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Fumbled Hearts (A Tender Hearts Novel) by Meagan Brandy (6)

Two weeks in and mostly everything remained the same. Liv was still a raging bitch, PE was still my favorite class, Nate never failed to frown in my direction, and Mr. Prescott was still both irritated and curious about me.

Every day, I continued, on my own accord, to show up to practice. It was the second day when I discovered cheer also practiced at the same time, on the same field. It didn’t take me long to figure out Liv was team captain. To say she didn’t particularly like that I was watching the boys practice was an understatement.

Mia knew my first week was a lot to take in, so when the weekend came, she didn’t hassle me too much about going out. I told her I needed some R and R and she was okay with it. Well, she accepted it. Begrudgingly, of course.

Last Friday had been the team’s bye week, so I’m excited to go to the game tonight.

Apparently, so is the whole damn town, I think, searching the bleachers for a place to sit, Mia in tow.

She squeals, pointing to the second bleacher from the bottom that’s half-bare in the center. “There!”

I shake my head, leaning close so she can hear me over all the noise. “There’s a blanket down. Those seats are taken.”

“Oh, I know they are,” she says, pulling me toward the section, a deep smirk in place.

“Mia, we can’t take someone’s seats.”

“You’re right, but these,” she steps over the first bleacher, not caring that she’s bumping into people all around her, “are our seats. Well, your seats, but I get to bask in your glory.”

I squeeze by the front row, careful not to nail anyone with my bag, and sit down next to her. “And who, dare I ask, saved these seats for me?”

“It appears Mr. Hollins is ready to make his play, Ms. Embers.” She wiggles her eyebrows. “Rumor has it, he’s coming for you tonight.”

A smile finds my lips. “’Bout damn time. I thought Nate scared him off with his He-Man act. Luckily he’s chilled out.”

“Yeah, something’s up with him. I went to Wicker last night with Ashley and Alyssa, and Ryan said he hasn’t been in since Monday, which is totally out of character for him.”

Eyes on the field, I shrug. “Maybe he wasn’t hungry?”

She barks out a laugh. “Hungry? Shit, Lolli. It’s not about being hungry.” She thinks it over for a second. “Well, I guess it is.” She laughs again.

I turn to look at her, frowning.

“Lolli,” she gapes at me. “Wicker is where all the girls go, knowing damn well the guys will be there. It’s basically a one stop shop for the team. Fill up on carbs, then burn ’em off.” She grins.

“Shag ’em and bag ’em.”

“Pick ’em and stick ’em.”

We both laugh.

The lady in front of us turns around, shooting daggers at Mia.

“Oh, hey, how you doing Ms. Asia?” Mia asks, overly animated and clearly amused.

The woman scoffs and turns around.

Mia laughs and leans into to whisper in my ear. “’Member the story I told you about the guy I got caught dry humping on the bus freshman year?”

I nod.

“That’s his mom.” She laughs. “Did I tell you she was the one driving said school bus?”

Now we’re both laughing.

She turns in her seat and I look back out at the field.

“Anyway,” she shrugs, digging her lipstick out of her purse. “Something’s off with Nate.”

“Maybe he has a girlfriend, or is hooking up with some chick and doesn’t need to go to Wicker.”

She scoffs. “Um, no. That’s the least likely scenario.”

The conversation is cut off as we stand for the National Anthem.

The game starts out on a high note, with a Knight running the kickoff back for a touchdown. All the boys are on point, Nate included.

Watching him, his precision, his fluidness… It’s so obvious his heart is in his hands, in the form of rubber and laces. The moment it leaves his hand, you know it’s going only where intended. He has full control.

Passion in its deepest venue.

In the end, the boys take the win thirty-four to thirteen.

As we pack up to leave, I hear my name being called from below. I turn, finding Jarrod at the bottom of the railing. He rips his helmet off, his blond hair slick with sweat.

“You found your seat,” he shouts.

“That I did. Good lookin’ out.”

He grins. “Let me take you to the party tonight.”

Right, the party. As much as I want to hang with him, I don’t want to go to a party. I’m about to turn him down when I remember I told Mia I would try the whole normal high school senior thing.

I walk up to the metal bar and lean over, into his space. “You gonna feed me first?”

His green eyes light up. “I can do that.”

“Then, I can definitely go with you.”

He laughs, stepping back. “Let me get fresh for you.” He holds up both hands, his helmet still in one. “Ten minutes. Stay there,” he says with a wink, and I can’t help but think of the last person who told me to stay put.

