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Double Dare: A Fake Fiancee MMF Romance by Cassandra Dee (6)




Katie was curiously quiet as the elevator whooshed us downstairs. I threw her a glance, and she was even more beautiful than before. Sure, a woman’s seductive when she’s naked and glistening, begging for your touch. But there’s also something overwhelmingly beautiful about a female done up prim and proper.

Because yeah, Katie was gorgeous. The outfit couldn’t hide the lush femininity, the ripe fertility that was all female. But even more was the look of determination in her eyes, the set of that small chin, how she straightened her shoulders as the elevator door hissed open, collecting her thoughts. And suddenly, the press was on us.

“Mr. Major, Mr. Smith!” they called, microphones pushed into our faces. “What’s the story with Major Corp.? What’s gonna happen? Is Major closing its doors, folding up shop?”

Mason was on it in a sec, every bit the powerful CEO with a commanding air, towering above the pack.

“Naw,” he drawled. “We got plenty of cash, we got plenty of resources. We’re not closing our doors, not by a long shot.”

But the journalists were relentless.

“What was that about your grandfather’s will?” a particularly nosy woman cawed, red fingernails gripping a recorder. “That you can’t get the money you need unless you get married? We haven’t seen any women with you for ages now, Mason, not since that redhead last year.”

I shot my buddy a warning look. Any mention of Priscilla puts him in a bad mood, but my friend was all smooth confidence this time. Maybe he’d gotten over that bad episode now that we had something new and ten times better on our hands.

“You haven’t seen me with any women because my private life is exactly that. Private,” he said dryly. “But we’re ready to step out of the shadows because I’m happy to announce that one, I have a fiancée, and two, we’re expecting. Come here, honey,” he said, gesturing to Katie, who stood a half-step behind him. “Come on baby, it’s time to meet these jackals,” he rumbled, indicating the reporters following his every move.

And I swear, as Katie stepped into the limelight, a collective hush descended. It’s rare for professional reporters to be stunned by anything since they’ve seen it all, the good, the bad, and the ugly. All sorts of scandal, all sorts of salacious news and mean gossip, these folks are often the cause of a lot of hurt. But for once, they were cowed.

Because Katie was absolutely stunning, glowing almost. Ripe, lush and curvy, the brunette smiled a sweet smile, demurely appropriate in that purple dress, like a mother goddess come to life.

“Hi,” she said with a warm smile. “I’m Katie Jones, Mr. Major’s fiancée.”

The female reporter was on it in a second.

“When did you get engaged? How do you know Mason?”

The questions were like gunshots coming hard, fast and relentless, but our girl is a smart one. She merely smiled mysteriously, looking the cameras straight in the eye and enunciating with clarity.

“I’m an art student at the Union League, and Mr. Major is a patron,” she said. “We’ve been seeing each other for a while, but kept it under wraps because we knew you guys would be interested. But now,” she said, turning to Mason with a glowing smile, “we’ve decided to go public because I’m pregnant,” she said. “I’m pregnant and Mr. Major will have his heir.”

Immediately, a hubbub broke out.

“A baby!” said a hushed voice. “Oh my god!”

“She looks it,” nodded another. “Look at her waistline, she’s got to be at least five months along.”

A third voice rose above the rest.

“Is it a boy or a girl? Where are you living? When will the baby be born?”

Katie handled it all with the grace of a professional, never letting go of that sweet smile.

“We’re keeping the sex of the baby a secret for now,” she murmured while shooting a loving glance at Mason, slipping her small hand into his. “And of course, I’m living with my fiancé. No wedding date yet,” she said, answering the inevitable, “but soon, I promise. Isn’t that right Mace?”

I swear the big man was stunned Katie was so quick on her feet, thinking of everything before it actually happened. And she was perfect for the role too, with the genuinely adoring smile, her body language comfortable and at ease, topped off with the burgeoning belly. We’d done our job well, and I mentally gave myself a pat on the back.

Mason looked like he’d been hit by lightning, but the alpha caught himself and immediately slipped into role.

“Of course,” he rumbled appreciatively, eyes glued to Katie’s ripe form like he was a man in love. “My bride to be is staying with me, she’s left the dorms at Union, and we’ll let you know the sex of the baby when the time is right,” he assured the reporters. “But for now, let’s not keep a pregnant woman on her feet.”

And with that, he literally bent and lifted the brunette into the air, her curvy, lush form snuggled against that broad chest. Shit, they looked perfect together, like a Mr. and Mrs. already, staring into one another’s eyes, the world melting away to just them.

But never one to waste time, Mason strode to the waiting car and deposited Katie in the backseat before circling to the other side. Pausing for a moment with the door open, he called out to the wolf pack.

