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Diving In by Kristian Mathews (23)

Chapter 1

“Man this water’s really pumping.” Carson Swift hiked a few steps ahead of his twin brother, Cody. His feet landed firmly on the familiar trail to Hidden Creek, but his thoughts were a million miles away. Make that eight hundred miles, give or take, depending on whether he took Highway 50 or Interstate 80 through Nevada. “With the water this high, I don’t think we’ll catch a lot of fish.”

“Good thing we have steaks in the fridge.” You’d think he was nine, not twenty-nine, by the way Cody trotted along excitedly, skittering small bits of gravel along the well-worn path. He was too damn happy with his life. “We’re not pulling anything out of the river today.”

“At least it’s finally warming up.” What a coward. Carson had dragged his brother out here to have a serious conversation. Instead, he was discussing water conditions. The weather.

“I thought winter would never end.” Cody would probably still catch a fish or two. He had that kind of luck. Women and trout landed at his feet without much effort. “But summer’s coming and it’s going to be a hot one.”

Another summer stretched out in front of them. Long, hot days on the river. Longer, hotter nights at the Argo—throwing back a few beers, shooting pool, picking up pretty strangers. Who wouldn’t want the easy life of a whitewater guide?

“June bookings look pretty solid.” Carson tried to look at the sunny side of the creek. Business was good. That wasn’t why he wanted out.

“We should get quite a few bachelorette parties.” Cody had suggested advertising in the regional bridal magazines. His idea was to offer Girls’ Weekend trips, complete with a selection of local wines and discounted cabin rentals. It was one of the few times he’d taken an interest in the business itself.

Most of the time Cody was all about the fun. Hot babes and cold beer on a warm summer night were the only things he seemed to care about. Except in winter, when he’d head up to the mountains to ski. Leaving Carson to take care of repairs and maintenance.

“Plenty of family trips too.” All those intact families. Smiling. Laughing. Bonding. Being there for each other. Reminding Carson of what he didn’t have.

“Don’t forget bachelor parties.” Cody was always up for a good time. The man lived his life as though it was one big party. A lot of guys would give up their flat screen TVs to walk in his sandals. “Man, we’ve got the best job in the world.”

“Sure. A day’s work for us is a vacation for most people.” Carson still loved the heart-stopping rapids and Zen-like calm stretches on the river. He still loved helping people connect with nature and discover a little something about themselves along the way. And he still loved the constant, yet ever-changing force of the river.

It was the change that called to him now. He might as well be guiding the jungle boats at Disneyland. He was seeing the same sights, telling the same jokes over and over again until he felt like one of the automated characters. He needed a change of pace. A change of scenery. A change of company.

“Yeah, we’ve got it made.” Cody trotted along like a kid on the first day of summer vacation. He had no idea his brother didn’t share his enthusiasm for the status quo. Carson was afraid of becoming stagnant. A breeding ground for bad blood.

It wasn’t that Cody was a bad guy. He was just there. Always. They lived together. Worked together. Ate together. The only thing they didn’t do was sleep together. Although there had been women who would have been willing to take on them both. Cody probably could have been talked into it, but it was bad enough sharing breakfast and small talk with his brother’s dates. Carson wasn’t about to share anything more.

He should just get it over with. Say the words. I’m leaving. But the lump in his throat rose like the spring runoff, drowning out his voice. If he could think of another way to get Cody to grow up already, he’d take it. But the only way to get him to change would be to force it on him. He had to toss his brother overboard and hope he’d come up swimming.

“What the hell?” Cody skidded to halt. “Is that woman actually swimming? In this high water?”

* * * *

Damn. This water is cold.

Lily came up for air, sputtering and spitting out a mouthful of river water. She grasped for something—anything she could hold onto. But the current was too fast, too strong for her to grab hold of anything. She tried to find her footing, but the force of the river kept her from getting her legs underneath her. Quickly she realized that it was probably for the best. If anything, she could end up breaking a leg if she slammed against a rock. Or worse, her foot could become entrapped and it wouldn’t be long before the river pulled her under, drowning her.

She wondered how long it would take to find her body. Would some fisherman stumble upon her days, weeks, or even months from now? Or would the current eventually pull her downstream, where she’d wash up lifeless on the shore?

For the first time in her adult life, Lily was thankful she was childless. There was no baby to leave motherless. Left to be raised by her rat-bastard ex-husband.

