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Double Dare: A Fake Fiancee MMF Romance by Cassandra Dee (69)




I’m not exactly a do-gooder but sometimes the situation’s so hopeless that you’ve got to intervene. And with my steady job and solid paycheck, I had to do something for the kids around here.

Jason was the first. I found him living under a bridge one day, literally camped out alone, looking worse for the wear.

That day I’d finished a job and was walking home from the site. I’d gotten out earlier than usual and taken a detour on a whim, a path by the river next to the woods. More out of curiosity than anything, I strolled along, savoring the crisp smell of leaves in the air, a classic New England fall, and it led me to an abandoned bridge, the stone mossy and crumbling, probably couldn’t hold more than a child. But to my surprise there was a teen boy camped out nearby.

“Hey,” I said, my voice neutral.

Jason turned to me, eyes wary, hands paused on a tin can of food. He didn’t say anything, just turned away again.

“Hey,” I said, more loudly this time. Jason was clean and neat I could see, but yeah, there was a blue tent erected not fifteen feet away and a small pile of garbage off to the side, indicating that the boy had lived here for at least a week.

“You need some help?” I tried again.

And the boy didn’t answer, ignoring me as he devoured peaches straight from the can, so hungry that some of the syrup ran down his chin. I shook my head, walking away, but the next day, getting out early again, I took the same detour and came upon the same boy. My efforts at conversation fell flat once more, but over the next month, we built up a rapport of sorts. Soon, I took him to a diner for a meal and for the first time, he told me his name and story. It was really sad, no child should have to endure what he’d been through. His parents were a mess to the point where he’d left voluntarily, living on his own by the bridge, keeping to himself so that none of his friends realized that he had no one, he’d struck out on his own.

And I felt bad to be honest. I had a solid working-class background, and the union was looking for some apprentices to begin the next training cycle. So I brought it up with Jason and he pounced at the opportunity.

“That’d be awesome man,” he rumbled, looking down. The boy was clean and fed, sure, but nights were getting cold and that tent was no protection against a freezing Maine winter. So I offered him the opportunity to stay with me, and Jason refused.

“Naw,” he drawled. “I’m good.”

“No prob,” I grunted in return. “Just let me know if you change your mind.”

And when the weather got colder, leaves falling from trees, the thermostat crusted with ice each morning, Jason took me up on my offer. So yeah, I set the boy up with a room in my trailer, he’s pretty self-sufficient, we don’t talk much but he seems fine, going to school, keeping up with his work. He’ll be starting an apprenticeship with UAW next fall, and under my tutelage, he can’t help but succeed.

And that leads us to our next roommate, Katy. I’ve known Katy for a while, well, at least knew the girl existed. She’s been living in the trailer park as long as I have, and I’ve watched her grow from a distance. How that female survived is beyond me, having Tina Parks as a mom is no piece of cake. Not only is Tina a certifiable hoarder, that trailer’s got stuff piled up to the ceiling, visible through its slitted windows, but she’s mentally unstable too. All of us know it, we’ve been witness to her outbursts, her crazy wailing and screaming, the paramedics dragging her off that one night.

And the last time that happened, Katy was seventeen, no longer a little girl. But she’d been left standing outside, dazed, like Dorothy awakened from her dream, brown eyes wide, lips trembling. And I took pity on her. The poor thing had nowhere to turn, there was clearly no electricity at her home and she was shivering violently in the cold New England wind.

So I did what anyone would do.

“You need a place to stay?” I asked gruffly.

And the girl nodded, eyes wide.

“Thanks Mr. Larson,” she said in a low voice. “I’d appreciate it.”

And that’s how I ended up with two strays in my home. Except the two kids have changed a lot, grown and matured shockingly fast. In the last year, Jason’s filled out and become a man. He’s taller than I am, his head almost brushing the ceiling, but not as big, not as muscular.