“Major Enterprises is thriving,” he said with a low chuckle. “You can bet your ass on it.”

And with that, the car pulled away from the curb, tires screeching, the couple’s heads outlined in the rear window like a pair of lovebirds. I whistled under my breath. That had been a performance and then some, both by my man and the woman we’d picked up. But now that the main attraction was gone, the reporters descended on me like a swarm of wasps.

“Mr. Smith,” they cried, voices cacophonous. “Mr. Smith, what’s going to happen after the baby’s born? Is Mason Major going to step down? Are you going to become President and CEO?”

I frowned instinctively. Why would Mason leave the company? That was fucking weird, I didn’t want to be at the steering wheel by myself. Where was this coming from? But smoothing my expression, the answer came out like a PR professional.

“Of course not,” I said glibly. “Mace and I have been at the head of this billion-dollar business for twenty years. You think he’s gonna give up just like that? And leave me at the head of the empire? I don’t think so, dude’s getting married, not going underground.”

But the reporters were relentless.

“What about parental leave? Is he going to take the three week paternity leave offered to all male employees?”

I was stunned for a moment. We consider Major Corp. to be at the forefront of employment practices, and yeah, offering leave to our male employees was part of our “commitment” to family values. I hadn’t thought much of it at the time because what guy takes off work when they have a baby? That was like saying, “Oh I was sick and had to stay home,” when actually you were watching ESPN all day.

But now, confronted with the possibility that my buddy might have to take parental leave just to keep up Major’s image of being “family-friendly” was confounding. Shit. This was new, but I forced myself to smile nonchalantly.

“We’ll see,” I rumbled, giving nothing away. “We’ll see.”

And with that, I too got into a black car, the door slamming behind my big form. Thankfully, the interior was blessedly quiet, and I could hear my own thoughts after the riot outside.

“Where to?” asked my driver.

“Home,” I growled. “Take me home.”

With a screech of tires, we were off into the busy Manhattan streets. I looked out the window moodily. Shit, the farce was going so well, almost too well. Katie and Mason appeared perfect, like a couple head over heels in love, a baby already on the way. It was so perfect, I should have been ecstatic, but instead, all I felt was confused. What the hell was wrong with me? Pulling up the apartment building, I strode into the lobby, ignoring the concierge while waiting for the elevator, a dark look on my face.

And stepping into the box, I pushed five. We’ve got private elevators that open straight into our apartments, but what most people don’t know is that Mason and I have pads that are connected. I’ve got the fifth floor, he’s got the sixth, and to the back, there’s a staircase that connects the two, discreet and hidden. We don’t use it much, but yeah, actually our apartment is one huge space, if you want it that way.

So when the door dinged open, I took a deep breath. This wasn’t the time to be pissed, this was the time to celebrate. Our semi-illegal plan was working, and all I needed was a drink to relax, to alleviate the tension in my muscles. Some ESPN sounded mighty good, something to block out the confusion running through my brain, white noise to dull my senses.

But as I stepped into the spacious living room, modern furniture sleek and gleaming, Mason and Katie were already there waiting for me like nothing was the matter.

“Hey,” my buddy drawled, looking over his shoulder. “Welcome to the party.”

Katie looked perfectly poised and together, not a hair out of place, sitting on a divan with her legs demurely crossed. She was gorgeous, flat out divine with those luscious curves and curly brown hair. My body hummed to life despite the fact that I’d been dead-tired not two seconds ago.

“HI Derek,” she murmured, shooting a special smile my way. “We escaped the scrum, how did you do after we left?”

I decided not to comment on the fact that both were in my apartment, and merely settled onto the couch across from them, big form looking relaxed even though I was getting more juiced by the second.

“Hell as always,” I drawled lazily. “But you guys got it worse.”

Mason nodded as Katie laughed softly.

“That shit’s always bad, but I’d say we pulled it off,” he said with a sideways glance at the girl. “We pulled it off real good.”

Katie nodded, shooting us both admiring glances.

“We did really well,” she affirmed, “How about you Derek? You make out okay?”

I took a deep breath. On the one hand, I wanted to blurt out my feelings. I wanted to say, you guys look so perfect together, so where am I in all this? Is there room for me in this trio? What about me?

But on the other, what alpha gives in to stupid things like insecurity and goddamn feelings? I sounded desperate, disgusting myself. So nodding, I spread both arms spread out on the back of the couch, the picture of supreme male confidence and shot a grin their way.

“It’s all good,” I drawled lazily. “Nothing I can’t handle.”

