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Down on My Knees by Conley, Samantha (16)


My fingers dance over the piano keys, the pain in my heart flowing through the lyrics passing my lips.

“Never knew how much I could hurt,

Until you walked out my life,

Thought I’d always be with you…

Someday you’d be my wife.”

Movement out the corner of my eye breaks my concentration, the words dying off and my fingers slowing. As the last chords fade into nothingness, Brett opens the door to the room.

“I didn’t mean to disturb you, man,” he states, plopping down on the couch on the other side of the room.

“You didn’t. Not really,” I reply, running my hand across the keys, the racket loud in the quiet room.

“Working on a new song?”

“Yeah. It still needs work though.”

“Have you talked to her?”

“No. I can’t figure out what I want to say. Or if it would do any good. She was pretty adamant about how she felt,” I huff out, exasperated.

“She’s scared,” he blurts out.

“I know that. I just…shit, I don’t know how to work around it.”

“It’s not you who needs to. It’s her. Unless she faces it, it’ll always be there, lingering in the back of her mind.”

“Fuck, that doesn’t help.”

“What’s her biggest fear?” He stretches his arm across the back of the couch.

“Ugh, me cheating on her.” I wince, not knowing how he’ll take that since his cheating is what caused him to lose Kristen. I glance over at him. He’s looking at the ceiling, head resting on the cushion.

“I fucked up a lot for everyone, didn’t I?” His tone is apologetic, but how the hell do I answer this? When I don’t say anything, he looks over at me.

“I know I fucked up. A lot of things—not just what I had with Kristen. My drinking and shit has fucked with the band. I’m sorry.” I frown at the misery in his voice.


“You know I haven’t had a drink in two weeks?” he announces. Startled, my head whips over to him.

“Yeah, I know. Shocker,” he says with a self-deprecating smirk.

“What brought this on?” I ask, curiosity getting the better of me.

“I woke up one morning and it just kinda clicked in my head. I’ve been tearing the band apart and destroying myself in the process. Haven’t had a drink since.”

“Brett, I—” He holds a finger up, cutting me off.

“Just let me finish. I did something monumentally stupid and lost the best thing that ever happened to me. You, on the other hand, still have a chance. You haven’t done anything wrong.” He rubs a hand across the back of his neck. “That sex tape couldn’t have come out at a worse time, but still.”

“I doubt there could have been worse timing,” I grumble. “Actually, I don’t think there could have ever been good timing.”

“Despite it all, you still have a chance. You just have to fight for what you want.”

“Fight, huh? I’m not sure how to go about it. I’m afraid if I push her she’ll tuck tail and run right in the other direction.”

“Forcing your will won’t fly with Camryn. Have you talked to Kristen or Mallory? Or that other girl she hangs out with from work?”

“Sarah? No, I haven’t. But I think that’s a great place to start.” If I can get her on my side, I’ll have a better chance of getting Camryn to give us a chance. Kristen and Mallory would be easy to win over, and Camryn would know that. I need the friend who would be solely looking out for Camryn’s benefit.

“When are you leaving for your brother’s?”

“I got stuck on a flight first thing in the morning.”

“How early?”

“Seven-fifteen.” He winces, and I chuckle. “I’m only bringing a carry-on, so I won’t have to worry about checking my bag.”

“Still, dude, seven-fifteen? In the morning? That’s like the antithesis for a rock star. We don’t get up that damn early. It’s against our nature,” he says with a shudder.

The subtle ding sounds, drawing my attention as the captain’s voice rumbles over the intercom system. Within minutes, we’re landing and departing the plane. As I head toward baggage claim, I turn my phone off airplane mode and make sure the car I scheduled to take me to my brother’s has arrived. As soon as I get confirmation, I head out of the terminal to the black car parked along the curb and settle back against the soft leather. My phone flashes with a voicemail, and I hit the icon before pressing the speaker to my ear. My breath catches when Camryn’s voice comes across the line, soft and uncertain.

“Hey, Isaac. It’s…um, Camryn. I was just wondering if you wanted to go to Bryson’s football game on Thursday. He’s playing here in Dallas. I know it’s short notice and you probably already have plans, but…uh, just let me know if you want the ticket. Okay, bye.”

My hands shake as I dial her back, but it goes straight to voicemail.

“Hey, Red. I’m sorry I missed your call. I just landed in Seattle a few minutes ago. I’m spending Thanksgiving at my brother’s this year. Call me back, please.” I don’t add that I’ll hop on the next plane back to Dallas with even the smallest amount of encouragement from her.

The car pulls in front of my brother’s house, and before I can even get to the front door, my mother is standing there with the door wide open.

“Come in. Come in. How was your flight?” she asks, pulling me into a hug.


“That’s always good. Your brother and Kami are still sleeping. I’ve started breakfast. Go get a cup of coffee.”

