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Dusk: The Midnight Series - Book One (Rise of the Dark Angel 1) by Melody Anne (13)

Chapter Nine

Jayden wanted to pull Phoenix from the crowded room to be alone with her. He could feel her tears, as if each one were ripping through his soul. When she smiled or laughed, it made the blood race through his veins. When her emotions were sad or pained, it was as if a thousand knives were slicing through him, shredding him to pieces. What did all of this mean?

Jessica’s constant belittling of Phoenix irritated him. He knew Jessica had shoved people down the table to bump into Phoenix and break their connection, and he was losing control of his temper at no slow speed.

Somehow, he forgot other people were around when he looked into her eyes, but his dark nature returned instantly when one of the petty humans upset him. He could so easily destroy them before they knew what hit them, though that wasn’t why he was there. He wanted to embrace the rage and do what simply felt good, but managed to regain his composure.

“Once everyone finishes their meal, please go to the meeting hall,” one of the elders announced from the front of the room, making the crowd go silent as they stared anxiously at him, anticipating further information to be shared right then.

The elder turned to leave and people began to follow, not wanting to waste any time. Everyone had heard about the new arrivals and wanted to know what was going on. Thoughts of food were all but forgotten.

“Do you want to show me the way?” Jayden asked Phoenix as soon as she started to rise. He watched how easily her cheeks would flame at any attention he gave her. Her blushing was such a turn-on and he thought he’d much rather drag her in the opposite direction. He’d get her alone soon for some much needed privacy.

“Of course,” Phoenix answered, and he felt the shudder ripple through her delicate body when he took her arm and placed it through his to avoid getting jostled from her in the crowd.

“I’ll run ahead and save us seats,” Brian said, not trying to disguise his dislike of the new guy getting all the attention.

“Thanks, Brian, you’re so thoughtful. I’ll go with you,” Sadie said, seeming to be the only girl not completely affected by Jayden. She certainly noticed his attractive looks, but she wasn’t all googly-eyed over him and seemed able to pull herself together more. Her willingness to go with him seemed to perk up Brian’s spirits.

As Brian took Sadie’s hand, she giggled playfully. Phoenix noticed Brian smile down at Sadie as he led her toward the cavern. Phoenix wasn’t the only one observing – Jayden realized when a human girl liked a guy, she wasn’t able to control her response to him. With rising curiosity, he wanted to test his theory on Phoenix, but it would be too difficult in the sea of people.

He kept their bodies close and found her sweet scent alluring. Grinning inwardly, he enjoyed the way her breath kept catching in her throat. Maybe, he thought, it was a good thing they were surrounded, because he -might not be responsible for his actions if they were alone.

They reached the cavern in only a few minutes, but it felt like an agonizing length of time as the strange feelings rocketed through his normally perfectly controlled body. Phoenix led him to an available spot and sat down by Sadie. Jayden quickly sat on Phoenix’s other side. He received another glare from Brian, but he just smiled at the boy and gave all his attention back to Phoenix. She was staring, wide-eyed, straight ahead at the group of adults at the front of the room, giving him plenty of time to take in her every detail.

Looking closely at her, he tried to resolve what made her so stunning. He’d seen many beautiful humans and there really shouldn’t be anything that set her apart. He did enjoy how her hair was like spun silk, cascading down her back like a black river. He was grateful that she didn’t feel the need to cut it short as so many women did. She had large, sparkling blue eyes, which seemed to have an innocence within them that so few possessed.

She was considerably smaller than most of the others surrounding her. Her body kept drawing his view; her curves drew his eyes as much as the beauty of her eyes did. She was the most appealing female he’d ever been around.

“We’re going to sneak out after the meeting. You have to come with us, Phoenix,” Brian said, ignoring Jayden.

“Are you going to the springs again?” she asked eagerly.

“Of course,” he said with a flirtatious smile.

“Then you can count me in – my back’s sore. Do you want to come, Jayden?” she asked shyly. He found it humorous how clueless she was of her effect on him. Did she really think she needed to ask?

“It sounds great,” he told her and diverted her attention from the other boy.

“Okay, Brian, we can meet at the same place. I’ll show Jayden where,” she said, perking up. She glanced at Jayden and he grinned. The elders began to speak and everyone fell silent.

The men talked about a group of people brought in. They had escaped from a prison camp about twenty miles away. They had some ideas of how they would be able to stage a rescue, and the elders seemed hopeful and excited at the prospect of rescuing more people.