Katie nodded, but her smile melted until she was gazing at us with serious eyes. Because oh shit, the little girl had something to say and she wasn’t taking no for an answer.

“I know what we’re doing is just pretend,” she began.

I stopped her there.

“That’s right, honey,” I ground out, stretching like I was worn out. But Katie wasn’t done yet. She shook her head, determined to be heard because there was something else on the female’s mind, something even more pressing.

“Fine with the fiancée stuff,” she said slowly. “I get that there’s a will out there where you have to be married, or pretend married, to access some cash. But I have to ask something,” she said, shooting a swift glance at both of us. “Ummm….”

“What is it little girl?” rumbled Mason, one dark eyebrow arched. Like me, he looked the picture of supreme male confidence, a huge animal relaxed on the sofa. “Shoot.”

Katie took a deep breath, nervously biting her lip before looking between us again.

“It’s just that,” she began. “It’s just that there’s something going on between the two of you. And don’t tell me I’m wrong,” she said quickly. “I can feel something in the air, it’s like lightning shooting between you guys. So what’s going on?” she asked again, brown eyes hesitant yet insistent at once. “What’s happening?”

Suddenly, the temp in the room went up about a hundred degrees, all of us on notice. Because I realized just how perceptive and intelligent our girl was. Katie had picked up on the vibes, on the hot looks between Mason and I despite our efforts to hide it. We’d acted like we were all about her, that she was the focal point of our trio, but in reality we were all equal partners.

My breath whooshed out with relief. Thank god, I was gonna get my day in the sunlight, the two of them weren’t going to move to the next level on their own.

But I didn’t want to give in right away, I wanted to play with her a bit.

“Why do you say that?” I drawled, shooting her a smile. “You think something’s off between me and him?”

Katie bit her lip again, looking between the two huge male forms, now humming with energy.

“I feel something between you guys,” she repeated again, brown eyes wide yet determined. “There’s something there.”

Mason raised his eyebrows at her.

“So? Derek and I have known each other for a long time, baby girl, we’ve been in business together for twenty years. There’s a lot of history honey. Maybe we’re actually both trying to get your attention. Maybe this mofo is jealous of me,” he remarked, jerking his chin my way, “and wants you to himself.”

But Katie couldn’t be deterred. Because she was no dumb female, popping out babies without a brain. The brunette was perceptive, intuitive, with an ability to catch every subtle nuance. Despite the fact that Mason and I had only just discovered our feelings for each other, the brunette had caught on immediately. She knew she wasn’t the only target in the room. There were three of us, with deep-seated hunger boiling hotly underneath.

“No,” she said again, her voice tremulous yet strong. “It’s not business, and it’s not me either. Well, it is me, but only sort of. There’s something between the two of you, and only you. What’s going on? If I had to put my finger on it, I’d say it’s passion.”

There, the word was out, and it was perfect. It wasn’t lust, although that was certainly part of the equation. And it wasn’t quite love either, although I know that I’m head over heels in love with Mason. It was passion, the new, just-discovered flame of feeling that burned between us, growing so hot that it pulled our female like a moth towards flame, consuming her as well.

So I took a deep breath, heart racing furiously. Shit, this was getting out of control. We had a farce on our hands, a fake engagement with a fake fiancée. But there were very real goals too. Because Mason, Katie and I were developing some real feelings, a true connection because of the very situation we were in. The situation was confounding, confusing, and yet the swirl of activity, the deep conversation was inevitably pulling us into the whirlpool.

And taking a deep breath, I plunged headfirst into the churning waters.

“Yeah, so Mason and I are thinking about starting up. Is that a problem? Does it surprise you?”

My partner started on the chair, big form jerking involuntarily. Dark slashes grazed Mace’s cheekbones as he fought to look normal. But there was no point in hiding, no point in ducking behind the obvious because the three of us were about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime, and might as well go for it. Might as well put it all out there before this woman who was changing our lives.

And she didn’t let me down. Looking between the two of us, the brunette bit her lip again.

“It surprises me, yes,” she admitted softly. “I never thought two alpha males like you would, you know, be into each other as well.”

My eyebrow quirked.

“Why not?”

“Why not?” she repeated. “Well, I guess both of you are so alpha, I figured you’d be into women only. I never thought males like you would be looking to date other males.”

I shot her a questioning look.

“Who said we dated other males?”

Katie was flummoxed for once, her chest rising and falling quickly, generous curves sheathed in that tempting dress.

“I just thought,” she stammered. “I just thought that maybe you guys dated other men.”

I shook my head.

“Not me. You, Mason?”

The dark man shot me a look but shook his head.

“Naw,” he grunted. “I don’t date men.”

This time it was Katie who looked perplexed.

