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Double Dare: A Fake Fiancee MMF Romance by Cassandra Dee (3)




I can hardly believe what I’ve done. Well, not really. Because I’m an asshole through and through, and yeah, the most depraved things come easy to me. So yeah, I have an eighteen year-old virgin in my office, cuffed and naked, dripping with desire.

But Katie likes it, I’m not worried about that. When I skimmed her cunt with the knife, she gasped breathlessly, that sweet puss quivering. And fuck, but it looked good. The little girl is so beautiful, those heavy white thighs bisected in the middle with a dripping pink slit. I could hardly keep myself from ramming her right there, making her scream.

But I don’t want to fuck things up because there’s so much on the line and we’ve been tracking the female for a while now. There were a couple women at the beginning, all of them young, nubile and luscious. But for some reason or other, the other ones were eliminated until only Katie was left.

One chick was a ho, she brought different guys back to her room every other night. Hey, I have no problem with women having a sex life, but in this particular case, it wasn’t gonna fly. The board will never believe some female’s my fiancée if she humping other dudes right and left.

Another chickadee got measles and dropped out of school, vanishing off the face of the earth. Too bad, sucks to be you. So yeah, it was just Katie in the end. But who the fuck cares? She was always perfect. Watching videotape, the girl was luscious and round, perfect baby-making material. And when her tests came back clean, I was on it. Putting on a suit, I walked into Ninth Street Espresso like I owned the place.

But the biggest douche was there this morning, trying to get with my little girl. No way was I gonna let some other dude swoop in at the last minute and steal her, so yeah, I picked a fight. I pounded that other guy into the floor, smashed his face up bad, but he deserved it. Katie’s mine, I’ve been scoping her for almost a year now, a part of the master plan. So what if I’m using the female? We use people right and left all the time, and it’s for the better. Like I said, Major Corp. isn’t known for pussy-footing, and as its CEO, I pull the strings. I make major decisions that affect thousands of peoples’ lives, and I’m not about to give into my ancestor’s will without a fight.

Except there’s one guy that I run everything by – and that’s my best friend, my buddy, the President of Major, Derek Smith.

“Hey dude,” I said, stepping into his office. “What’s going on?”

We have adjacent offices, both of them huge and spacious. But Derek’s such an asshole that he didn’t even bother to look up from the porn he was watching.

“Yo, what’s up?” he grunted, still mesmerized. Some girl was getting pounded for sure, probably by a dozen guys.

I shook my head.

“You mind switching that off?” I asked. “Seriously, don’t you think it’d be embarrassing if someone walked in?”

He shrugged, not bothering to look up at me.

“Only you come in here without knocking. Besides, this is a good one,” he drawled. “Look at this little blonde. Isn’t it incredible how far she can stretch?”

I didn’t want to look but he’d already turned the monitor my way, and what I saw was fucking filthy but also arousing. Because there was a blonde woman on the screen, buxom and shapely, but it wasn’t just her curves that turned me on. It was her partner. There was a hot, hard, heavy man pummeling her this way and that, making her scream, making that little snatch take wood deep in her insides. I couldn’t tear my eyes away, watching like a filthy pervert as the dude wielded his weapon. Shit, that dick looked good, enormous and pulsing, and I remained frozen, praying Derek couldn’t tell.

But my partner was too busy enjoying the scene to even notice my reaction.

“Pretty good, huh?” he smirked. “Yeah, I can find the best porn on the web no problem, it’s all at my fingertips.”

I wanted to lash out at him, I wanted to pound his face into the floor, but shit, this scene really was good. The woman and the guy both were model-quality and were going at it like they were really into it, not just some dick in pussy, wham bam thank you ma’am. The squeals were real, the trembling flesh wet and delicious, his cock hard because he wanted her. Immediately my mind began to whir. What would it feel like to have that fuckrod in me, owning my backside? What would it be like if Derek pushed me to the ground, forcing me to take it? I cursed, hating the train of thought.

Because yeah, the blond giant was my best friend in college, able to multi-task while also being the captain of the baseball team, and my family liked him from the get go. He’s always been handsome and devilishly charming, with a confident air that draws women like bees. I just wished I didn’t feel this ungodly attraction to the other alpha. It’s complicated enough with a woman handcuffed naked in your office. Did I really have to be drawn to my buddy too?

