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Enlightened End (Lotus House Book 7) by AUDREY CARLAN (13)

Chapter Thirteen

The crown chakra shares great knowledge, deep understanding, inner wisdom, and embodies liberation of the spirit and mind.


“Huge,” I answer, because the tub is ridiculous in size. It could fit two three-hundred-pound humans with room to spare.

“I don’t have a bathtub,” she murmurs, her lips close to mine, one of her hands tracing my face.

When I kiss her lips, she sighs. I love that about her. The way she loses herself the second my lips touch hers.

“I know.”

She pouts. “You don’t play fair.”

“How do you figure?” I frown at the mere hint of her dissatisfaction.

“I was looking forward to you going down on me in the kitchen.” Her pout turns into a beatific smile so wide I can see all of her teeth in their stunning white glory.

Pure fuckin’ honesty. No bullshit. No lies. Just truth. All the time.

I love her.

The three words hit me so hard in the chest I have to grip my hands into fists and bite my tongue to not react by telling her right away. Love is such a foreign concept for me and not something I remember feeling in thirty years. Exactly thirty years. The last time being the day my mother left.

I back away from her body, and her arms fall to her sides. Without looking at her, I pull my pants up, leaving the button undone and the belt open. I run my hand through my hair and then over my chin, trying to think, to figure out what I’m supposed to do with this onslaught of feelings and emotions I don’t fucking understand.

“Grant…” Her voice is thin, somewhat frightened.

Fuck, I didn’t mean to scare her by moving away so quickly.

Knowing if she pushes me, I’m going to cave and say something I shouldn’t before I’ve had the chance to think it over, I move back to her body, hold her beautiful face in my hands, and cover her mouth with my own so I can’t speak. I can’t say the words or tell her about the emotions bubbling up from my soul.

She wraps her arms around mine once again, and her focus is lost to passion. No longer is she worried about my sudden response. Easing her back down on the counter, I pull down her leggings and go to town on her sweet cunt. She tastes like heaven and smells like apples and spice. Nothing will ever be so sweet in my life…until the day she returns those three little words to me.

Only right now, it’s too soon, so I’ll gorge on her body and fill my heart and soul with more of her in the hopes that someday soon, she’ll experience the same epiphany I have.

* * *

A full week of nothing but joy slips by as I spend my days working to handle the plans for the street Lotus House is on and my nights wooing a fairy princess.

I may sound like a fucking idiot, but my time with Luna has been magical. She’s everything I could ever want in a woman. Honest, beautiful, energetic, humorous, sweet, and a tigress in the sack. She has zero qualms about telling me exactly what she wants in bed or going after it herself. The best part of sleeping with her is waking up next to her warm, fruity-smelling body.

Before sleeping beside Luna, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a good night’s sleep, and now I’ve had a week of it. Not only am I feeling at the top of my game at work, but my body and mind feel better. Then again, I’ve avoided my father and his cronies all week, which I’m sure has helped.

I park at the curb across from Lotus House and hop out of the car with a change of clothes and a garment bag, which includes a suit for tomorrow. It’s easier for me to stay with Luna during the week since she doesn’t have a vehicle and works where she lives. Even though that adds a twenty to thirty-minute commute to work for me, it’s really a straight shot, and I enjoy the time to think about the day ahead before stepping out my door and being in my office. Besides, I genuinely enjoy being surrounded by Luna’s things. She’s eccentric, to say the least, but everything she owns and has in her space is comfortable. To sit on, look at, lean against. There are no hard edges. And her bed…by God. Her bed is definitely magical. I fall asleep instantly and don’t wake with pains and aches in my neck and back.

Jogging across the street, I make my way into Lotus House.

I smell her melon scent the second I walk in. She’s at the desk, her head tipped back with laughter. A man waves his hands in the air, telling her something funny.

She notices me and smiles wide. “Hey, big man. I’ve got someone I want you to meet.”

“Do you now?” I pass the man without so much as a glance, my eyes on nothing but her. She has her red hair piled on top of her head, curls escaping in every direction, looking unbelievably adorable and utterly fuckable. A green tank offsets her white skin, making her glow under the track lighting.

I curve an arm around her waist and dip my head right to her neck, inhaling her lush scent where it’s the most intense, breathing her in and letting go of my day. I place a series of kisses there as she laughs and pushes at my chest. I pull away and smile, looking down at her happy face. “You look beautiful.”