“So, what you’re saying is that you’ve never been with men before?”

I grinned right back at her.

“That’s right, girlie. I’ve done everything alphas do, I’ve been with dozens of women, one, two, or three at a time. It’s easy, especially when you’ve got the power that we do. But men? It’s new territory for me. For both of us,” I corrected, shooting a meaningful look Mason’s way. The dark man jerked his head in agreement, big body still tense, air crackling.

“So you’re saying,” Katie repeated again, “that this is new to you. Two men and a woman. Or two men, just the two of you? I’m sorry, my head’s all muddled from everything that’s happened.”

This time, Mason answered.

“Two men and a woman isn’t new,” he rumbled, eyes intent on that curvy form. “Derek and I have shared women before, absolutely. But it was just a quick fuck, something casual,” he concluded.

But that wasn’t what Katie was getting at.

“When you were with the other woman,” she said slowly. “Were you, you know, into each other?” she asked, biting her lip once more. “Or was it all about the girl?”

Silence hung in the air. But I answered, as nonchalantly as possible.

“It was all about the girl,” I rumbled. “Mason and I focused on the female. Sure, we saw each other, that’s inevitable, but we weren’t into each other if you know what I mean. This is the first time that we’re exploring something new,” I ground out, my eyes meeting his in a clash across the room. “So what’s new for you is new for us too. We’ve never been into one another before.”

There was another silence, but then the girl took a deep breath, that generous chest inhaling before exhaling deeply.

“Then I feel better about it,” she said quietly. “I feel better about this already.”

A sharp bark escaped my friend.

“Why? What’s better about all this?”

Katie turned to us with limpid eyes, hands still playing with the folds of her skirt.

“It’s been overwhelming for me. It’d be overwhelming for anyone,” she said with a smile, a glint flashing in her eye. Yeah, that was my sassy baby, nothing could keep her sense of humor down. “But knowing that there are a lot of firsts out there, for me as well as you guys, helps a lot. It makes it feel like this is an adventure for all of us to explore, that I’m not some science experiment gone bad, with you guys watching the whole time.”

I snorted.

“Honey, you’re not a science experiment, I assure you.”

“I know, I know,” she said shyly. “But for a while, I felt like it. I mean, kidnapped? And then passed off as Mason’s fiancée? It was like I was a monkey doing tricks, with no idea where this was all going to end up.”

Now it was Mason’s turn to snort.

“You’re no monkey,” he growled. “You’re a girl. One that I’m marrying.”

That made Katie blush, eyes going wide once more.

“So if I am,” she said slowly. “How is this going to work? I mean, you guys touched me down there,” she said, a flush running over those cheeks, “But that wouldn’t do it. Shouldn’t I go on some birth control at least?”

I let out a rough bark, half laugh, half pained yelp. But she was right.

“Absolutely honey. We’ll get you on something, I promise, this is all fake.”

I swear, a dark shadow appeared in Katie’s eyes as well, one of disappointment and sadness. But it was gone in a flash, the girl nodding.

“Okay,” she said softly. “Just let me know what I should do.”

I smiled lazily.

“Leave that up to us, honey. Don’t worry your pretty little head over it. But for now, baby girl, let’s just relax a little, and get to know one another. Drink?” I asked, getting up and striding to the liquor cabinet. Hell, all this talk was making me thirsty for a lot more than alcohol. I pulled out three snifters and poured a finger of brandy into each, holding out the amber liquid. “Drink?” I asked again.

But this time, Katie took a deep breath before shaking her head slowly.

“I’m underage,” she said in a soft voice. “You have to be twenty-one and I’m only eighteen.”

I threw my head back in laughter. Shit, we were fucked up mofos, the virgin was practically a baby. But she was a baby with ethics, and I respected her all the more.

“Surely you can drink if you’re supervised?” I asked, blue gaze hot on those curves. “It’s no big deal if Mason and I are supervising right? We’re both forty-five so that means you have, oh, ninety years of experience on it.”

The brunette hesitated, biting her lip, but then reached one small hand to take the snifter.

“Okay,” she nodded. “I’ll bite, but maybe there’s a way to do this without violating the law.”

Mason grunted next to me. Dude found this hysterical as well. We’d kidnapped the girl after stalking her for a year, but she wanted to follow the rules? This girl was worth ten of me and him combined, and I was all the more determined to keep her.

And Katie didn’t let us down. Sensing the heaviness in the air, the subtle change in tension making both big males alert and aroused, she took the clear crystal from me before leaning back on the couch.

