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Emphatic: Soul Serenade 1 by Kaylee Ryan (17)





Saved by the timer. Kacen, at first glance, is eye candy. Kacen opening up, admitting that he wants a wife and kids in his future, that Kacen, he’s captivating. The combination is lethal.

I pull a knife from the butcher’s block on the counter and start slicing the breakfast roll. I freeze when I feel his hand on my body. He places it gently on the small of my back as he steps around me. His feather-light touch lingers as he reaches in the cabinet and pulls down five plates and places them on the counter next to me.

“Thank you.” My voice is breathy. I need to get myself together.

Must not lust after the boss.

I feel his breath against my cheek. “You’re welcome,” he says, leaning in close, his front is pressed against my back. His voice is deep and sexy as hell. Is it normal to be turned on by just his voice?

He slowly steps away and I miss the feel of his body pressed against mine.

“Fuck, that smells so good,” Cole announces as he strides into the kitchen and straight to the stove to see what I’ve made. “What is it? You know what, it doesn’t matter. It looks as good as it smells.”

I smile and hand him a plate. “You’re the best, Log,” he says, kissing the top of my head.

“Damn, girl, I could get used to waking up to you,” Tristan says, joining us.

“We may have to draw straws,” Gavin says as he follows Tristan to the stove.

“Enough!” Kacen barks.

I don’t turn around. Instead, I hand Tristan and Gavin their plates and then make one for Kacen. I turn to take it to him and he’s there. Our chests bump into one another and he reaches out his hand to steady the arm that holds his plate, while his other hand locks around my hip, holding me to him. I look up to find his eyes, those cerulean orbs, filled with heat. My breath catches in my chest.

Very slowly, he lifts the hand that reached out to steady mine and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. Leaning in, he softly whispers, “Sorry.” His hands then drop to his sides and he takes a step back.

Neither one of us says a word as I lift the plate toward him. He takes it, allowing his fingers to brush against mine. “Thank you.”

I nod, then turn back to the stove. I finish slicing the roll, sure the guys will be back for seconds.

Taking a deep breath, I turn to face them. “Okay, I’ll just be in my office if you need me,” I say and start for the door.

“Logan,” Kacen calls for me.

I stop and look over my shoulder. “Are you not going to eat?”

“No, I had a bagel before I left my apartment.” I turn back around, but before I can take a step, he’s calling my name again.


I again look over my shoulder.

“You can eat here with us, and you don’t have to rush off to your office. There’s not a lot for you to do right now anyway, besides keeping us fed.” He grins.

“You got that covered, baby girl.” Cole grins then shoves another bite into his mouth. Kacen elbows him in the ribs. He just grunts and continues to eat like nothing happened.

“I don’t want to be in the way,” I say.

“You’re not. Come and sit with us, take a break.” Kacen tilts head to the empty seat on his other side.

“I’m good, really.” I turn back around.

“I am the boss, am I not?” I hear him all but growl.

This brings me to a halt once again. “Yes.” I don’t bother turning around.

“Then sit. There is nothing pressing that you need to get to.”

I want to stomp my foot, wrap my arms across my chest, and push out my bottom lip in a pout. However, I can’t. He is my boss, and he has requested, no . . . demanded that I join them. My heart is pounding and my palms are sweaty. I remind myself that this is a normal reaction to a guy who altered my world on its axis. I just have to learn how to control it, to not let him see me sweat. To get over the fact that he probably ruined me for all men.

He’s my boss.

Turning to face them, I make my way to the table and take the empty seat next to Gavin. I can feel his eyes on me, but I don’t dare look. Instead, I turn to look at Tristan who winks at me. He swallows the gigantic bite he just took and flashes me a grin. “So, Log, what’s for lunch?”

He sounds so much like a little boy I can’t help but laugh at him. “No plans yet, you have a request?”

“Nope, just as long as it’s home cooked. So far everything you’ve made us has been delectable, darling.” He pitches his voice.

We all break out in laughter at his antics, and I relax. The four men who make up Soul Serenade are not at all what I would have expected. They are fun-loving, down-to-earth guys, who live for their love of music. I’m reminded of the saying ‘never judge a book by its cover,’ and all that.

Over the next several weeks, this becomes the norm for us. I make them three meals a day and coordinate their schedules with the label. Gavin, Cole, and Tristan have taken on the big brother role when it comes to me. They still flirt, but it seems to only be when Kacen is around. Kacen, he’s just . . . I don’t even know. I had hoped, as my time working for him went on, that I would learn how to control this . . . desire I have for him. The night that we spent together is always in the front of my mind.

I can’t seem to get past it.

We both remain professional. There have been a few innocent touches that overheated my senses, but that happens when I am just standing next to him. Sometimes I catch him watching me, and I think he might be thinking about that night too. However, the look doesn’t last long, and I realize that it’s all me. I’m wanting him to be just as affected by me as I am by him. My cell phone alerts me to a message.