She stands on her toes and kisses me, the man before her lost to her desire to touch me. The primitive male in me rejoices that she so easily forgets everything else around her when I enter a room. It’s the exact same for me.

Finally, she pulls back with a hum, pats my chest, and glances over her shoulder, turning her body toward her friend.

“Nick Salerno, this is my boyfriend, Grant Winters. Nick is teaching the class we’re taking today.”

I turn to the man and take him in. All of him. And there’s a lot. The narrowed eyes, the furrowed brow, the tight jaw that should have been shaved days ago but probably makes the ladies swoon. His eyes are sea-green and shooting daggers my way. He crosses his arms over his chest, not seeming friendly in the slightest, more like an enforcer straight out of the Italian mafia.

“So you’re the suit who’s dating my girl Luna.” His tone is threatening, and I don’t much care for it.

“Nicky…” Luna starts, but I hold my hand up and ease in front of her, taking a protective stance.

“First and foremost, Luna is my girl. Second, I don’t care for your tone.”

“I don’t care for your face,” he fires back instantly with a scowl. “Smug.” He looks me up and down in a second flat. “What makes you think you’re good enough for my friend Luna here?”

At least he had the decency to correct himself on the friend part.

“I’m not good enough for her,” I state matter-of-factly. “I suspect no man will ever be. I can only strive to be worthy of her affection.” I say the words, meaning every single letter. I’m not, nor will I ever be good enough for her, but I don’t care. She’s mine anyway, and I’m going to do everything in my power to keep it that way. If it pisses off her friends, so be it. No man or woman is going to get in the way of what we’re building together.

Nick’s scowl turns into a sideways grin. “Good answer, bro.” The man holds out a muscled arm, offering me his hand. “Nick Salerno. I’m the regular big brother around here. No one messes with the ladies of Lotus House under my watch. Capiche?

I blink numbly at the change of demeanor and his now friendly gesture.

Luna nudges my shoulder. “He’s trying to shake your hand, Grant. It would be wise to do so.”

I shoot out my arm and take hold of his hand. He squeezes mine much harder than is necessary, but I don’t back down, returning the force.

“I understand you’re Honor Carmichael-Gannon’s husband?” I state, attempting to make conversation and find a level ground with the man.

Wrong fucking thing to say.

Nick snarls. “Salerno.” He grinds through his teeth. “Honor Salerno. What do you know about my wife?” His tone is back to being threatening. Jesus Christ, this man goes hot and cold more than a heating and cooling unit.

“Not much, man. Although she came to visit me a little over a week ago.”

“The fuck you say?” He growls. Fucking growls.

“Your wife, Honor, used to circulate in the same circles as my family. She came to visit me to see what she could do to assist in saving Lotus House and the businesses along this street.”

Nick leans on the reception counter, his bulky frame and dark features taking on a rather menacing air. “You’re the douchebag who’s going to rip apart the street?” Then Nick points accusingly at Luna. “And you’re with this joker?”

Luna rushes to interrupt. “Nick, you don’t understand, and it’s not any of your business.”

“The fuck it is. This is your home. A home away from home for a lot of us. Sunflower is where you lay your head and where Dara makes the world a little bit better through her sweetness. The bookstore, the café? Man, what the hell are you thinking?”

As Nick’s voice rises, the door behind him opens, and a blond male and a girl-next-door-type brunette enter hand in hand.

“What’s going on here?” the blond male says, the woman tight to his side.

Nick snarls but doesn’t so much as turn around. He must know the man behind him, because he speaks his disdain freely. “Dash, this is the guy who’s planning to destroy Lotus House and the street. And guess who he’s conveniently dating…all of a sudden?” Nick’s voice drips with suspicious accusation.

I shake my head. “Look, there is nothing nefarious going on here. Luna and I are together. A couple. There’s nothing you or your friends can do about it. I am, however, working on a plan for the street. I can make no promises, nor have I promised anything to Luna.”

“Is this true, Luna?” The blond man, whom I assume is Dash, clocks Luna with his gaze. The brunette sidles up to his side, a shiny wedding band on her finger. Probably his wife.

Luna hooks her arm around my waist. “Yeah, it is. We’re together, and Grant is doing what he can to help us. He isn’t single-handedly ruining everything. He’s trying to make things better for us and continue the work his company, board of directors, and investors already planned out for the property. The entire street is owned by the Winters Group.”