And Katy … but oh god, I should be shot for having these thoughts. Because the beautiful little girl is definitely not a little girl anymore. She’s put on about twenty pounds in the last year, her skinny frame filling out into a lush, voluptuous woman, huge tits that bounce under her t-shirts, a big ass and wide hips that seem to brush both sides of the double-wide when she walks.

And Jason and I have noticed for sure. Who couldn’t? The sweet scent that trails off her skin at all times, the warm brown eyes that you could drown in, fuck … like I said, I should be shot for having these thoughts. And the brunette doesn’t make it easy for us either, tantalizing us in the most innocent of ways.

But I’m a grown man and I’m not going to give into my baser instincts, I refuse to let myself become that dirty older guy. But good intentions are just that, and I’m a man, a man with needs despite everything. I can get women, don’t get me wrong, but it’s left me feeling empty inside lately, you know what I mean? I don’t need another hanger-on who stinks to high heaven of cheap perfume, her breasts saggy and draggy with leathery orange skin. Not when I have the real thing right under my own roof, temptation and innocence wrapped into one, tantalizing me day and night. And it all went to shit one day when I came home from work early, letting myself into the warmth of the trailer, stamping my feet in the doorway, coming to a stop when I saw Katy.

Because the brunette stood at the sink washing dishes in nothing but a tiny camisole and booty shorts, nipples poking out, creamy thighs on display with that huge ass like a shelf.

“Brent,” she said with a welcoming smile, her voice low. “What are you doing back so soon?”

I could have asked her the same question. I thought she had some errands, something to do for her upcoming stint at beauty school, so it was surprising to see her home at four in the afternoon.

“I’d ask you the same thing,” I growled, devouring that fine, sassy form before forcing myself to look away. Fuck, she was so gorgeous, those huge jugs almost breaking free, the way her ass was so curvy and rounded.

The girl flushed.

“I- I thought I had practice today, but the model didn’t show so I came home early,” she panted, grabbing a dish towel, futilely trying to cover her breasts. I almost laughed, the dishtowel was about the size of a postage stamp and no match for her huge girls. Besides, I’d seen those tits before, it happens when you live in such a small space. You catch a glimpse of other people’s bodies and Katy had a body that made mine rev like a Ferrari, my motor going deep and hungry. I literally couldn’t say anything for a minute, brain frozen, imprinted with the image of her generous curves, that sweet expanse of skin on display.

But disgusted, I forced myself back to reality. Like I said, I’m not gonna be that dirty old man that everyone talks about.

“Job got out,” I grunted, still not looking at her. “They let us go early today.” Much good my efforts to be respectful were. I could see still see Katy in my mind’s eye, those huge breasts, that generous ass burned on my irises. “Where’s Jason?”

And the brunette shrugged a little, smiling at me helplessly, still covered by nothing but the panties and tiny camisole.

“He’s at school,” she said. “Ms. Smith wanted to talk to him about career options, maybe a job as a dental hygienist or even a physician’s assistant.”

I growled under my breath. Dentistry? Being a fucking physician’s assistant? Jason was a man and he wasn’t going to be doing a job like that, fuck no. I’d already set him up with an apprenticeship with the union, you can make six figures after a few years, so fuck that dental assistant crap. But if I wasn’t mistaken, this Ms. Smith character was probably after Jason’s tail in the physical sense. Our boy had grown into a tall, strapping man with a curve to his dick that couldn’t be missed and Ms. Smith probably had the hots for this new-grown man.

“Tell him that the apprenticeship pays better,” I grunted, still trying not to look at Katy. “No need to discuss other career options.”

“Oh sure,” she breathed, still pressing the dishtowel to her breasts. “Jason knows that, I think … um, that Ms. Smith was insistent, that’s all.”

I grunted again, my instincts were obviously spot on. As an alpha male, you can sense hungry females coming at you from miles away, and fuck, I’d encountered Kim Smith a couple times in the past, that horny viper wasn’t shy letting me know she was available in any way that a man might imagine.

But the Kim Smiths of the world were no comparison to Katy, no comparison to the brunette’s lushness, her innocence, the big brown eyes that still stared at me.