Water shot up her nose, and Lily coughed. She tried once again to regain control of her body, but she was caught in a force too powerful to fight.

The movies were all wrong. Her life didn’t flash before her eyes. Nothing but water and sky and regret rushed past her as she was carried downstream.

Lily didn’t want her last conscious thought to be about her ex. About her failures.

As a wife. A daughter. An employee.

A woman who hadn’t been able to conceive.

She tried to think of something positive. Relaxing her body, she willed her last thoughts to be about something beautiful. Like Hidden Creek. She’d always loved it here. The smell of the pines and the whisper of the wind through the trees. How the night sky was so clear and the stars shone so brightly she felt as if she could reach up and touch them. Blackberries that would be ripe in another month. She could bake a pie in the cozy kitchen of her cabin.

Her cabin. The one thing she’d fought for in the divorce. The place where she’d hoped to raise a family.

But now it would go back to Brian.

Over my dead body.

With a new sense of urgency, Lily fought back against the current, flailing about as if her life depended on it.

* * * *

Carson turned his attention to the river. He expected to see the slow, graceful movements of a woman out for an afternoon swim. He expected smooth, easy strokes and efficient flutter kicks as she propelled herself through the water. He expected to pass her by without another thought. Instead, he felt his muscles tighten, his heart rate accelerate, and his vision narrow as the realization that she was in trouble hit him like a flash flood.

Instinct kicked in. He dropped his rod, pulled his keys and phone from his pocket, and raced into the raging river. He dove into the waist-deep water, swimming aggressively toward her. The current was strong. He had to be stronger.

“Just relax. I’ve got you.” He kept his voice steady, projecting strength, confidence, and competence. He couldn’t let her panic. He knew he was trying to save her, but there was no way of knowing what was going through her mind.

She struggled briefly, mumbling something, as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against his chest. The buzz of adrenaline flooded his system, blocking out the cold, the current, and everything but the need to keep her head above water and bring her to shore. He kicked hard to propel them away from the strongest part of the current. Working with the flow of the river and not against it was crucial in getting them both out alive.

The river slowed as they approached the eddy. Carson adjusted his grip and his hand slid up over the smooth curve of her breast. He corrected his hold on her, but not before his thumb grazed her nipple.


Get her out of the water.

All the hours of training drained from his head. This wasn’t the first time he’d rescued someone from the river. It certainly wasn’t the first time he’d touched a woman’s breast. He should be able to get his mind back on track. Once they made it back to dry land, then he could think about her perfect breasts. When she was safe, he could let his mind wander in the direction his fingers had wanted to go. Not to mention his mouth.

“I’ve got you.” He tried to sound calm, in control. Like someone who knew what he was doing. Her life was still in his hands. “Trust me.”

Her body relaxed against his as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Relief flooded him as he realized she wasn’t going to panic and try to fight him. He still had to get her out of the water. Then get her somewhere warm. The image of his bed flashed through his mind and he brushed it away like a pesky mosquito.

Cody stood downstream, holding his rod case over the water. A rope would be better, but they’d left the hoopi in the truck. The tubular nylon webbing, often used by climbers, was one of their most valuable pieces of river gear. Almost as versatile as duct tape, and Carson wished he had some with him. He did have his brother. Cody might not remember to pay his cell phone bill on time, but get him on the river and he was one of the most reliable men around.

“Hold tight.” Carson reached for the case, and grabbed hold as Cody pulled them toward the shore, reeling them in like a couple of steelhead. Carson got his feet under him and helped the woman stand.

“You’re okay. You’re going to be just fine.” His legs felt like wet beef jerky now that the adrenaline drained from his system. His heart rate should be returning to normal, but he’d just felt her up in the middle of the river and he didn’t even know what color her eyes were. Let alone her name.

“Thank you.” She shivered.

Hidden Creek would be a very different river in another month. Once the runoff slowed, it would be marked with gentle riffles, calm pools, and some of the best trout fishing in Northern California. Today, it was a surging flow carrying a winter’s worth of snowmelt as it merged into the South Fork of the American River. Not as cold as it had been a few weeks ago, but still cold enough that twenty more minutes might have led to a different ending.

Carson tore off his wet shirt and pulled the woman against his bare skin. “I’ve got to get your core temperature up.” He massaged her arms and torso briskly, hoping she wouldn’t think he was some kind of perv. But, damn, she felt good pressed against him, soft in all the right places and naked except for her bikini bottoms. The idea was to warm her up, but he was the one on fire.

