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Enchanting Rogues (Regency Rendezvous Collection Book 3) by Wendy Vella, Amy Corwin, Diane Darcy, Layna Pimentel (64)

“Wake up this instance, Eliza! You must come down immediately.”

Eliza burrowed deeper into the bedcovers.  Whatever for, Mary, can’t you see I’m tired?”

“That may be, but you will want to read the paper Christian brought home. Now come along.”

Her cousin left her to dress in privacy and whilst the tone of Mary’s voice stressed urgency, Eliza suspected that news she spoke of was that of her and the earl. A small price to pay she supposed, yet the challenge returning into the scrutiny of the ton didn’t terrify as much as it once did.

Her aging husband had no use for society, and the adventure last evening had opened her eyes to the prospect of many more evenings of cordial conversation and pleasant company.

Eliza went to the parlor. She entered the room and flopped on the chair in the darkest corner of the room. “Pray tell, what did the rags have to say about me in the Earl of Chisholm’s company last evening?”

Her cousin stood, mouth gaping wide. “How can you possibly be so…so…cold! Lady Amelia is going out of her way to become his countess, and if the rumors Christian and I have heard are true, the woman should not be trifled with.”

Eliza laughed. “Would someone ring for tea please?”

She sat up straight and reached for the paper. Eliza read the article not once, but two more times, and began to laugh.

“Honestly, the tart shouldn’t have gone to such lengths. If she wants him, and he’ll have her, then so be it. I for one, can say he is not interested, though he was not direct when I asked him who had detained him for part of the opera… Which by the by, where in the world were you last night, Mary?” Eliza glared at her cousin and waited for an answer.

“Christian, would you go and see what is keeping Eliza’s tea, please?”

“Really, Mother. I’m a man. Don’t think for two seconds I didn’t hear you were seen entering Lord Haversham’s townhouse either.” Mary’s son left the room with a grin so big, you’d think he was a child again.

“I do not see why all the intrigue if you had made other plans. Mary, you should have been honest with me,” Eliza said.

“I apologize, my dear cousin. The visit was quite unexpected and I fear it has turned into sticky wicket of sorts.”

Eliza shook her head in disappointment. How could this morning have gotten so out of hand?

“Oh! I should mention, you’ve been invited to Henry’s sister’s ball, too. There will be an abundance of suitors you could distract yourself with while your earl decides to come to his senses.”

The idea was quite clever. However the thought of it failing had not escaped her, either. If Evan truly desired her, the man simply had to be more forthcoming with his intentions. Who would she tell, anyway? Relatively new to the London scene, she had not even a chance to meet anyone, much less attend parties.

“When is the ball, Mary?”

“I believe on Friday. That gorgeous blue and silver gown would be perfect for the occasion. I do hope you will wear it.”

“I think I will, but the neckline is quite scandalous.”

“That, my dear cousin, is the point,” her cousin added with a saucy smile.

With the ball on Friday what was left to do in the meanwhile? She supposed she could send Annabelle a letter telling her how much she enjoyed her company last evening, and wondered if the girl would share the tidbit with her brother.

Mid-thought Christian returned with her tea and a biscuit.

“I apologize for the delay, cousin Eliza. The housekeeper seems to have gone out on errands, so I fetched everything myself.”

He turned to face his mother. “If there isn’t anything I can help you ladies with, I will be joining some men from the regiment for a couple of days out of town.”

“Very well, my dear. Be safe and send word when you’re to return home.”

He nodded and left them to continue to discuss matters in privacy.

Eliza took a sip of her tea and started to laugh.

“What do you find so amusing, Eliza?” Mary asked.

“I just had a thought. If you were to remarry, what would Christian have to say?”

“I am certain the child would be glad to see me go. As you well know, the house is his, and he is of age to take a wife and settle down. With me gone, I am sure he would be more interested in taking a wife.”

“So how are things with you and Lord Haversham developing? Have you known each other long?”

“Quite a long time. He was a friend of my husband since childhood, and has been a widow for at least two years now. Before you came to London to visit, he would stop in regularly to check on Christian and I.”

Eliza had to question if her cousin’s seclusion was really a ploy to secretly hide an affair between the two; a thought that had not crossed her mind. If things further developed between her cousin and her lover, then there was no point to staying with her in town. She’d only be in the way.

Things could never be easy. She would break the news to her cousin that she changed her mind and would return to the country after the ball. In the meantime, she would at least amuse herself while the entertainment was in reach.

