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Furever Mated: Crimson Hollow Complete Series by Marissa Dobson (3)

Chapter Three

The long car ride served them well by allowing them to get to know each other, but in the last fifteen minutes, no matter the topic, Sin couldn’t keep focused. They were nearing the tribe’s land and dread settled over her shoulders. She wanted to demand that Garret turn his truck around and take her anywhere but where they were going. You can’t turn your back on Jase when he needs you.

“You ready for this?” He reached over and took her hand in his. “It’s going to be okay.”

She glanced over at him, and her body heated with desire. She tried to blame it on the bite, but she knew it was more than that. All night she’d tossed and turned, thinking about him. There was a connection between them, tugging them toward each other. I can’t believe I’m trusting a wolf. He turned right, taking the dirt road back to her tribe’s land, and her heart pounded against her chest. “We should…”

“I’ll be by your side. You can do this, and if you want to leave early, we can. But we’ve come all this way, you should at least find out what Jase needs from you.”

“Leave early?” Instead of thinking about why Jase wanted her, she focused instead on the thought of making an early escape. “If we did that, Jase won’t forgive whatever debt you owe him. I couldn’t put you through all of this, and then leave early. It’s not fair to you.”

“Screw Jase. Forget what brought us together, and remember I’m here for you. I’ll support and protect you in any way I can, and if that means leaving, even tonight, that’s what we’ll do. You’re not a prisoner here, and you’re not alone.”

“I’ll try to remember that,” she whispered as they drove closer toward the houses. Granddad’s house stood straight ahead, with her parents’ house on one side, and Jase’s on the other. Seeing them brought memories flooding back, but it was Jase, who stepped out as they neared, that stole her breath.

Her big brother, her protector, had changed so much since she’d left. He filled out more than she could have believed. Standing in front of the truck was a man twice her size, all toned and muscular. He had always been sculpted but she could have sworn he hadn’t been that big before. His deep brown hair was cut shorter now, nearly hiding the natural highlights within it from his bear’s fur.

Garret shoved the truck into park and shut off the engine. “Wait in the cab until I come around.” Before she could reply, he was out of the truck and came around to her side.

It’s just Jase. You can do this. He sent Garret for protection. Obviously he’s not going to hurt me. She couldn’t tear her gaze away from her brother, even as she caught new movement out of the corner of her gaze.

Her door opened and Garret held out his hand to her. “Shall we, darling?”

She took his hand and stepped down from the cab. After all, what was she going to do? Stay in the truck after they’d driven all that way? Once she was standing next to the truck with the door shut, she kept Garret’s hand.

“I’m glad you came.” Jase approached her.

“We need to talk.” She kept her voice low as people appeared out of doorways. Some members were setting up for the night’s celebration, while others were eying her. No one seemed to be angry that she had arrived back home after all this time. Had Granddad announced it? Still, with everyone moving about, she felt uneasy. She needed to get Jase alone, gather more information, and pull herself together before the gathering.

“Inside.” He nodded before glancing toward Granddad’s place where the old man stood on his porch with their parents. “If you’ll excuse us a moment.”

Before she could make it into the safety of Jase’s house, their mother stepped in front of her. Tears streamed down her face. “I didn’t think you’d come. Oh Sin, I’ve missed you.”

“Mom…” She let go of Garret’s hand and wrapped her arms around her mother. “I’ve missed you too.” She let the tears roll down her cheeks without trying to wipe them away. Since the day she had left, there had been a hole in her chest where her family had once been. The terror of possibly never seeing them again had been a sore spot within her gut for years. They had their issues but what family didn’t? In the end they had a bond and they stuck together.

Before her mother let her escape the embrace, she tipped her head close to Sin’s ear. “Take your brother up on his offer. We need you. He needs you.”

She didn’t know what to say. Thankfully, she didn’t have to because Garret came to her side and escorted her through the door Jase was holding open. What the hell was going on? She was tired of being kept in the dark. She barely noticed that nothing had changed in the living area since the last time she’d been there. The room was still mostly bare, a sofa and recliner the only furniture besides the flat screen television mounted on the wall. Even the dining room was empty of furniture.

“You still don’t have a dining room table.” She shook her head.

“You didn’t come all this way to criticize my home.” Jase sat on the recliner, leaving the sofa for her and Garret. “Plus, you know I prefer to have a quick bite at the kitchen bar or with the family.”

“You’re right, I didn’t come to criticize your décor. Why don’t you tell me what Mom meant? What do you want from me?”

“Maybe you should have a seat and Garret…if you’ll excuse us.”

“Oh no.” She cut her brother off and Garret gave her a hand a gentle squeeze. She wasn’t sure if it was to let her know he didn’t mind or that he was there for her. Either way, she kept her attention on her brother. “My fiancé will stay.” As she said ‘fiancé’, she glared at Jase, letting the heat show in her eyes.