She takes a full breath and continues. “We rent. The downside to renting a building is that you could be asked to move at any time. For the last twenty or so years, we’ve been lucky. Very lucky to have affordable rent and allowed to keep our street the way it is. That could change…but we don’t know the outcome.” Her voice rises and falls with her irritation. “What I would suggest you do is not be so judgmental, Nick, in your instant dislike of someone who is also in a difficult position.”

Nick’s shoulders fall before my eyes, and Dash slaps him on the shoulder a few times. “You protectin’ the women again, brother?”

Nick huffs. “It’s what I do.”

The brunette looks me up and down. “He doesn’t look that threatening to me. And the way he’s holding on to our Luna shows he’s definitely into her. Plus”—her green cat-like eyes meet mine—“he’s very attractive.”

Dash gives me the once-over. “Yeah, Luna baby, it looks like you caught yourself a live one.” Dash holds out his hand. “Dash Alexander. I teach Tantric Yoga here. This is my wife, Amber.”

Her cheeks pinken as she waves, glancing between Luna and me with a big smile on her face. “We’ll have to do dinner,” she offers rather shyly.

“What my wife means is, I’ll have to cook dinner or we’ll meet you out. Dr. Alexander thinks she has this open schedule, when in reality, I rarely see her.” He chuckles and hooks his arm around her, kissing her temple.

Amber smacks his chest. “Hey, I try, but the kids need me at the hospital.”

“Little bird, how am I ever going to plant my kid into you if you’re never home?”

Luna’s arm locks around my waist. “Are you guys trying to get pregnant?” Her voice is filled with excitement.

Amber nods, and Dash smiles.

“Finally! Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! It’s only been forever since you two hooked up!” Nick claps, once more turning into a friendly guy by hugging Dash and patting him roughly on the back and then pulling Amber into his arms, lifting her off her feet. “I’m trying to get Honor to agree to another baby too. She’s leery about taking time away from the twins. Besides me, they’re her entire world and she dotes on her boys.” His chest lifts with pride.

“Let me down, Nicky,” Amber scolds, but Dash just looks on with amusement at the mafia guy man-handling his wife. They do seem to be a close-knit group. “And you shouldn’t be spreading that info around the family, Dash. You’ll get their hopes up, and we just started.”

“Like I said, if you’d work a tad less, I’d have you pregnant in no time.” He smirks.

She sighs and looks up at the ceiling. “Lord, please help me with this man.”

“Well, I’m stoked for you guys. I can’t wait to tell Honor. She’ll be thrilled,” Nick puts in.

“Seems like something’s in the water around here.” Luna grins. “First Genevieve, then Mila, and now possibly the two of you adding to your clans. So much to be excited about.”

I lock my arm around Luna and imagine her telling her friends she’s carrying my child. The idea is not unwelcome. If she was the mother of my children, they’d be perfect. Hopefully, just like her.

Dash cups Nick’s shoulder and glances back to the two of us. “I think you owe someone an apology for being a bit overprotective.”

Nick winces and cracks his neck before focusing on the two of us. “I’m sorry, Luna. Grant. I’m a little high-strung about this issue with the street, and Luna’s happiness and well-being is important to me. To all of us.” He looks at Dash and Amber, who both nod in agreement. “I shouldn’t have gone off all half-cocked. I tell you what… Do you box?”

I’m trying to keep up with the conversation. “As in fight?” I wasn’t sure I should answer that type of question.

“Yeah, man.” He proceeds to show me a one-two punch and fast feet.

“Uh, no. I have a personal trainer. Your friend Clayton Hart, as a matter of fact.”

Nick’s eyes widen. “You’re friends with Clay? Shoot, man, if you’d told me that, I wouldn’t have been so hard on you. Clay’s a great judge of character.”

On this we can agree. “He is. And a great friend too.” I make the statement with confidence because Clayton and I have been building our friendship.

“Well, if you don’t box or need a gym membership, I’ll bring Luna a case of my family’s wine. You drink wine?”

“Yes, but you really needn’t worry. I’m happy Luna has men around her who care to protect her best interests.”

Nick shakes his head. “Nah, man, my bad. I was harsh, and I’m man enough to admit it. I’ll bring a case by, yeah?” He directs the question to Luna.

“That would be lovely, Nicky. You know how much I enjoy your family’s wine.”

