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Furever Mated: Crimson Hollow Complete Series by Marissa Dobson (5)

Chapter Five

After legally becoming Mrs. Garret Fox, Sin stood staring down at the wedding ring on her finger. There was nothing standing in the way of completing their mating ritual except for her nerves. How he ever managed to pull off finding wedding bands that fit in the time frame they had and without even leaving her side was beyond her. The ceremony had been a quiet one, with only Jase in attendance. She had wanted Swift to come, but her cousin had declined and Garret’s sister lived too far away to make it. While it wasn’t the wedding of some girls’ dreams, it was good enough for her. They were legally married in the human world and by morning, they’d be joined in the shifter world as mates.

There were things she should be doing—claiming her new role as the Deputy of Crimson Hollow Tribe, but Jase had made the mating a priority over all else. He wanted it completed before the new shifters arrived the next day. Still, she wasn’t sure how she felt about her leadership roles controlling her personal life. But that was a problem for a different day.

“My darling wife…” Garret came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “I thought we weren’t going to worry about work tonight.”

“I’m not.”

“Sure.” Sarcasm dripped from that single word.

“I was thinking about the stuff I need from my house. About selling my place, quitting my job, and everything else I have to do because life threw me another curve ball.” She’d been thinking about it to try to keep her mind off of what was coming. She wasn’t a virgin, there had been a few men over the years, but she felt like one, all nervous and giddy.

“Worry tomorrow. Right now, I want you.” He slipped his hands under her sweater, tugging the thin material up. “It’s time to claim my mate.”

“My lone wolf is demanding.” She spun around to look at him.

“Not a lone wolf any longer. I found myself a mate and a whole tribe depending on us. Now, although I enjoy talking with you, I want you naked.” He tugged the sweater over her head.

“Shouldn’t we go upstairs first?”

“Why?” He wiggled out of his long sleeved shirt and let it fall to the floor. “I’m going to have you in every room and then some.”

The fox within her trotted forward, howling in agreement. She wanted the man before her like nothing she’d ever experienced. Her desire soared like a fire burning within her and the only thing easing back the flames was his touch. The more he touched, the less overwhelming the fire, though his touches heated other parts of her. There was more than just the mating bond fanning the flames between them. She wanted Garret. This was her mate.

Her skin grew hot and her breaths came in short gasps, she let her hands travel down his chest until she reached the button of his slacks. “You’re not a lone wolf any longer, but you’re my wolf.” She glared up at him and unzipped his pants before sliding her hand under the thin material of his boxers until she found his shaft. Hard and ready for action, she wrapped her hand around it, sliding up and down the length. With each stroke she sped her pace, until a growl vibrated through his chest.

He crushed his mouth to hers, while his hands slid under her skirt and grabbed her upper thighs, forcing her to lose contact with his shaft. The growls intensified as skin met skin and he realized she had nothing on under the skirt. He lifted her onto the counter before breaking the kiss. “My mate the tease. All afternoon I’ve fantasized about what you might have on under this short skirt and now I find out it was…nothing.” The last word was bitten out as he slid a finger between her legs, finding her core in one smooth motion.

“I knew we’d be anxious and I didn’t want any of the beautiful panties I brought ruined. They’ll have their uses later.” She drew that last word out, teasing him.

“I wouldn’t want to rip anything you could tease me with later,” he teased and slid his finger over her clit, making her arch into him.

A moan escaped her lips and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I need you now.”

“But darling, all this talk about teasing…” He caressed her clit once more before sliding a finger into her passage.

Fierce desire rose within her like a tidal wave smashing through a dam.

“I thought we’d draw this out for a bit. Make you scream my name before I even entered you.”

“There’s a time for teasing and a time for mating. Now it’s time for mating.” When he continued to push his fingers in and out of her core, she gasped, “Please, Garret.”

He slipped his fingers from within her and spread her legs farther apart. He kissed along her shoulder, up her collarbone, and along her neck. Even as she cried out in frustration, he ignored her demands.

“Garret…” she murmured as his mouth found hers. “I need you.”

Without further delay, he gripped her hips, pulling her toward the edge of the counter, and drove into her with one powerful thrust, a growl echoing through the house. “So tight,” he rasped as he worked his way further into her channel. When he was buried deep within her, he gripped her hips and began rocking in and out of her, each stroke faster than the last one.

“Oh, Garret!” Digging her nails into his shoulders, she pushed herself toward him, meeting each thrust with one of her own, drawing them together faster and harder than before. She needed this as much as her beast did.

