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Flaunt (F-Word Book 1) by E. Davies (11)



Being approached by Kyle was enough of a surprise. Being led to dance with him? Nic was stunned.

He had just been planning his graceful escape and slow approach—maybe he’d flirt with Kyle a little next week, take a few weeks to suggest getting a drink for him

But Kyle was here, shimmying against him on the dance floor, his arms looped around his shoulders, his gaze dripping with innuendo every time he looked Nic over.

Right here, sweeping him away to a whole new world again.

Nic was beginning to suspect that Kyle was exactly the force of nature he craved tonight. Nobody else had caught his eye all night, even when he’d tried to look for someone.

So being singled out, having Kyle look him over like he was deciding his best approach, was making Nic’s cheeks burn. His brain was paralyzed with shock, amazed pleasure, and… desire.

Oh, yeah. He wasn’t immune to Kyle’s charms, even if he knew Kyle was deliberately turning them on him. With Kyle’s hands gripping him, channeling the thrum of desire that ran through him, it was an easy decision to put his hands on Kyle.

The second he did, he knew he was lost.

Only a matter of time, a few songs, more brushing of their bodies, more moments of getting lost in that intense eye contact that never seemed to end

And then they were kissing.

Kyle’s lips were warm and soft, but his kisses were intense. The air left Nic’s lungs and gravity itself seemed to shift to center Kyle. Nic was floating, pulled out of his world, hands fisted in Kyle’s shirt as he desperately pressed into him.

Their cocks ground, and Nic’s cheeks flushed as he pulled back.

Kyle pressed forward, stumbling into him and running his hand through Nic’s hair. He gripped lightly before letting go, a spark of mischief in his eyes. “We should go somewhere private.”

Nic nearly leapt with joy. He wants me! “Yes. God, yes.”

It felt like he was caught up in Kyle’s wake as Kyle gripped his hand. Their fingers laced, and Nic held on tight so he wouldn’t get swept away as they pushed their way through the growing crowd toward the exit.

Kyle didn’t even stop to say goodbye to his friends.

With us both going missing at the same time, everyone’s going to know. Oh, hell. I don’t care. I want them to know he… chose me.

Probably not for more than a night. This was probably just a fling. But a guy could hope, and it felt like the whole world stopped when Kyle looked at him like this.

As it turned out, Kyle lived closer than Nic and the taxi ride to Kyle’s place passed in a flash. The apartment building exterior didn’t look welcoming, especially at night, but Kyle took Nic’s hand to pull him along.

They were in a bubble, safe from the rest of their thoughts and worries as they focused only on tonight.

The courtyard looked neater than the exterior, and Nic breathed in the cool, fresh air from the tropical plants. A few palm trees stretched up to the second floor, where Kyle’s apartment was.

Kyle dropped his hand to unlock the door, then pushed it open and held it for Nic, his hand resting in the small of his back in the sexiest fucking possessive move.

Before Nic could even express his appreciation, Kyle stepped in afterward and flicked the hall light on. “God, you’re sexy.”

Nic knew he was blushing, but he offered a bright smile, too. “Yeah? Glad you, um, like the nerdy boy look.”

“Don’t undersell yourself,” Kyle advised him, his words as certain and confident as ever. Nic would kill for a fraction of that confidence. Their shoes were off now, and they were stumbling for the bedroom. “You look at me with those pretty eyes and it makes me want to do the filthiest things to you.”

Nic was thrumming with pent-up desire again, and he let a moan slip from his throat. This must be Kyle’s bedroom—gorgeous, big double bed, but not much else in the room.

He pulled Kyle in by the waist, brushing their noses together affectionately before capturing his lips for a brief kiss. “I gotta tell you something.”

“You’re a virgin.” Kyle mock-gasped. “I’ll warn you, I rarely believe that… and almost never the second time.”

“Ha ha.” At least a bit of the tension in Nic’s chest uncoiled at the second of levity Kyle brought to the moment. “No, I’m trans.”

The usual second of surprise worked its way through Kyle’s expression while the tension nearly killed Nic, and then Kyle nodded. “Do you top? Bottom? What does this mean in terms of… what you want from me?”

Nic wasn’t sure anyone had ever taken it so casually and turned it into these questions: what he wanted, not who he was.

He might have loved Kyle a little for it.

“I still want you to fuck me. But my cock’s pretty small. So, just a heads-up.”

Kyle’s grin was back, and he pecked Nic’s lips. “Every guy worries about that. All I want is to make you come so hard you scream my name. Think I can do that?” Kyle’s thumb traced Nic’s jaw slowly, teasing the hairs along his jaw but not touching skin.

“I… please,” Nic whimpered as heat flushed through him. His cock was throbbing, his heart pounding… he was falling into Kyle all over again.