“Eliza! You’ve gone quiet and look quite stiff. Is anything the matter?”

“Nothing at all, but I do think I will get my morning dress on and post a letter. Will you be seeing your gentleman friend today?”

“I’m not certain. He was expecting his family today, but one never truly knows. Men seem to keep their own schedule.”

Eliza nodded and quietly returned to her room. This sudden change in plans made her question if she should even attend the ball.

Lord only knew she enjoyed her visit with her cousin, but she had an inkling she was beginning to become the third wheel. An unsettling feeling rose. She would dress, write that note to Lady Annabelle, to her servants, and get some fresh air. There was no sense in feeling sorry for herself.

Her morning dress, while rather plain, suited perfectly for the morose morning she was beginning to have. She sat at the desk in her room and began to pen her notes. Perhaps town life wasn’t for her, and when she returned to the country she would consider donating some of her time to the village orphans and aid in their education. The vicar would certainly appreciate the assistance.

She quickly sealed her letters and raced downstairs. It was imperative she send them out. Her two servants could at least get things ready for her return, and her manservant could meet her at a staging inn halfway.

The letter to Lady Annabelle would be the first to arrive, and her servants within three days.

* * *

After she left the post, she noticed the familiar coach of the Earl of Chisholm parked on the street halfway down the block. She crossed the road to see where the man could possibly be, but quickly regretted the decision. As she passed a haberdasher, she observed a woman clinging onto the earl. The blond woman with long curls had to be the infamous Lady Amelia.

Eliza’s lip quirked. Stumbling across the two shouldn’t have bothered her, yet it did. They had no connections, no indiscretions beyond being seen together and that delightful kiss in his carriage. She was quite over the prospect of having an arrangement with the rake. Yes, returning home to the cottage was the best decision she’d made in months.

She scanned down the road for a hackney. Her pace was beyond ladylike, but she wanted to avoid being seen by him. A conversation with him at this moment would make her even more uncomfortable. No taxi was in sight. She started at a brisk walk toward home.

“Lady Winston,” the earl called.

She slowed. Drats. It was too late. He had seen her, though she didn’t know how he managed to come away with the woman hanging off of him.

* * *

Evan was nearly out of breath by the time he caught up to Lady Winston.

“Eliza! Please. Wait,” he called out, but she kept on walking. What could he have possibly done to offend her that she wouldn’t give him the courtesy?

The stopped and turned around. “I thought I heard someone calling me, though I can’t imagine why you would. You seemed quite cozy with that woman in the shop.”

“So, you did see me. Are you jealous, my dear?”

“I am not, and if you haven’t read the latest news, you would know that the woman you were with went dreadfully out of her way to try and scare off any competition.”

He frowned. So, she had read the paper, just as his mother and sister, which turned into the most painful discussion over breakfast.

Not only did he come to Eliza’s defense, but so did his sister, which was quite unexpected, especially after only meeting once. Their mother simply excused herself, and a servant followed with her dish back to her room.

“You may recall me telling you that I have no plans of making that woman my countess, much less a mistress. I had a brief affair with her before her husband passed, and ended things when I realized she kept a few men on the side. Not exactly something to be proud about.”

“I see. What exactly will following me home accomplish, my lord?”

“Eliza, do you really want me to go over this with you in the middle of the street? Or would you accept a ride home in my carriage where we can discuss things privately?”

He watched a flurry of emotions cross her face. Anger, disappointment, and resolve.

“I accept your offer for a ride, but you should know it is all I will be accepting for the time being.”

Evan couldn’t believe she’d been so blunt. The woman was clearly exasperated, and perhaps jealous, but there was no reason to be. The only woman he wanted was her, and now she would have nothing to do with him over that business with Amelia.

They walked in silence to his carriage. He noticed Amelia stood concealed around the corner, but he knew she was there. The woman would not be sated until the whole scandal was exposed. She would also, no doubt, expose Annabelle’s conundrum and try to bring the whole lot of them crashing down; not that it would work.

His family ranked higher than hers, not to mention respectability. He and his sister would survive these waves, but not his mama. The woman would have an apoplectic fit. Perhaps it was time he moved her into the dower house. She could retain all her servants, but as far as daily operations went of the family estate, she would no longer interfere.

He assisted Eliza in who sat across from him with her hands folded in her lap.

“Will you continue to be silent with me? Is this how it will be then?” he asked.

“I have no idea what you are talking about, Evan. I simply have too much on my mind.”