Lifting her off the counter, he stumbled back until he could press her against the wall. The angle gave him a better reach, allowing him to bury himself deeper. She held on as every pump of his hips sent pulses of pleasure exploding through her. She came apart at the seams, her inner muscles clenching around him as he continued to drive into her.

“Yes darling, squeeze those muscles around my dick.” He slammed home in a frenzy as his climax burst through, and a second orgasm shattered her world. She shook with the force of it, clinging to him to keep herself upright. He leaned forward, pressing his body against hers, holding her against the wall, and howled.

“Mated to a wolf.” She chuckled but tightened her arms around his neck. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“I wouldn’t want this any other way, either.” He slipped out of her but kept her in his arms. “Now, I think we shall test out the bed.”

* * *

After spending most of the day having sex in every room of the cabin, Sin leaned against the kitchen counter in one of Garret’s shirts, eating cold pasta left over from the celebration the night before. She was exhausted and blissfully happy at the same time. Sex had been enjoyable before but with Garret, it was unbelievable. When she was young, she overheard one of the other tribe women mention intimacy with their mate was unlike anything they’d ever experienced before. She didn’t understand it then but now she did. It wasn’t just sex; there was a bond between her and her mate that could not be matched.

“Darling…” He came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and nuzzling her neck. “I’d have cooked you something.”

“A man with skills in the bedroom and in the kitchen. How did I get so lucky?”

“I’m pretty sure I’m the lucky one.” He nipped her neck. “How about I cook you something delicious? It will be better than leftover cold pasta.”

“I have better use for your skills.” She dropped the fork into the bowl and wiggled around to face him.

“A woman after my own heart.” He cupped her butt, lifting her off the floor, only to be interrupted by a knock at the door. “Your damn brother.” Growling, he let her slide back down to her feet.

“Come in, Jase.” She didn’t even raise her voice because there was no doubt he could hear her even across the house. “And this better be good.”

“It is.” The front door shut and a moment later Jase stood next to the counter. “It’s Zoe.”

“I told you I’d speak with her in the morning. Tonight is about…other things.” She rubbed a hand up Garret’s chest.

“She overheard Mom talking about the new members arriving tomorrow and she’s locked herself in your old room, scared out of her mind. I tried to go to her but that only scared her more. I wouldn’t ask but I don’t have anyone else who can help her. Swift is in no frame of mind to help.”

“Go ahead,” Garret urged. “She needs you.”

She looked at her mate and let out a deep sigh. This was part of her job but right now she just wanted to strip off the shirt she had on and climb back in bed with Garret. “Fine. I need to get dressed and I’ll meet you over there.”

“I’ll wait for you and fill you in as we go.”

Instead of arguing, she headed to the bedroom to throw on a pair of pants and shoes. Fighting with Jase would have taken time—time she didn’t want to spend that way because it would delay her from getting back into bed with Garret. Selfish…all I can think about is sex when there’s a terrified little girl who needs my help.

“By the way, Sin,” he called through the door. “The house next to mine is yours. You can move in whenever you like. I figured you’d want to bring your stuff or buy new things so I haven’t had it furnished but give the word and it will be done.”

“The house next to yours? Why?” She tugged a pair of jeans out of the suitcase and slid them on.

“As Deputy, you should be close to me. Granddad is moving to one of the smaller cabins now that he doesn’t need the room for tribe members coming in and out. I’m planning on using it to house the guards because I don’t wish to move into it.”

“Thank you. Better get some furniture yourself. Members will be in and out of your place often now.” She buttoned her jeans, slipped into a pair of sandals she had sitting next to the suitcase, and stepped back into the kitchen. “Garret and I will deal with our place. After we get the new members settled, we’ll see what we want to keep from our places and go from there.”

“Whatever you want.” Jase shrugged. “Ready?”

With a nod, she came around the counter and kissed Garret. “I’ll be back soon.”

“I have no doubt.” He glanced to Jase. “Keep my mate safe.”

“I can keep myself safe,” she reminded him as they strolled toward the front door. After years of being on her own, doing what she liked whenever she wanted, she wasn’t used to having so many alpha males around her. Garret was an alpha in his own right, even if he didn’t have a wolf pack to command. Then there was Jase; he had changed since she’d last seen him. Not just by looks but his attitude. He was more confident now. Authority poured off him.

“Zoe hasn’t spoken much since she arrived, but she likes to read. She devoured the books you had in your room and Mom gave her some new ones yesterday. Books seem to be her escape.” Jase stopped her outside of their parents’ house. “I’m telling you this because you might be able to use that as a way to connect with her. You used to love reading, escaping reality through the pages of whatever novel you were reading. Well, she’s doing the same thing.”