My eyes seek him out. He’s standing next to Mr. P. and a gray-haired man, a pleased smile taking over his handsome face. In my peripheral, I see Liv. When I turn to meet her stare, she flicks her gaze to Nate, then back at me, her eyes narrowing so low I’m surprised she can see.

When I toss her a flippant smile, she flips me off.

It’s the perfect hate-hate relationship.

Jarrod and I end up at a small taco shop.

Our conversation is light and easy. He tells me he plans to play ball in college, but eventually he wants to go into business with his father. Apparently, he owns a computer programming company that helps create and edit commercial ads. Interesting enough, I guess.

He asks me what I plan to do after high school, so I tell him I plan to channel my inner pixie, fly to Neverland, bunk with Wendy, and become best friends with Tiger Lily.

All in all, it was fun. So, when he asks me to go out with him again, I agree.

By the time we pull up, it’s around ten-thirty, and the party’s in full swing.

He turns off his truck – a white Dodge Ram, locked and loaded, chrome everything - and opens his door. He looks to me before stepping out. “You ready for your first official Alrick High party?” I just smile, not telling him I was at one a few weeks ago.

As we walk up the steps, he places his hand on my lower back. It’s a sweet, yet unnecessary, gesture.

“So, whose place is this?”

“Parker’s dad’s house,” he responds as we walk through the door.

Relief washes over me. Parker’s place I can do.

Jarrod senses it and removes his hand, his eyes cutting away then back to me.

I can’t help but laugh. “Just ask, Hollins. Don’t be scurred,” I tease.

He laughs, nodding his head, urging me through the entryway and into the kitchen. “All right.” He hesitates for a beat. “So, you and Parker…”

So, he’s not bold enough to ask. Shame.

“Are just friends. I plan on keeping him around,” I hold his gaze. “Indefinitely.”

He lifts his hands in surrender, a grin on his lips. “Message received,” he laughs, reaching out to brush my arm with his fingertips. “Want a drink?”

“Sure.” I nod. “If you can find me something with a cap or twist top that has yet to be popped or twisted, I’ll have a drink.”

“Smart girl.”

I turn to mingle, but stop when I feel his hand on my arm again.

“I’m not about to leave you here for some other guy to try and swoop in.”

“Paranoid much?” I laugh.

“Definitely,” he says with a smirk.

The night continues with ease. We mix and meander through the house, chatting about nothing with different people. Jarrod is very attentive. I know he wants me to have a good time, to feel included, and he’s doing a good job. But I just need to breathe, get some fresh air. My facial expression must show it because Parker finds his way to me, a knowing grin on his lips.

“Jarrod, my man.” He slaps him on the shoulder. “I’m stealing Lolli for a while.”

Jarrod looks at me for confirmation. I should probably feel bad, but I have been hanging out with him for the last few hours.

With a smile, I rise to my toes to speak in his ear so I don’t have to yell over the music. “I’m gonna hang with Parker. If I don’t see you before one of us heads out, thanks for tonight.” I drop a quick kiss to his cheek before lowering to my feet.

His smile seems a little forced but he nods, dropping his head to kiss my cheek as well.

Parker tries to hide his grin, but fails miserably. Throwing his arm across my shoulder, he pulls me through the house.

“You looked like you needed an escape,” he laughs.

I smile and wrap my arm around his lower back. Leaning my head into his side, I sigh. “Ahh, Parker…my Knight in tight Calvin’s.”

He busts out laughing. “You like these, huh?” He reaches down and snaps the top of his briefs that are slightly sticking out of his faded jeans.

“It’s quite sexy, yes, but…question?” I pull back to look at him.

He quirks a brow.

“Not that I don’t mind the view, but why aren’t you wearing a shirt?”

He backs away from me, eyes bright with mischief and glazed from alcohol. He shifts his hips, swinging his arms around, and sings, “All the girlies love me…”

I bend over laughing, hard, crossing my legs to keep myself from pissin’ my pants. “Oh, my God, stop!” I laugh, pushing through the back door, out into the night. “If you start doing the Dougie right now, we are officially no longer friends.”

He gives me puppy dog eyes, puffing his lower lip out and when I narrow my eyes at him, he pushes it out more.

With a grin, I drop down to the grass and look up at the open sky. “Fine. That was adorable. Now quit before I bite your lip off.”