“Doesn’t everyone?” He chuckles and glances up at the clock. “Need to get hoppin’. My class starts in ten, and I want to make sure the silks are locked in tight.” He puts his hand out toward me again. “We cool, brotha?”

I nod. “Yeah, I… We’re cool.” I shake his hand and notice his grip isn’t nearly as firm as it was before.

“Rockin’. Dash.” He squeezes the man’s bicep. “Amber. Get on that baby-making. I want a little Alexander running around with my boys soon.”

The Alexanders both smile and agree to try.

“Trying’s part of the fun.” He winks and enters the hallway toward the classes.

Amber and Dash head in the same direction after waving goodbye to Luna and me.

“That was strange,” I murmur.

Luna plants her head on my chest. “It was. I’m sorry. Nick is like a big brother, and I’m pissed he was such a…”

“Dick?” I offer. “Cad?” I continue. “Overbearing brute?” I finish.

Her shoulders slump, and she rubs her nose against my chest before resting her chin and looking up. “At least he admitted he was wrong.”

I wrap my arms around her and hug her close. “That he did. Though I no longer have a desire to take his class. Early dinner instead?”

Her eyes go half-mast. “Food isn’t always going to get me to do what you want,” she threatens, but it’s one hundred percent empty. Food always gets her to see my way.

“Mmm-hmm. What are you in the mood for?”

“Thai!” she exclaims like it’s the best food on God’s green earth. I swear, if I didn’t know how good she is at being a yoga teacher, I’d suggest she start culinary school. The woman is obsessed with her meals.

I chuckle. “My lamb wants Thai, she gets Thai. I know a great place not far from here, just on the edge of the city.”

“Do I need to change?” She gestures down to her plain black yoga pants and green tank. “I’ve got boots and a sweater I can grab too.”

“Then you’re fine. Besides, I love your ass in yoga pants.”

She snorts and bends over, gifting me an awesome view of said ass as she grabs her purse and sweater hanging over the back of the chair. “Every man likes a woman’s ass in a pair of yoga pants. That’s why they are so versatile.”

She’s got a solid point. All of the women I’ve seen here at the studio, whether bigger or smaller than my woman, all looked good in their yoga pants. It’s quite the phenomenon.

“This is true, but your ass”—I palm it as I lead her out of the studio—“is exceptionally fantastic.”

“Says the man who has to love it because he’s not getting anyone else’s.” She sways her ass while walking to my car.

“With zero complaints on all fronts,” I assure her.

She grins and hops into the car before I can make it around to open the door for her.

I sigh, get in, and buckle up.

* * *

The Thai restaurant is one of my favorites, and the owner and staff know me. This secures us an excellent table by the window with a full view of the restaurant.

We place our order for spring rolls to share and pad thai for Luna, because the woman eats everything whether it’s healthy or not and doesn’t gain a pound, at least not that I’ve seen since we met. I order the chicken in coconut soup and a round of Mekhongs over ice.

“What is this drink?” Luna sips the amber liquor and tilts her head as if deciding whether or not she likes it.

“It’s a Thai whiskey.”

Her blue eyes seem to widen as she takes another taste. “It tastes like rum.”

I smile in approval. “It does. Spicy and sweet, with hints of ginger and honey, vanilla, and floral notes.” I take a swallow myself, appreciating the distinct taste along with the familiar warmth the whiskey brings. “The most interesting fact about this particular whiskey, besides not tasting like whiskey”—I chuckle—“is that it’s made with about five percent rice.”

Luna purses her lips. “That is neat. I like it.”

“You like everything,” I tease and then lean over, steal one of her spring rolls, and take a big bite out of it before putting it back.

“Hey!” She smacks my hand, grinning.

“Sharing is caring.” I laugh out loud but feel a prickling on the back of my neck. To the left of us is a table with a couple. A pretty brunette with dark-blue eyes is staring at me.

I glance back to Luna and continue poking fun at her, trying to steal her noodles from her pad thai and enjoying her snark when she pretends to be mad at me.

Once more I feel the tingle at the base of my neck and look over at the couple to find that this time, both of their eyes are on us. The man has dark-brown hair and brown eyes. I don’t recognize him at all, but from the way they are staring, they recognize me. This is not unknown to happen because of the many events and circles I work in for business, but it’s incredibly rude of them to keep staring.

I frown and suck back a gulp of my drink, trying to ignore them.

