to eat dinner or not?”

“Fine.” He moved free of me, and stood naked at the side of the bed. “We need our energy for later. We will have the entire night ahead of us.”

I laughed. “You’re crazy.”

He bent down and kissed the tip of my nose. “Promise me you won’t move. I have an idea.”

I rolled onto my stomach, propped up on my arms and smiled up at him. “Shall we have dinner in bed?”

“You’re reading my mind.” Alec smiled. “Stay right there. I’ll be right back.”

He kissed me in that slow, sweet way of his, and I nearly forgot all about the growl of hunger in my stomach. I just wanted him to keep kissing me.

Alec was gone long enough to make me want to break my vow of staying put. When he finally returned, he carried a tray laden with a variety of cheese, crackers, and meats.

“Here you go.” He placed down the tray and backed toward the door. “I just have to get one more thing.”

I nibbled on a piece of cheese. He was back in an instant, with a simply wrapped gift in his hands.

Alec sat it on the bed in front of me. “Open it.”

I looked at the box with surprise. Looking up to Alec, I searched his eyes for some hint as to what was inside.

“Open it,” he urged.

I slowly removed the silky white ribbon. I lifted the lid and smiled at the piles of rose petals that acted as tissue paper. “What’s this?”

“You’ll see.”

I dug through the petals, finally finding a citrine ring with the stone in the shape of an oval. I gasped and instantly burst into tears. It was my mother’s. I recognized it. I remembered it from so many years ago.

“How did you get this? Where did you find it?”

He pressed a fingertip to my lips. “Do you like it?”

I placed the ring on my finger and stared with admiration. It fit just like it had fit my mother. I nodded. “It’s so beautiful! But how? This wasn’t in her belongings after she died. I know all of her jewelry by heart. This wasn’t in the collection I have back in Georgia.”

“That’s because she lost it here at the lake one year. It was one of her favorites, and she wore it all the time,” Alec said.

“I remember. She wore it on her middle finger every day. I still have pictures of her with the ring showing.”

“She did,” Alec said with a nod. “But then she lost it. She thought it was when she was swimming, but she was wrong because I found it. When I was downstairs in the basement getting us a bottle of wine, I saw it shining up at me.”

“It had been there all the time?” I asked, wiping away at the tears streaming down my face.

“It was never lost. And now it’s here for you.”

I was like my mother was giving her blessing on this relationship. Her blessing on my choices to move to New Orleans and be with Alec. Like she was looking down and telling me it wasn’t wrong. It wasn’t taboo. That it was what she would have wanted for me all along. She wanted me to be happy, and now that I was… she was giving me her blessing by this gift of one of her most prized and precious possessions.

“I think she would have been happy for us. She would have supported our love, and I think this was her way to let us know that.” I looked at him and smiled. “Do you think I’m crazy for believing that?”

“Not crazy at all. I agree, and I know this ring will make you think of your mother, but I’m hoping it will also remind you of our time at the lake… together.”

I tugged him down onto the bed. Forgetting about the food, I kissed him with the passion that exploded from my heart. “You have given me the best gift.”

He kissed my hand. “One of many… if you will allow it. I love you, Makayla.”

“And I love you. Promise me that we’ll always have this love. Promise me that we won’t lose this.”

“There’s no question in that. I love you. Always will,” he replied in a thick voice.

“What if leaving the lake house changes all of that? What if it changes us? What if all those dark shadows we just escaped find us again?”

“Never. Trust in us. Trust in me to protect you and never allow anything like that to happen again. I will give you normal. Trust me.” He reached for me, dragging me into his arms, holding me with all his strength.

“I do.” I looked at him hopefully. “But can’t we just stay here at the lake forever to be sure?”

With a warm smile he said, “We will always have the lake house, but we don’t need the lake house to be safe. Not anymore. You have me, and I have you.”

I raised my face to him and he lowered his head, his lips coming down on mine for a long, ravenous kiss. A kiss that made me feel more loved and protected than I even thought possible. I knew that no matter what, Alec was going to make sure I had my happily ever after in what was a dark and terrifying world. And even when we had to leave and face our new reality, I knew we would always have our lake house… our past, our memories, and our home.

The End