“Let me see you, then. Anything else you want me to know?” Kyle whispered, gripping Nic by the hips to maneuver him to the bed.

Nic licked his lips and shook his head, unbuttoning his shirt. The distinctive double scars across his chest under his nipples had faded to white by now, but there was still no missing them. “I guess… testing-wise… I haven’t been laid in too fucking long, but I got tested since then and. Um. Nothing. So.” Totally just admitted I haven’t fucked anyone in too long. Smooth.

Kyle nodded, his eyes gleaming with amusement. “Do you give every guy that speech?”

Nic hesitated, then shook his head. “I try to. Sometimes I don’t ask. If someone’s into me, I…” Shit. This could get way personal, way fast. He decided not to get into it. “I just see how it goes.”

“I appreciate it,” Kyle murmured, kissing him lightly and swaying with him. “If it matters, I’m negative for everything, too, as of a month ago. And I haven’t done anything risky since.”

“Oh. Cool.” Kyle made it sound so casual. So easy to talk to him.

And then Kyle was pushing him to the bed, straddling him and running his hands down his chest and stomach. “You feel anything in your nipples? Are they too sensitive?”

“You’ve fucked a trans guy before,” Nic surmised in a whisper, raising his brow. He shed his shirt and tossed it aside. That was too specific for just anyone to think of. “I… yeah, I feel things. I like it when—nnh! Fuck.”

Kyle was running his thumb around Nic’s nipple slowly, teasing the nerves to life. “Good. And I have, if it matters. Ooh, they’re big. That’s hot. Christ, your chest muscles are ripped.”

“Cool.” Nic had been pretty sure Kyle wouldn’t just give him a boner-killer moment, but this upgraded his status from please fuck me now to please please please you’re perfect. “They are. I work out a lot. Gives me something to do.”

Kyle didn’t just sweep him off his feet—he made him feel safe in his current.

Nic grabbed Kyle’s shirt and pulled at it while Kyle laughed, stripping it off as fast as he could. The lean torso and dark fuzz along his chest caught his eye, and he licked his lips.

“I want you now,” Kyle breathed out, unzipping his own jeans and pulling them off. He was hard in his underwear, the distinctive thick line of a hard cock pressing against the thin fabric. “Can I suck your dick?”

Kyle didn’t even know what to expect, since he hadn’t asked about bottom surgery. That meant… he cared about making Nic feel good. Nic closed his eyes for a second to let the excitement wash through him, then moaned, “God, yes.”

He was hard, too, and Kyle’s firm palm running down over his crotch made his hips reflexively jolt and push up into him.

“Easy, boy,” Kyle teased, unbuckling Nic’s belt and unzipping his jeans. He pulled the fabric down to his thighs so Nic could take over and kick them off, but left on his underwear so far.

Instead of going straight down, Kyle braced himself on one arm over Nic to kiss at his neck and throat, then worked his way down.

“Oh, fuck,” Nic breathed as Kyle’s hot tongue trailed along his skin, igniting a burning line under his skin from throat to chest. It turned into a throaty groan of desire when lips flicked over his nipple. He squirmed, pressing his cock into Kyle’s hip and grinding in quick, needy movements.

It was like a direct line to his dick, a promise of things to come, when the wet warmth closed around his nipple and sucked hard.

Nic jolted and gasped, his hands flying to Kyle’s shoulders to dig his nails in and squeeze. “Yes!”

“Mmm,” Kyle moaned, the faint vibrations echoed in the trembling of Nic’s body. He swirled his tongue around, then rapidly flicked the tip over the sensitive nub.

Nic squeezed his eyes shut with how fucking good that felt. “Kyle, please…” he moaned, grinding harder in a quick rhythm. “Please. Fuck. Oh, fuck…”

“You’re so sensitive,” Kyle whispered, sounding delighted. “God, I’d love to tie you down and tease you… all… fucking… night.” He punctuated each word by pressing an open-mouthed kiss against his chest.

Kyle breathed the last word out over Nic’s other nipple, then closed his lips and sucked it firmly into his mouth, flicking his other fingertip over Nic’s still-damp nipple.

Nic whimpered open-mouthed, choking his sound of desire when he ran out of breath. “Yes…!”

“Mm,” Kyle gasped. “Oh, you’re a fun one.”

Nic nearly covered his face from embarrassment at the way Kyle told him that. Just knowing Kyle found him irresistible made him feel appreciated. It would put a spring in his step for weeks.

Kyle was kissing his hipbone and stomach, licking his way down the treasure trail. He pressed his lips against the fabric over Nic’s throbbing shaft, and Nic grabbed Kyle’s hair.

“Oh, man,” Kyle whispered, hooking his thumb into Nic’s underwear to drag it down to his thighs. He kissed along Nic’s inner thigh. “You make me wanna lick your cock until you’re whimpering for me.”