He laughs and goes to take a seat next to me, but someone calls his name from the back door. Turning back to me, he frowns. “Shit, I better go see what’s up.” He shifts on his feet lightly. “My, uh, my dads would kill me if something happened to their precious James Dean shrine.” He laughs nervously.

“They have good taste. James Dean was a badass. I’d have to kick your ass just the same.”

His smile is one of pure appreciation. The fact that I didn’t blanch at his revelation not lost on him.

He reaches for me, so I place my hand in his, allowing him to pull me up and we walk back into the house. “These boys better watch out, Lolli Bear.” He kisses my temple. “I might decide to keep you to myself,” he teases.

“Parker, you and I would be phenomenal,” I gush and follow up with a dejected sigh. “Too bad your sexy doesn’t do it for me.”

He laughs, releasing me. “You good?”

“Yeah, I’m actually gonna cut out. If you see Mia around, tell her I’ll catch up with her later.”

“Want me to find someone to take you? Or I could walk you,” he offers.

I scrunch my face. “Nah, I’m good.”

“Alright, but if you don’t text me in twenty minutes, I’m sending out my Calvin Cavalry,” he laughs.

“I may not text you just to see that.”

He pushes me lightly. “Get out of here.”

I make my way out the door and into the cool, quiet night. I’m rounding the driveway, turning onto the sidewalk when his rough voice calls out and wraps around me, warming me in places I don’t want it to.

I turn my head over my left shoulder to find Nate sitting with his back against a tree.


“You leavin’ already?” he asks, his tone friendly, which makes me uneasy.

“I am. You run out of one night stands to keep you warm on this chilly night, Handsome?” I joke, but he doesn’t smile; he just gazes at me.

With the slight frown on his face, he looks a little disappointed, which makes no sense, so I face forward and continue walking.

“Kalani,” he calls out.

I mask my confusion and turn back to him.

“I’m sorry I acted like a dick that night,” he says into his lap before lifting his dark brown gaze to me.

His eyes are so open and earnest and…sexy.

Yeah, no. Not happening.

I give him a one-sided smile. “Sorry for trying to put a hole in your seat.”

His head snaps up, his eyes wide. He looks so adorably horrified, I can’t help but laugh.

“I’m kidding, chillax.”

He breathes a heavy sigh-chuckle of relief.

“So, um...” I hook my thumb over my shoulder, “I’ll see you later.” I begin walking again.


Damn it.

I turn back around. “Yeah?”

“Thanks for bailing me out that night.” The corner of his lips lift slightly as he tosses a piece of picked grass from his hand. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“Wow,” I tease, unsure how else to act. “An apology and a thank you, all in one night? I didn’t think you had it in you, Monroe.”

“I didn’t,” he says, not missing a beat, not elaborating, but not looking away either.

I nod my head, refusing to allow myself to try and decipher his meaning.

Hopping up, he dusts off his jeans and I permit myself a good look.

His hair is perfectly messy, and his black jeans fit him just right. Paired with a dark gray long-sleeve shirt, and black Palladium boots, he’s every girls wet dream.

He’s looking at me, but I can’t read his expression.

And then I make a bad move, out of pure curiosity.

Or pure stupidity. I’ll decide which one later.

“You still owe me bad TV and junk food,” I say flatly, and kind of in a rush.

His eyebrows shoot up for a millisecond before a ridiculously seductive smirk takes its place on his lush lips. “I do.”

“Well,” I shrug, “I don’t have cable, but I own a plethora of horribly hilarious movies, every season of Law and Order, and a shit ton of junk food.”

“Sounds like a good time.” He’s eyeing me, no doubt an internal debate going on in that perfect head of his.

I look at him over once more.

Yeah, this is happening.

I turn and start walking.

“Wait, seriously?” he says, his voice that of an excited little boy headed to his first pro game.

I don’t turn around. I can’t see that look on his face, because I may jump him.

“Go home. Change. See you in twenty.”

“Kalani?” I hear his smile.

“Yes?” I call out, still walking away.

“Don’t wear that Halestorm shirt.”

I freeze mid-step. The world must be turning on its fucking axis because I swear to God, if I were looking in a mirror, I would see a hint of pink on my cheeks. A fucking blush.

I don’t blush. Ever.

I start walking, faster this time.

I swear I hear him chuckle and I want to strangle myself for liking the sound of it.

“What the fuck did I just do?” I ask myself as I make my way to my house.




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