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Fight Song: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (Rocky River Fighters Book 3) by Grace Brennan (13)

“Can I kiss you?”

Piper whipped her head around in surprise, eyes wide as she looked at Jax. “You want to kiss me?”

Picking up her hand and threading his fingers through hers, he shrugged, trying to look casual. “I mean, yeah. We’ve been waiting until you’re old enough. You’re twelve now. Don’t you think it’s time we kissed?”

“You haven’t said anything about it in like a year. I didn’t think you still wanted to,” she replied shakily.

“Of course I do. More than anything. I was just waiting on you to be ready. Are you ready now?” he asked, trying to sound like it was no big deal. But it was. It was the biggest deal of his life.

Searching his eyes, she swallowed hard and nodded. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

Licking his lips and taking a breath, Jax leaned in closer, cursing when their noses bumped together.

“Ouch!” she said, putting a hand to her nose.

“Crap, I’m so sorry, Pippy,” he rushed out, blushing. He couldn’t blush. Blushes weren’t manly, and at fourteen, he was a man now.

“It’s okay,” she said softly. “Try again?”

“Yeah. Maybe we should angle our heads this time or something.”

She nodded, and he leaned in close again. When their lips were a hairsbreadth apart, he paused, wanting to savor the moment.

Mate, his eagle sighed.

Yes, she is, he agreed, just as he leaned forward and touched his lips to hers.

Neither of them knew what to do next, so they stayed just like that, mouths pressed together and not moving. But it was enough. His body was lit up, energy like he’d never experienced before flowing through his veins.

They finally pulled apart, lips clinging for a moment. Jax exhaled audibly, feeling stunned as he searched her violet eyes. “Whoa.”

“Yeah,” she agreed. “Best kiss ever.”

Piper started to find a spot on the bleachers in the fight barn, but Jax stopped her, putting a hand on her arm. Sucking in a breath as she felt the sensations from that touch streak through her body, she composed herself as she arched an eyebrow at him.

“Come on back with me for a minute. See where we warm up,” he said, nodding toward the back of the barn.

Nodding, she followed, suppressing a shiver as he touched a hand to the small of her back and guided her. They arrived at the Anderson ranch just a few moments ago, and she was surprised at the crowd gathering. She hadn’t realized the fights were so popular, but she supposed she should have realized. In a town as small as Eagle Creek, there wasn’t much entertainment available for the residents unless they went to Cheyenne.

They reached a horse stall that already held Ian, Seth, and Amelia, and Jax walked to the bench to drop his bag. The stall was spacious, but with the three huge fighters in it, it felt very small. There was a small punching bag hanging in the corner, but other than that and the bench, it was empty of any furnishings.

“You sure you’re prepared?” Ian asked Jax, and her attention snapped to them. He wasn’t ready? She didn’t want him to get hurt if he wasn’t in a good position to fight.

Jax rolled his eyes. “Please. I only missed a few days of training with an opponent. That’s not enough to throw me off my game.”

Three days… so he hadn’t trained with anyone since they saw each other again. She pushed back the guilt and unease she felt at the thought. Him not training had nothing to do with her.

“Don’t worry,” Amelia said softly beside her. “I’ve seen Jax fight before and he’s really good. He’s telling the truth when he says missing a few days won’t hurt.”

“I’m not worried,” Piper replied, forcing a smile.

“Do you want to sit with me?” Amelia asked in a musical English accent. “Cammie and Alex aren’t coming tonight, and I wouldn’t mind the company.”

“Yeah, that’d be nice, thanks. My friend Kelly is coming, but she won’t be here until later.”

“We’ll make sure we save her a spot,” Amelia reassured her.

Watching as the Amelia made her way to Seth, Piper didn’t realize Jax had come to stand beside her, and she jumped when she noticed him. “Dammit. Make a little noise when you walk or something.”

“I’ll remember that,” he replied with a half-smile, dark green eyes taking her in. She felt that look like a tangible touch on her skin, and she shivered. “Amelia is nice. She’s a good one to spend the evening with.”

