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DON’T TAKE MY BABY: Twisted Ghosts MC by Zoey Parker (70)




After Zane and I had our late dinner, I couldn’t stop yawning. He suggested we put on a movie and I agreed, but ten minutes in I was falling asleep. Between the shock of discovering my pregnancy and almost being kidnapped at work, I’d had a crazy day. I thought I could have probably slept for days inside Zane’s comfortable, silken bed.


“You wanna go to bed?” Zane raised his eyebrows at me suggestively.


A weak pulse of desire hit my lower belly and I blushed. “Yeah, but I’m exhausted,” I said. “I’m sorry. I can sleep on the couch if you want.”


Zane snorted. “Fuckin’ nonsense,” he said. “You’re sleeping in the bed. And don’t worry about it. I’m spent.”


He got up from the couch and brought the pizza box and my empty glass of water back into the kitchen. I couldn’t believe how much I’d eaten; my appetite felt like it was never-ending. I looked down at the slight pooch in my lower belly, wondering unhappily if I’d be that hungry throughout my entire pregnancy. My mom had always been overweight after she’d had me. I was nervous I’d get fat and wouldn’t be able to lose it. Zane won’t like the way I look if that happens, I thought to myself. Staring at him, I realized I barely knew anything about him at all. I didn’t know what he really thought about me, or women in general. And I definitely didn’t know what he thought about what was really happening. Was I danger? Was that why he was spending more time with me?


I snorted. Well, it can’t be because he really likes you, I thought glumly. Remember how he tossed you out without a second word last time?


“Come on,” Zane said. “Let’s go to bed.”


I blinked and realized I was dawdling at the foot of the stairs. As we climbed together, my heart started beating uncommonly fast in my chest. I realized I was nervous about what would happen when we were back in his bedroom. Zane reached for me the minute the door was closed. I winced, expecting him to grab me and throw me down on the bed. But instead, he turned me around and unzipped my blouse.


“You want a shirt or something?” He walked over to his dressed and pulled out a clean, white T-shirt. “I keep the air cold at night; you don’t want to get cold.”


I blinked. “Thanks,” I said softly. “Yeah, I’ll take that.” My breasts were aching, sore and swollen, and I dreaded the idea of spending a night without a bra. But I didn’t want Zane to know. There seemed to be an important reason for not telling him. Mostly, I just wanted to know what was going on. He was acting strangely, perhaps even more strangely than I was acting. And I wanted to get to the bottom of this as soon as I could.


Pulling the soft shirt over my head, I climbed into bed. Zane watched me as he stripped out of his jeans. My mouth went dry at the sight of his muscular body. Even though I was incredibly sore and not feeling too aroused, I still felt a thump of lust between my legs. He looked amazingly, unbelievably good. He always did.


“Come on,” Zane said. “Let’s go to sleep.” He walked around to the other side of the bed and climbed in, dimming the lights.


I could smell him and feel him near but I knew he was staying as far away from me as possible. Suddenly, a feeling like loneliness welled up inside of me. This was exactly what I’d wanted to happen for the past eight weeks, but now that it was happening I didn’t feel any better than I did when I was on my own.


“Good night,” I said softly.


Zane didn’t reply; instead, he shifted onto his side and pulled a pillow over his head. I rolled away from him so I was facing the wall instead of his tattooed back. In the semi-dark, I could almost make out some of the shapes that had been inked into his skin. But I didn’t want to think about him anymore. I wanted to close my eyes and drift off into a powerful sleep.


“Isabella,” Zane said with a grin. “I love you. I’ve been waiting for you my whole life.”


I blinked. “Really? Are you sure?” I looked down. “I’m embarrassed to think you didn’t want anything to do with me.”


Zane scowled. “Isabella, c’mon. I’m not used to chicks. I’m not used to…feelings.” He reached out and pulled me close, sending shivers down my spine. “Kiss me,” he said in a low voice.


As he wrapped his hand around the back of my head and pulled me close, I moaned softly before our lips met. His lips were hot and soft as petals. I closed my eyes as he slipped his tongue between my lips and nibbled on my lower lip. I felt like my pussy was exploding in a frenzy of desire; the longer the kiss went on, the better I felt. He slid his hands down my body and pulled the thin material of the T-shirt over my head. When his lips met my swollen, aching nipples it felt like heaven. I threw my head back and moaned loudly as his wet, rough tongue caressed my sensitive skin. Zane cupped my breasts in his hands, gently squeezing them. Pleasure burst through my body in a radiant, white-hot streak of light. I’d never felt this good in my whole life. It felt like every cell, every nerve ending, was being loved on by Zane.


“I love you, Isabella,” Zane said in a throaty voice. He reached between my legs and rubbed at my clit with his thumb.