Besides, the complications would be fucking awful. Major Corp. is run by me and him. We have the future in our hands, and except for this ridiculous clause in my ancestor’s will, we’re pretty much able to do what we want. But right, the will.

“I have her, by the way,” I grunted. “She’s in my office right now.”

“Hmmm,” rumbled Derek, eyes still glued to the screen as the little blonde squatted down on her partner’s dick, pussy lips spreading as the monster pushed in. “Give me one sec.”

I cleared my throat.

“Yo dude, she’s naked and cuffed,” I rumbled again. “Katie’s not going anywhere.”

At least that got a look from him.

“Really, naked and cuffed?” he drawled. “You’re really into this one aren’t you?”

I snorted.

“Not as much as you’re into it. This was your idea,” I accused.

“That’s right,” he said, eyes glued to the screen. “But just give me one more sec.”

Because his fingers were flying over the keyboard now, and I could only shake my head with frustration. Derek is a multi-tasker of the worst sort, able to handle five or six things at once, and I knew for a fact that he wasn’t watching porn anymore. Or, he was watching the video out of the corner of his eye while doing something else as well.

“There,” he grunted with a satisfied slap on the return key. “Got it.”

“Got what?” I grunted exasperatedly. “How could you concentrate with the blonde moaning away?”

“You learn,” he tossed off carelessly. “Trust me, you learn, girls are just girls after all. But,” he continued breezily. “Just finished that trade, we’re up a million bucks.”

I shook my head again. Dude is a financial wizard, and hiring Derek long ago had been the best decision by my late dad. Because Derek’s made so much money for Major Corp., and yet, what the fuck? Despite all the money we’d made, I was still being forced to find some fake fiancee? It was fucking ridiculous.

But my best friend’s attention was focused on me now, and he shot me a lazy grin, swiveling in the chair.

“So yeah, naked and tied up you were saying?” he drawled. “How naked and how tied up?”

I snorted.

“Naked as the day she was born, tied up hand and foot.”

He whistled.

“Shit, you didn’t even let her keep her panties on?”

I almost laughed at that one. The red panties had been so tiny, so silky and tantalizing covering her mound like a slip of nothing. Hell, they didn’t belong on her, that snatch had been so beautiful it was better left bare. But there was no point in explaining this to my buddy, so I merely jerked my head.

“You wanna see?” I asked. “She’s right next door.”

And Derek was out of his chair in a flash, the big man looming next to me, hard and dominant.

“Absolutely,” he growled. “Let’s see our little princess.”

I prickled being so close to the alpha, but tried to pretend nothing was wrong, instead turning to the adjoining door. And with a flick of the lock the massive oak swung open. Sure enough, there was our pretty little brunette, curvy and ripe, naked as the day she was born.

“Yeah,” I grunted. “Yo yo.”

The brunette looked up immediately.

“What the hell?” she squealed plaintively, trying to hide her breasts with her hands. But it was impossible, I had her chained, so instead she just jerked against the metal, shielding nothing.

Derek took in an eyeful, making the girl shudder lusciously. Those blue eyes didn’t miss an inch of creamy skin, caressing her breasts, appreciating the pooch in her belly before skimming down to the pink slit below.

“She’s wet,” he growled appreciatively. “Like a slut.”

Katie squealed again.

“Let me go!” she shrieked, thrashing as best she could. Breasts flew right and left, heavy and pendulous, those haunches gleaming under the light. Hell, it only made me want her more. “You can’t do this!” she squealed, “This is kidnap.”

I paused for a moment.

“And who’s going to miss you?” I drawled. “Who’s gonna notice that you’re gone?”

That made her pause.

“My next door neighbor in the dorm,” she panted. “I talk with her sometimes.”

I chuckled.

“If you think some random dorm friend is gonna report you as missing after twelve hours, think again,” I said wryly. “No one even knows you’re missing, you could be at school, at work, anywhere. And besides, I already talked with Ninth Street Espresso. We own that place too,” I smirked.

That only set her off again.

“Well you can’t do this!” she squealed. “Seriously, this is so wrong!”

Derek jumped in now.

“It’s wrong baby girl, but oh so right, because you’re the woman we’ve been waiting for.”