“Is she one of you?”

“Would it matter if she was?” he asked, expression intense.

“Of course not,” she answered, surprised by the question. “I’m just curious. Doesn’t matter to me one way or the other.”

“She’s human,” he said, darting a quick look Amelia’s way. “I don’t think she will be for long, though. Seth will probably turn her soon.”

Eyebrows shooting up, she asked, “Y’all can do that? Turn a human into a shifter?”

“Some can. Actually, a lot can, but some types can’t. Eagles are one of those that can’t. Disappointed?”

“What? No. I love eagles, but that doesn’t mean I want to be one. You are, and that’s enough.”

“So I’m enough for you, the way I am?”

“What?” she replied, realizing what she’d said. “I didn’t mean it like that. I was just saying it’s cool that you’re an eagle. You know. Supernatural shit and all. It’s interesting.”

Fucking hell. Clamping her mouth shut to stop her babbling, she looked at him defiantly, daring him to call her out on the way she backpedaled. But all he did was chuckle, the look in his eyes affectionate.

Surprising her, he darted in and kissed her quick. “For luck. I wanted to make it longer, but I didn’t want to risk taking another layer of lipstick, especially since you put a fresh coat on.”

She struggled to find her words, but before she could, Amelia joined them. “You ready to find a spot, Piper? I know there’s a good crowd out there, and being the owner doesn’t guarantee me good seats.”

Watching as Jax winked at her and turned back to the others, Piper nodded and followed Amelia back into the main barn. “You own this place?” she asked, raising her voice over the crowd.

Amelia nodded as she led them to a spot on the bleachers about halfway up, putting a sweater she brought with her on Piper’s other side, saving the spot for Kelly. “Yes, I own the whole ranch.”

“What made you decide to start hosting fights?” Piper asked, curious as to how an Englishwoman started hosting fights in her barn in small town Wyoming.

“This was my uncle’s ranch. He started the fights. I inherited it when he died, came here to settle up the property, met Seth, and well—the rest is history.”

That made more sense. Piper nodded as a man stepped into the ring to announce the first match, feeling unsettled inside. Some of Amelia’s story felt eerily familiar. A relative passing away, coming here to settle up, falling in love

Shaking her head, panicking a little, Piper cut her thoughts off quickly. No. Absolutely not. Nothing about their stories were similar. Yes, they both came to Eagle Creek to take care of a dead relative’s estate, but the similarities ended there.

Piper wasn’t falling in love with Jax. She learned her lesson years ago. He wasn’t to be trusted, no matter his reasons for doing as he did. What was to say he wouldn’t do it again? It made him no different than any of the other douchebag, good for nothing men out there.

Who the fuck was she trying to kid? No, she wasn’t falling in love with Jax, but only because she’d never fallen out of love with him. God knows, she tried. But through all the pain, her relationship with Scott, her marriage, turning herself into someone she wasn’t and then turning herself into who she really was—she never stopped loving him.

What a fucking disaster. Eyes on the fight, but not really seeing it, she tried to figure out what the hell she was going to do. It was clear Jax wanted to begin again with her, so it wasn’t like her feelings weren’t reciprocated. But would he pull something like he did eight years ago, thinking he was protecting her? She wouldn’t be able to handle going through that a second time.

“It’s kind of boring, isn’t it?” Amelia said low as the fight ended.

“Hmmmm?” Piper said, trying to shake herself free of the thoughts tumbling around her head.

“The fight,” Amelia said, giving her a probing look. “I mean, as far as humans go, I suppose it was a good one. But it’s nothing like the guys from Rocky River.”

“I thought it was okay,” she lied. In truth, she paid very little attention to it. “But I’ve never seen anyone like the guys from Rocky River fight before, so I wouldn’t know the difference.”

“Ah, I understand. You’re in for a treat then,” Amelia replied, a twinkle in her eye. “If you like this sort of thing, that is. But you look like the kind of person who would.”

