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Down & Dirty by Cheryl Dougls (5)


Chapter Five




He was wrecking me. And I loved it. I rode him hard. He kissed me slow. He was drugging me with his body, getting me drunk on his taste, fucking me into submission. And making me fall in love with him all over again. I felt like I was going under. Drowning. But if someone had thrown me a life preserver I didn’t think I’d take it, ‘cause I never wanted this feeling to end.

I’d lost the battle. He’d won the war. Protecting myself didn’t seem to matter as much as getting off the way only this man could.

He drew me close, my chest against his, our hearts thumping wildly. “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me,” he whispered, dragging his lips across my jaw to my ear.

His words made me shudder, like he’d somehow flipped a switch that reduced me to a melting pot of arousal. The only thing I cared about was the physical sensations tearing through me, driving me crazy as he took me places I’d never, ever been.

Just when I thought I couldn’t get any hotter, he poured more gas on the flame with a few dirty words or grinding his hips into mine, reminding me that he knew my body intuitively, just like he always had.

His big hands were hard and calloused but his touch was gentle. I loved that this powerful man could be demanding, yet gentle at the same time. But only with me. On the field he was a wrecking ball. With the press he was a smug jerk. With other women I suspected he was cold, even distant. But with me he was open and vulnerable and that was just about the sexiest thing I’d ever witnessed. Except for his joystick. That deserved a class all its own.

“Come for me, baby.”

He’d already drawn countless orgasms from me. Yet he wanted more. And while my brain said impossible, my body said totally do-able because he eased me back, gripping my hips and manipulating my vajayjay like a puppet master.

“I can’t…” But I knew I could. It was just so much, too much, and I felt like my head and heart might explode simultaneously if I demanded any more from them tonight.

“Sure, you can.” His grin was salacious and I cursed the gods who’d made this man so irresistible. There was no justice in a world that made a man rich, hot, athletic… and a heartbreaker.

His hands drifted from my hips to the girls. He made them stand up and salute him, before his fingers found their way south. Yeah, right there.

My head fell back on a soft moan as I rocked against him shamelessly, ready to beg for another release. I squeezed my eyes shut so tight I should have been concerned about the spots dancing behind my lids but I was already too far gone to care whether I was stroking out. If I had to die, this would be one hell of a way to go.

“Fuck, Landon.”

“You do it better than anybody.”

I might have laughed at that if my body hadn’t been ready to freefall. I clenched him hard, making him groan as he held me still while I gushed all over him. He’d somehow found that elusive G-stop no other man had been able to find before and there was no other word to describe my reaction. I gushed. It may not have been sexy, but damn, did it feel good.

My heart was still beating in the danger zone when his hard body tensed and his grip on my hips intensified. “I can’t hold out any longer, baby.”

He’d already been a champ. Most of the men I’d been with were one and done. Seven minutes tops. But Landon had a way of extending the pleasure until you swore your body couldn’t take any more.

I waited for him to stop pulsing inside of me ‘cause I was a greedy bitch and didn’t want to jump off until I was sure the pleasure train had come to a full stop.

“If I run into the washroom,” he said, when I rolled off. “To, uh, take care of this, can I count on you to be here when I get out?”

I couldn’t blame him for being concerned, given my attitude when I’d walked in the room. “That depends,” I said, stifling a yawn.

“On?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“Is your work here done?”

He eyed my naked body and for the first time ever I wasn’t self-conscious. I didn’t question whether my hips were too full or if my breasts were perky enough. I didn’t wonder whether he’d spotted some cellulite or a faded scar. Because when he looked at me I felt beautiful and desirable and that alone made me want to stay.

“I’m just getting warmed up.”

He leaned in to kiss me and I couldn’t suppress the satisfied little sigh that slipped through my lips as I wrapped one arm around his neck, pulling him closer.

“Thank you,” he whispered, curling his hand around my cheek.

I chuckled. “I feel like I should be thanking you. That was one hell of a performance.”

Looking serious, he said, “That wasn’t a performance, Olivia. Everything I say and do with you is real.”

Because it was getting a little too intense and I needed a minute to catch my breath, I said, “Get your sexy ass in that bathroom ‘cause I don’t relish the idea of sleeping on wet sheets.”

His face lit up as though I’d just given him an unexpected gift. “Then you plan to spend the night with me?”

I glanced at the digital alarm clock on the bedside table. “Only a few hours ‘til morning, right? What could it hurt?” That was the million dollar question. How many different ways could he find to hurt me if I let him?