The brunette lashed out.

“Don’t even start with that. Don’t even go with that bullshit story he was telling me,” she said, shooting daggers my way. I had to admire her verve. The girl was luscious and totally nude, handcuffed in a strange man’s office and yet she was sassy and independent, making her views known. Another woman in her place would have been cowering and crying, begging for mercy, but not our little wildcat. Katie was one of a kind, and I could feel the fire in my gut beginning to burn.

“Don’t worry pretty girl,” drawled Derek. “All that bullshit he fed you? Yeah, it’s real. Unfortunately,” he continued. “But for better or worse, we need a fiancée. We need a girl to show that the family line’s been carried on before they’ll release the money.”

Katie snorted again.

“I dunno what kind of plan this is, but can’t you find someone else? Someone you know? Why do you have to pluck some random girl off the street?”

Derek turned to me eyebrows raised.

“You didn’t tell her?”

I held up both my hands.

“I told her everything, but she wouldn’t listen. This sassy filly has been doubting this and that, telling me I’m crazy. Why don’t you give it a try?”

And with a low rumble in his throat, Derek sat down on the couch about two feet from where Katie was shackled.

“Stop looking at me!” she squealed. “What the hell, what the hell? Who are you, anyways?”

The blonde giant’s smile grew deeper, the gleam in those blue eyes hungry.

“I, my dear, am your captor. Along with this jerk here,” he said, nodding at me. “We’ve decided to find a woman in the name of business and money,” he added mildly.

“But why would you help your friend?” she asked plaintively. “Can’t you tell this is against the law?”

Derek merely gazed at her, those lush lips slightly parted, the heaving breasts.

“It’s definitely against the law, but we have our ways of making things legit,” he remarked casually. “Trust me, you’ll end up liking it.”

“Bullshit,” she spat.

Derek merely chuckled.

“Anyways, I’m the President of Major. Mason and I are like brothers, we run this place together, and his problems are my problems. So when dude found out he needed an heir, I decided to help,” he said simply. “We thought up this plan together. We needed a girl, and we were gonna find her, keep her, and get that money.”

“Do you hear what you’re saying?” Katie panted then, eyes wide. “Do you hear how crazy this is? You’re executives of a Fortune 500 company, how can you think this is okay at all? How can you be so cold and calculating? This is crazy! Life’s not all about money!”

I shrugged.

“Call us cold, call us calculating, but this is how business is done and it’s worked for us for years now. We’re forty-five honey, we’ve been running this outfit for twenty years. It’s worked so far, why wouldn’t it work now?”

“Because finding a fiancée isn’t like running a company!” she goggled at us, eyes wide. “Can’t you see that? Or am I in some kind of Twilight Zone?”

I shrugged.

“Why can’t a fake fiancée be planned? Why can’t every step be planned carefully and then executed with precision? It’s worked for us in the past, why can’t it work now?”

Katie looked at me, big brown eyes round. But then she got a hold of herself.

“It can’t,” she said firmly. “Trust me, I’ve never been engaged, but it’s just not the same.”

Derek swooped in immediately.

“Exactly,” he said in a reasonable voice. “You’ve never walked in these shoes, so how could you know?” he asked. “How do you know that a fake marriage can’t be planned precisely, every twist, every wrinkle anticipated and ironed out before it even appears? We’re men who control, honey, and trust me, it’s worked for us so far.”

“Except for the will,” she said woodenly, refusing to look into our eyes now. “That part hasn’t worked out so well.”

Touche. But Derek shrugged his broad shoulders.

“No, we weren’t able to get the will thrown out. But whatever. We’ll work around it, and so far, the plan’s working,” he tossed off casually. “You’re here, at Major Corp., after all, ready to do our bidding.”

Katie’s jaw snapped shut.

“Unlock me and I won’t say a word,” she said in a low voice. “Unlock me, let me out of here, and I promise, I won’t say a word to anyone. You can do whatever you want afterwards, but just let me go.”

I threw my head back and roared with laughter then.

“Haven’t you heard what my partner said?” I asked gently. “You’re already here. We’ve already spent a year tracking you, studying you, measuring everything about you, even things you couldn’t possibly imagine. You’re it, baby girl, you’re it.”