Piper couldn’t help laughing. “I guess I do, at that.”

“Oh, bloody hell, I was rude, wasn’t I? I didn’t mean it like that,” Amelia said, a chagrined look on her face.

“No, no, it wasn’t rude. More like accurate. Don’t worry about it, really. How many fights are there?” she asked as another set of humans entered the ring.

“Four, total. These are the last of the regulars,” Amelia said. “The guys from Rocky River go up next, in two fights. Seth against Kian, and Jax against Ian.”

“Kian doesn’t live at Rocky River, does he?” she asked with a frown. She hadn’t seen him last night.

“No, he’s been staying at the hotel while he’s in town. But he’s kind of unofficially one of them, because of his connection to Shelby.”

Nodding her understanding, Piper turned her attention back to the fight. Amelia was right, it was boring. Piper wasn’t all that knowledgeable about fighting, but it wasn’t keeping her attention. Looking around, she spotted Kelly standing by the entrance, scanning the bleachers. Piper waved to her, and Kelly spotted her, giving her a beaming smile as she made her way to where Piper was sitting.

Piper moved the sweater as Kelly reached them, and her friend sat down, surprising Piper by giving her a hug. “Hey, girl! You look hot.” She looked down and noticed Kelly’s hand was bandaged up. “What happened there?”

Laughing, she nudged Piper’s shoulder. “You look hot, too. And this?” She waved it off. “I fell leaving the house. You know me,” she said with a laugh.

Piper shook her head. “You have two left feet. Have you met Amelia?” she asked, gesturing to her other side.

“No, I haven’t,” Kelly replied, her expression curious.

“Kelly, this is Amelia. She owns the Anderson ranch now. Amelia, this is my friend Kelly. We were best friends growing up.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Kelly said, sticking her hand out to Amelia for a shake.

“It’s nice to meet you, as well,” Amelia replied, shaking her hand.

“Oh, I love your accent,” Kelly gushed to Amelia. In a whisper to Piper, she said, “I like her already.”

Shaking her head with a smile, Piper turned her attention back to the ring as the fight ended. The announcer called Seth and Kian’s name, and the crowd around them went wild, cheering in anticipation. She glanced around in surprise. The response to the other fighters had been tepid at best, and she hadn’t been expecting this level of reaction.

“I told you. Even the patrons agree with me about the Rocky River fighters,” Amelia said when she caught Piper’s eye, smiling broadly as she turned her attention to Seth.

The fight began and Piper watched with growing shock. This fight was nothing like the two before it, and she winced as Seth landed a particularly brutal blow. The two fighters went at each other hard, and it was disturbing and fascinating all at the same time. If this was the level of skill Jax would be up against, how could he not get hurt?

“Oh my, this is hard to watch,” Kelly said, drawing Piper’s attention. “People are actually entertained by this? I’m having a hard time understanding why.”

She didn’t seem to expect a reply, and Piper was grateful for it. The fight was intense, brutal, and bloody, but she could absolutely see the appeal. She’d be here every Saturday night if she still lived in Eagle Creek.

The fight finally ended, Kian declared the winner, and Jax and Ian were announced. Piper straightened in her seat, breath catching as she watched Jax walk into the ring. He was wearing shorts and nothing else, and she ran her eyes up and down his body. Dear Lord, he was the hottest thing she’d ever seen.

Shifting in her seat, she pressed her thighs together as her core tingled and tightened, positive she was getting wet just from looking at him. No man had ever affected her like he did, and she knew none ever would. Something about Jax drew her on a level no other man could touch.

“Are you sure you’re over him?” came Kelly’s amused voice from beside her. “Because it doesn’t look like it. You look like you’d eat him up right now if he was standing in front of you.”

Exhaling, Piper glanced over and shook her head. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I should be over him. I should hate him, and a part of me still does. But there’s this bigger part of me that can’t help but want him.”

