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Eriq: A Shadow, Inc. Novella by Cass Alexander (15)

Excerpt from Luqa, Book 4 of the Shadow, Inc. Series



Chapter 1


Luqa rolled his hips in time with the music. The club was dark, but the black light’s reflection off his clothing made it obvious what he was doing.

The nymph he had against the wall held still, like a good little submissive. Only her eyes gave away her frustration.

He’d been fucking her for a good thirty minutes in the crowded room, waiting for the right moment.

Waiting for her.

The platinum-haired nereid who worked at Club Shadow in the kitchens. Occasionally, she came into the bar area to bring out supplies. Tonight, the club was especially busy, so he assumed she’d make an appearance.

It was Halloween and the usually glamorous décor of the bar had taken on a transformation. For once, Club Shadow actually looked like the sex club it was.

The lights were off, replaced with black lights hung strategically throughout the space. Sensuous, haunting music pulsated from the speakers.

Bodies undulated all around the room. Some danced. Some rolled with the movements of sex. The scent of which hung heavy in the air. It was Luqa’s kind of place.

Luqa had only been back in Charleston for a couple of weeks. He’d left New Orleans to be a groomsman in a wedding here. His brother, Tarq, was getting hitched and was also expecting a baby.

No one in the family could get their mind around it. Most of the brothers, especially Tarq, were total playboys.

Well, aside from Quin and Eriq, the other two brothers who were now officially off the market.

Luqa didn’t know what this fucking world was coming to. His brothers were dropping like flies.

What were they thinking, signing up to commit to one female? For an immortal, eternity was a hell of a long time.

Luqa did not understand it. However, if his brothers were happy, he was happy for them. It was important to take pleasure in this life, in whatever form that may be.

For him, he’d found more pleasure in the past week than he had in a century—and from a female he hadn’t even touched.

Light reflecting off white-blonde hair caught his attention. She was here.

Luqa adjusted his stance, ensuring the nymph’s clit was getting some good friction from his pelvis. One hand held her throat, gently but firmly.

She moaned, and he knew she was getting close.

He held back until dark grey eyes met his. He wouldn’t bring himself or the nymph to climax until he was sure he had the nereid’s full attention.

Cordelia, she was called. But he thought of her as Soléy. Sunshine.

She looked like a ray of sunshine in this dark room, with her shiny mane falling in soft waves around her shoulders.

Hell, she was a ray of sunshine all the damned time. Always smiling, never prancing about or on the prowl like other females. She was friendly yet professional with everyone.

The first time he saw her, he was doing a demonstration for the club on the finer points of Kinbaku. He’d had a series of intricate knots placed around one of the club submissives.

He was expertly manipulating one specific knot, bringing the female to a quick orgasm, when he caught a scent from the doorway.

Arousal. Sweet and salty. A nereid from the ocean.

He looked towards the source.

There she stood, with her mermaid-like flowing locks, frozen at the sight of what Luqa was doing to the club member. When their eyes met, she blushed and scurried off.

He’d wanted to chase her, to taste that salty sweet cream he knew was in her panties. Only the cries of his partner distracted him back to his task.

Three more times the blonde had found him while he was with another. Each time, the second she knew he was looking at her, she ran away.

Each time, it was the scent of her desires that alerted him to her presence. It was potent, different than the others.

It teased him mercilessly. Haunted him. He had to know its flavor, first hand, at least once.

Before he returned to New Orleans, Luqa had decided he’d have her. But not until they’d further explored the little game they’d been playing.

After all, for him, it was all about the build-up.

The act of sex itself was satisfactory enough, but Luqa enjoyed the chase, the anticipation. All the little things leading up to the pinnacle of pleasure.

Nevermind he never screwed the same female twice. He didn’t believe in leading them on—and he rarely felt the same burning desire to catch the same one again. No, once the chase was over, it was over.

This chase was one Luqa wanted to prolong.

He’d asked his brother, Eriq, who helped run the club, about the little nereid. All he could get from Eriq was the female’s name and a firm warning to stay away from her.

Apparently, on her application, Cordelia had expressed a desire to never be approached for intercourse. Eriq was adamant about rules being followed.

Luqa? Not so much.

Besides, technically, Luqa didn’t work here. The Marcellus family—his family—owned Club Shadow, but Luqa lived in New Orleans and ran one of their other clubs. He didn’t see a problem.

Despite Eriq’s warning, Luqa continued the game. It gave him something to look forward to each day.

He held Cordelia’s gaze from across the room. Her nipples were hard enough to show through her white shirt. He’d bet money she was wet.

For him.

Luqa picked up his pace and the nymph cried out. Cordelia’s mouth opened. He pictured her perfect lips sucking down his cock.

He wanted her. He wanted her to know his hard-on was for her. The load he was emptying into the nymph right now, was for the nereid.

As both Luqa and the nymph came, he kept his focus on his Soléy. He couldn’t wait to see her light up underneath him.


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Luqa, Book 4 of the Shadow, Inc. Series.