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Dirty Obsession: Dirty Series Book 1 by Miles, Ella (23)



I don’t know why I said that.

I’ve never been with two men before in the same night.

And definitely not at the same time.

But I’m desperate.

For answers. And, as much as I don’t want to admit it, for mind-blowing sex.

Sex with Arlo has been the best of my life. Even when he fucked me against my will.

Sex with Matteo would be just as amazing.

Sex with both of them? I can’t even imagine how I would ever recover from that.

Arlo answers first, “No, I won’t share you. You fuck me or him tonight. Tomorrow, you can change your mind and fuck the other. But not tonight. Tonight, you are either mine or his.” When he says mine, I know that’s what he wants. He wants me to be his tonight.

I want to be his. But I also want Matteo.

How the hell did I go from hating them both to wanting them both? I think my hormones have just gone crazy after I was turned on and then tied to a bed all night long.

Matteo laughs as he always does. Never taking anything too seriously. “No. We have never been very good at the whole sharing thing. You have to choose.”

I look back and forth at each man who both look like they are ready to devour me and kill each other. It suddenly hits me as I’m standing here, being forced to choose between two men, that I both hate and want them at the same time. I don’t know why I never realized that before.

“You’re both lying. You’ve shared a woman before.”

Matteo laughs.

“You’re right. We’ve shared women who don’t matter to us. We’ve never shared a woman we both actually want,” Arlo says. He always tells me the truth.

So, I look Arlo dead in the eye when I say, “You’ve shared me before.”

Arlo looks at me and then at Matteo. “You fucked her the night I brought her to you? The night she almost died!” His rage is more than I’ve ever seen before. His body instantly turns red, every vein pops out on his body, and his nostrils flare.

I know he was just shot, but right now, if they decide to fight, I’d put my money on Arlo.

Arlo does get a punch in before Matteo can tell him the truth. Right to the eyeball. I watch as blood pours from Matteo’s eye and Arlo’s wound. Maybe, if they kill each other, I will be free of my debt.

“I didn’t fuck her, man. Other than a few kisses and tasting her pussy, I haven’t touched her,” Matteo says, clearly not willing to fight his brother right now.

Arlo stops his fist midair, his breathing fast and heavy, not willing to fully back down.

Matteo turns to me. “Have I fucked you?”

“Yes, you both fucked me. After you saved me. You both fucked me the night in the dungeon. You were each there, and you each had your turn. You look so alike. But, after knowing each of you, I know you each had your turn with me that night,” I say testing them to see if my hunch is correct. I don’t have any evidence or reason why to guess that they both fucked me that night. Just a gut instinct.

They look at each other and then at me.

“I didn’t fuck you that night. I wish I had, but Arlo wouldn’t let me anywhere near you,” Matteo says.

I narrow my eyes. “I don’t believe you.”

Matteo turns to Arlo.

“I don’t think he fucked you that night. He didn’t when I was there at least. So, unless he went after you and fucked you after you ran…” Arlo looks to Matteo to answer him.

Matteo puts his hand up. “I didn’t fuck her. You’re the only one who fucked her against her will. All I ever did was kiss her when she thought I was you after art class.”

I wince because I know what is about to happen. Arlo punches Matteo again.

“What did I do? It was funny, man. Nina thinks so, don’t you?”

I exhale. “I’m not getting in the middle of whatever this is.” I point back and forth between them.

“Then, what are you doing?” Matteo asks.

“Waiting to see who is going to fuck me.” I cross my arms.

They are already pissed at each other. Now, let them fight it out for me.

Arlo walks over to the first aid kit and pulls out some gauze and a bandage. He tosses them to Matteo. Matteo begins dressing his wound on his head while Arlo wipes off the blood on his stomach and hand.