He surmised that the paper would have added to her uneasiness of becoming reacquainted with society, yet he had no idea what would still be upsetting her beyond that.

“Well, if polite conversation is something you are looking for then I should like to remark on the weather. Oh, and I posted a letter to your sister telling her I had a fine time. I would dearly love to spend time with her again, but I will be returning to the cottage much sooner than expected.”

She was leaving him. Why? Had he gone too far in the corridor at the theater? Or did she have a row with her cousin over her absence last night. None of this added up.

All he could muster was, “Why?”

“If you must know, I’m not one for competing, much less for a man’s affection. As well, it would appear my cousin has been keeping a secret all these months while in seclusion. I simply do not wish to inconvenience, nor be the reason why a scandal explodes for all the ton to ridicule.”

He leaned back in his seat and watched her in silence. “Are you sure this has nothing to do with my kissing you in here and then again in the hall of the theater?”

Her cheeks reddened.

She put up her hand. “Stop. We shall never discuss those moments again. It is abundantly clear I simply do not live to the standard of society. Toss in the matter that you cannot even provide me with an honest answer where you disappeared to while at the opera last night; we are obviously ill matched.”

Evan sighed. He could not tell if he was coming or going in her presence. She was put out with him. Though he had not the slightest notion of how to rectify the matter.

Before he could invite her out again the carriage stopped. She rose to see herself out, but he reached for her arm and tugged her onto his lap.

“I have no idea how or why I’m so drawn to you, but do not leave me in such a way. I adore you,” he said. “Desire you. There is not a moment that doesn’t go by where I don’t think of you. Tell me how I can make amends.”

She wriggled in his lap which he wished she didn’t; the blasted woman was making him hard with need.

“Evan! Please let me go.”

“Not until you tell me what is truly bothering you, and that you’ll agree to see me beyond this moment in time.”

She sighed, loudly and, thankfully, sat still.

“What is it that bothers you most, my lord? The fact that the world doesn’t stop just because you don’t acquire what you desire, or the fact that I would rather not set my cap on a man who carts scandal around everywhere he goes?”

Evan raised a brow. Other than his mama scolding him, this tiny slip of a woman was the only other person one who dared to take him to task for his penchant for finding trouble.

He released her, but held the door closed. “Sit. Across from me so that we may have a civilized discussion.”

She did as he instructed, and this time had the audacity to pout.

“Truly, my dear. Pouting like an errant child does not suit you with so many garments on.”

Eliza gasped. “You…you…”

“I what, love? I only speak on what I see and feel. What frightens you most? The fact that you have competition for my attention, or that you are older? Or is it your lack of experience that you mentioned previously, or that you are concerned I desire a mistress?”

“My issue with anything that you have proposed will bring, yet again, another scandal at your door, and I am most certain your family will not appreciate such blatant ignorance for a moments pleasure. I have no desire to be visited by my husband’s family at the tiny cottage I was bequeathed, only to be embarrassed further. Nothing quite takes the shame, you know, in being the second wife of a baron who was too old and sick to even provide me with a child.”

She crossed her arms over her breasts.

Lord the woman was a spitfire when angered. The sort of thing that carried well in the bedroom and made for an adventurous lover. “Darling, for the final time, I care not for lady Amelia, much less if another scandal is aired. I expect her to make good on her threat on spreading the gossip of my sister’s ruination, which explains the husband we are hunting for. As for your age, financial standing, or the cottage you live in, I only desire you for you and nothing less.”

He leaned back and continued with a smile. “If you tell me to stay away because you do not desire me, then say so, and I will only offer my friendship. However, if you cannot find it in your heart to turn me away, then, by golly woman, do not be fearful nor deny yourself of the prospect of finding some companionship and pleasure.”

Eliza released her arms and they now rested at her side. She eased back into the seat and stared out the window. “I honestly do not know whether to hate you and leave this carriage never to see you again, or to kiss you.”

“Decide on what you want to do, love, but know I will respect either or.”

Evan didn’t know what to expect, but when she flung herself into his arms he couldn’t have been happier.

He stroked her hair as she embraced him. “Love, we’ve been out here long enough. You best get on inside and I will call on you before the week is over.” Evan pulled her hand to his lips and placed a chaste kiss. “Until later, love.”

When the carriage door closed, Evan couldn’t have been more pleased with the outcome. Now all he had to do was prepare for the unfortunate exposure he and his sister were about to endure.




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