Walking into the kitchen, Dad is sitting there reading the newspaper, a steaming cup in front of him. Mom moves back to the stove where she pours the scrambled egg mixture into the pan. The bacon must be in the oven because the smell is making my mouth water.

“Did you have to go grocery shopping when you got here, Mom?” I ask before taking a sip of coffee.

“Of course,” she harrumphs. “All they had was tofu and crap. I mean, seriously, not even eggs. At least the coffee is good.”

“Thank God you’re here, Mom,” my brother says as he shuffles into the room in his t-shirt and pajama pants, hair sticking up in all directions. “I love my wife, but I sure as hell miss your cooking.”

“Kami still sleeping?” I ask, standing up to give my brother a hug. It’s been forever.

“Yeah. She’s worn out.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t keep her up so late.” I smirk. The blush on my brother’s face is almost comical.

“Maybe I’ll have a grandbaby someday,” my mother says, wistful.

“Leave the boy alone. They’ll have a baby when they’re good and ready, not on your timeline,” my dad says from behind the paper, his voice gruff.

“Yeah, Mom,” I pipe in.

“You hush,” she says, pointing the spatula in my direction. “At least your brother is married and hopefully thinking along those lines. What happened to the girl you thought was your ‘one,’ Isaac?”

“We’re having some issues right now,” I evade, shooting my brother a look when he laughs under his breath.

Leaning over, my brother whispers, “Does it have anything to do with the video floating around?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” I murmur, checking to see Mom is engrossed in making sure her eggs are perfect. Dad won’t put down his paper until he has food in front of him as incentive.

“The problems with being a rock star.” He chuckles.

“The past always rears its ugly head at the most inopportune times.”

“It wasn’t recent?” he asks, brows raised.

Shaking my head, I answer, “No. It was the Christmas we were in New York.” He nods, straightening back in his chair

“So, when did you meet the ‘one’?” he asks louder, eyes shifting toward the stove.

“I’ve known her a few years.”

“And you didn’t make a move on her then?” A look of surprise crosses his face.

“I noticed her, but I wasn’t ready to settle down. Camryn’s the type you settle down with,” I say as my mother slides a heaping plate of bacon, eggs, and biscuits in front of me.

“At least you’ll still be close when you do get married. Unlike my other son who had to move as far away as possible while still being within the continental United States. I swear, I’m going to have so many frequent flyer miles coming up here to see my grandbaby, I’ll be able to fly to Hawaii for free.” She laughs out.

“You told them!” comes the outraged cry from the doorway where my sister-in-law is standing. My brother chokes on his coffee at the sound of her voice.

“Told them what, sweetheart?” He dabs his mouth with a napkin, and tears fill my mother’s eyes.

“About the baby!” Kami says, hands thrown up in exasperation.

Wes stands up, gathering his petite wife in his arms. “I believe she was speaking of a hypothetical baby,” he says, kissing the top of her head. “I didn’t tell our secret. I know you wanted to wait until Thanksgiving Day.”

“Y’all are having a baby!” Mom exclaims, excitement bleeding out of her pores as she rushes over to the couple and embraces them. Kami beams and Wes looks on indulgently. “Tim, we’re having a grandbaby!”

The joy on their faces gives me a warm feeling inside. I want that—to have the woman I love tell me she’s having my baby, the anticipation of telling family and friends our news, but keeping it our secret until we’re ready. I pull my phone out of my pocket and sigh. No new calls from Camryn. If Red thinks I’m giving up now, she’s got another thing coming.

Game on.


“Did you enjoy the game?” my brother asks before popping a bite of steak into his mouth.

“It was good. Glad my boys won,” I reply with a wink. The disgruntled look on my brother’s face makes me laugh.

“I’m so happy I have your support, sis.” His voice ringing with sarcasm.

“You know you always have that. And you had two spectacular touchdowns. Your defense just couldn’t stop their passing game.”

He grunts before taking a swig of beer. “Okay, Cam, what’s been going on?”

“What do you mean?” I ask, perplexed.

“Let’s see, you and Isaac were together, then that video made its rounds, and it’s only thanks to you he didn’t get his ass beat over that,” he remarks, pointing his fork in my direction, a stern look on his face.

“I told you it was before we got together,” I groan, rubbing my hands over my face. God save me from overprotective brothers.

“That’s the only thing that saved him,” he grumbles, looking disappointed that he didn’t get to give the beat down that he believes that Isaac deserves. “Then you decide you can’t be together and give him the old heave-ho out the door.”

“What else was I supposed to do?” I challenge.

“I don’t know,” he answers with a shrug of his shoulders. “Stand by your man? Give him your support? Unless you weren’t falling in love with him.” He quirks an eyebrow, a knowing gleam in his eye.

I duck my head, hair falling across my face to hide my guilt as I feel his stare from across the table.

“Spill, Cam,” he orders.