Stacy: Hey! We’re going out tonight. I won’t see you for two weeks.

I grin. Stacy leaves for vacation with her family for two weeks. They invited me to go along, but I declined. I didn’t want to leave the guys. I know that they are making great progress on the new album and, well . . . I just didn’t want to go.

Me: Sounds good. What time will you be home?
Stacy: I’m about ten minutes out. Had to stop for gas. You home?
Me: Yes.
Stacy: Awesome! See you in a few.

I decide to go ahead and jump in the shower and start getting ready. Who knows where we will end up tonight, but I’m excited to spend some time with my girl.

It took us less time than usual to get ready for a night out. We both rushed through our routine, excited about the night ahead. We’ve both been busy with our new jobs and have not been out since before we came back from Hawaii.

“We need to eat first,” Stacy says as she instructs the cab driver to drop us off at a local pizza joint.

I don’t argue the fact. If alcohol is involved, food is a necessity. I’m more of a casual drinker, but something tells me that tonight my bestie and I just might tip the scale on casual drinking.

“You want to split a pizza?” I ask her.

“Yeah, sounds good.”

We place our order and discuss work and her upcoming vacation. We ordered a large and both only ate two pieces. “We should have thought this out a little better.” Stacy laughs. “What a waste.”

Leaving a tip and the left over pizza, we decide to walk to the bar. It’s a small little hole in the wall in downtown Nashville. The music is always awesome and the crowds guarantee a good time.

“Selfie.” Stacy throws her arm over my shoulder and holds the other out in front of us while we smile big for the camera. She pulls back and starts tapping buttons so I know she’s loading it to the many social media sites she frequents.

Just like that, she slides her phone into her pocket and grins at me. “Let’s do this.” She pulls me to the dance floor. We move our bodies to the beat and sing at the top of our lungs. This is our thing. This is what we do. I’ve missed spending time with my bestie.

Song after song we stay on the dance floor. I throw my hands over my head and rock my hips to the beat. I watch as Stacy mimics me, then her eyes go wide. She’s looking over my shoulder. The next thing I know, I feel two large, strong hands grip my waist. I feel his hot breath against my ear. I smell him, Kacen.

“What you’re doing should be illegal,” he growls in my ear.

I don’t stop; instead, I lean against him and continue to sway my hips. His hold is tight as he matches my rhythm. Looking up to get Stacy’s reaction, I see that she’s found some attention as well. Cole is pressed up against her grinding his hips.

One song leads into another and the four of us dance the night away. Gavin and Tristan join the fun with a couple of girls who have been dancing with us all night.

My body is wound tight from dancing with him. His calloused hands roaming over my body, his hips and the very noticeable bulge thrusting against me.

I need a break. I motion to Stacy and point to the restroom. She shakes her head no. Great, I’m on my own. I pull away from Kacen but he doesn’t let go. Instead, he places his hand on the small of my back and tilts his head toward the back of the bar toward the restrooms. He’s going with me, so much for the break.

“I’ll be right back,” I say. Now that the noise level is bearable, I don’t need to shout. Kacen nods and leans his back against the wall.

I take my time hoping that he’ll get tired of waiting, even though deep down I know he won’t. He’s not that guy.

Taking a deep breath, I open the door and there he stands. His hair is messy, and there’s a five o’clock shadow on his face. He’s wearing a tight grey t-shirt that shows off his arms and his ink. I bite down on my bottom lip to keep from propositioning him. He is my boss after all.

As soon as I reach him, he grabs my hand and pulls me down the hall, in the opposite direction of the dance floor, where the lighting is practically non-existent. We reach the end of the hall and he stops, turns to face me, and steps forward until my back is against the wall.

“You’re making this so fucking hard, Logan.”

His body is pressed tightly against mine. He runs the rough pad of his thumb across my bottom lip. “How am I supposed to resist you like this?”

He’s been drinking so I’m not sure if this is really him talking. I’ve not been around him when he’s drank this much.

“I think about that night. Every fucking day I think about what it felt like to be inside you.” He leans down and kisses my neck. “I want you. I know I can’t fucking have you, but I want you.”

He doesn’t give me time to reply as his mouth crashes against mine. I’m powerless to resist as our tongues duel. His hand traces my thigh as he lifts my leg and wraps it around his waist, holding me there. The other slips under my tank and skims the length of my belly.

I want him, too, but I know I have to stop this. My head is fuzzy from the alcohol, but I know that we can’t do this. He’s my boss. Freeing my leg from his grasp, I plant both feet firmly on the floor, place my hands on his chest and push.

He immediately stops and steps back. My eyes follow his hands as he runs his fingers through his hair. He watches me intently with a look of . . . longing in his eyes? Before I can decipher it, he runs his hands over his face and exhales. Dropping his hands, he reaches for mine, laces our fingers together and leads me back to our friends.