Up close, Nic’s cock looked like any other small cock, his balls heavy in Kyle’s hand as Kyle cupped them. It wasn’t quite long or thick enough to easily fuck. And still, Kyle was looking at him with those hot, lidded eyes.

Nic breathed out heavily as his dick twitched under Kyle’s lustful gaze. “Fuck, please. Yes, fuck… fuck, please…” He’d do or say just about anything to get that hot mouth on him.

“Are you comfortable without a condom?”

“None fit me anyway,” Nic breathed a quick laugh. Finger cots were too small, most condoms off the shelf too big, dental dams meant for flatter body parts. “So, yeah.”

Kyle frowned, rubbing his thumb along Nic’s shaft to the head and circling it slowly. “Christ. I hadn’t even thought…” He looked sheepish. “And Plus… wow.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Nic brushed it off. They could talk about Kyle’s work later, when he wasn’t five seconds from having Kyle’s pretty lips wrapped around his dick.

Kyle smirked at the urgency in his voice. “You need me that much, don’t you? You’re so hard.” He slowly rubbed his fingers up Nic’s shaft, playing with his foreskin, then back down again. “Fuck, you’re hot.”

Kyle,” Nic begged, out of breath and out of patience. “Please.”

The moan that slipped from Kyle’s throat sent shudders through Nic, but they paled in comparison to the surge of desire that made his thighs tremble and his stomach muscles tense. His whole body drew tight. For half a second, he thought he’d come on the spot.

Nic’s nerves were on fire as Kyle’s tongue circled the head of his cock and flicked over it. “Yes! Oh my fuck—” he gasped.

Kyle slowly drew his head up and down, pulling the shaft between his lips as he bobbed his head.

Nic couldn’t help his little moans of need as Kyle sucked hard, the wet sounds making his cheeks flush. “Oh, fuck, yes. Oh my God. Kyle…”

Kyle flicked his tongue around and along the underside of his cock, then the head again. He palmed Nic’s balls in the other, teasing the insides of his thighs. Every little prickle of pleasant sensation made Nic’s taut muscles vibrate, making him arch off the bed and squirm again.

Kyle slowly pulled his mouth off Nic, ignoring Nic’s moan. “God, you’re sensitive. And so,” Kyle licked the underside of Nic’s cock from base to tip, “damn,” he suckled on the head for a moment, “hot.” He blew lightly across it.

“Fuck. Fuuuck,” Nic groaned, grabbing Kyle’s hair and tangling his hands in it. It was all he could do not to shove himself back into Kyle’s mouth. “I need it, baby. Please. Fuck. I’m so close… I wanna come before you fuck me.”

His self-consciousness was gone. There was nothing left to be shy about when his dick was red and throbbing, Kyle’s lips swollen and pink, both of them panting with desire as they writhed together on the bed.

“God, yes,” Kyle breathed out hoarsely. When he sucked Nic into his mouth again, this time, he meant business. Fast and hard, he bobbed his head, keeping the wet, tight pressure while running his tongue across the head nonstop.

“I can’t…” Nic started to gasp, but it was too late. His climax blinded him, making him push back into the mattress with his shoulders as he thrust into Kyle’s mouth with each shuddering clench.

Waves of pleasure hit him like the hurricane that was Kyle, blotting out every thought except how fucking incredible Kyle’s hands were, how filthy good his mouth was. And naturally, Kyle swallowed, because he couldn’t get any more perfect.

When Nic’s moans subsided, his thighs still trembling, Nic collapsed onto the mattress again, letting go of his grip on Kyle’s hair. “S-Sorry. If that was… rough.”

“Fucking Jesus, you’re hot,” Kyle breathed out, his eyes wide but dark with desire. “That was… fuck. I didn’t know you could, uh…”

“Come? Yeah.” Nic’s head spun as he grinned at Kyle. “Sorry. Tried to warn you. You were too good. Thank you. Shit. I can’t…” His brain was in that disjointed, fuzzy place where his pleasure was making him giddy, his thoughts hard to corral.

Kyle licked his lips and grinned back. “The pleasure’s all mine.” He hooked his thumbs into his underwear and pulled them down, his cock springing free.

Oh, that was big… and thick. And looking in dire need of attention.

“It is now,” Nic breathed out, drawing his knees up and spreading his legs.

“You take your time.”

“No. Now,” Nic ordered. He wanted to be filled by that manhood as soon as possible.

As Kyle scooted up his body and over to the bedside table to grab lube, Nic grabbed his wrist. “No condom.”

Kyle stared at him. “What? Are you sure?”

“Yeah.” Unsaid was the, I trust you, of all people, to be honest.

Kyle read it in his face anyway, and his expression softened. “You don’t have to…”

“I know,” Nic snorted. “This isn’t… gratitude or desperation. You choose, but I want it. I never get to do this.”