“What’s the matter, big man? You got caught stealing and you’re pouting. Don’t worry… Punishment won’t be too harsh. I’m thinking a couple orgasms tonight ought to free you from your troubles.” She smiles wickedly, and I lay my hand over hers.

“Duly noted, and the punishment absolutely fits the crime.” I wink. “What’s strange, though, is that couple keeps staring at me. First it was the woman, and now it’s both of them.”

Luna’s smile is heartwarming as she squeezes my hand. “Grant, honey, you’re hot. As in, women everywhere you go want to have sex with you. No-questions-asked kind of hot. Then they see you with me, you in a suit and me in workout attire, and they stare, thinking maybe they have a chance. They don’t, but I can hardly blame them.” She tags more noodles with her fork and spins it like spaghetti before shoving it in her mouth.

I shake my head. Leave it to Luna to compliment me while I’m feeling uncomfortable. “Lamb, that’s very sweet…and incorrect. Any woman within a ten-mile radius can see that I’m taken by my own personal fairy princess. They would never stand a chance against your beauty. Or your body. Or how insanely good you are in the sack.” I wink and grin.

“Aw, words of love to live by,” she jokes, and I snap my teeth in jest.

“Only that’s not it. Look to your right in a few moments and see if they are still staring.”

She giggles and covers her mouth. “That’s so silly.”

“Just do it. For me.”

She rolls her eyes and nods. I sip at my drink and stare at her face and then bug my eyes so she’ll make her move. I watch as she raises her hands in the air, stretching and yawning as if she’s tired, before turning her head to the side.



I can’t help but laugh at her cuteness.

Her expression is serious when she turns back around. I glance over to find the woman still staring and not even trying to hide it.

“They totally are staring!” she whispers. “What are you going to do?”

I stand up and set my napkin on the table. “Confront them, of course.”


I walk the twenty or so feet over to the couple’s table, and neither one of them hide their curiosity at my approach. They were caught several times and are owning up to it right away.

“Can I help you?” I ask, tucking my hands in to my pockets.

“Um…no.” The woman glances down and back up. Her blue eyes are red-rimmed, as if she’d been crying or was really tired. Her skin tone even looks a little ashy up close. Not someone I recall.

“We know you,” she states. “Well, we know of you.” Her voice shakes, and it sounds familiar, kind of like a long-lost memory, but I’m not sure why. Her face, bone structure, and the color of her eyes offer a glimmer of something, as if I’ve seen them before.

“Through work or my professional contacts?” I assume.

She shakes her head but doesn’t respond. The man with her stands and holds out his hand. “Not exactly, no,” the man answers flatly before introducing himself. “Brett Tinsley, and this is my wife, Greta.”

I shake his hand and then hold my hand out to her. The woman licks her lips and stands, offering me her hand. She’s carrying extra weight in the midsection, almost as if she could be pregnant, but I wouldn’t dare ask. That’s one lesson my father did teach me. Never ask if a woman is pregnant. Ever.

The minute my palm touches Greta’s, I feel a bolt of electricity zip up my arm. It’s not painful, just unusual. Warm. Comfortable, even.

“Grant Winters.” I feel Luna come up behind me and touch the small of my back. “This is my girlfriend, Luna Marigold. How did you say you know me again?”

“It’s okay, sweetheart. Go on. You said you would if you saw him again. Now’s your chance,” Brett urges vaguely, his eyes on his wife’s.

“You would do what?” I question, feeling that weird prickle stabbing at my neck, a deeper sense of foreboding coming over me.

Luna must sense my mood, because she moves closer to my side so I can wrap my arm around her, her hand coming to rest on my stomach as if she’s lending support.

“I promised I would introduce myself to you.” Greta’s voice is shaky when she speaks.

“I’m not exactly following. You said you know of me. How?” I repeat, tendrils of irritation starting to weave their way through my mind at the oddity of this greeting.

“Well, you see…um…” She pushes a lock of hair behind her ear.

“Yes?” I urge.

“We have the same mother.”

Those words are quite possibly the last thing I could have ever, even in my wildest dreams, imagined would come out of this woman’s mouth.

“I’m sorry.” A fire burns in my gut instantly. “What the fuck did you say?” My tone is harsh and demanding an answer.

Brett moves around the table and pulls his wife back to his front. A protective gesture if I ever saw one.

“Gretchen Winters is my mother too.”




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