“Cody. Give me your shirt.” His words came out harsh and demanding. His brother obeyed, pulling the dry T-shirt off and tossing it to him in one swift motion. Carson slipped it over her head, breaking the contact but not the impact of her bare skin against his.

“What’s your name?” Carson asked.

“Lily Johnson.” She held her hand out, but quickly retreated. “Sorry. It’s Price. Lily Price.”

She shook her head before extending her hand again. Her grip was firm and surprisingly warm. Had she recently changed her name or was her confusion because of injury? He glanced down at her left hand. Bare. But that didn’t mean a thing. The river was a thief. She’d been known to take jewelry, sunglasses, and bathing suits. Even lives.

“I’m Carson Swift.” Carson dropped her hand, but he still felt the charge as if he’d been struck by lightning, and the water only intensified the conductivity. “This is my brother, Cody.”

“Oh, so there are two of you.” She let out a sigh of relief. “I thought I was seeing double.”

“We’re twins.” Cody reached out to shake hands. “Identical.”

“Nice to meet you both.” Lily glanced from one brother to the other. The glazed look in her honey-gold eyes told Carson she’d have to work at telling them apart. They were too much alike. On the outside.

“It’s our pleasure.” Cody emphasized the last word, letting her know that he was interested. Then again, Cody rarely met a good-looking woman he wasn’t interested in.

“Well, thank you both for…” Lily held her breath just long enough for Carson to suspect she was not as calm as she pretended to be. “Saving my life.” She flashed them a fake smile to let them know she was fine, thank-you-very-much.

“Hey, no problem.” Carson wanted her to believe it was no big deal. All in a day’s work.

Except it was a problem. A big problem. He couldn’t just walk away from her now.

Physically, she’d recover. She’d be sore for a few days, but the color had already returned to her cheeks. She stretched her arms overhead and rolled her head from side to side. He almost expected her to throw a few jabs in the air just to prove she was a fighter. But she kept casting glances at the river as if it might reach up and swallow her. Carson worried more about her emotional state. Fear could creep in like an unwanted vine and if left unchecked, it would take over, choking the life out of her.

“Let’s get you someplace warm.” Carson took her arm to lead her back up the path. “My truck is just down the creek.”

“Oh, that’s okay.” Lily eyed the water again with mistrust. “My cabin is right on the river.”

“Cedar shingles? Green trim?” Cody asked. They had fished this stretch of the river enough times to know the place she was talking about.

“That’s the one.” Lily’s face lit up with pride. There were only a few residences along the way and hers was by far the most welcoming.

“Trust me,” Carson said. “My truck is much closer.”

She shrugged and then bent down to pick up his keys and phone.

“You might need these then.” She handed the keys to him and their fingers brushed, sending a shiver down his spine.

“Is there someone we should call?” Carson asked as he took the phone.

“No.” Lily shook her head. Sadness flickered across her face, disappearing almost instantly. “I’m enjoying the solitude of Hidden Creek.”

“So you’re all alone out here?” Cody’s voice dripped with invitation. Could he be any more obvious? The woman had just been plucked from the river and Cody was trying to get her into bed.

“I’m taking a much-needed vacation.” Lily’s voice held a hint of defiance. “The first since my honeymoon seven years ago.”

“So will your husband be joining you?” Carson’s voice cracked like a thirteen-year-old boy. He half-hoped she was still married. Then he could just forget about her.

Yeah. Right.

“My ex-husband can go to hell.” Lily’s voice shook a little. As if she wasn’t used to using such strong language. Or maybe she wasn’t used to standing up for herself. “Did I say that out loud?”

“You did.” She made him laugh, in spite of everything.

“I am so embarrassed.” Lily blushed, a deep, dark pink. “I’m not really the bitter ex. I swear.”

“What, did the guy cheat on you?” Cody asked. Leave it to his brother to use a woman’s divorce as an opener to hit on her.

“Yeah. Among other things.” Lily looked down at the trail, as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. Obviously she didn’t want to talk about it. She marched forward, but stumbled on an exposed root.

Carson grabbed her arm. Just to steady her. The sooner he got her back to her cabin, the better.

“Let’s get you home. Get you warmed up, and we’ll be on our way.” Carson would sleep better knowing she had no lasting effects of her ordeal. Besides, he already felt responsible for her.

He needed someone else to worry about like he needed another Swift River Adventures T-shirt.