When the meeting broke up, everyone was in better-than-normal spirits. It was a perfect night to sneak away because the council would be busy long into the night and not searching for stray teenagers. John was asked to join the council and couldn’t watch out for Phoenix. He lectured her for a good fifteen minutes about being safe and not leaving the group. He also insisted they take a radio, just in case. He promised not to “out” them if they did, so the group agreed.

Jessica tried several times to push Phoenix aside and take Jayden’s arm but he shrugged her off, which had her stomping off in a huff. She wasn’t used to such outright rejection and Phoenix was anticipating another fight in the near future.

Jayden enjoyed hanging with the teenagers. After the newness of his being there wore off, they treated him as one of the group. He still caught them occasionally shooting him glances, noticing something different about him but unable to determine what it was.

He’d only ever been around humans for brief periods of time. He didn’t know if they’d eventually figure out that he didn’t belong in their world. If they knew what was out there, lurking in the dark, none of them would have the courage to sneak out into the night as they were doing now. None of them would even be able to sleep for fear of what could be after them.

He wondered where they thought all their legends came from. They brushed if off as the vivid imagination of some book author or movie producer, but in reality those stories had come from live witnesses who’d been lucky enough to survive. Thanks to the gullibility of the human race, they’d always deemed those lucky survivors to be crazy. The humans looked at the movies and books to be simple entertainment.

He remembered the author of the very first vampire book written. The man had lived a tragic life and seen things no mortal should ever have to see. Jayden didn’t understand why the vampires didn’t destroy the man. It seemed to him the dark creatures liked the fame they received when they were talked about. They didn’t try to hide away as much as the angels did. They wanted to be glorified and wanted the world to be awed by them. He could never relate.

Some humans who were more gifted than others and had been allowed glimpses of the Light. Most of them had come back to Earth with the blessing of Josiah. He allowed a select few to remember their experience. He said it was to keep faith alive. Jayden was starting to understand the importance of that as he looked around at the tragedy the world had become.

“We’d better get back before John changes his mind and sends out a search party for Phoenix,” Brian said with a laugh.

“I don’t see why the rest of us have to be punished just because Phoenix can’t take care of herself for a few hours,” Jessica said, making no effort to hide her bad mood from being ignored the entire evening.

“I can take care of myself just fine, Jessica. John worries about me because he loves me, not that you’d know anything about that,” Phoenix snapped back. Jayden was happy to see Phoenix had a backbone.

“Well, I don’t want to leave yet,” Jessica said as the rest of the kids started getting out of the hot springs and quickly dressing. The air was cold and Jayden covered himself quickly. He didn’t want the others to see that unlike their bodies, his body had no reaction to the frigid air.

“Suit yourself, but I wouldn’t want to be out here alone,” Sadie said, tired of Jessica’s attitude as well. Jessica stayed in the hot water until everyone started to leave, then realized they’d called her bluff and quickly scrambled to catch up. The hot springs were fun to go to as a group, but it would be terrifying to be out there alone.

“You guys are lame,” Jessica said acidly. Everyone ignored her pouting. The group was large so they took turns sneaking back inside, not wanting to make a lot of noise or attract attention.

Jayden made sure he and Phoenix were last to go in so he could have her alone for a few minutes outside the cave. Time alone was what he’d been trying to accomplish all evening and he wasn’t going to pass up his one opportunity. She didn’t seem to notice his plan as she waited her turn. Before long, everyone was gone but the two of them. Dim light shone from the quarter moon and he knew she’d barely be able to see his face, though he could see her clearly.

When Phoenix finally realized they were alone in the dark, he watched carefully as the blush stole across her features while she strained her eyes to see him. With little help from the moonlight, she assumed he couldn’t see her, either, and didn’t try to hide her perusal of his body, which was quite impressive, especially compared with the boys she knew.

He let her take her time looking at him from head to toe, and he could see her frustration at her limited vision. She was definitely interested in him but she was painfully shy. He could also tell something had been going on with her and Brian, and the guy didn’t like the attention Jayden was receiving from her. He didn’t get the boy’s jealousy because it was obvious Brian didn’t want her for himself.

Jayden didn’t care as much about any of the others’ emotions. He was most concerned with what Phoenix was feeling and he wanted to figure out why he couldn’t seem to be apart from her. He moved in closer, causing her breath to quicken. It was the sweetest sound.

Jayden slowly wrapped his arms around her, letting his body heat warm her but giving her time to pull away if she wanted. She didn’t seem to want to go anywhere – this only encouraged him. He placed his hand under her chin and tilted her head up so he could look into her wide eyes that were wildly trying to focus.