Neither of them speaks, and I don’t know if I’m going to get my way or not. If I have to choose, I have no idea who to pick. Even if I feel my heart going one way, my pussy will go another. And, as far as which one is smartest to pick to help me get out of here, there isn’t a clear answer. If I choose one, the other is going to be hurt. He’s going to distance himself from me. I can’t take the chance of choosing the wrong brother. I need them both to care for me. Both to fall in love with me. It would double my chances at getting my freedom back.

So, I do the only thing I can. I start unbuttoning the shirt I’m wearing without looking at either one of them. When I get to the last button, I push the shirt off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. They have seen me naked before, but I’ve never felt so exposed as I do right now.

I’m asking for them both to fuck me.

This is wrong. So, so wrong. They think of me as their property even if they are too chicken to do anything about it.

But here is their chance. To fuck me with my permission.

Both men come to me in a second.

I grin. I have power. My body is powerful. And my mind is stronger. I’m going to be free again because I know how to use both.

“What do you want, Nina?” Arlo asks.

He’s never asked me what I wanted before. He’s always commanded me to do everything. It’s strange—hearing him ask me what I want. Even Matteo hasn’t ever asked me what I wanted. He gives me a choice, sure, but he doesn’t let me decide anything. This is my chance to get exactly what I want. The problem is, I don’t know what I want.

“Beautiful?” Matteo asks.

I turn back and forth between the two men. Both the same yet so different. One calls me Nina. The other beautiful or sweetheart but never Nina. I don’t know which I prefer.

But I do know what I want right now.

“Control me. Make me yours,” I command, my voice strong.

I like being in control ninety percent of the time. But not when it comes to sex. They are two powerful, strong men, who know my body better than I do. I want them to take control.

Both men smirk, their features almost identical to each other. Matteo grabs my hips and turns me toward him. His mouth devours mine as his hand tangles in my hair. My legs grow shaky as he kisses me. I’ve gained a lot of my strength back, but being kissed by Matteo makes me weak. He demands every part of me when he kisses me. So much of me that I can barely stand.

Arlo sweeps me off my feet just before I feel myself crashing to the floor, lacking strength to stand another second. He looks down at me like I’m his. His expression with his dark eyes and deep grimace shows me how much he hated watching his brother kiss me.

I reach up to his neck to pull his face toward mine so that I can kiss him. He lowers his lips but kisses my neck instead of my lips. I close my eyes as his lips and tongue kiss me slowly and deliberately, turning me on more and more with each perfectly crafted kiss. To the point that, by the time he drops me on the bed, I’m already ready for his cock.

He just smirks as he looks at me lying naked on the bed. He knows exactly how much he’s turned me on.

Matteo walks in and stares at me with almost the same intensity that his brother does. He doesn’t wait to see what his brother does. He pushes me up the bed and starts kissing every inch of me. My toes, my ankle, my thigh. He worships my body with his kisses, just like he did before, because he knows how much it turns me on.

Matteo keeps my eyes focused on his as he kisses me, again demanding all of my attention so that I don’t give his brother any.

Arlo doesn’t let Matteo get all of my attention so easily. He takes my hand, drawing small circles in my palm that I can feel all the way to deep in my stomach. I glance over at Arlo, who is looking at me like he would do anything for me. He glances up at the ropes still tied to the bed, and I know, as much as he wants to tie me to the bed, he thinks better of it. He doesn’t want to tie me up again, not so soon after I spent the night that way.

It disappoints me a little. I like being tied up. I like the roughness. But the way both men are kissing me show me that neither of them is going to be rough with me. Not tonight. We are all injured. All recovering from injuries, both physically and emotionally. Tonight is about healing. Together.

Arlo glances at Matteo for just a moment, but it’s enough to change the tension that was there just a second ago. Instead of fighting for me, they change to giving me everything.

Arlo kisses my neck and my ear, and then he slowly moves down to my breasts. Matteo kisses my ankle and my thigh, inching closer to my pussy. I’m in heaven as both men kiss every sensitive part of my body. Healing me, caring for me in a way I didn’t think was possible.

