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Diesel (Savage MC--Tennessee Chapter Book 2) by Jordan Marie (9)



“I thought I said I didn’t need a ride,” I grumble. Looking out at the road as Noah’s truck pulls up beside me, his window down.

“You also said you’d call for a ride,” he reminds me.

“It’s a nice day for a walk,” I lie. It’s hot as hell and I’ve got major boob sweat going on. I thought about calling for a ride, but the truth is that once I paid a hefty down payment for my place, my bank account was gasping. I couldn’t tap into the money my parents left me. Doing that would have notified my brother and I don’t want him to find me—because where my brother is, Tony is not far behind. Just the thought of Tony causes fear to slither down my spine.

“Hop in, Cupcake.”

“Go away, F.A.”

“Woman you have two choices. You can hop in, or I’ll get out of this truck and put you in it myself.”

“That’s against the law. Try it and I’ll have your ass arrested,” I grumble. I walk away, but he just follows along, allowing his truck to inch up little by little—somehow keeping pace with my footsteps.


“So, let me get this straight. Because you’re pissed at me, you’re going to walk all the way back home in those fancy ass shoes that you can barely walk in?”

“I can walk in them!” I argue, ignoring the fact that I actually stumble while I’m saying it.

“Right,” he growls.

I do my best to ignore him, but panic hits me when the truck lurches to a stop as he quickly throws it in park.

“Don’t you dare get out of that—”

My warning ends in a squeal as Noah is already out and stalking towards me.

He lifts me up in his arms as if I weigh nothing more than a feather, and cradles me against his body—despite me pushing and slapping against his chest.

“Stop hitting me, or you won’t like how I retaliate.”

“Are you threatening me? Go ahead and hit me! When I get loose from here, I’ll make you regret it! I’ve handled bigger assholes than you!”

“I’m saying if you don’t quit hitting me I’m going to spank that ass red until you settle down,” he grumbles, opening the door to his truck and putting me inside.

“You wouldn’t dare,” I gasp, immediately trying to get out of the seat.

“Believe me, Cupcake, I would and what’s more I’ll make you like it too,” he says and then he bends down and pulls the seatbelt around me.

I try to wrestle out of that, not wanting my seatbelt, not wanting to be in his truck—not wanting to be in his company. I freeze instantly when his large hand moves up on my thigh and slides between my legs—my dress gathering high up on my leg and exposing me in ways that make my heart beat faster. His fingers bite into the inside of my thighs and his fingers curl and rub against my center. My pussy spasms, feeling his hand there. He feels heated, branding my skin and the sides of his fingers are resting against my panties. I’m afraid to breathe, afraid to move. I know my panties are wet. The minute he put his hand there, my body reacted—even if I didn’t want it to.

“Let me go,” I bite out the words one by one, my hand going to his arm, my fingernails biting into him while I try to lift his hand away. I’m desperate to get him to move before he feels my reaction to his touch.

“You don’t really want me to.”

“I do,” I argue.

“If I didn’t have to go pick up my son, I’d prove you wrong, Rory.”

I fight the shiver that runs through my body, but I can’t hold it back. Something about the way he says my name, his voice low and rumbly and filled with what I can only describe as hunger—makes me feel like I’m on fire.


“But soon, Rory, I’m going to make all those naughty fantasies you have every night come true.”

His words make me taste panic. He can’t know about that. He can’t know that I’ve gone insane since he moved in next door and dreamed of him doing wicked, wicked things to my body. The dreams make zero sense, especially since he is a complete jerk. That doesn’t change the fact that I have them however. Nor does it change the fact that I don’t want him to know I’m having them.

Move. Your. Hand.” I order him, doing my best to keep my face blank of all the turmoil in my brain.

“For now, I will. But soon that will change, Rory.”

“No, it won’t,” I tell him.

He doesn’t say anything, he pulls away, straightening and then closes the door.

I instantly miss his hand.

I also instantly hate myself for missing it.

I watch as he walks around the truck, gets inside and put it back into drive.

“You and I are going to happen Rory, and soon.”

“You’re delusional, Noah.”

“If you don’t quit licking your lips I’ll show you what a liar you are,” he grumbles and he merges back on the road.

I bite my lip, not realizing I was doing that. I turn away and look out the window not sure who I hate more right now, him…or myself.