Her mouth snapped shut then, beautiful profile turning away.

“Cat got your tongue honey?” said Derek smoothly.

Those big brown eyes swung back to us, growing wide as she took in our male strength and dominance.

“Let me go,” she said again quietly. “And I promise I’ll never breathe a word of this to anyone.”

Derek shook his head.

“Naw, it’s too late baby girl. Because like we keep saying, we’ve already invested a shit ton, and it’s too late to stop now. We’re not giving up and besides honey, I think you’ll like it. I think you’ll like being our plaything,” he said nodding at me. “It’s sordid, but things could be worse right? At least mofo here is good-looking and in shape.”

She swung big brown eyes to take me in again, mouth opening slightly, the pulse in her neck beating like a butterfly. Shit, Katie wanted me, I could feel the blood boil in my veins. Oh shit, this was gonna be even better than expected.

“You can’t do this to me,” she breathed, never dropping her eyes from mine. “You can’t make me into your sex slave.”

I merely smiled back.

“Who said slave?” I asked mildly. “Slaves are bound against their will. But by the time we’re finished honey, you’re gonna be begging for it.”

And with that, I walked over to the closet and pulled out a v-shaped foam pad, about fifteen inches tall, in a deep purple color.

Katie merely turned wide eyes at me.

“What is that?” she asked breathily. “What is that? If you hurt me, I swear …” Her voice trailed off.

Derek threw his head back.

“Please baby girl, we’re not gonna hurt you one bit. Although if you ask us to, we’ll be more than happy,” he added with a lascivious smile. “This is to get you loosened up, to get you used to our touch,” he said.

“No, don’t do this,” she breathed again, eyes going wide. “Don’t do this, I’m a virgin, please don’t do this to a virgin.”

But I saw the way the slit between her legs grew pink and engorged, moistening before our eyes. And sure enough, a tell-tale drip began to coagulate at the base before slipping down her thigh, leaving a creamy trail.

“Trust me, baby girl, you’ll like it,” I reassured. “Nothing too crazy this first time, you’ll stay a virgin, I promise. We just want to take a look.”

And with that, Derek uncuffed her ankle from the sofa. Her hands were still tied together and immediately, the female made a dash for it, scrambling for the big oak door again.

“Help!” she shrieked, banging cuffed hands against the solid wood. “Help, help!”

Neither Derek nor I even budged. There was no one who could hear, no one who would come. We merely watched, amused, as the little girl tried to scream her way out.

But after five minutes, even Katie had had enough. She whirled towards us, eyes blazing.

“Don’t touch me,” she spat hoarsely. “Don’t come close.”

I stood, looming then. This was too much. No woman tells me where to taste, where to sample, where to caress. So in two long strides, I was by her side, hauling the curvy female into my arms.

“Shut up,” I ground out roughly. “Shut the fuck up, you’re ours now.”

But the brunette wasn’t giving up. Even immobile as she was, slung over my shoulder, she wasn’t giving up.

“Stop!” she screamed. “Ah ah ah mmmf!”

Because Derek had come up behind her and wrapped a handkerchief around her chin, effectively gagging the little girl.

“There,” he said smoothly. “I think things are gonna go a lot better for us now.”

And with that, I plopped her down in the middle of the room. The girl immediately tried to scramble up, but I pushed her until she was on all fours on the cream-colored rug, keeping one big hand on that luscious back.

“Stay,” I commanded. “Still.”

Sparks still flew from her eyes as she looked at me, but some part of her brain must have calculated the odds and directed her to listen. Because every inch of that creamy flesh quivered, sensitive and womanly, but the brunette didn’t resist. Instead, she was like a forest nymph, still poised for flight, but in thrall to the huntsman.

And grunting low in my throat, I kept one hand on her back while Derek slid the triangle mat underneath her tummy.

“Relax now,” he growled. “Relax and let all that tension out.”

Of course, Katie didn’t relax at all. A muffled sound coming out from behind the handkerchief, she began struggling again, trying to get away. But now she was pressed up against the foam wedge, the tip flush against her pussy, breasts dangling. And like a mofo, Derek reached beneath her torso and began stroking her boobs, squeezing the creamy flesh.

