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Furever Mated: Crimson Hollow Complete Series by Marissa Dobson (40)

Chapter Four

Alone in the bedroom, Becky couldn’t untangle her jumbled thoughts. She wasn’t sure how to react to what she learned. Part of her thought she should be scared but Jase didn’t provoke that reaction from her. He was caring and the way he put his tribe’s needs above his own was admirable. When Liam had invited her there, Jase was the one who made her feel welcomed. He’d made sure she knew she was part of their family, even going as far as inviting her and Billy to a family dinner he’d had with his sister Sin, her mate, Garret, and their ward, Zoe. Before then, she’d thought the reason for the invite was just so she could see them interacting together, to put her mind at ease about shifters. Now she was realizing he’d done it because he believed she was his mate.

Her thoughts flashed back to a conversation she’d had with Ginger on her last visit.

There was a slight breeze in the air, warning them that winter would be there before she knew it. As much as she looked forward to their trips to Crimson Hollow every other weekend, she expected this to be their last visit before the snow came and she hated it. Once winter set in, she wasn’t sure about making the drive. It took too many hours on the road with just her and her son. Too many things could go wrong.

“You look like you could use this.” Ginger sat down next to her on the bench and handed her a glass of wine.

“Thanks.” Watching Billy play with some of the other children, she took a drink of the wine. “There’s something peaceful about life here.”

“There is. It’s so unlike where I grew up, but I guess that’s why I love it here.” Ginger sipped on her wine before glancing over at her. “I know Jase asked you to stay. Why don’t you?”

“I can’t…” She wasn’t sure why she couldn’t. Maybe she was too independent or maybe she wanted more from him. Even knowing she might not see these people for months, she couldn’t bring herself to agree to stay there.

“I’ve never been happier than I am here. Some of that is Liam’s doing but there’s more to it than that.”

“You have a special relationship with Liam.” Becky tried to keep the jealousy from her voice. She wanted what the two of them shared, but all she found were men not worth her time.

“Mating is something you can’t deny. It’s in your bones and every ounce of you wants to be with that person. When I found Liam, I wanted to run, but when I saw him with Billy, I knew he wasn’t like the other lions I’d known in the past. It forced me to open myself up to him. I’ll never regret that.”

Ginger was right; there was something between her and Jase that she couldn’t deny. An electrical pull that tugged her toward him. With each visit to Crimson Hollow, she found herself looking more and more forward to spending her time with Jase. The one time when he had been called to a neighboring tribe and hadn’t returned until she was in the car ready to leave had seemed like the loneliest visit. She’d spent time with other tribe members but the one she really wanted to be with—Jase—was nowhere to be found.

Days later, he showed up at her doorstep, just minutes after she’d put Billy to bed. Those hours they spent together then brought them closer than all of her visits to that point. There was something different about him coming to see her and just being alone with her. No interruptions from other members or tribe business coming up. It was as if they were alone for the first time.

That night, as she was lying in bed, her thoughts full of Jase, she realized she was falling in love with him. Excitement bubbled within her at the thought of him staying at a nearby hotel so they could spend the following day together before he had to get back to his tribe.

That had been his first visit to her but it wasn’t his last. He was there whenever she needed him. The moment that stood out in her memories was when he showed up at the hospital after her mother passed away. He’d never explained why he’d driven there, hours from his home, and at the time she let it go because she was grateful for his presence. That night he’d gone home with her and held her until she fell asleep. He had been there through every moment of the days that followed, helping her get through the grief, and doing what he could with funeral arrangements for her. To some it was just an extra hand; to her it was something she’d always be grateful for.

Jase hadn’t been just there for her; he had been there for Billy, too. Since Billy’s father was in prison, he had been lacking a male role model until Jase came into their lives. It wasn’t just Jase that stepped into the role, but also Liam, Noah, and the other tribe members. Everyone had become a rock for both of them. Knowing that they’d accepted her son helped to ease her mind when it came to having a relationship with Jase.

“Relationship, is that even what this mating is?” She let out a deep sigh, wondering how she was going to handle things when Jase came back from getting her a drink.

“It’s a closer relationship than anything you’ve ever experienced.” She turned to find Jase standing in the doorway, a glass of water in his hands and a small prescription bottle in the other. “Doctor Graham has left pain medication for you.”

“I’m fine for now.” As he came into the room, she sat up enough to be able to take a drink. There was too much for her to think about to take any medication. Less than twenty-four hours earlier, her life had seemed normal. Her biggest problem was Billy swearing and her wondering where things were going with Jase. Now she still hadn’t had the conversation with her son about swearing; not that it seemed like that big of an issue any longer. Things with Jase seemed to be clearer yet more confusing all at once. There was something between them—this mating; she just wasn’t sure how to move forward.