I gasped and tried to push him away — the sensation was almost too much to bear. But he kept his hand firmly in place and worked the fingers around my clit until I was sobbing and gasping with pleasure into his neck. He didn’t pull his hand away until after the shocks and pulses from my orgasm had subsided. The mood between us changed, become more tender somehow. As we kissed passionately, he gently pushed me down on my back and spread my legs. He broke the kiss and began moving down my body, kissing and licking every inch of exposed skin with his warm, generous mouth. I felt the stubble from his chin scratch my bare belly, sending shivers down my spine, and I shrieked.


“What are you doing?” I moaned loudly, even though part of me knew.


“I’m going to please you now,” Zane said softly. He slipped a finger inside my pussy and wriggled it around as his mouth fastened on my labia and began to suck.


I could feel how wet and slippery my arousal had made me and I clenched my muscles and bucked my hips against his face. His mouth had found my clit and even though I was still too tender from coming only a few seconds ago, the discomfort melted into a warm pleasure. Zane slipped another finger inside of me and began to beckon slowly, moving his hand in rhythm with his mouth until my hands were buried in his hair and I was screaming loudly. I couldn’t believe he was pleasing me like this. No one, not even Kyle had managed to bring me such intense, orgasmic arousal. When I was around Zane, all I wanted to do was fuck and fuck and fuck.


“Roll over on your belly,” Zane grunted.


I moaned. “Don’t stop. Please, please don’t stop.” I had a feeling that if Zane rolled me over, I’d get sick and all of this would be ruined. I could practically feel the bile rising in my throat as Zane pulled his hands away from me and gestured for me to roll over.


“Roll over,” Zane commanded. His dark eyes flashed fire at me. “Now, Isabella.”


“I’m going to be sick,” I managed to utter. Suddenly, nausea consumed me more than ever. I had to make it to the bathroom, and soon. My throat was convulsing and bile spewed into my mouth. I kept my lips locked firmly shut.


“Roll over,” Zane commanded again. He reached out and smacked my ass. “Do it, Isabella.”


“I can’t,” I managed to cry out. “I’m going to be sick!”


I woke up from the dream in a frenzy. My skin was covered in sweat and my heart was racing. As I lay in bed, I tried to calm myself. Zane was snoring next to me, and for some reason, my stomach was still roiling. Shit. No. Not now. Not here. I tried to will away the nausea, but it got stronger with each passing second. Before I knew what I was doing, I bolted out of bed and ran over to the bathroom, blindly groping for the door. I barely had the knob closed before the first gush of bile and half-digested pizza spewed from my mouth. I found my way over to the toilet and flipped the lid up, leaning over and vomiting over and over again. I could feel my lips cracking from the effort of it all and my eyes watered bitterly, sending tears falling down my cheeks.


“God damn it,” I mumbled when I was finished. The bathroom was a mess. Zane’s shirt that he’d lent me was ruined. I pulled the foul-smelling rag over my head and tossed it on the floor. Gritting my teeth and holding my nose against the smell, I used the shirt to mop up the vomit around the toilet and closer to the door. Finally, the ground was clean but the air still smelled like puke. Just the scent was enough to turn my stomach and I leaned over the toilet and dry-heaved. There was nothing left in my stomach, but the nausea was relentless.


Finally, I managed to clean up the whole bathroom. I threw Zane’s shirt in the trash and covered it with a small mountain of toilet paper. Then I hopped in the shower and washed my face, neck, and arms. There was still a slightly sour smell emanating from my skin, but I couldn’t get rid of it. Even Zane’s perfumed soap didn’t do the trick. I smelled like a nightclub at the end of a singles’ dance.


Taking a deep breath, I clicked out the bathroom lights and opened the door.


Zane was sitting on the bed, staring at me in shock. “What the hell was that?” he demanded loudly. “What the fuck happened, Isabella?”


I blushed deeply. “I’m fine,” I lied. “It was just nerves. And all of that pizza. You know I ate too much. Everything that happened today must have wiped me out.”


Zane shook his head. He looked over my naked frame carefully and a strange look came over his eyes. Just as I was about to protest, he stood up from bed and held a hand up in the air. “Don’t say anything,” he said quickly. He grabbed his phone from the nightstand. “Just sit down and don’t go anywhere until I come back, okay?”


I blinked at him. “Where are you going?”


“I have to make a phone call,” Zane snapped. “Just do what I said, Isabella. Don’t even fucking think about going anywhere.” His eyes flashed in anger and he stalked towards the door of his bedroom, opening it and slamming it behind him.


I listened to his footsteps grow fainter and fainter. My heart was slamming against my ribs. I had no idea what to do, and I was terrified that he knew about the baby. But since I knew he wasn’t fucking around, I slowly lowered myself into bed and covered my body with the sheet. I swallowed hard. What was he going to do to me?