“Awesome,” he said, kissing me again. “Be right back.”

I watched his sculpted ass as he walked away, wondering how many hours a week he had to sweat it out in the gym and on the field to get a body like that. Me? I found excuses to skip my half hour a day on the treadmill, so while I could appreciate his dedication I knew I’d never share it.

I scampered across the room buck naked to get my phone. Just like I suspected, there was a text from my sister over an hour ago. She said she’d gone out for a coffee with Justin, but she was waiting for a full report on what happened with Landon and if I didn’t respond she was going to kick his door in demanding answers.

I ran back to his warm, rumpled bed and dove under the duvet as I typed my response.

I am so weak. I hate myself.

It took her about thirty seconds to respond. Shut up! You slept with him?

‘Fraid so.

I swore I wouldn’t, but I reasoned I was only human. And orgasm deprived. I did what any single red-blooded woman would have done if she’d been locked in a room with a hot, pro baller. I took one for the team.

And? Was it good?

I laughed, wondering if there was a word to accurately describe it. If there was I hadn’t learned it yet.

Uh, yeah.

As good as you remember?


You are so screwed.

Tell me about it.

I heard him flush and turn the faucet on so I knew I had to leave my sister hanging.

I’ll give you the detes later. Gotta go.

Are you coming home tonight?

It’s not like I could lie, since my sister and I shared a house.

Don’t think so.

Are you crazy? You can’t spend the night with him!

Pretty sure I can.

Before she could list all the reasons it was a bad idea to park my stilettos under his bed all night, I turned the phone off and set it on the nightstand just as he was coming out of the bathroom.

He eyed the device with suspicion before climbing into bed. “Was that your friend checking on you?”

“No, it was my sister.” When he tried to pull me against his chest, I pulled back, looking him in the eye. “Why? You have a problem with Justin?”

He grunted as he rested one hand behind his head.

While I was pissed at his attitude I had to admit there was just something about bulging biceps that did it for me. I didn’t like my guys swimmer lean or cover model skinny. I liked them big and buff with muscle where muscle should be.

“What does that mean?”

“What do you want me to say, Olivia?” he asked, looking irritated. “You fucked the guy. Now he’s your best friend and business partner? I’m sorry, but I don’t see how that can work.”

“Well, it does work,” I said, tired of having to justify my relationship with Justin. Every boyfriend I’d ever been with had a problem believing I was just friends with my ex, but I’d always made sure they knew my relationship with Justin was not up for debate. He was my rock.

“I’m not gonna say what you want to hear, that I’m fine with it, ‘cause I’m not.”

Landon had always been jealous and possessive, so I wasn’t surprised he had a problem with Justin. But since this was a one-time thing, I didn’t have to take his feelings into consideration.

“What the hell are you doing?” he asked, grabbing my wrist when I threw the covers off and climbed out of bed.

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m leaving.”

“I thought you were gonna stay.”

“I changed my mind.” My sister was right. Spending the night with him was a bad idea.

I scrambled to find my clothes before he could convince me to change my mind. My panties were torn to shreds so I shoved them in the trash bin with disgust before pulling my dress on.

“Olivia, wait.” He grabbed my hips, turning me to face him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. I know I can’t just walk back into your life and start passing judgement about the people you spend time with.”

“Damn right you can’t,” I said, stabbing my finger into his pec. I was pretty sure it hurt me more than it hurt him, but I wouldn’t let him see that. “Especially since he was the one to piece me back together after you tore me apart.” I hadn’t planned to be so raw tonight, to reveal so much, but his attitude triggered my fight and flight response. I wanted to fight with him, then flee. At least I’d have said my piece, given him something to hopefully think about long after I was gone.

“Do you know what it does to me?” he asked, his voice raspy. “Hearing you say shit like that?”

“Like what?” I asked, bending to slip my heels on.

“That I broke you. That he put you back together. It fucking tears my heart out.”

“Good,” I said, feeling some small measure of satisfaction. ‘Cause that’s what you did to me.”

“And tonight was about what… getting even?”

“No, tonight was about getting off.” I grabbed my purse. “If you finally got a taste of your own medicine, then I guess it’s true what they say. What goes around comes around.” I slammed the door with enough force to wake the dead, but it gave me little satisfaction as I stabbed the button on the elevator.

Knowing I wasn’t going to see him again after the night we’d just shared left me feeling… hollow.