“I want to learn,” she said softly. “I haven’t had much of an opportunity to learn in life,” she said, taking a delicate sip. Shit, she was so beautiful and I watched mesmerized as that pink tongue flickered out to trace the rim of the glass. Did she even know what she was doing? Was she aware?

Mason was just as entranced, but he bit.

“Learn what?” he ground out hoarsely, eyes glued to that curvy form. “Learn what?”

The girl giggled.

“Well, I’ve never been with men, and one of the reasons I came with you guys is to … you know, get out more,” she said softly, big brown eyes wide.

I growled low in my throat.

“So how do you want to start then?” I can sense a horny female from miles away, and shit, this particularly horny female had my dick raging in my pants already, busting with life.

Without waiting, the little girl reached one hand to her neckline and slowly pulled down, letting a tit pop out. Oh shit, Katie was so beautiful, that Double D was enormous, creamy and white, the nipple stiff already. I fought my instincts to get on my knees before her right then and lave the sweet flesh, tasting the goodness for myself.

But Katie wasn’t done yet. Pulling her neckline down even lower, her other big tit popped out as well, and Mason and I were treated to the sight of two swinging gazongas, tantalizingly female, beckoning with lust. My cock jerked involuntarily, like an iron shaft soldered in hot fire.

Katie giggled, looking between the tents in Mason’s pants and my own.

“Look Daddies,” she cooed. “Look what I can do with my drink.”

And leaning forward, she held the cup in front of her while dipping one breast into the liquid amber. Oh shit, oh shit, it was so fucking gorgeous. That big white tit gently touched the brandy before Katie leaned back once more, the alcohol dripping off a stiff nipple.

“Mmm,” the girl murmured, shooting us a sly glance while running a finger over that pinkness. “Tastes good,” she cooed, lasciviously licking her finger while wriggling her hips. And without wasting a moment, she leaned over once more, this time dipping her other breast into the liquid, coming back up to reveal two gorgeous mountains of white glistening and wet, capped with alcohol.

“Like it Daddies?” she cooed, squeezing the flesh. “Come and taste.”

And just like that, Mason and I were on it at once, he on one breast and me on the other, devouring her like hungry dogs. Oh shit, shit, she was so tasty, the brandy burning my throat a bit, lighting my lungs on fire even as I took as much breastflesh as possible into my mouth, devouring the goodness.

“Fuck baby girl,” I grunted, hands squeezing her boob as I suckled. “Fuck, you’re amazing.”

Mason couldn’t even speak beside me, he was so busy lapping away, making Katie shudder with delight.

“Mmm,” she moaned, tossing her head back. “Feels amazing.”

I smiled against her luscious tit. Oh yeah, this was quite a change from having the girl bound up and handcuffed, now the little vixen was begging for it. But the brunette took me by surprise because she pulled back, popping her tits out of our mouths before commanding us in a knowing voice.

“Kiss,” she breathed. “I want to see the two of you kiss.”

I goggled at her. Oh shit, was this really happening? Suddenly, reality was the right here, right now. Because yeah, Mason and I had talked about exploring the unknown, there had been tons of words and smoldering looks. But with the moment upon us, suddenly I didn’t know how to behave. I didn’t know what to do, the two of us staring at each other, male bodies tense.

But Katie is a godsend because she smiled sassily, still stroking her breasts.

“Kiss,” she said again, this time imperious. “Otherwise you won’t be getting any more of this,” she repeated, jiggling her tits at us, the luscious flesh swaying.

And that was enough to propel me into motion. In a flash, my mouth was on Mason’s, sampling the big man’s lips, my tongue running over his slickly. Oh fuck, oh fuck, was this really happening? Was I really in a liplock with my best buddy, a man who I’ve known for years, hard and dominant?

But it was good. Scratch that, it was mind-blowing. He didn’t move at first, stunned just like me, but then the alpha began kissing me back and it was fucking amazing. His lips were unlike a woman’s, firmer yet more mobile, more insistent, with a push that no woman has. My eyes flew open as he insistently pulled my chin down and thrust his tongue into my mouth.

“Mmmph,” Mason rumbled deep in his chest. “Mmmph.”

I gave myself over to it then. The connection was deep and intimate. I was tasting my best friend, a man that I’d always secretly desired. But now it was out, and we both went for it, angling our heads to sample each other, tongues dueling as hands explored.

A giggle penetrated the fog of my mind.

“That’s enough for now,” sang Katie coyly. “It’s clear that you guys like each other. A lot,” she said for emphasis. “But for this first time, let’s go slow hmmm? This is a first for all of us, let’s figure it out step by step.”