“I’ve wanted to be alone with you all night,” he whispered and she only nodded in response. He had to taste her lips and with great anticipation he slowly bent his head forward and gently kissed her.

He felt an explosion surge through his entire body at the simple contact. When she flicked her tongue against his bottom lip, it felt as if he were catching on fire. He deepened the kiss, tasting the contours of her mouth, and groaned when he heard whimpers of pleasure escaping her throat.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, pushing her body up closer to his, unable to get close enough. He would’ve given anything if he could go on tasting her sweet mouth.

He was responding too quickly to her and knew he needed to pull away before he did something stupid, but he couldn’t seem to release her. Holding her seemed to clear the ever present darkness around them. Being with her seemed to bring back the memory of the Light in short glimpses, and he was drawn to it just as a moth was drawn to a fire. He wanted the moment to go on forever. As he continued to kiss her, she moved against him, feeling the same needs as him. He could feel her heart thundering and her breath catching.

“You taste so sweet,” Jayden murmured as he finally pulled his lips from hers, causing her to whimper in protest. He moved his mouth along her jaw, inhaling her scent and loving the delicate texture of her skin.

He pleasured them both for a few more minutes, trailing kisses up her sweet neck, inhaling her scent and pressing himself into her softness before he returned his lips to taste her mouth. She greedily opened her mouth to him as their lips reunited.

He pulled slowly away, smiling, then pushed her head against his chest, not ready to break contact. He continued to stroke her skin, letting them both return their breathing to normal. He was trying to decide whether to take her deep within the forest to have his way with her or take her safely inside when her radio buzzed and made the decision for him.

“Phoenix, where are you? Everyone else is back and I don’t see you anywhere,” John’s concerned voice came over the radio. She jumped back as if her brother was right there, watching them. After a few seconds she responded, although a bit breathlessly.

“I’m sorry, John. We were taking turns coming in. I’m on my way now,” she said.

“Okay, just wanted to make sure you were fine. I snuck out of the council meeting to check on you and got worried. I have to go back in. It’s going to be a late night,” he said wearily.

“I love you lots and I’ll see you tomorrow,” Phoenix said, and the conversation ended. She turned to Jayden, embarrassed and unsure what to say.

“We better get back in,” she whispered, wringing her hands as if she didn’t quite know what to do with them.

“Phoenix, there’s nothing wrong with what we’re doing. I like you and you like me, too. Don’t get all shy on me, now” Jayden said as he pulled her close to him again.

“I haven’t done that before,” she admitted, and he felt the heat from her cheeks as she made her confession. Jayden was filled with a sense of joy knowing no other boy had kissed her before. It simply sealed the fact that she was his and only his, and he knew he would never let another touch her.

“I have to admit that pleases me,” he said as if he were a normal teenage boy, staking his claim.

“Well, I’m… um… probably not very good at it,” she stuttered and tried to pull away.

“If you were any better, your brother would be fighting me for your honor,” Jayden said with a smile. He knew he could destroy her brother without any effort, but that was irrelevant. If he wanted to last in their camp, he couldn’t have thoughts like that.

“Well, I wouldn’t want that to happen,” she told him with a little laugh. He could hear the relief in her voice, knowing she satisfied him.

“I’m glad I found you today,” Jayden told her.

“Me too,” Phoenix answered with a smile that nearly blinded him. The more he was around her, the more he needed to be. He pulled her close again and kissed her until he couldn’t take anymore without getting them both in a lot of trouble. Phoenix finally pulled away, swaying a bit on her feet.

“We better get inside or John really will hunt me down,” she said. He heard the reluctance in her tone. He felt pleased, knowing she didn’t want to part from him.

“We don’t want that to happen,” he said and took her hand to lead her through the tunnels. In her daze she didn’t realize he was the one guiding them toward her room. He shouldn’t have been able to find his way around so easily after one day, but he already had the entire area mapped out.

They reached her door and he bent down and kissed her again, listening for approaching footsteps. When he released her she smiled sweetly, opened her bedroom door and went in. Jayden’s grinning face was the last thing she saw as she closed the door. He stayed at her door and heard her happy giggle and the sound of her throwing herself on her bed. He wanted so much to go in but he’d pushed his restraint as far as it would bear that evening.

He laid his hand against the cold wood of her door and sighed. Slipping back the way they’d come, he ran into the night, no one the wiser he was gone. He felt an aching in his chest the farther he got from her and had to force himself not to turn around. He needed some distance to pull himself together.




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