Kelly’s smile faded a bit as she searched Piper’s eyes. “You talk like you’ve made up your mind about getting involved with him again. I’m glad. You and Jax are the only two people I’ve ever known who truly loved each other. A love like that isn’t easy to find. Trust me, I know.”

“I haven’t decided anything for sure yet,” she answered, blowing out a breath as she looked at Jax again. “But I won’t lie—a big part of me wants to.”

“Well, I support you, no matter what you decide. But I still say you two are meant for each other,” Kelly declared, patting Piper’s hand. She looked toward the ring and glared in Jax’s direction. “But he’ll have me to answer to if he hurts you again.”

Piper smiled at the threat against a man like Jax coming from someone like Kelly, but her friend’s voice was fierce, and Piper knew she meant every word.

“Thanks, Kel. I appreciate it a lot,” she replied.

Amelia touched her on the arm, drawing her attention. “I’m going to go on back and see Seth, if that’s all right with you.”

Waving her off, Piper said, “Sure, that’s fine. Thanks for keeping me company.”

“Anytime,” Amelia replied, smiling before making her way down the bleachers.

Turning back to the ring, she watched as Jax and Ian bumped fists before stepping back. Then quick as a lightning strike, Jax threw his fist at Ian’s face, connecting with a powerful blow Piper swore she heard from where she sat. And from there, it was on.

Her concern for Jax disappeared as she watched the fight unfold. He was focused and precise, not backing down an inch, striking quick as a snake. He used his whole body, throwing his weight behind his punches and kicks, defensive when he needed to be, but on the offensive for the whole fight.

He dominated it. He was a beast. He was amazing. He was fucking hot.

It came as no surprise that he won the fight. Even after he started to walk back to the stalls, she was still frozen in awe. She remembered him saying once when they were younger that he wanted to fight. And look at him now. He’d not only learned to fight, but he’d become the best in the process.

He paused at the edge of the walkway and turned, searching her out. When he found her, he gestured for her to come on back, and then he disappeared.

“Looks like he wants to celebrate his win with you,” Kelly said mischievously.

Lips quirking, Piper said, “We rode over here together. He probably just wants to leave.”

“Yeah, right,” Kelly snorted. “You’re not fooling me with that. I’m gonna head on home, but you go get ‘em, tiger. Literally,” she said with a wink, eyes twinkling.

Laughing, Piper waved as Kelly stood and made her way down the bleachers, and then stood with a sigh. She felt incredibly nervous about seeing Jax again after her earlier thoughts, but it wasn’t like he’d know what she was thinking. And she needed to forget about it for now. She still didn’t know if she wanted to start things again with him.

But she knew she needed to make up her mind soon. Things were moving fast, and she needed to put a halt to it now, if that was really what she wanted.

Jax pulled his shirt down over his head just as Piper knocked on the side of the stall, peeking around the edge. Smiling, he gestured her forward.

“I’m dressed now, and decent. At least in body,” he said, winking.

Seemingly flustered, she looked around the stall. “Did everyone leave already?”

“Yep, a minute ago.”

“Oh,” she said softly before walking closer and finally looking him in the eyes. “You were amazing out there. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Thanks,” he replied, resisting the urge to puff up like a rooster.

“Remember when we were kids, and you said you wanted to learn how to fight? You did it. Not only learned how, but you kick ass at it. Literally,” she said with a laugh. “I’m proud of you, Jax.”

His heart did this weird melty thing in his chest, and feeling like a twelve-year-old girl, he shrugged. “I just worked hard, is all. You did it, too, Pippy. You always wanted to be an artist. And now you sell your paintings all over the place. I’m proud of you, too.”

“I guess we both realized our dreams,” she said with a grin.

“Some of them,” he said, stepping forward and cupping her cheek. “But not the most important one.”

Leaning into his touch, she gazed up at him with big violet eyes, and he knew she understood what he meant. She gave an almost imperceptible nod, and his heart leapt in his chest. Bending down, he kissed her lips softly, and then with increasing intensity. When he pulled back, they were both fighting for air, and her eyes were hazy.