“Have it your way.” He nodded for them to sit. “I asked you here because I want you to return home.”

“Absolutely not.” She rose from the sofa nearly as quickly as she’d sat down, pulling Garret’s hand up with her. “I love you, Mom, Dad, even Granddad, but I can’t come back to being an outcast. I have a career and a good life now.”

“You’re still as hard headed as ever.” Jase leaned down to the pile of folders sitting on the floor next to the chair. “Tonight, I’ll be named the new Chief of this tribe and I want you as my Deputy. I wouldn’t want anyone else by my side but I also need you because of this.” He held out the folder he picked up, waiting for her to take it.

She shook her head, her mind reeling from what he’d said. “Jase…”

“Just look inside. If you still don’t want the job, I only ask that you wait until after the ceremony to leave. I’d really like to have you there as I begin my reign.”

Taking the folder, she sat, and opened it. Images of dead bodies lying on the ground stared up at her. Blood tainted the ground but the worst part was that their bodies had been torn apart. Just like that incident long ago…

Her hands shook as flashbacks poured through her mind.

Huddled under a table, terror filled her, leaving her unable to move. Wind came through the opened front door, blowing the thin tablecloth, and she shivered against the chill it brought. The scent of blood filled the air, turning her stomach at the stench, but what she saw was worse. Through the thin material of the tablecloth, her mother’s dead body lay a few feet away, her eyes wide, staring toward Sin, but they were vacant. There was nothing left, none of the joy that always seemed to be there. No smile that had stretched across her face anytime she looked at Sin. Now there was only blood. Blood everywhere, until the air was thick with it. She wanted to cry out for her mother, or anyone, but terror kept her from doing so. Whoever had hurt her mother might still be there.

Where was her father? Was he okay? She pulled her gaze from her mother’s body and turned toward the door, silently hoping she’d see him out there, somewhere. In the distance, she caught a glimpse of Swift and opened the mental communication between them. “Swift, can you see anyone?”

“Dead…they’re all dead. We’re alone. What’s going to happen to us?”

They weren’t alone, they had each other, but she had no idea what to tell her cousin.

“Sin…” Garret shook her hard enough to pull her back from that bloody night.

She blinked at him and realized he was kneeling in front of her. “Gar…” Her voice broke.

“Drink this.” He held a glass to her lips, forcing her to take a drink.

Alcohol met her lips and she wanted to spit it out but instead swallowed the burning liquid. “Whiskey?”

“Comfort drink.” He cupped the side of her face, wiping her tears away. “You okay?”

She nodded, not trusting her voice yet, and he rose to sit next to her. She glanced at Jase and wanted to rant and rave. If he was going to show her something like that, a little warning would have been nice.

“What the hell were you thinking, pulling a stunt like that?” Garret growled at him. “You wanted her here so you could show her dead bodies? What will that solve? She was safer before you called her home.”

“You know nothing, wolf,” Jase growled.

“I know that you brought back memories that were better left buried. The bond that you had us establish gave me a clean connection to what just happened. So unless you want me to shove her back in my truck and get her out of here, you better start explaining and quickly.”

Jase darted forward, coming to stand before them, his hands in fists at his sides. “You’re nothing, wolf. That connection is short term and then there will be nothing protecting you. I’d suggest you remember that before you open your mouth. I can make your life hell because if you don’t complete this, your debt won’t be wiped out.”

“Screw you.” Garret rose to his feet to stand face to face with Jase. “I won’t let you torment her just to clear the slate.”

“If I didn’t know better, I’d think she really meant something to you.” Jase glanced at her and then back to him. “She’s not stupid enough to fall for a wolf.”

“Stop it!” she hollered, causing both men to look at her. “Jase, you do have some explaining to do, and no matter my decision, you will wipe this slate clean. Garret will be free of you. Do you understand me?”

“You really do care for him.” Jase shook his head as if he was unable to believe what he was hearing.

“If you even want me to consider helping you, then you’ll agree to do as I ask and erase Garret’s debt.”

Garret laid his hand on her arm. “Don’t, Sin. I’ll deal with him later. It’s not worth it.”

“It is to me.” She placed her hand over his before turning back to her brother. “Jase?”

“Fine.” Her brother stepped back to his chair. “Wolf, you’re free, but next time you need help, don’t call me.”

She let out a deep sigh. Jase hadn’t changed. His attitude and temper were his biggest issues. He needed a Deputy that would keep him grounded; she just wasn’t sure she wanted to come back home to be that person. Instead of worrying about that at the moment, she stepped closer to Garret, hoping he’d wrap his arms around her again. When he did, she stared at her brother. “Who the hell was in those pictures?”

“Littleton’s tribe.” Jase glanced at Garret. “It was a tribe a few miles down the road.”