With that, Mason and I broke it off, our lips parting as we stared at each other with hot, hungry eyes, practically panting. God, he was so fucking gorgeous, still dressed in that black suit, severe and dominating. I wanted to taste all of him, and then taste her, and then feel both of them in me. I wanted it so much that it was a hurricane of lust, emotion, and need wrapped in one, driving me into a frenzy.

But first things first, and it was clear that our girl was in charge.

“Take off each other’s clothes,” she said in a sweet yet commanding voice. “Get undressed while I watch. Come on,” she cajoled when we remained unmoving at her feet. “You can do it, it’s not hard.”

We were still for another second before slowly rising to full height above her. Take off another man’s clothes? Shit, I hadn’t touched another man in ages, and I’ve never taken off another dude’s clothing in my life. But watching as Mason shrugged his blazer off his shoulders set my senses on fire, heart beating fast, everything going hot.

“Nuh-uh,” reprimanded Katie, waggling a finger our way. “Derek takes it off for you Mason. Let him do the honors.”

And god, but I wanted it. I wanted to see that sculpted form before me, I wanted to see every muscle, the perfect proportions, the hard male frame. So stepping close to the alpha, I whispered, “Let me do it, big boy.”

Mason was rock still as my fingers drifted over his chest, caressing the abs beneath the soft silk, the hardness that was all him. Slowly, I undid button after button, deeply tanned skin revealed in the vee of his shirt, slowly sliding the material off his shoulders.

And shit, but my man is a perfect specimen because he was Adonis come to life. Six pack abs highlighted his torso, topped by developed pecs and powerful arms. My mouth grew dry, cock hardening, even jerking slightly. Because yeah, there was still his pants and even through the loose trousers, I could see the promise of a hard, heavy club, ready to fill me up.

“Relax, big boy,” I whispered again, my breath blowing softly across his neck. “Let go and relax.”

With gentle fingers, I unsnapped his pants, pulling down the zip while my fingers grazed that hard ridge. And fuck, but the heat almost caused my hand to burst into flames, he was that hot and ready. His cock jutted out, proud and stiff as a flagpole, pointing straight at me.

“Fuck Derek,” came my lover’s hard, sandpaper-edged voice. “Oh god, fuck.”

I inhaled slowly, raising piercing blue eyes to meet his.

“We will,” I promised slowly. “We will, absolutely.”

But Katie hadn’t gotten her fill.

“Move back,” she said silkily. “Move back so I can see while Mason undresses you.”

And slowly, I stepped back. By now, my buddy was completely nude, all six four of him bronzed and gleaming, a soldier of a man. Standing, he let us look our fill, both our gazes appreciative, running all over his frame. But Mason was hungry too, and he knelt before me then. The sight was incredible, the alpha on his knees, hands reaching up as he fumbled at my shirt buttons.

“God, I’ve wanted this for so long,” he breathed, unsteadily opening my shirt. “For so long.” And with a jerk, the fabric was torn apart, buttons smattering to the floor.

“Mmm, that’s how to do it big boy,” cooed Katie from in back of us. “Take off his pants now.”

Panting slightly, Mason obeyed. Just like me two seconds before, he raised trembling fingers to my fly and before I realized it, it was done. My trousers slid off, dick springing out hot and stiff, ready to ream.

“Aw fuck,” grunted Mace, blue eyes fixed on the hard rod. “Fuck.”

But give my boy credit because he didn’t hesitate. One second those blue eyes were devouring me, and then next, that dark head was bent over as he trailed his tongue gently up my shaft.

“Awwww fuck,” I moaned, gripping those muscled shoulders, unsteady and unbalanced. The sensation of a man’s mouth was different than a woman’s. Mason was curiously delicate, yes, but at the same time, the alpha couldn’t be denied. His tongue was insistent, curving along the bulging vein on the side, the pulse of my arousal undeniable.

“Fuck,” he grunted, “fuck fuck fuck.”

But this is a threesome and Katie wasn’t going to be left out. In a sec, the girl was next to us, curvy and nubile, completely nude.

“Let me have a taste,” she breathed. “Let’s share him.”

And just like that, my dick popped out of Mason’s mouth and was enveloped in hers. Those sweet lips sucked my pole deep, her cheeks hollowing as she swallowed audibly, trying to take me all.

“Mmm,” she muttered, slightly choked by my size. “Mmm, mmm.”

And slowly, that pole reappeared from her lips, glistening and hard, the vein still beating insistently.

“Mine,” growled Mace once more. “Mine.”

And fuck, but the two did a duet, sucking my dick before popping off and letting the other have a taste. It was so dirty to watch, one female mouth, succulent and wet, before a male one descended, hot and hungry. My head tilted back, knees weak as I moaned, hardly able to believe what was happening.