Smiling, his eagle soaring high inside him, he said, “Let’s get you home.”

She just nodded, and he turned to grab his gym bag, throwing the strap over his shoulder and guiding her to his truck. The drive to her house was made in silence, the air between them taut with meaning and understanding. He felt like she was finally giving in to him, to her feelings. Finally giving the go ahead to move things along, and the relief he felt would have been enough to knock him on his ass if he wasn’t already sitting.

Pulling up to her house, he got out at the same time she did. Meeting her at the front of the truck to walk with her to the door, he frowned at the strong smell of freshly turned dirt, looking around for the source.

“What the fuck?” Piper hissed, leaving his side and jetting up the sidewalk.

Frowning after her, he noticed what had her upset, and took off after. Standing beside her, they both stared at the bottom of the porch steps. Both of the flower pots that bracketed the top of the porch stairs were smashed, lying broken on the sidewalk.

“Who would—oh my God, Snickers.” Rushing forward before he could stop her, she tried the door knob. “Still locked,” she muttered, digging for her keys.

Quickly putting his hand over hers, he gently pried the keys from her fingers. “Being locked doesn’t mean they didn’t get inside. Let me go in. You stay out here until I get done searching the house.”

“You’re out of your ever lovin’ delusional damned mind if you think I’m standing out here in the dark while you search the house. Besides, I have to check on Snickers. Have to, Jackson Brody.”

Seeing the wisdom in her words, he nodded. “Okay, but you stick right next to me while I check out the house. I mean, stuck to me like glue, Piper Jasmine.”

“Okay, fine, whatever. Just open the fucking door so I can check on my dog!”

Noting the rising hysteria in her voice, he quickly unlocked the door. “Stay close,” he reminded as they walked inside.

No sooner had he shut the door than he heard the clicking of toenails on the floor rushing toward them. Watching as Piper fell to her knees and scooped up her dog, he found a smile despite his worry and fury. He was happier than he would admit that Snickers was okay. Losing him would have devastated Piper, but to Jax’s surprise, he was genuinely fond of the weird looking little dog.

He gave her a moment before touching her shoulder. “I really need to check the house, make sure no one is in here.”

Nodding, she let the dog go and stood, grabbing his belt as she walked next to him. “I feel ridiculous. I shouldn’t need a man to protect me.”

“But you do, right this moment,” he said softly, checking the office. “Cammie would probably teach you to fight, after the baby’s born. She likes doing that shit.”

“I didn’t know she was pregnant,” she whispered as he checked the half bath. “Or that she was a fighter. Is she any good?”

Snorting quietly, Jax checked to make sure both doors in the kitchen were still locked. “Hell yeah. She can beat us guys when she wants to.”

“That’s impressive. You guys are hella good.”

They fell quiet after that as he finished checking the downstairs. It was all clear, so they made their way upstairs, and he checked it all thoroughly, even looking in the closets. They were alone.

“Whoever it was didn’t get inside,” he said as they walked back down the stairs. “They just broke the flower pots.”

She came to a stop and looked sadly toward the front porch. “Those were my grandmother’s. She bought them the day she and grandpa moved in. This is fucked up. And who comes over just to smash flower pots? I don’t get any of this.”

“They’re just fucking with you, for whatever reason. We won’t know why until we catch them, and trust me, Piper, we will catch them,” he said, staring into her eyes. “I’ll buy you new flower pots. I’ll buy you a thousand if it’ll get the smile back on your face.”

“I appreciate it, but it wouldn’t be the same,” she replied, eyes sad. “And what smile? It’s not like I’ve given you many since we saw each other again.”

Eyes drilling into hers, he stepped close and touched her cheek. “Yeah, the curse to smile ratio is large right now. But I’m determined to change that, Piper. I’m going to give you every reason to smile at me again, I promise you. The only time you’ll be cursing at me is when we’re in bed, and you’re begging me to go faster, harder, give you more.”