“They’re all dead?” Focusing on the tribe and its members, she tried to keep more of her memories at bay.

“The sole survivor, Zoe, a fourteen-year-old girl, is here with us. She’s terrified and was staying with Swift but now she’s in your old room. I didn’t know what else to do with her once Swift freaked.”

She shivered not from the cold but when the horrid memories of the weeks after joining her tribe flooded back to her. She had been terrified, too, but then she had Jase and Swift. This little girl had no one. But to put her with Swift when she first came and then move her again—that was no doubt making this harder for the young teen. “What were you thinking putting her with Swift?”

“She wanted to help the child. I was hesitant but accepted because I didn’t know what else to do with her. Mom and Dad don’t need to be raising another child, and most of the tribe have their own stuff to deal with. I couldn’t just drop a kid on them, especially one with the issues that she has.” He leaned back in the recliner. “Maybe you could talk to her?”

She ignored his question, not willing to commit to anything until she got more answers. “How’s Swift?”

“Unstable is what Granddad would say, but I think she’ll come around. Having this happen again has brought back all of those memories of what the two of you witnessed.”

Garret squeezed her tighter against him. “I can’t believe you brought her back here because of this. You’d risk Sin’s mental health to help you with a child that isn’t even one of your own?”

“Sin is strong. I had no doubt that she could handle this or I wouldn’t have risked her.” Jase glared at the other man for a moment before returning his gaze to her. “Even though our blood and animal are different, you’re my sister. I wouldn’t risk you for anything. I love you, little sister. That and the fact I know you can handle shit is why I asked you to be my Deputy. There’s going to be more coming and I need you by my side.”

“What do you mean there’s more coming?”

“Another tribe was attacked but more survived. Their leader was killed so, since they have small numbers, they’re joining us instead of rebuilding. They are a mixed tribe like us. Granddad is tired and doesn’t have the strength to deal with the adjustment that will happen with new members. So he’s turning the tribe over tonight and I will take the reins.”

“Two tribes attacked recently, but it hasn’t made the news. How is that possible?” Garret’s fingertips caressed along her skin.

“So far we’ve been able to keep it under wraps, but if it continues, things for our kind could get desperate.”

“You’d risk your sister’s life with maniacs still on the loose?” Garret snapped. “She’d have been safer in the human world where no one knew what she was.”

“I’m saving her life.” Jase rose to his feet and stepped forward before gaining control over his anger. “They’ve been killing foxes. Any other casualties have been because someone got in their way. Liam, Noah, and I killed the ones who attacked Littleton’s tribe. Those who were involved in the second attack are dead as well. We’re not sure if there are more involved but at this time, we believe we might have killed all of them. With some luck we have, but if not, Sin could be in danger if she doesn’t come home.”

Sin shot him a glare. “I’ve protected myself this long, I can continue to do it. Unless they’re a shifter or knew us, they wouldn’t be able to tell what I was.” She had been living a peaceful life, not overly happy but at least without drama and people trying to gun her down because of what she was. Now, one trip home and everything changed. “If you haven’t got them all, then you’ve made this tribe a target by taking in the survivors.”

“I’ve got that handled. Once I begin my reign tonight, the new guards will go into effect.” Jase’s tone remained natural as if he didn’t have a care in the world, while she tried to keep her fox from forcing a shift from the panic running through her veins.

“The killers…were they shifters?” She couldn’t remember any unfamiliar scents from the night her tribe was attacked. Just screams and blood…so much blood.

“The ones we’ve killed were humans.” Jase sighed. “We haven’t figured out how they know. There must be a shifter working with them, or they’re stalking the tribes before they kill them.”

“Didn’t you question them before you killed them?” she snapped, needing the information.

“Oh yeah, questioning them was at the top of our to-do list, right after saving our own asses.” He shook his head. “Damn it Sin we were fighting for our lives and trying to protect those that were still alive. Questioning them didn’t come into play.”

“How many others are joining the tribe? And will they arrive while we’re here?” Garret questioned.

“That’s not really your concern, now is it, lone wolf?” Jase glared at the other man, teeth bared.

“She’s my responsibility.” Garret’s words came out clipped. He squared his shoulders as if ready for a fight. “If you have unknowns coming into your tribe, it increases the danger she might be in. So yeah, it is my concern when you’re putting both of our lives in danger.”

“What do you want? Money?” She caught the change in Jase’s tone and his stiff body language. Whatever had happened between the two of them had left some hard feelings.

“Stop it.” Needing to think, she slipped out of Garret’s embrace and stepped away. “We’re talking about people being murdered, children who have lost everything, and what do the two of you do? You bicker about whatever bad blood is between you two. Well, Jase, you obviously trusted Garret enough to protect me or you wouldn’t have sent him to me. So whatever bullshit is going on with you two, put it aside. We’ve got shit to deal with.”