“Put something on,” I grunted again, heading to the dinette. “Don’t parade your ass like that.”

The girl blushed.

“Of course not, I was just going to take a shower,” she murmured, biting her lip. “I’ll just be a sec.”

And I helped myself to a drink as Katy rustled around her room for a bit before reappearing, dressed in a big fluffy pink robe. She shot me a shy smile before ducking into the tiny bathroom, the water coming on with a hiss, steam beginning to pour out into the main room of the trailer.

And oh fuck, but it was getting hot. I shook my head like a dog in heat, her presence surrounding me, seeping into my every pore. Even though I have the G5 of double-wides, a top-of-the-line model, it’s still no mansion and when someone takes a long shower, it can get steamy in the small space. Katy being a girl, was of course luxuriating in the water, slowly soaping herself up, even singing a little as she enjoyed the thorough scrub, and I swore silently. Shit. This fucking sucked. The little girl could be a while, and I desperately needed to cool down, beads of sweat were already popping out at my temples, a trail running down the small of my back. So yeah, I yanked off my shirt, all hard muscles and tan skin, and strode to the bedroom to hang it up.

Except walking past the bathroom, I noticed that the door wasn’t closed all the way.

That was odd. Was the door jammed or broken for some reason? I was pretty handy around the house and could easily fix it, resolving to take a look as soon as Katy finished, except I heard a tiny moan then. What the fuck?

I stepped nearer the bathroom, my feet turning as if magnetized and despite warning bells going off in my head, peered into the crack. And the sight knocked my socks off, made me go from rubber to iron in three seconds flat. Because the little girl had one leg propped up against the tiny shower stall and was holding her pussy lips open as she shaved her cunt.

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, but it was so beautiful to see. She was so gorgeous, water flowing all over that curvy form, her huge breasts bouncy, delicious, heaving a bit as she administered cream to her private parts.

“Mmm,” she moaned, eyes only half-open as her fingers ran through her folds, lathering up, soaping herself. And I groaned as she parted those lips, dragging the razor over the sensitive flesh, moaning slightly again at the sensuous feel, strip after strip of that pink flesh appearing beneath the white lather, wet, swollen, glistening and delicious.

My heart literally stopped beating in my chest for a moment before springing back to life, going about sixty miles an hour, dick so hard it punched against my fly like a fucking jack in the box. It ached, hurt so bad that I had to unzip, my pole springing out, all ten inches hard and powerful, pulsing painfully at the sight of her.

Because Katy was still going at it. She propped her foot even higher on the stall wall, baring that beautiful snatch fully and dragged the razor through her folds again, taking every hair off her twat so that she was bare as a baby, pink and steamy. And oh god, but as she pulled herself open I could see right up her vagina, see those steaming pink walls, her flesh so soft, so warm and swollen that my dick became a faucet, dripping cum non-stop.

Except suddenly I saw something that I never expected. Holy shit, could it be? Katy had a hymen, her vaginal opening was covered by a thin piece of tissue, so delicate, so beautiful that suddenly I knew all my promises of not being that dirty old man were just lies. I had to taste that hymen, I had to feel it on my dick, had to make her mine this first time.

And without any hesitation, I pushed the door to the bathroom open then, dick in hand, body hard, eyes gleaming.

The brunette didn’t notice at first, enjoying her personal time, another moan shuddering through her body as she reached back and shaved a hard-to-reach part, the angle of her wrist twisted and awkward given that the stall was so small, so cramped.

So I offered to help.

“Baby,” I growled deeply, fisting my dick in a vise. “Need a hand?”

And the girl’s head snapped up to look at me, her brown eyes going wide with shock as her breasts heaved, leg suddenly coming down, thighs snapping shut.

“Brent!” she breathed, eyes wide, not moving under the hot water. “What- what are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?” I rumbled deep in my chest, dick growing bigger, pulsing under her gaze. Because the brunette’s eyes had leapt to my cock immediately, cheeks coloring, mouth opening as she took in my massive size. Oh yeah, I’m ten inches and wide all around, there have been a couple pussies that almost couldn’t fit me, I’d had to screw myself in, those small holes so tight, so swollen, the women screaming with pleasure at the penetration.