Piper’s mouth popped open, and she stared at him for a moment, eyes dazed. Shaking her head, she gave a shaky laugh. “In your dreams, St. James.” She hesitated before she spoke again. “I’m really glad you were with me tonight. Boss Bitch or not, I would have freaked out if I saw that when I was alone.”

“I’m glad I was here too. And it is in my dreams, Pippy, but I’m going to do everything in my power to make it our reality,” he replied, voice gravelly as he locked eyes with her. Thoughts and feelings shot back and forth between the two of them, garnering intensity with every volley, and just as he was about to step forward, she looked away and cleared her throat.

“Yes, well. I should probably let Snickers out now,” she said, a hint of breathlessness in her voice.

Stopping her before she walked away, he said, “Wait. Let me check out the backyard, make sure there aren’t any holes.”

Nodding, she stepped aside to let him pass, and he quickly went outside, making short work of checking the fence line. Relieved to find nothing tampered with, he walked back in, shutting the door and locking it behind him. Piper was in the kitchen, holding something in her fingers as she frowned down at where Snickers was chewing his paws.

“What’s wrong?” he asked with a frown of his own.

Holding up the object in her hand, she said, “He’s chewing on his paws. Really going at them. He only does that when he’s eaten chicken. He’s allergic. I never give him any. I think whoever dug the hole to let him out gave him chicken to encourage him to leave the backyard. That’s the only time it could have happened.”

Squinting, he looked closer at the curved object in her hand. “Is that a claw?”

She nodded grimly. “Yep. He’ll bite and tug at his nails and literally pull them out after he has chicken. I’m gonna skin the motherfucker alive who did this.”

Shuddering at the image, he cast a concerned look at Snickers. “Will he be okay? Do we need to take him to the vet?”

With a sigh, she tossed the dog claw in the garbage. “No. His allergy isn’t life threatening, and he won’t get sick. But tell me that pulling his claw out isn’t painful. Imagine doing it to one of your talons.”

“No, I get it,” he said, repressing the image of his eagle doing it to his talons. It was enough to give a lesser man nightmares. “Okay. Here are your options. You can come home with me, or I can stay here with you. Choose.”

“Ain’t no man fucking telling me what to do ever again, Jax. Fuck. That,” she spat, glaring at him.

“Whoa,” he said quickly, holding up his hands. “Please calm down. I’m not trying to control you here, Piper. Your decisions are your own, and you get to decide what you do. But you have to see that those are the only options available until we catch the son of a bitch who’s doing this. And you have the right to veto both of those, but just be aware, I will sleep on your porch if that’s what it takes to make sure you’re protected.”

Shoulders slumping as the ire left her eyes, she nodded wearily. “I know you didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry. I’m just tired and frustrated.”

Jax studied her, taking in the strain around her gorgeous violet eyes. “I understand, Piper. So what’s it going to be? Stay here, come home with me, or me sleeping on the porch.”

A smirk appeared on her face. “I should make you sleep on the porch. Paybacks are a bitch, after all.”

Shrugging, he said, “I’m okay with that. As long as I’m here to watch over you.”

He started to turn to leave the room, smiling as she laughed. “No, you’re not sleeping on the porch. But I’m not being run out of my home for a second night, so you can stay here. There are a couple guest rooms to choose from.”

He nodded, relieved. He would have slept on the porch and been grateful to be here in case she needed him, but he really wanted to be in here with her. “I have a change of clothes in my gym bag. I’m gonna go grab it. Do you mind if I get a shower?”

“No, go ahead. I’ll make a room up while you’re showering.”

Nodding, he gave her a smile and went outside to grab his bag. Piper was taking care of Snickers when he came back in, and he headed up the stairs to the hall bathroom to shower. Barely waiting long enough for the water to warm, he jumped in, already anxious to see Piper again.