Silence stretched out until it became uncomfortable and Jase nodded. “My dear sister, you’re right. I’m letting the fact that you two appear to be closer than I expected get my bear worked up. He’s by your side at my own doing and I must remember that.”

Sin let loose a sigh of relief. “How many new members will be joining the ranks? Have you checked them out? Just because they’re from a friendly tribe doesn’t mean that they’re true to what this tribe stands for.” She dragged a hand through her hair and sank down onto the sofa. “What the hell do I even know about what this tribe stands for any longer? It’s been years since I’ve been home. Everything could have changed. Wanting me at your side is a mistake. You need someone who has been a part of the tribe.”

“No, I need you, Sin.” He stepped toward her. “There are seven joining us and they will be here the day after tomorrow. I met with them two days ago. There’s a mixed species, mated couple—leopard and fox—with two children. The other three are unmated male shifters, a bear and two lions. The female and one of the children were the only foxes within the tribe and fortunately, they were uninjured. The Chief and some of the other men caught the attackers before they had a chance to kill any of them. Some that got in the way were killed and a few have decided they’re not interested in joining us. Do you see why I need you here?”

She thought about what he said for a moment, taking in the new information, but she still wasn’t sure why he thought she was a better fit than someone else from within the tribe. “No. If you were going to name anyone as your Deputy, I would have expected it to be Noah, or at least Liam. Not me. So just lay it out on the table. Why me and not them?”

“There are multiple reasons why I feel you would be the best fit. But here’s a few. I believe that humans might change their views on us. While over the years we have proved that we are not a danger to them, once these attacks leak to the media, this could change. It could become a dangerous time for all shifters. I’d rather you be here where you’re safe. Also, your time away from our land has made you stronger, more sure of yourself, and that will make you a better Deputy than anyone else.”

“How do you know?” she interrupted before he could continue.

He arched an eyebrow. “Do you think I haven’t kept tabs on you? Though we talk on the phone occasionally, it wasn’t enough. I’ve made trips to check on you, always staying out of sight, so no one would know I was near you. I couldn’t risk coming back and them catching your scent on me. It could have made trouble for you and I know you wanted a life away from all of this.” He tipped his head toward Garret. “It’s how I met your friend here, but that’s his story to tell you.”

“It’s also off topic at the moment,” she reminded him. “The tribe would never accept me as your Deputy…” Until the words left her mouth, she hadn’t realized how much she wanted to come back home. Being his Deputy would give her a certain status within the tribe, and the woman she had grown into while she was away wouldn’t allow her to put up with the crap she had before. She hated to admit it, even to herself, but she was considering his offer.

“They will accept you, because they’ll realize we need you.” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. “Things have changed since you’ve left. Besides Swift, Zoe, and the foxes that will soon be joining us, there is one other male fox within the clan. Since I’ve begun to take over the tribe, I’ve made changes. The stuff that went on before doesn’t happen any longer.”

“Then why is Swift unstable?”

“Because of all the memories of the attacks on your families that Zoe brought to the surface. Before the teen came here, things were great with Swift. Talk to her if you don’t believe me, things have changed here. I won’t allow the members to pull the crap they did under Granddad.” Jase let out a deep sigh and rubbed a hand over his face. “Sin, there’s no one else I want by my side as I lead this tribe. We used to talk about the day that I’d take over. The plans we made…they can still come true. I know it’s a leap for you and you have to give up a lot to come home, but you won’t regret it.”

And if I do, then what? If I can’t cut it, there might be a challenge for my position and I’d have to fight to the death. Can I defend myself well enough to survive against one of the other bigger shifters? She had kept up with her training and workout routine, but she wasn’t sure she’d be a worthy opponent, and if she wasn’t, Jase would be burying her. She needed to think without him sitting across from her waiting for an answer. “I need a few minutes. Can you give me some time to think? When is the ceremony?”

“You have a little more than an hour. I know it’s not fair but I need an answer before it starts. Meanwhile, I have a few things to take care of. I know Mom is waiting to speak with you, but I’ll tell her you need a few.” Jase rose and looked at Garret. “I can show you to the guest cabin. I’ve put you in one of the two bedroom ones, so no one will question you being in separate cabins.”

“Actually, Jase, I’d like him to stay. I mean if you don’t mind Garret? We’ll find the cabin later.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” Garret’s lips curled up, giving her one of his devilish smiles that she hadn’t seen since they’d left her house.

“Fine.” Jase tried to hide his surprise but the growl gave him away. “Make yourself at home. I’ll be back for you before things get started.”

“Thank you.” She watched him walk toward the door and wanted to be able to tell him that she’d do it. “Jase…I’ll see what I can do about Zoe after the ceremony. I might be able to help her.”

With a nod, he was gone, leaving her alone with Garret, and the biggest decision of her life hanging in the balance.

What am I going to do?




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