“That’s right,” he rumbled, blue eyes hot on the prone female form between us. “That’s right, relax,” he growled again, filling his hands full. “Give it up, it’ll be easier that way.”

But the girl wouldn’t listen, blood was pounding too hard and hot through her veins.

“Mmmf!” she squirmed, shaking those hips, struggling to get away. “Mmmf!”

I went in for a try this time as well. As Derek squeezed her breasts, I slipped a hand between her thighs, coaxing them to part. Oh shit, Katie was beautiful. The white expanse spread, revealing the slit within and god, that pink flesh was too much. Glistening and aroused, her privates betrayed what our brunette wanted. Because she wanted the sex play, she wanted to be ravished by two strange men, and the time was now.

“Mmmph!” she squealed again. But this time, her voice was more of a moan, more of a long, drawn-out cry. “Ummmm!”

“That’s right,” I chuckled, meeting Derek’s eyes over her back. “Relax, little girl, relax.”

And with that, I went to town. Pulling her legs further part, I reached between that sweet vee and slowly, skimmed one finger up and down over her labia. Katie was so soft, so new and beautiful, that I practically choked, watching as the flesh moistened, as the smell of sweet, female dew grew strong in the air.

“Oh yeah,” growled Derek. “I can smell her from here.”

I merely grinned.

“Then get a look at this,” I rumbled. Because holding her thighs wide, I put a finger on each of her lips and slowly, held her open. Katie squealed from below, unable to believe this was happening, but then her squeal turned into moan, a low, throaty indication of desire.

Because opening her up, it was only too clear that the girl wanted it. Her insides were gleaming pink, nubile and beautiful, dripping with nectar. Female walls pulsed with arousal, the slit so beautiful, so symmetrical, punctuated with her dark star at the top, making my mouth water.

“Aw shit,” I ground out before bending for a taste. “Aw shit.”

And fuck, but baby tasted good. But we knew that’d be the case because our cameras have been following Katie around for ages. We watch her in the dining hall, we watch her as she works at the bakery, and the brunette always eats well. Despite being surrounded by sugar and pizza all the time, she chooses healthy things like grass-fed beef and organic apples. Not that a little chocolate cake isn’t a good thing, but in general, our little girl is healthy as a horse, and her personal nectar reflected that.

“Mmm,” I rumbled into her folds, sampling the wet, pink walls. “Shit you’re amazing, Katie.”

She squealed from below, eyes clamped shut as I tongued her pussy from behind. “Mmph!”

Slowly, I ran my tongue up her left wall, across her asshole and then down the inside of her right labia, sampling her insides. It was so good, but I hadn’t hit jackpot yet. Because right below was her clit, a throbbing nub of about two inches, waving stiffly in the air.

“Baby want me to suck?” I asked darkly. “Baby want me to suck?”

And with I dropped my head down and took her clit in my mouth, alternately tonguing and licking the stiff flesh before settling into a deep suck. Oh shit, it was so hard, I could feel her heartbeat in the nub, the helpless gush of juice that came rushing from her hole then.

“Fuck, she’s so fresh,” I grunted. “She’s so fucking fresh.”

And at that, Derek stepped in. By now, he’d given up all pretense of holding her down. Katie was still cuffed by the wrists, her mouth gagged, but she wasn’t trying to get away anymore. The brunette was a true sex slave, bent over the wedge at an angle, legs spread for two men to enjoy.

“Mmm,” she moaned again.

And this time, Derek literally pushed me out of the way, forcing me to give up my place.

“You gotta share, big guy,” he grunted, shaking his head. “That was part of the bargain.”

And reluctantly, I shifted over. But it wasn’t a big deal because fuck, it was so good to see Derek go down on the girl. His big hands took one butt cheek in each fist and spread that ass wide, so that everything was laid out like a feast. And wasting no time, the blond giant went for it.

“Fuck,” he rasped as his tongue trailed all over that wet flesh before niggling her clit. “Fuck, fuck.”

But Derek is a fucking nasty ass, he wasn’t satisfied with just lapping at her insides. He wanted to go all the way, and why not? That’s what this first session was for. We’d agreed that we were going to inspect her without taking her virginity, and no inspection is complete without a visual. So pulling his tongue out, he backed up for a moment, before pulling her labia wide and angling the girl’s butt upwards. And once he had her in the perfect position, he looked deep into her hole.