And Katy’s reaction was so arousing. Despite the shocked look on her face, her nipples had grown hard, pebbled, jutting out straight at me, begging to be kissed. And although I could no longer see that pussy, I could see the unmistakable smear of cream on her thigh, and as I watched, the juice dripped a little, a tiny rivulet running all the way down to her knee.

“Baby,” I growled again, my eyes hot on those curves. “Let me help you with that razor, I’m good with my hands.”

The girl still stared at me, shocked, her boobies heaving up and down. But something clicked in her brain then because she panted slightly, relaxing a bit before opening the shower stall door.

“But Brent,” she murmured, shooting me a glance, those brown eyes still innocent. “Isn’t this wrong?”

I was on the opportunity in a flash, out of my clothes and in the stall in a New York second. Fuck, it was so tiny in here that there was practically no room to move, her breasts pressed against my chest immediately, that pussy squooshed against my thigh like it had always belonged there.

“Br-Brent,” she stammered slightly, her warm breath on my neck. “Are you sure this is okay?”

And I stroked her then, running my big hands over her breasts, tweaking each nipple, circling them with my thumbs, making her gasp, her cunt creaming hotly against my leg.

“Of course it’s okay,” I ground out. “You’re a woman now, eighteen, an adult. It’s time to share your body with a man … if you want.”

And she paused for a moment. Oh god, I almost died, my heart going at a million miles an hour, dick so hard it was going to break off. If she said no, if she said wait, I was going to be a dead man, the blue balls would kill me alone. Fuck, I’d kill myself if it came to that.

But fortunately, my best girl was warm, willing, and generous.

“Yes,” she murmured against my throat again. “I want to try.”

And I kissed her deep then, seizing that sweet pink pout with my lips, tracing the seam of her mouth with my tongue.

“Little girl, I promise you won’t regret this,” I rasped harshly against her lips. “I’ll make you feel good.”

She mewled against me, eyes closed, pushing her tits and cunt even more closely against me, grinding against me a bit.

“I know you will,” she breathed, moaning a bit as I pinched one nipple hard. “But Mr. Larson, I have to ask one thing,” she panted, drawing back for a moment.

Again, I almost died. Oh fuck, if she asked for something like “only kissing” or “only petting,” I was going to fucking die, my dick was going to shrivel up and crack off, it needed that pink pussy so bad.

But instead, my little girl shot me a shy smile. She looked at me, eyes wide, begging, and asked, “Promise you’ll put it in bare, okay?”

I was stock still, every nerve in my body singing. No condom? No nothing? Was she fucking kidding me?

“Honey, are you sure?” I rasped against her lips, her chin. “Because you’re eighteen and fertile, you know what happens when a virile man comes in you.”

And she gasped but nodded once more, her lips tracing the line of my jaw.

“I know,” she whispered against my skin. “But it’s my first time and I want to feel you in me, just you with no condom.”

And I lost it then, if I’d been hard before, I was a fucking diamond now, my dick tip dripping in a continuous stream, the semen melting against her soft tummy, running down her leg.

“Baby,” I growled. “I’m gonna give it to you so good, you’re gonna scream my name over and over again, beg me for more once it’s done.”

And she creamed against me just like that, that hot gush of juice against my strong thigh the evidence of her want, her need.

“Take me then, Mr. Larson,” she moaned. “Take my pussy and fuck it good.”

And what could I do but obey? I got on my knees in the shower stall, worshiping that sweet, curvy form, lapping at the undersides of her breasts, her soft tummy before licking the insides of those creamy thighs.

“Open,” I murmured, and like Aladdin’s cave, the sweetness parted and I glimpsed the undiscovered land, that beautiful pink pussy that had beckoned to me since the first time she set foot in my trailer. I helped her lift one knee up, swinging it over my shoulder for support and finally, finally, tasted that snatch.