“Yeah, but I grew up. I realized that I’d never get the happy ever after the characters in books do.” Her wedding ring glistened in the moonlight.

He arched a brow. “You might want to rethink that because I’m pretty sure you just did. Maybe it didn’t arrive the way you envisioned it, but it happened for you. Just as one day Zoe will find her happy ending.”

“Maybe you’re right.” She touched her ring, gliding her finger over it. “He found me, maybe against all odds, but he found me thanks to a little help from you.”

“He’d have found you even if I hadn’t sent him your way. Mates always find a way.” He pushed open the door to their parents’ house. “I figured we’d need some space so Mom and Dad are over at Granddad’s. I’ll be down here if you need me.”

She nodded and headed for the stairs. “I’ll see what I can do but she might just need time. She’s afraid of everything that’s happened so far and now that there are more new people coming, she’s worried it will happen again.”

She made her way up the stairs, glancing at the pictures as she did, but it was one picture that caught her attention more than the others. It was one of her parents, Jase, and her sitting near a campfire. They looked like a normal family and she remembered that night vibrantly. It happened a few months after she had come to the tribe. The nightmares of what had happened still haunted her, but she had finally started to not fear every bump in the night. More memorable about that night was the happiness she’d felt. For that one night, her grief didn’t control her and she could be happy without guilt. It was the first time she’d felt like she was a part of the Locklear family.

She had been a part of this family but never truly a part of the tribe. There had always been a discord between them because of her animal nature. She had left because of it and now they brought her back because of it. It was crazy how things worked out. Standing outside of her old bedroom door, she paused, letting the memories of that time, when she’d first arrived, flood back. If she could connect with those emotions, she might have a better chance of bonding with Zoe. Memories of a conversation she’d overheard long ago ripped through her.

She sat on the steps, peering down at her father and Granddad, watching them as they stood in the middle of the room. Their voices were hushed but she could hear every word. “They weren’t the only tribe. There’s been two more, further east. Foxes killed but other members left alive.”

“Why foxes? What are we going to do about it?” Her father kept his voice low, but there was concern hidden in the hushed words.

“I don’t know but a bear sleuth has killed the attackers from the latest scene. If it happens again, we’ll have to go after them. If not, and they realize Sin and Swift survived, they’ll come back to kill them off.”

This had happened before but the question was, why was it happening again? Why no activity over all these years and now people were hunting fox shifters once more? It was a question she’d have to bring up to Jase and Garret when she was done dealing with Zoe.

She knocked lightly on the door. “Zoe…” She paused, waiting to hear if there was a response. “My name is Sin. I’m Jase’s sister, and I’m here to help. Do you mind if I come in?” While she didn’t need the girl’s permission, she was hoping to put her at ease. When Zoe didn’t answer, Sin tried the door. Locked. Still, that didn’t stop her. Jase had taught her how to pick any lock in a matter of seconds.

She slipped a bobby pin from the pocket of her jeans, where she always carried one, and went to work on the lock. Bobby pins were something a lot of people had stopped using but she always shoved at least one in her hair or her pocket, in case she needed it. The lock clicked. She pushed it open and stepped into her old room to find Zoe sitting on the bed with a book in hand. The room hadn’t changed since she had last seen it. The same blue and gray deco decorated the room.

“Zoe…” She said the girl’s name again as she neared the bed, her hands held out before her. “I just want to talk.” She sat down at the edge of the mattress, far away from Zoe, and tried to stay focused even as the pictures scattered across the wall behind the bed caught her attention. The best memories of her life all surrounding two large pictures in the middle. One of her with her biological parents, just days before her life changed, and the second with her Locklear family. Arranging them that way had been her way of bringing two halves together.

“I was just like you when I arrived. Terrified and thought I was alone, but Jase was there for me and he helped me through the pain. I was younger than you are so some might say it was an easier transition for me, but we’re all here for you.” Her gaze fell on a picture of her, Jase, and Swift. “Swift isn’t mad at you, she’s angry at the world, so please don’t take it personally. Instead of dealing with her grief, she bottled it up inside of her and to see what happened to our families happen to another group is just too much for her.”

She sat there, hoping the teen would say something but got nothing. Rather, Zoe continued to keep her nose in the book, even though the page hadn’t changed. It was a front for the moment, but she knew books could be an escape. They had been for her when she was in the girl’s shoes. What am I doing? I barely handled my own shit and now I’m trying to give advice to someone else. Jase is ridiculous. I can’t do this.