He waited for her to take a drink before setting the glass on the nightstand. “I understand that mating is new to you. Besides the connection that’s shared between us, it’s no different than what human couples have. You’ll still have a relationship; it will just be on another level, a deeper one. Mating would bring us together as husband and wife. I would be a father to Billy and hopefully, in the future, we can have another child or more. I understand if you’re concerned about Billy but he already knows I’m a shifter and doesn’t seem to have a problem with it. The time you’ve spent here has gone smoothly.”

“Billy likes you. When we’re home, you’re all he ever talks about. He marks down the days on his calendar until we can come back here.” Her fingers played along the seam of the blanket as she realized Billy would be happy in Crimson Hollow. “Last week he had an issue at school; another kid was making fun of him for not having a dad. When I picked him up that day, he wanted to know why he couldn’t go to school here. This is where all of his friends are and he was angry at me for keeping him where he wasn’t happy.”

“Doug is the same way. On Friday when you’re coming for a visit he sits at the picnic table where he can watch the gate and waits. During the week, he seems lost without Billy here.”

She could picture the little redheaded boy sitting there waiting until her car came through the gate and then he’d come charging toward them. During each visit, Doug and Billy were inseparable, spending the whole weekend together, so much so that one would sleep over at the other’s house. From the first day, the two boys had formed a quick friendship that only seemed to grow with time.

“So, that’s why he’s always the first to greet us.” She let out a lighthearted laugh, sending pain sparks through her chest, until she reached up to grab her bruised ribs.

“You okay?” He reached toward her, laying his hand over hers where she held her side.

“Damn ribs, they’re more painful than my broken arm.”

“I’m just glad the ribs aren’t broken. I thought they were but Doctor Graham ruled that out back at the hotel.” His thumb teased over her knuckles. “Why don’t you take the pain pill and get some rest?”

“Not yet.” She moved her hand away from her ribs and took his hand in hers. If he was surprised by this move it didn’t show on his face; instead, he slipped his fingers between hers. “Do you know why I refused to stay when you asked me?”

“No. If I did, I would have done whatever was necessary to change your mind.”

“I couldn’t stay without knowing what was happening between us.” Nervous, she kept her gaze on their interlocked fingers and away from his face. “We were spending more time together but I wasn’t sure where things were going. There was this connection between us, drawing me to you, but I needed more. You were busy with the tribe and trying to take down The Saviors…I wasn’t sure where I fit into it all.”

“I already told you. You belong by my side. We’re supposed to lead this tribe together and together we’ll be stronger.”

“I don’t see how. If anything, as a human, I’m a weakness to you and your rule. You need someone strong by your side.” It pained her to say the words but she needed him to consider what he was saying.

“You’re not a weakness.” He took his hand out of hers and reached up to cup the side of her face. “You’re the woman I want by my side. You’ll keep me grounded and sane. Your humanity will make sure my bear instincts don’t rule me, making me rash. While the world is screwed up, our lives together will be filled with happiness. I let The Saviors get to you once because I was stupid, but I’ll spend the rest of my life keeping you safe. I’ll make this up to you.”

“You have nothing to make up for. The Saviors made their own choices. They are the ones who attacked me and they will have to pay for that. Not you.” She took a deep breath and let it out again. “At first the idea of mating with you scared me. I wasn’t sure what to make of your bear. Ginger said you had a tendency to be grumpy but I don’t see that. Your bear is always there and when you’re angry I can hear the snarl in your voice. Even with all of that, I’ve never once worried you’d lose control and hurt me. What I’m trying to say is that I’ve known for weeks that I’m in love with you. It’s just the next step that seems overwhelming.”

“Nothing has to be decided tonight. Sleep on it.” He slid his fingers down the curve of her neck before teasing along her collarbone. “We can wait as long as you like. Mating only came up now because of the air cast. It could have waited. You’ve been through enough today. I’m not demanding that you submit to me claiming you.”

“You’d like that though, wouldn’t you?”

“Shit, baby…” He dragged his hand through his hair. “Damn right I’d like that. I’ve wanted to make you mine since you stepped foot in Crimson Hollow. My gorgeous mate, you fill my dreams every night and hopefully soon, you’ll fill the empty spot in my bed.”

“Umm…” A cocky grin stretched across her lips. “I believe I’ve already accomplished that.” She was in his bed but she was alone. She knew he meant them sleeping together but she couldn’t stop herself from making a smart ass comment and easing some of the tension that lingered around them. “How about we start with that and go from there? I know that your guest bedroom is empty and you’re not sleeping on the sofa. Come to bed and get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow all our problems will still be there.”

“I need to—”

She reached out and pressed her finger to his lips. “The stress of the situation and worrying about me has left you exhausted. More than that, I want to feel your touch as I go to sleep. Maybe it’s the mating bond or whatever but when you touch me, I know everything is going to work out. I need that right now.” She needed him without all the strings, mating, and stress surrounding them.