Maybe he could use another shirt. His was dripping wet and covered in dirt. Lily was the only one of them wearing a shirt, dry or otherwise. And damn, if she didn’t look really good in it. Her hips swayed ever so slightly as she walked. She wasn’t very tall, but her legs stretched long and lean beneath the faded blue shirt. Her damp hair fell just below her shoulders. Carson couldn’t tell if it was light brown or dark blonde, but either way it would look great spread across his pillow.

He didn’t need to peek at Cody to know he was thinking the same thing. They were way past the age of acting like horny teenagers. Or they should be. Besides, Carson wasn’t going to stick around; he had no business lusting after her.

She was just something else he would leave behind.

* * * *

“So, Lily, what were you doing swimming in such high water?” one of the brothers asked. The one who’d pulled them both from the river. He’d also given her the shirt off his back. Literally.

“I wasn’t swimming.” Lily didn’t like the defensive tone in her voice. “I… I fell in.”

“Well, it’s a good thing we came along when we did,” the other brother said. He tried to keep his tone light, but Lily sensed an undercurrent of worry. They all knew what might have happened if the brothers hadn’t been there.

Some Mother’s Day this turned out to be. Not that she was fortunate enough to be a mother. And instead of being a good daughter, spending an uncomfortable day not talking about her divorce with her mom, she’d decided to relax in the sun, finally diving into that novel she bought for herself last Christmas. With everything that happened to her in the last few months, Lily hadn’t had time for small pleasures. Now she had all the time in the world. The next few months, at least. She planned on taking the summer off before looking for another bookkeeping job, or even landing clients of her own.

Lily had felt a little reckless sunbathing on that rock like a teenager. She’d even switched to SPF 15 instead of her usual 50. UV rays had turned out to be the least of her worries. She should have waited for the paperback or gotten an eBook. With the bulk and weight of a hardcover edition, the book had slipped out of her hands and as she reached for it, she’d tumbled head first into Hidden Creek.

She was a strong swimmer, an experienced swimmer, but the swift current had taken her by surprise. She’d tried swimming back toward the rock, but there was no way she could fight the force of all that water. Disoriented and a little ticked off at the twenty-seven dollars she’d spent on that book she’d never get to finish, she’d started flailing about, reaching for something, anything to grab onto so she could get her feet back under her.

She’d been in the water ten minutes, maybe longer, when she’d heard a deep male voice, felt strong arms around her, and realized she wasn’t alone in the water.

The rest happened so fast. She was in the water. Then out. Somewhere along the way, she’d lost her bathing suit top and this man was holding her close. There was a second man, identical to the first. He gave up his shirt and flirted with her. The first guy seemed worried about her. But she was fine. Really. They were making too much of a fuss over her. “Sorry to interrupt your fishing trip.” Lily tried to steady her voice, to sound like a woman who could take care of herself.

“Hey, it’s okay,” one of the guys said. “The water’s a little high for good fishing, anyway.”

“We caught something much better.” His brother smiled and spoke with a light-hearted tone. He was definitely flirting with her. She remembered flirting. It’s what her ex had done with every woman but her.

“Tell me again who’s who.” They’d reached the end of the trail. Lily was trying to keep them straight, knowing it must be hard to be constantly mistaken for your twin.

“I’m Cody, the good-looking one.” The first brother flashed his dimples and smoothed back his blond hair in an over-the-top, I-know-I’m-good-looking way.

“Yeah? When was the last time you got a haircut, you hippie?” His brother gave him a friendly shove. Lily’s gaze strayed to his wet shorts. He’d been the one to jump in the water after her. He’d been the one to really save her life. She shivered at the thought. And at the way the damp fabric clung to his muscular thighs.

“At least I don’t look like an escapee from boot camp, like Carson here.” Cody snapped to attention and offered a salute.

“I like it short.” Carson sounded a little offended. “Besides, my hair’s so thick if I go more than four or five weeks without a trim, I have to put stuff in it.”

“And it would just run out into the river, poisoning the fish.” Cody recited the words like scolded schoolboy. “Lighten up, man.”

“So I care about what gets washed into the river.” Carson shook his head and chuckled. “You only care about what you pull out.”

“Hey, at least I catch something once in a while.”

“I’m not talking about the fish.”