“Oh yeah, she’s got it,” he growled with satisfaction. “It’s there, look.”

Shouldering my way over, careful not to jiggle them, I too, looked deep into Katie’s secret space. Because there it was, verification to what we already knew. Sure, we had her OB/GYN records, we’d read the doctor’s notes, her scrawl on how Katie was “intact.” But here it was in the flesh. Because deep inside that pink, pulsing hole, there was a glimpse of the tiniest piece of tissue, her hymen. Oh yeah, Katie is a virgin, and her pussy bore the proof of her innocence.

“Fuck,” I ground out. “Fuck, I have to taste.”

And with Derek holding her pussy open, I formed my tongue into a point and slowly, slid it up that vaginal passage. The brunette squirmed below me, but my partner’s hands were too strong, pinning her in place.

“Mmmph!” she cried out lustily, lifting her head a bit as my mouth slid up that pink channel. “Mmmph!”

Slowly, delicately, I licked her hymen then. Oh yeah, I ran my tongue over that precious piece of tissue, sampling it myself, and it was so delicious. There’s nothing better than an eighteen year-old nymph spread out, horny and hungry, and here, everything was absolutely perfect. She was intact, ready for the taking, and fuck me, but it worked.

But Derek’s not exactly a patient motherfucker and he growled low in his throat.

“My turn,” was all he grunted, and reluctantly, I lifted my head.

“Go slow,” I rumbled. “She likes it that way.”

Indeed as we stared, her pussy shivered violently, juicing again wetly.

“Thanks man,” Derek grunted. “I intend to.”

And with that, he bent his head and slowly slid his tongue up her pussy this time. I could tell right when he hit her hymen because my friend’s eyes popped open once he touched that sensitive tissue. It’s rare to meet a virgin, and feeling that proof in an age when girls lose it by fourteen, is a gift. So he buried his head between her legs and licked her hymen again.

“Mmmph,” Katie moaned beneath us, huge rump quaking. “Mmmph, mmph!”

And suddenly it happened. Our little virgin by definition has never been touched, and two men sampling her cunt, drinking her cream was too much. With a jerk of her hips, another low, throaty moan, Katie came. Suddenly, Derek’s ride became a roller coaster as she bucked and trembled beneath, almost throwing him off.

But Derek’s a determined mofo, and he buried his head even deeper between her thighs, doing a faceplant in that pretty pussy. His head bobbled up and down violently as Katie came like a hurricane, pussy spasming so hard that the mat shook with vibrations.

“Ummmm!” she screamed through the gag. “Ummm!”

Derek was no better.

“Fuck yeah,” he muttered into her folds as juices came streaming out, cunt spasming again and again on his mouth. “Fuck.”

And with that, the girl shook once more, big butt heaving like an earthquake, before dissolving into smaller tremors.

“Mmm, mmm, mmm,” she moaned throatily, eyes closed as her boobies swung. “Mmm.”

Derek lifted his head then, the lower part of his face drenched in female cream.

“Was it good?” I asked. “Was it fucking good?”

He grinned back at me.

“The best. You’re gonna love it down there,” and without any hesitation, I took my place. I buried my face in her snatch, riding that female orgasm with my tongue, thrusting my tongue up her vaginal canal again and again, fucking her with my mouth. It was so fucking good, so unbelievably amazing, that I practically spurted. But I wanted to save that for later, so instead, after Katie had finished rolling and moaning, her tremors subsiding, I merely lifted my head again. This time, both our faces were coated in female cream, and I smiled dangerously at Derek.

“Fuck,” was all I managed. “Fuck fuck fuck.”

My partner grinned back at me.

“We got a good one for sure.”

And at that moment, we both turned to look at the girl lying prone below us. Because sure, she was still cuffed. Katie had her hands bound by the metal instrument, a gag around her mouth, but the creamy white flesh and streaks of wetness on her thighs was all we saw. We’d done the unthinkable, kidnapping a random girl and making her our sex slave. We’d bust through all boundaries, literally watching her for a year before chaining her to the sofa in my office.

And now there was no going back. Because in for a penny, in for a pound. I needed a fiancee … and this beautiful, sassy female had a body to die for, one that’d serve my buddy and I well.




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