Not taking the time to enjoy the hot water the way he normally did, he washed and rinsed in a hurry, then turned the water off. Grabbing a towel, he dried off before stepping out to dress in the spare jogging pants and shirt he always kept in his bag. He’d never needed them before, and a couple times he almost took them out. He was grateful he’d kept them now.

Opening the door, he looked around. There was a door open with the light on, and he walked in to find the bed made up and waiting on him. But that wasn’t what he wanted. Dropping his bag on the floor, he walked back out. The door across the hall had a light shining under it, and he could hear noises inside. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door and opened it before Piper could call out.

It wasn’t something he would normally do, but he knew she was softening toward him. He also knew she was still hesitating. And if he didn’t take the initiative, she’d continue to hesitate. And he couldn’t allow that. He was scared that if he did, she’d talk herself right out of giving them another chance.

He spotted her right away, standing in front of the vanity, rubbing lotion into her arms. She was in tiny pajama shorts and a tank with the words Nerdy Dirty Inked And Curvy. Her face was bare of makeup, and his breath caught at the sight of her. She was fucking hot when she had her makeup done, matching her inner badass. But she was soft and gorgeous without it, more beautiful than a woman had a right to be.


She certainly is, Jax thought, agreeing with his eagle.

“What are you doing in here?” she asked, eyes wide and conflicted. “Your room is down the hall. I thought it would be obvious which one was yours.”

“It was,” he said, voice deepening and becoming gravelly. “But that’s not where I want to be. And I don’t think it’s where you want me, either.”

He moved forward as he spoke, not stopping until he was right in front of her, feeling the heat of her body seeping into his. She stared up into his eyes, her own soft, luminous, and still conflicted.

Reaching up, he trailed his fingers down her cheek. “If you really want me to leave, I will. I’ll turn around, walk out of here, and go back to my room. We can both sleep alone. Just say the word.”

Swallowing hard, she searched his eyes and whispered one tiny word that packed a heavy punch. “Stay.”

Jax reacted instantly, yanking her into his arms and crushing his mouth to hers. He gave her long, open-mouthed kisses, then sucked her bottom lip before plunging his tongue inside her mouth. Moaning, she wrapped her arms around his neck and fisted his shirt in her hands, tangling her tongue with his.

They went at each other’s mouths while his skin tightened and his blood quickly went from a simmer to a boil. He suckled, tongue ring and all, while she dug her fingers in his shoulders, body writhing against his.

Pulling back, he slid his lips across her jaw and bit down on her ear lobe before making his way down her neck, sucking gently. Reaching the junction of her neck and shoulder, he nipped harder, stopping to bite before caressing on her skin again.

“You’re going to give me a hickey,” she moaned out, moving her body restlessly against his.

“Do you care?” he murmured against her skin.

“Fuck no. Don’t stop.”

Smiling, he continued his efforts while sliding his hand from her waist to her breast. Finding her nipple, already hard and standing at attention, he flicked it hard, tugging on the bar piercing. Gasping, she thrust her hips into his in a move that had him groaning and pulling away from her neck to curse.

Ignoring her protests at the loss of his mouth on her, he grabbed her hand and tugged her over to the bed. She quickly shut up and complied when she realized what he was doing, and once the backs of her knees were pressed against the mattress, he let her go, quickly pulling his shirt over his head. Dick throbbing at the way she hungrily stared at his chest, he grasped the hem of her tank and pulled it over her head.

Breath whooshing from his lungs at the sight of her bare chest, he leaned over and sucked her nipple in his mouth, his hand coming up to play with the other. He flicked her erect nipple with his tongue while his fingers grasped her piercing, using it to tug and twist her nipple.

“Oh yes, holy shit, Jax. My God… no one’s ever…”

Her voice trailed off, and he was glad for it. He had zero desire to hear about what any other man had done to her. Sliding his hand down, he pushed it into her shorts, cupping her mound and growling when he felt how wet she was already.