Oh fuck, it was delicious. I didn’t just flick my tongue against it, I buried myself in those swollen folds, sampling untouched pussy, sucking the cream right out of her hole as Katy moaned and writhed above me, grabbing at my hair.

“Oh Mr. Larson!” she cried out. “Oh Daddy!”

I’m not sure where this “Daddy” stuff was coming from, but it sounded good on her lips, spurring me on, making me grow harder. Taking another long lap at her pussy, I pulled her apart to run my tongue up one side of her labia, then the other, before focusing on her clit, alternately licking and sucking the sensitive nub.

“Ohhhhhh,” she moaned, tossing her hair back, those big boobies heaving, almost hitting my head they were so huge. “Oh oh oh!”

And it was tasty, so fucking good I almost lost it and spewed my sperm right there on the floor of the shower stall. But it was too early and I forced myself to back down, to exercise the utmost control because I hadn’t gotten what I wanted yet. And that was her hymen. I wanted to run my tongue against the evidence of her virginity, that thin piece of tissue that proved she was untouched, nubile, and innocent.

So I pulled her folds apart once more, the warm heat of her cunt wafting against my face, and murmured, “I’m gonna eat your puss now honey, it’s gonna feel good, I promise,” and with that, plunged my tongue up her tiny hole. She convulsed once, twice, around me, helpless in her ecstasy, nectar running down my throat, almost pushing me loose, but I’d found what I was looking for. Oh yeah, my tongue bumped up against the rubbery barrier, feeling the vibrations of her orgasm as the tissue shivered, and fuck, it was so delectable, so amazing that I only wanted more. So as Katy shook and screamed, I kept tonguing her hymen, licking it, burying myself so deeply into her snatch that I was doing a face-plant, cream leaking all over my chin and cheeks, sliding down my throat, the best stuff on Earth.

And after it was over, her pussy spasms subsided, turning into slight twitches instead of full-body tremors, body weak and limp all over, nectar so sweet on my tongue, cunt loose enough so that I could push a finger in.

“That’s right,” I grunted as Katy squealed above me. It was the first time she’d been fingered, she’d never been breached save for my tongue moments ago. “That’s right,” I groaned again, “This pussy’s gotta be stretched out for my dick, you’re too tight otherwise.”

And the brunette mewled above me, panting, gasping, her folds swollen and slick as my finger went in and out. Fuck, she was so tiny and it was going to feel so good, but I couldn’t push in her without preparation, she’d tear and hurt otherwise, walk around limping for the next few days. So I was patient, stretching her out, rubbing and stirring my finger within the hot channel.

“Relax, little girl,” I rasped, that pinkness just inches from my face. “Because I’m gonna slide another one in.”

And true to my promise, I angled another finger to join the first, pushing two digits up that sweet hole, sliding in and out smoothly before scissoring them, circling to loosen that swollen flesh.

“Oh!” she screamed. “Oh god!” she shrieked, slapping her hands against the stall walls for balance.

And feeling her pussy loosen and cream a bit, gush wetly against my hand told me that she was ready. I kissed her clit once more, lightly nipping at the sensitive nub, making her squeal once more, but then stood, wetly pulling my hand out with an obscene sucking sound.

“That’s how much you want it, baby,” I murmured against her lips, pulling one of those thick thighs around my waist so that her snatch was flush up against my dick. “Did you hear that sound? Your cunt was so sad to see me go that it tried to suck me back in.”

And the girl just mewled against me, wrapping her hands around my neck, stroking my broad shoulders, my muscled back.

“Please Mr. Larson,” she panted, “take me now. I need it so bad.”

And I was only too happy to do the honors. Gripping my dickhead in hand, I ran it up her slick folds, nudging that swollen flesh, massaging the underside of her clit.

“Ready?” I rasped into her ear. “Ready for Daddy to take you?”