They teased each other, but there was genuine affection in their banter. Lily envied their closeness. As an only child, she’d envisioned a large family of her own someday. Three, maybe four kids running through the house. Walking down to Fairy Tale Town or the Sacramento Zoo. Baking cookies and hanging their artwork on the refrigerator door. The only thing hanging on her refrigerator now was an appointment card for Foothills Fertility Clinic.

She followed the twins to a white double-cab Toyota truck. Carson clicked open the locks and held the front passenger door for her. He offered his arm to help her climb up into the cab. A jolt, almost as startling as the icy-cold water, shot straight through her.

How long had it been since she’d been touched, really touched, by a man? For the last few years, sex had been entirely clinical. An act of procreation—and desperation—that had nothing to do with intimacy.

But he hadn’t really touched her. Not like that. He was only trying to help. Like he’d been trying to help when he pulled her against him. And he was only trying to help when he’d touched her breast. Lily wasn’t going to read anything into it. She didn’t need a man. She definitely didn’t need two of them.

Carson went around to the driver’s side and Cody slid into the backseat. Lily clicked her seatbelt in place. If only she could restrain her nerves so easily.

“So tell me.” She turned so she could converse with both of them. “What do you two do when you’re not rescuing topless women?”

Masculine laughter filled the cab. The deep, rich sound warmed Lily from the inside out. Carson started the ignition and turned the heater on full blast, to warm her on the outside.

“We run Swift River Adventures, a rafting company out of Prospector Springs.” Carson’s smile showed a man who took pride in his work.

“It’s not far from where gold was first discovered in California.” Cody leaned forward, inching closer, making her aware that there was entirely too much testosterone in this tiny space. They were big men. Strong men. Very good-looking men.

It took twice as long to drive to the cabin as it had for her to float downstream. At last, she was home. Home. Even if it was only temporary.

“Nice place.” Carson shut off the engine and turned toward her. His eyes were as warm, and as blue, as a summer’s day. “Are you renting for the summer?”

“Nope. It’s mine.” She was still getting used to the idea. “All mine.”

“Is it a vacation cabin?” Cody asked from the backseat.

“Not exactly.” Lily turned to find Cody’s eyes were just as startling and blue as his brother’s. “My house in Sacramento sold a lot quicker than I anticipated. So this is home. Until I figure out where I want to end up.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re here now.” Carson’s voice was slightly lower than Cody’s, without the teasing note. She just hoped she’d be able to find other ways to tell the two of them apart. They both wore faded khaki shorts, complicated athletic sandals, and nothing else. Carson had tossed his wet shirt in the back of his truck and she was still wearing Cody’s.

“So, Lily.” Cody didn’t seem to want his brother to get the last word in. “What do you do when you’re not charming the shirts off a couple of fishermen?”

“I’m an accountant.” Or she had been.

“No way.” Cody leaned forward again. “You’re much too interesting to be an accountant.”

“I think that was supposed to be a compliment.” Carson shot his brother a disapproving look. “What kind of accounting?

“I don’t have my CPA license.” Lily was making excuses again. Focusing on what she lacked, not what she could do. “I do general bookkeeping, payroll, just about anything except income taxes. But my company decided to outsource my duties, so here I am.”

She exited the truck and approached the front porch steps. Both men followed her across the wraparound deck and through the front door of the two-story cabin. The place had been built in the 1940s, when things were made to last. The floors were well-worn oak planks, the fireplace had been built with rocks gathered from the area, and a large picture window overlooked the river below. Three bedrooms, plus a loft, would provide plenty of space for the large family Lily still hoped to bring back here someday.

They entered the bright, spacious kitchen, with its knotty-pine cabinets, butcher-block counters, and a large cast iron sink big enough to bathe small children in. Lily had so many dreams for this place. None of them involved being divorced, jobless, and alone.

“Do you have any tea?” Carson eyed the kettle on the back burner of the gas stove. “Or hot chocolate? Something to warm you up?”

“How about some whiskey?” Cody suggested. His grin made her somehow think of those old cartoons with the big St. Bernard lumbering through the snow with a barrel of whiskey on his collar.

“Um, yeah. Tea bags are in the cabinet over the stove. There’s beer in the fridge.” Lily pointed to the old-fashioned Frigidaire. Not the most energy efficient appliance, but it reminded her of a simpler time. Back then, fresh fruits and vegetables replaced microwave popcorn as a snack. Cupcakes were made at home, not ordered online and delivered to your door. And families were created when a man and a woman loved each other very much and wanted to share that love with a child. It didn’t take a credit check or a series of lab tests. “Make yourselves at home while I go change.”