The more they kiss me, the more I stop feeling like a slave and more like their queen. I close my eyes rather than choose between whom to look at. My skin warms with each kiss, my toes curl, and my heart beats uncontrollably for both men.

My eyes dart open when they both ignite my pussy and nipples at the same time. Both men have their tongues dancing over my most sensitive of areas, and it’s too much for me to handle. I grab on to Arlo’s hair to keep from losing myself completely while I stare into Matteo’s eyes. His eyes are deep with a need to make me come, to make me feel good, and a hint of need to make himself feel good as well while maybe stealing a little bit of me from Arlo.

Arlo bites my nipple harder than I was expecting, and my eyes go back to his. His are much the same, but there is something more broken in his eyes than what I saw in Matteo’s. Something that I haven’t figured out about him yet.

They intensify their movements, kissing me harder, flicking their tongues faster, building me closer.

“God, that feels so good,” I moan, careful not to say either of their names. Not that I can choose who is bringing me more pleasure. It’s impossible for me to decide. To choose.

Arlo stops sucking on my nipple and moves behind my shoulder, sitting me up as his hands massage my breasts and his lips turn me on with every nibble and flick on my neck. I was expecting a dick in my mouth and the other in my pussy. But, instead, I have two men taking care of my needs before their own. I never thought either would be capable of being so selfless.

Matteo licks my clit until I’m dripping wet, my pussy begging for his cock to enter me. Only then does he move his cock to my entrance. He’s never fucked me before, and he takes his time in sliding his cock over my folds, gathering my liquid on his thick cock before he pushes gently inside me at the same time that Arlo nibbles on my ear while flicking my nipple between his thumb and finger.

Matteo’s thumb moves over my clit while he thrusts inside me, hitting me in all the right places.

“Yes,” I moan, unable to get more than the single word out.

Matteo moves slowly, taking his time as he fucks me. He watches every expression, every sound, everything I do as he fucks me. Watching for cues of what I need more or less of before he gives it to me.

“Are you close, beautiful?” Matteo asks.

“Yes,” I breathe.

My panting grows louder, my body on fire, as they both do everything they can to bring me pleasure.

Matteo moves a little faster. Arlo kisses me harder.

“Fuck, Matteo!” I scream, coming around his cock.

He slows his movements almost immediately even though he hasn’t come. While Arlo’s kisses on my neck soften as my body tries to recover from the intense sensation.

“What do you want?” Arlo asks, already able to tell that I need more.

I’m not sure if the deal we made is fair. Not if they are going to fuck me like this, giving in to my needs and ignoring their own. That’s the problem with how they fuck me. They need to get something out of this so that I can get my questions answered faster. The sooner I get my questions answered, the sooner I can get out of here.

“I want both of you,” I say, staring into Arlo’s eyes.

Matteo can make me laugh. He’s taken care of my wounds and emotional needs better than anyone. But he hasn’t had the same experience with my body that Arlo has. Arlo knows exactly what I crave.

I want more. Faster, harder. I want more intensity pushing me to an edge that I don’t know I can go over. Even if we all need a certain amount of gentle, healing, I still need even more than what they have given me so far.

Arlo looks at Matteo, and a silent exchange happens that I don’t understand. A connection between them that I’m not privy to.

Arlo grabs my hips and spins me toward him. “You get whatever you ask for, Nina.”

He lifts me onto his already hard cock.

I moan and grab on to hair and shoulders as he fills me completely.

He growls as he enters me. Needing to be inside me as much as I need him to be. He needs to be in control. That’s where he feels most himself. He gave up that control to me and even a little bit to Matteo, but it’s clear he’s done giving me any more control. I asked for more, and that’s what I’m getting.

Arlo slaps my ass in the way only he ever has. With a bite and a sting, but it leaves me soaked and so turned on that I can come again just from that if I don’t try to regain some amount of control over my body.

