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Free & Wild by Lindsey Hart (22)



Gabriel wasn’t surprised at the small knock on the cabin door. He was planning on heading back to the city and Asha knew that she was supposed to come finalize all the details of the website with him.

He’d expected her that morning but figured she must be busy. He knew he had to suck up the embarrassment and lingering humiliation he felt and say a proper goodbye. He had to be a professional. That’s what this whole thing was about. It was just a job. It was utterly ridiculous to hope for anything more than that.

Gabriel called out what he hoped passed for a greeting and Asha entered. She stepped into the cabin like something was holding her back. The uncertainty and discomfort on her face let him know that she would rather not be there at all.

“I- uh- just came to talk about the website. I know you’re going back to the city tomorrow. I’m sorry, I was busy earlier.” Her eyes shifted and she blushed prettily.

His heart didn’t exactly sink but he did feel an inkling of disappointment in his chest. I shouldn’t. She’s done nothing to encourage this. He was the one with the childish crush. Asha wasn’t to blame for the attraction he felt or the obvious disappointment that she was already taken.

“Yes. Thanks.” Gabriel made room at the table, fired up his laptop and let Asha sit. He put some distance between them, retreating across the cabin. She browsed through the mock up website, spent time reading the articles and checked through his mock up posts for her social media.

“These are really great.” Asha turned and smiled shyly. “You did a great job. I can really see what Katelyn was talking about when she said we needed this.”

It was nearly his turn to blush. Asha stood awkwardly. She clasped her hands in front of her and studied them.

“I’m sorry,” Gabriel blurted. “For coming here and not exactly staying focused on this. It was completely unprofessional and I probably made you uncomfortable or maybe even put you in a tough spot with- uh- with Colton.”

When she looked up, those ethereal blue orbs locked on his face. Slowly, so very slowly, her smile returned. “That’s alright, Gabriel. You being here made me realize a few things too. Actually, more than a few things. I don’t know if I would have figured them out if I hadn’t really been forced to think about it. So I guess I have you to thank for that.”

“Oh.” His stomach did a strange flip flop. He couldn’t have been more flustered. He wasn’t exactly sure what she was talking about, but if he was responsible for that ray of happiness that glistened in her eyes as she spoke, then perhaps he hadn’t been such an idiot after all. “So, I can email you before the site goes live? Or with updates and what not?”

“Sure.” Asha stuck out her hand. He stared at it for a second. It was so much more than just a business-like shake. It was her gesture of forgiveness and goodwill.

Gabriel clasped her small, rough palm and shook her hand. He didn’t linger longer than he should. He retracted his hand and stuck it back at his side. “I’m glad you asked me to come out here. It’s refreshing to see how you see the world.”

“I thought you said it was a little pointless.”

“You may have changed my mind.” He squeezed the words out past a tight laugh. “Although I may be ready to go back to the city where I don’t have to see any more animals giving birth.”

Asha laughed, a soft, chiming laugh. “I wish you well, Gabriel. Really.”

He nodded and watched her walk out of his cabin. Long after she was gone her scent lingered on the air. He breathed in, and strangely, instead of the longing he had felt when he first arrived, he felt a little more at peace. Asha was a part of this land. This was where she was meant to be. He would never want to live this lifestyle. He was happy in the city. He enjoyed the vibrant life, the culture, the art. He had friends there.

Asha was a dream. A fantasy. He needed something real, a promise, if he truly was to be with someone.

She said he’d taught her a couple things. Funny, he felt that she’d returned the favour tenfold.