But our little girl took charge. I don’t know how this happened but Katie’s gone from being the captive to the captor, she’s now the ringleader of our dirty threesome. So after rotating with Mason a couple more times, she shook her head and pushed my dick out of reach the next time he leaned forward.

“Nuh uh,” she murmured coyly.

My balls tightened and lifted. Oh shit, what was next? And like the brunette could read my mind, she nodded.

“Don’t worry, big guy,” the female soothed. “It’s gonna be firsts for all of us. Mason’s gonna take my virginity, and then he’s gonna take yours,” she said with a sly smile. “It’ll be good for all of us, he can get wet inside me and then enjoy you. It works out perfect that way, right?”

And suddenly I saw the wisdom of her words. Because of course. If we were gonna do male on male, then lots of lube was necessary. And what could be better than having natural lube, the cream of a woman on his dick as he breached my asshole for the first time? I grunted, aroused beyond belief. Was this really going to happen? Was I really going to let my lover put his dick up my ass, me, who’s only ever taken women that way? Holy shit, how the fuck was it going to fit, that monster was huge.

But Katie looked at me reassuringly.

“Trust me, I have the same questions,” she purred, getting on her hands and knees, wiggling that big ass. “But get down next to me,” she whispered, patting the ground beside her, “and let’s let big boy do his work.”

I was stock still for a moment, still in a state of semi-shock. Oh shit, was this really going to happen? Was I, Derek Smith, gonna get on my knees like some fuckslut and let an alpha pound me in back? All the while a nubile, teen girl watched, her own pussy fresh from a drilling? Were we really gonna share cock?

But the thing is I wanted it. I desperately wanted to feel Mace in me, I wanted my tiny ass invaded by something huge, my senses filled to bursting. So with slow movements, I lowered myself to the carpet. Oh fuck. This was so wrong. Both Katie and I were on our hands and knees, nude, facing in the same direction as Mason knelt in back of us. I know how we looked. Katie, lush, female and round, white flesh mountainous, that pink slit beckoning between her thighs. Me, bronze, male and hard, my tiny asshole a deep brown, winking from excitement and fear. Aw, fuck.

And Mason grunted, staring at our asses, the two holes that were his to own.

“What is it, big guy?” Katie cooed, swinging her head around to look at him. “Cat got your cock?”

Those blue eyes sparked then and he lowered himself to his knees, positioning himself behind the nubile female.

“Naw,” he grunted. “Not anymore.”

She wiggled in front of him, teasing his glans with her slit, letting the hard flesh taste her soft.

“Slow,” she whispered, shooting him another coy look over her shoulder. “Remember I’m a virgin.”

Oh shit, that was right. We had an untouched girl before us, one who’d never harbored a man, and I exchanged a look with my buddy. He was getting first dibs, but I was gonna sample that sloppy pussy too, I was going to own Katie, somehow, some way.

And with a grunt, Mason began. His dick head bumped tantalizingly against her pink lips, slick and wet.

“Fuck baby,” he ground out, hands on those sassy hips. “Fuck.”

“Mmmm,” she moaned in reply, eyes fluttering shut. “Mmm.”

And slowly, he began to push. It was just a little at first, and I craned my head to watch the penetration. Katie’s flesh resisted, that little pussy so tight and unyielding. But with the steadily increasing pressure, her lips spread, cushioning his dick, taking an inch or two inside.

“Mmm!” she cried out, eyes flying open. “Oh god, it’s so big!”

Mason grunted in back.

“That’s right, honey,” he soothed, chest and abs tight, shoulders literally shaking as he gripped her hips, trying to stay in control. “That’s right, just another eight inches to go.”

Katie’s eyes flew open once more.

“Eight inches?” she squealed in disbelief. “Oh my god!”

But the thing is, that estimate was about right. Watching from the side, I could see that Mason only had his dick a little ways in, and there was still a lot left. Oh shit, the brunette was gonna be stuffed full, that pussy crammed so tight that there’d be no space for anything else, no words, no cries, no nothing.

But Mason is a good man and he stroked her back, running a big hand sensuously over her curvy waist and hips.

“No worries baby girl,” he soothed. “You can take it, your cunt is young and elastic. You’ll stretch,” he reassured before pressing his hips forward again.

And sure enough, that big dick eased in a couple more inches, disappearing between soft, huge cheeks.

“Ohhh!” the brunette cried out again, fuckrod absolutely owning her. “Ohhh!”

But Mason wasn’t stopping. He wanted to own this female, she was his for the taking, to enjoy and possess. So gripping her hips firmly, he muttered, “Fuck this, I can’t take it.”