But I didn’t wait because in the next instant, I’d fucked into her good. With one sweet stroke I broke through the thin piece of tissue inside, embedding myself within that sweet, hot cunt, and fuck, but the girl cried out loud then, her moan ringing like a siren inside the tiny bathroom.

“Ohhhh fuuuuuck,” she cried, throwing her head back, eyes closed, as her pussy sampled its first dick. “Oh god, it hurts.”

I kissed her then, taking her mouth with mine gently, running my tongue between her lips, soothing the pain, the hurt.

“I know honey, I know,” I rumbled, “but it’ll feel good soon, I promise.”

And although it killed me, I held still in her sweet cavern, cock pulsing and tight, letting those swollen folds adjust to the huge monster inside, her pussy imprinted to the shape of my shaft, curving like a mold to my fuckpole.

“Feel that?” I rasped, rocking my hips just a little. “That’s how good it’s gonna feel when I start fucking you for real.”

And the brunette clasped me tighter then, rubbing her breasts against my chest.

“Please Brent,” she gasped. “Do it now, for real, it’s better now.”

And fuck, but as I began pushing in and out, slowly at first but then growing in speed, the little girl’s pussy began to bloom around me, to fill out like a woman. Her folds grew more swollen, more tight, hugging my dick like a precious gem, riding the shaft more and more vigorously, humping her clit against me with each drag.

“Ohhhh,” she moaned again, kissing me fervently. “Yeess!”

And with that, I started going full bore, first time or not. Because Katy’s pussy loved it, I could tell from the wetness, the way she spread her thighs wide, inviting a deep-dicking. And soon I was slamming into her hard, my balls hitting her asshole with every thrust, her little butt lifted in the air with every push, like she was impaled on a spit, moaning and gasping with ecstasy.

“Yes Mr. Larson,” she panted again, almost crying now. “Yes!”

And with that, the little girl came. Her pussy clamped down hard once more before exploding in a shower of sparks, clenching and spasming over and over again, female cries of ecstasy ringing loudly in the bathroom. And the milking motion, the feel of a girl erupting on my dick forced me over the edge. A tidal wave started low in my abs, pushing my balls high and tight before I shoved deep once more and exploded, showering her insides with sperm.

“Fuck!” I roared, my shout ringing out in the bathroom. We were like a fucking symphony, her wails and cries mixing with my own. “Fuck fuck fuck!”

And between the wet slapping sounds and grinding flesh, boobs flapping and heaving, Heaven appeared. Katy’s pussy clamped down on my dick, practically breaking it as she screamed, tiny teeth buried in my shoulder taking out a chunk of flesh. And I was no better, just as turned on, clutching that fine, curvy form to me, pumping again and again into that tiny channel, spraying her with my cum.

And holy shit, but my eyes literally rolled back in my head, brain exploding with each pulse of semen. What the fuck? What the fuck had just happened? I’ve fucked plenty of females before, but this was one for the ages, I didn’t usually see stars dancing before my eyes, didn’t come again and again, spurting a girl with everything until my balls ran dry, going on for minutes. What the fuck had this curvy little girl done to me? So I took a deep breath, trying to get my bearings, to be myself again. But then I saw the red handprints on her ass, her waist.

“Honey, I’m so sorry,” I ground out, eyeing the vivid marks. Oh fuck, I’d done that to her, I’d hurt the beautiful brunette.

But the girl just laughed, a little wobbly on her feet and we both stopped for a second, watching mesmerized as a great glob of cum oozed out of her pussy and down her leg.

“Oh fuck,” I groaned again, reaching with a finger to scoop it up, the white glistening wetly in my hand. “Oh fuck.”

But Katy did me one better. Dipping her head sweetly, she leaned down and slurped it out of my palm, delicately licking her lips, savoring the sweet and salty tang of fresh semen.

“Brent,” she murmured, looking up at me through her lashes. “That was good. Again, please?”

And oh shit, but I was a goner. Because this girl whom I considered my ward, a sweet teen with nowhere to go, had me wrapped around her finger … and I couldn’t say no, no matter how wrong it was.