Unable to wait any fucking longer, he shoved her shorts and panties off before pushing her down on the bed. She gasped, bouncing twice, and before she could settle in, he threw her legs over his shoulders and buried his face between her thighs.

The first taste of her as he swiped his tongue up her center was pure bliss. Moaning, she fell back to the bed, her fingers grasping the short strands of his hair and tugging hard. Not feeling the pain, he ran his tongue around her clit for a moment before plunging it inside her, then making the trip back up to her clit. Circling soft and slow at first, he increased the speed and pressure, then sucked her swollen nub into his mouth.

Back arching and hips undulating, Piper let out a long, breathless moan, and he knew she was close. Thank the good Lord, too, because his spine was tingling and his balls were tight, and he wasn’t going to last much longer. Renewing his assault, he flicked her clit fast and hard, and moments later, she was coming, her body convulsing and her thighs tightening around his head.

Lunging up, he wiped her wetness from his chin and kissed her hard, pouring all the passion he felt into it as he shoved his pants down and kicked them off. She allowed the kiss for a moment before she yanked him down on the bed, shoving him onto his back and raining kisses on his face and throat. She licked her way down his chest, but when she got to his belly button, he grasped her arms and pulled her up, reversing their positions.

“No,” he panted. “I’m too close. If I feel your hot mouth on me, if I feel that fucking tongue ring touch my dick, I’m a goner. I don’t have the willpower to handle more. Last night was the first time for me in longer than I care to think about, and I’m still too close to the edge. And I want more. I need you, Piper.”

Eyes wide and chest heaving, she nodded, letting her legs fall open. Settling between them, he leaned down to kiss her again, lining himself up at her entrance and surging forward with one hard thrust. They both froze, and Jax gritted out a curse, desperately trying to keep some control.

Pulling out slowly, he thrust hard back inside, his eyes rolling closed at the feel of her hot walls gripping him tightly. She wrapped her legs around him, her heels digging into his ass as he repeated the motion. Over and over, trying to keep the pace the same, but he could feel his control slipping, and soon he was pounding into her with no rhythm or finesse at all.

But she didn’t seem to mind, her nails raking down his back and her hips meeting him thrust for thrust as she moaned in his ear. Feeling his balls tighten to the point of pain, Jax adjusted his position, never letting up on his pace, and put his thumb to her clit, rubbing hard and fast circles around it.

“Oh fuck, Jax, just like that. Don’t… stop…”

Thrusting into her so hard she scooted up the mattress, he moved his thumb directly over her clit. With a high pitched keening noise, Piper came, her hot walls convulsing around his dick. The sensation shot through him, and with a shout, he came, spilling himself inside her, his thrusts becoming erratic as his vision blackened around the edges.

His hips slowly eased to a stop, and he rested there, fighting to draw in air with his forehead pressed to her chest. She was panting, little aftershocks making her shiver and him groan, running her fingers through his hair and down his back. Gently easing out of her with a sigh of pleasure, he laid on the bed and pulled her into his arms.

Their breathing slowly calmed, and he stroked his hand down her arm as she snuggled in tighter, her head resting on his chest. His eyes were beginning to fall closed when she spoke.

“What did you mean by, it’s been a long time for you? You said something like that last night, too. You’re fucking gorgeous, Jax, and you’re a fighter as well a songwriter with number one hits under your belt. Surely you’ve had women throwing themselves at you. How is it even possible that it’s been a while for you? I would have thought you got laid every few days, if not more.”

Freezing for a moment, Jax blew out a breath and briefly closed his eyes. There was no reason not to tell her. He wanted nothing between them, even truths that didn’t affect their relationship, one way or another. Concentrating on the feel of her fingers tracing the tattoo on his pec, he took a deep breath.

“There hasn’t been anyone since you, Pippy. I’ve never had any interest or desire in any other woman but you. Sleeping with someone else would have just been meaningless and empty, even if I could have made myself. And I couldn’t begin to even try to do it. So the last time I had sex was eight years ago, with you.”