“Me neither,” Kyle admitted, half-smiling. “And I did just suck you off without one, for the first time in forever… what’s gotten into me?”

“Hopefully me, sometime,” Nic winked as Kyle’s lean, wet fingers slid into him.

Kyle’s cheeks turned red, and then he laughed. “Okay then. Yeah. We’ll see.”

“Yeah?” Nic’s cheeks heated up. He wanted to be marked as Kyle’s, fucked hard and left wet. If this was one night, he was going to make it count.

Hell, yeah,” Kyle winked, and Nic shivered with delight. It was Kyle. Kyle sent all the filthiest thoughts straight to his head, and he couldn’t stop himself.

The head of Kyle’s cock pressed at Nic’s opening, and Kyle ground against Nic’s cock, blanketing his body with his weight. He was going to be hard again within minutes if Kyle fucked him like he looked like he meant to.

Filled by every inch, Nic choked back his gasps so he could hear Kyle’s quiet moans. He was hot and thick and perfect. He squirmed and curled his toes into the bed, grabbing Kyle around the shoulders to haul him down until their chests crushed together.

“Hi,” Kyle breathlessly laughed with surprise as Nic hitched up one knee to slide his leg around Kyle’s upper thighs. “Jesus, you make me wanna fuck you through the bed,” he whispered, pressing his lips against Nic’s jaw and behind his ear.

“Hnnh!” Nic’s thighs twitched, heat flushing his face as Kyle flicked his tongue along the sensitive earlobe. “Fuck!”

“You like that, huh?” Kyle whispered, pushing his hips into motion at long fucking last. “Maybe I can make you come again…”

Nic nodded slightly, his nails digging into Kyle’s back as he ran his hands down to the small of his back.

Kyle thrust, slow and steady at first, the heat pressing deep into Nic and then out again, leaving him with a twinge of disappointment and need each time. That pace didn’t last, though. He was too desperate. His breathing was heavy against Nic’s neck, his body trembling with tension.

“Fuck me, baby,” Nic breathed out, slapping Kyle’s firm ass. God, what a great smack sound it made, ringing out through the room. Then he pulled Kyle close again so his cock ground against Kyle’s stomach, grunting with pleasure. With a few minutes having passed, the oversensitive stage was over. He was stirring to life again. It was always trickier to get off the second time—way harder than it had been years ago—but with enough effort, he could sometimes manage it.

And with the smoking hot visuals he had right now.

Kyle obediently braced himself on an elbow above Nic’s head, shifting his weight, then drove into him hard and fast.

“Yes!” Nic whimpered, his arms locking around Kyle’s back while Kyle moaned and gasped for breath close to his ear. He wanted Kyle’s thick, throbbing manhood in him all fucking day.

“I’m so close, baby. Watching you… and feeling you get hard again…” Kyle panted for breath. “You want me to come in you or on you?”

“In me,” Nic whispered instantly, squeezing Kyle’s ass again. He slid one palm between them so he could grab his own dick and start jerking hard and fast.

Kyle’s gaze flickered down between their bodies for a moment, and then his cheeks turned even redder. “Oh my God, yes!”

Nic turned his head to catch his lips for a hot, wet kiss. He only had to tease the tip of Kyle’s tongue with his own and suck on his lower lip for a few moments before Kyle was pulling back, his eyes widening.

“I’m—baby…!” Kyle’s nails dug into his shoulder and his hip as he thrust hard, and suddenly erratically. “Yes… yes, Nic, oh, fuck…”

And Nic was wetter than ever. Each quick thrust of Kyle’s hips only added to the mess, and he thought he might die happy when Kyle finally slid out of him and collapsed on him.

He jerked himself off hard, knocking away Kyle’s hand when Kyle tried to reach between them. “My turn.”

Kyle laughed softly and instead rolled onto his side to watch, running his toes up Nic’s leg. “Fucking fuck, that’s hot.”

It took Nic a few more minutes before his body could manage it, but then he growled with pleasure. He replayed every moment he’d just experienced, squeezing his eyes shut.

Then it hit. Pleasure blinded Nic for a few long moments and he came, arching off the bed.

Kyle’s hands ran along his thigh and side, the back of his knuckles along his jaw. Nic’s muscles were already tight and twitching, but now his nerves were on fire from every little touch, and he didn’t want it to stop.

All he could manage was a loud, senseless moan as he thrust into his own fingers. When his body started to relax, he rubbed the wetness down his shaft for a few final, slower strokes, and let go. “Jesus.”

“So good,” Kyle whispered, his lips close to Nic’s ear. The soft kiss behind it made Nic’s chest warm up. Then his brain kicked in again, and he let out a long breath, pressing into Kyle’s side. Kyle’s arm slid around him, pulling him in.

Exhaustion hit at last.

Best night ever.