“I let him go before he could hurt me,” I whisper, trying to keep the pain out of my voice.

“Why would he hurt you? Did he do something? Did he lay his hands on you?” Bryson’s voice rises, gaining the attention of the next table over.

“No, he didn’t lay his hands on me,” I retort. “He never hit me or anything like that. Hell, we never even had a fight. Would you please keep your damn voice down?”

“Then why would you think he would hurt you?” he asks, he head cocked to the side.

“Look at me, then look at the women he’s used to being with.”

“And?” he encourages.

“I can’t compare to them. Hell, I don’t want to. What happens when he wants to go back to his usual? I can’t change myself to fit that mold.” I twirl my fork in my pasta, keeping my attention anywhere but on him.

“If he’s half the man I think he is, he won’t want to change a thing about you. You’re perfect the way you are. And if he does? Fuck him.”

“I love you too.” Reaching over, I give his hand a squeeze.

“You know what your problem is?” He points his fork in my direction.

“I have a problem?”

“You’re still letting all the crap Addyson filled your head with when you were younger cloud your judgment.”

“What are you talking about?” I ask looking off to the side, praying that I’ll be saved by the waiter.

“Come on, Camryn. You know what I’m talking about,” he huffs out, leaning back in his chair. “From the time we were little, Addyson was always treating you like shit. Talking down to you, making fun of you. I think, in your mind, you actually started to believe all the crap she spewed.”

“You really think that?” I ask, my voice small as I mentally run through the things Addy always told me.

“You can only be told something so many times before you start believing it. It’s a little voice in the back of your mind, that self-doubt. And you, sister dear, are chock full of it.”

Could he be right? Am I really letting Addyson dictate my life, even if it’s just in my mind?

“Something else is bothering you. What is it?”

“You know me too well.”

“It’s that twin intuition thing.”

“Promise me you won’t do anything rash?” I plead, my hands gripping the table so tight that my knuckles turn white.

“Oh, shit. When you start things off like that, it can’t be good.”

“It’s not bad. Just…unexpected.” I give him a small smile. “Promise.”

Heaving an exaggerated sigh, he replies, “Okay, I promise.”

“I’m pregnant,” I rush out.

“Excuse me? I don’t think I heard you right.” He sticks his finger in his ear like he needs to unblock it. “You’re what?” he asks, eyes wide.


“How the hell did that happen!” He leans back in his chair, running a hand across his face.

“If I need to explain the birds and the bees, you have your own problems.” I laugh.

“Ha-ha. No, I’m serious. Don’t you know what birth control is?”

“I was on birth control. It just didn’t work for me.”

“How far along are you?”

“About three months.”

“Three months? And you’re just now telling me?” He glares at me.

“I just found out last week, and that was by accident.”

“What, you just happened to pee on a stick?”

“No, I passed out at work, and it freaked Sarah out. She called nine-one-one, and they took me to the emergency room. A blood test confirmed I was pregnant.”

“Wait, you didn’t tell me anything about having to go to the hospital.”

“It wasn’t that big of a deal. I let myself get run down, and I was dehydrated. They kept me overnight. I went home the next day.” Grabbing my purse from the floor, I ask, “Want to see a picture of your future niece or nephew?” The way his eyes light up at the prospect makes me happy. Pulling the printouts from a plastic case, I hand them across the table.

“What am I looking at?” he asks in wonder, his eyes scanning the black and white object. Scooting into the chair next to him, I point out various areas on the picture.

“I can’t believe I’m going to be an uncle. What does Isaac think about all of this?”

“Uh, I haven’t told him yet,” I mumble.

“Why not?” he asks, shocked.

“One, we’re broken up. Two, I just found out a week ago. I needed to wrap my head around it before telling him…” I trail off.

“And three?” He encourages, picking up my hand and giving it a squeeze.

“I’m scared.” I look up at him, tears welling in my eyes.

“He has the right to know, Camryn,” he chides.

“Of course, he does. And I’m going to tell him…when the time is right,” I defend.

“And that is?”

“I’m not sure. I was going to tell him at the game, but he ended up with his family out west, so it blew that plan,” I grumble. It didn’t work out the way I wanted it to—the buffer of our friends to keep him from causing a scene…or myself, for that matter.

“Ambush him in front of a bunch of people, huh?” Bryson chuckles.


“It’s like breaking up with someone. Do it in a public place so they won’t freak out.”

“Maybe,” I say with a small smile.

“No matter what happens with Isaac, I’ll always be here for you, Cam. And I’ll be the greatest uncle there ever was. I can’t wait to teach him how to play football. Between mine and Isaac’s genes, he’ll be a natural.” Bryson gets a far-off look in his eyes as if he can just imagine his nephew following in his footsteps.

“And if it’s a girl?” I smirk.

“You hush your mouth.” I laugh at the look of horror on his face before spearing a stalk of broccoli and taking a bite.




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