And with a swift push, it happened. Katie’s body jerked, eyes flying open once more with shock as she went rail stiff, impaled so hard. And then her face crumpled slightly, eyes tearing a bit.

“Oh god, it hurts!” she cried out, boobs swaying beneath that slim torso. “It hurts.”

I could see why. The little girl was stuck on a huge fuck rod, it was pushed all the way in her now, that sweet, heavenly vise accepting him all. The female was literally lifted in the air a bit, like a pig on a pole, unable to move, completely fucked.

“Ohhh!” she moaned again, face a visage of pain. “It stings.”

And this time, I swooped in. Catching her mouth with mine, I soothed her with words, hands stroking her breasts as Mason held still in her pussy, letting her adjust.

“Slow, baby girl,” I chanted, the low growl a rumble in my throat. “Slow baby girl, it gets better, we promise.”

She squirmed again, still unable to focus on anything but the sweet, stinging pain in her cunt.

“Unnh!” Katie moaned, “It hurts!”

But this time Mason came to the rescue.

“Here baby girl,” he growled, reaching under her. “Daddy will stroke you, does that make it better?”

And the female let out a yelp then, jerking a bit, because Mace had just touched her button. Oh yeah, his fingers ran all over that stiff clit, massaging, rubbing as his pole burrowed in from the back, and that did the trick.

“Ohhh,” Katie cried out again, but this time it was an “oh” of ecstasy blended with agony. “Ohhh,” she breathed again.

Mace chuckled behind her.

“That’s right,” he grunted. “All girls like a little finger when they get fucked for the first time. Do it,” he commanded me, leaning back once more. “Take over and crank that pussy up.”

And I was only too happy to oblige. Slipping one hand beneath Katie’s torso, I let my fingers trail over her bud, stroking it, pinching it as the girl cried out.

“Unnh, unnh, unnh!”

But even more, Mace took up the pace again, and I could literally feel his pole grazing against my hand as he entered her slick sheath. Oh yeah, juices oozed everywhere now, the female creaming as that dick slid in and out. But even more, it was the fact that I was touching another man’s cock as it fucked a woman. Oh shit, it was arousing. I looked up to meet my lover’s eyes, the blue clashing on blue, and he was just as aroused as me, slipping again and again into Katie’s hot insides as I alternately massaged his shaft and her slick cunt.

“Fuck,” he grunted. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

And maybe it was Katie’s tight pussy, or maybe it was that he was fucking a woman with a man right there with him, but Mace burst without warning.

“Awww SHIT!” he roared, pushing forwards one last time, almost bouncing off the brunette’s ass cheeks, it was so rough and forceful. “Shit!”

The intense drive, the crazy rhythm, pushed our girl over the edge too because at that very moment, her pussy shuddered and then exploded, creaming all over my hand.

“Mmmm!” the girl cried out, head back and eyes closed, tits swaying with lust as shudders overcame that lush form. “Unnh!”

But it was so right. There was nothing better than seeing my male lover come in our girl, emptying his jism into her, balls pulsing and quivering as the seed spurted out. Mason roared again and again, the cries ringing in my ears, blending with the soft mewls and ecstatic shrieks of a woman experiencing her first orgasm.

I almost burst myself, my hand going up and down my stiff shaft, juicing the length with everything I had. But Mace stopped me, the sheer look in his eyes made my hand halt. Because without any warning, he pulled out mid-spurt, baby batter creaming all over Katie’s back and gestured me to get on all fours again.

“Your turn,” was all he said.

And holy shit, but the blood rushed to my shaft then, my own ten inches spring hard, hot and hungry out. I should have been afraid, I’d just seen what he’d done to the girl, the red circle at the base of his dick, how Katie had barely been able to fit him. It’d be even harder for me, my back hole was so small, so tight and resistant, just as virginal.

But the look in Mason’s eyes is what made the difference. He wanted me, his dick was wet with our girl’s juices, and even now, Katie turned to kiss me, to whisper so that only I could hear.

“It’s amazing Derek,” she murmured, our lips grazing one another, her body still wracked with the aftermath of her first orgasm. “I promise you’ll love it.”

And cocooned in the support of both my lovers, I could only give in. After all, the impossible had happened. We were a trio that was never supposed to be, two business partners hooking up with a naïve virgin.

But now, it didn’t seem so wrong. So what if there was this dumbass will? So what if this was supposed to be pretend? Suddenly things were alright, and my doubts fell away like a sheet of ice cracking off a glacier. With a crash into the ocean, they were gone and I was their plaything. Yes, I wasn’t just a toy for Mason or a fuckrod for Katie. I belonged to them both, and they would guide me through my first time.




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