“You should take a long, hot shower,” Carson suggested. His voice warmed her and made her shiver at the same time.

“Are you offering to wash my back?” The words just slipped out. She wasn’t the kind of woman who traded suggestive comments with a man she’d just met. She’d never even made that kind of statement to her ex-husband.

“He doesn’t have the skills.” Cody stepped closer, invading her space. “But I’m very skilled.” He lowered his gaze to her chest and licked his lips subconsciously. Or maybe it was on purpose. He seemed like the kind of man who knew exactly what he was doing when it came to women.

“Sometimes it takes more than skill.” Carson shot his brother a disapproving look. Oh dear, they were fighting over her. Not fighting really, just competing for her attention. She should warn them that she’d vowed to go the rest of her life without ever having sex again. She’d spent the last few years with pillows propped under her hips every Tuesday and Friday from 10:15 to approximately 10:27. All for nothing.

Water under the bridge. Over the dam. Spilled out into the ocean by now.

She closed the bathroom door and slipped the oversized T-shirt over her head, catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. A large bruise bloomed along her left side, stopping just below her breast. More bruises appeared along her hip and back. Tears stung her eyes as she realized just how lucky she was that Carson and Cody had decided to go fishing that day.

“I’m going to fix you a cup of tea,” one of the twins said through the door. “Do you need any help in there?”

“No, I got it.” Lily tried to make her voice as strong as possible. She didn’t want whoever it was to think she was weak.

“Just checking.” His voice was strong, steady, and very sexy. “Let me know if you need anything. Despite what Cody says, I’m very good at washing backs.”

It was Carson. Her heart fluttered as she remembered the feel of his arms around her. His hand on her breast. The way he’d pressed against her, trying to warm her up. He was so solid, rock hard arms, chest, and well, if that was shrinkage…

She turned on the shower. It would take a few minutes to warm up. The water, that is. She was already warm in all the wrong places. Maybe she should take a cold shower instead. Like that would help get her mind off the two hunks in her house. Either one of them was twice the man Brian was. And put together? She shuddered as she stepped under the hot water.

The warm spray did wonders to release the tension in her body. It wasn’t just the day’s events, but the last eight months of stress that she needed to wash down the drain. She had turned thirty wondering why it was such a big deal. She had a good job, a nice house in a desirable neighborhood, and a smart, successful husband to share her life with. The only thing missing was a baby. They had been working on that.

But then she’d lost her job. No big deal. They didn’t need the money. She was going to quit when she got pregnant anyway. But they had been trying for three years. Two years longer than most people waited to get tested. The results were more than disappointing. It had been the final straw that had broken the overstrained backbone of their marriage.

Damn. She must have gotten shampoo in her eyes. The stinging sensation couldn’t possibly be tears. She had nothing to cry about. She was alive. That had to count for something. She still had plenty of time to have a baby. She had options. Maybe even right there in her living room.

Stop. Don’t go there.

She wasn’t desperate. Gone were the days when only a married couple was given a chance at having children. She could probably even adopt, if it turned out that Brian wasn’t the only one with fertility problems.

With a little effort, Lily managed to dress after her shower. A bra was out of the question, considering the bruises on her side. The guys had already seen her girls in all their glory, so she slipped on a dark green T-shirt, hoping she wasn’t asking for trouble. She’d just have to go out there and be herself. If only she knew who that was.

That’s what she’d come up here for. To live life on her own terms. And that meant taking one step at a time, starting with marching into the kitchen where her rescuers were waiting.

“Oh, good. You’re both still here.” Lily put on a brave smile. “I’m not sure how to thank you. For everything.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Carson handed her a cup of tea. “We’re just glad we could help.”

“I could make you dinner. Or something.” Lily tried to think if she had enough food for three.

“No. That’s okay,” Carson was quick to decline. “You should get some rest.”

“We could light your fire,” Cody offered, and his brother gave him a quick elbow to the ribs. “In the fireplace. To make sure you stay warm.”

“Oh, that’s not necessary.” She wasn’t sure if Cody was trying to be funny, but the way Carson glared at him made her suspect that Cody’s over-the-top flirtation was a sore subject between them.

“Is there anything else you need?” Carson’s concern was a little overwhelming. She needed to get a grip on her emotions. Her hormones. All she had to do was finish her tea and thank them for saving her life. She wasn’t looking to create a new life with either of them.