“She left me, just like everyone else does.” Zoe’s voice was whisper quiet and if Sin had been human, she doubted she would have heard it.

“She didn’t leave you. She’s still here with us, just distant. I know it’s not what you want to hear but she needs time. It’s like she lost her parents all over again and she can’t deal with it, let alone help you deal with your loss. But I’m here and if you’ll let me, I can help you.”

“You’ll leave, too.”

“I won’t because as Jase’s Deputy, this is my tribe now. I’m going to make it strong and do what’s right by all members. Just as I’m here to help you, I’m going to make sure Swift works through her grief this time. Otherwise, she’s not going to be a valuable, contributing member here, and we all have to be held responsible.” She wasn’t sure how she was going to handle Swift, but she’d deal with that later. Maybe Jase or Garret would have some ideas. She put the issues with Swift aside for the moment and focused on Zoe. “Now I know you overheard my parents discussing new members joining us, but I don’t want you to worry about that.”

“How can I not?” She slammed the book closed and tossed it on the bed. “Right before my family was murdered, we allowed an outsider into our walls. He…he was…responsible.” Tears rolled down her face.

Without thinking, she closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around the young girl. “I’m very sorry.” But sorry didn’t begin to cover it. A new member…it took her a moment to realize why that tugged at her stomach. It had been the same with her tribe. It was too much of a coincidence for her to ignore. It can’t be the same man…

“We need to know everything you can tell us about that man.”

She glanced at Jase who was standing in the doorway, his expression so taut and dark, he was frightening the girl. She wasn’t happy about his interfering. She had felt his presence near the steps, but she had been so preoccupied with Zoe, she hadn’t realized he’d come up. Their connection had always been there but felt stronger since they’d undergone the ritual making them Chief and Deputy of the tribe.

“I have this.” She kept her voice low as Zoe clung to her.

“It’s information I need now. I need to confirm if they have the man.” Tension brimmed in his tone, making her raise an eyebrow.

“What?” She rubbed a hand along Zoe’s back.

“Outside, now.” He tipped his head to the hallway.

“Sweetie, can you give us a minute?” She tucked a strand of the girl’s hair behind her ear. “I’m going to find out what’s going on.” With a nod, Sin rose from the bed and stalked toward the hallway. “I was just making progress. Give me some time and I’ll have the information. But coming up here all alpha isn’t going to help anything.”

He held out a pad to her, his handwriting scribbled over the page. Another tribe was attacked tonight but the Chief has what appeared to be the leader responsible for these attacks in his grasp. The others are dead. The leader had joined the tribe three days before.

Through their connection, she could feel Jase’s bear growling in frustration. He had wanted to be part of the take down. To bring justice to her, Swift, Zoe, and all of the others that had suffered because of these assholes. She held onto the doorframe and tried to keep her legs solid underneath her. “It happened to mine as well, right before…”

“We need this information and we need it now,” Jase pressed. “We have to know if he’s behind all of these attacks or if there’s anyone else we should be worried about. If someone else is leading this crusade, then it’s not over yet.”

“I’ll tell you what I know,” Zoe called to them. “But in return, I want to live somewhere else. I know they’re your parents but they don’t want me here. I’ve heard them talking. They don’t want you to bring these new people here either. They long for the way things were.”

“I know.” Jase sighed. “I’m Chief now and I will choose how to lead this tribe—”

“Jase,” Sin cut him off. “Another time, maybe.”

“Very well.” He nodded. “But I don’t have anywhere else to put her where she’ll be safe. You know this, Sin.”

“She’ll come stay with me,” Sin blurted out without giving a thought to it before she spoke.

“You’re newly mated.” He shook his head. “I’m not sure Garret would approve and I don’t think Zoe wants to be kept up all hours of the night with your…activities.”

“Garret will be fine with it and will welcome her into our home. I suspect that you’ve soundproofed the master bedroom and the office at the new place just like yours is. Correct?”


“Then it won’t be a problem. The insulation is done well enough that even shifters can’t hear noises through the walls.”

“I didn’t have it installed for the reasons you’re claiming but for tribe business.”

“What works for one thing will work for another.”

“Hey.” Zoe waved to them. “I’m right here and I really don’t want to think about her sexual activities. So could you…stop talking about it? And even if I had to listen to it all night, that would be better than living here.”

“We’ll have the place furnished tomorrow and you can move in then.” Sin resumed her seat on the edge of the bed. She’d have some explaining to do when it came to Garret and a ton of work to get the new house livable, but somehow, they’d make it work. They had to…




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