Arlo kisses down my neck, and he thrusts inside me. But his kisses are more like harsh nibbles, much harder than how he was kissing me before.

I feel new hands on my ass, and then Matteo’s cock is teasing the entrance to my ass. Arlo made me forget that Matteo was still here. But I’m quickly brought back to the real world as Matteo pushes harder at my entrance until he slips inside.

I bite Arlo’s shoulder to keep from screaming or crying as I’m completely filled with both men. I’ve never been stretched so fully. I feel the sting as my ass is slapped again as both men start moving inside me again.

Both kiss my neck. Both growl. Both fuck me like it’s the last time, and they don’t hold anything back.

“Your ass is so tight,” Matteo says.

I moan as he fucks me harder.

“I want to make you scream until you can’t remember either of our names,” Arlo growls.

“Impossible,” I say through clenched teeth.

Arlo’s eyes light up at the challenge, and I’m sure Matteo’s doing the same behind me.

Because everything changes.

They fuck me harder. Faster. At the same time, they slow their kisses to tenderness all over my body just to cause a sting of their hand, their bite on my nipple, or their sucking on my neck all the more intense.

I don’t have control over my body anymore. Arlo takes control of my front. Matteo, my back. And both men have my heart and soul in their grasp.

Thoughts of their father disappear into the night.

Memories of my freedom vanish.

Any thoughts of anything but these two men are ripped from me and replaced with two men I need desperately.

I can’t imagine not feeling this good ever again. I need them both. I need the laughter and the seriousness. The pleasure and the pain. The control and giving myself up.

I need everything they both give me. I want it all. I don’t want to give it up. Not even for my freedom.

“Come, beautiful,” Matteo commands.

I feel him come in my ass. I come right along with him.

“Fuck, Matteo,” I cry as we come together.

I grab on to Arlo’s shoulders as I come, barely able to keep myself upright even though both men are holding me up. Arlo’s cock is still in my pussy as I come, but his mouth devours every inch it can reach. My neck, my ear, my nipple.

Matteo pulls out when he’s finished filling me, and I slowly come down off my high. The second that I do, Arlo starts thrusting again into my pussy.

“I can’t,” I cry, not sure I can come again.

“You can, Nina,” Arlo growls.

The deep growl combined with his thumb on my clit is all I need to start again. I feel myself growing wetter again and climbing with him. Matteo gathers my hair in a ponytail behind my head. Tugging gently as he kisses my neck.

But Arlo is in control now. He fucks me harder than he ever has before. Quickly moving us with a need in his eyes to make me come one last time.

I move to kiss him, but Arlo kisses my neck instead. Matteo grabs my neck and turns me toward him before he kisses my lips.

“Come, Nina,” Arlo commands.

I let go of Matteo’s lips and look deep into Arlo’s eyes.

“Arlo,” I cry out as I come around his dick as his warm cum fills my pussy.

My body is exhausted after I come for the third time tonight. Arlo slowly lifts me off his cock and then lays me down on the bed. Matteo already has a warm washcloth that he uses to wash between my legs before Arlo covers me with warm blankets.

My eyes quickly close from exhaustion as so many things swirl around in my head. Who are these men really? Monsters or lovers? Do they really care about me? Even love me?

Why wouldn’t Arlo kiss me? But Matteo would?

I think back to the first time that Arlo fucked me. Did he kiss me then? Or was it Matteo? I shake my head. Arlo wouldn’t lie. But Matteo might. Or is nothing as it seems?

And why the hell did I think this was better than my freedom?

Because it is, that sneaky voice in my head says.

Maybe it is if I can make them love me. Whether I want to stay or leave, I need them to love me. Or at least one of them.

I have so many questions but no strength left to ask them. I frown slightly as I drift off to sleep. That was their plan all along—to fuck me until I couldn’t do anything but sleep, and then they wouldn’t have to answer any questions.




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