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Gardener: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 18) by Flora Ferrari (6)






Y ou told him!”




“Oh my, god.  You told him!  What were you thinking?”


“I was thinking he’s been my best friend for twenty years, and we’ve saved each other’s lives, and more than just a time or two.”


I couldn’t believe he told my dad.  And even worse I couldn’t believe how calm he was right now.  The louder I yelled the calmer he seemed to get.  What was wrong with this guy?


The phone rested against my ear as my eyes looked toward the wall in my room.  I didn’t understand this guy, just as much as I didn’t understand what led me to him yesterday afternoon.  And then I tried to step in his shoes for a second, and it made a lot more sense.  This guy was worldly.  He had seen it all.  He had probably seen lives taken in front of him, and may have even been called on to do the same so I could live a free life in a safe place.  He was a true hero, who had been there and done that.  As big as my problem seemed to be now, I realized to a man with this much life experience it was just a drop in the bucket.


“You didn’t tell him everything, did you?”


“A big part of knowing what to say, is also knowing what not to say.  I may look like a brute on the outside, but I have feelings as well.  Yeah, I don’t explore them much, nor care about them, but that all changed yesterday.  We felt something.  I know it.  We both did.  And it meant more than just some memory, not that I ever thought of it that way.”


“You didn’t answer my question.”


“We had a moment between the two of us, and that’s where it will remain…between the two of us.”


I breathe a huge sigh of relief.  “Thank you.”


“There’s no need to thank me.  All I told him was the truth.”


Now I wanted to know.  I had to know.  What, exactly, was the truth?  “Right, it’s always good to tell the truth.”


“It’s the honorable, and honest thing to do, always.  And that’s exactly what I did.”


“And then he came home and forbid me to ever see you again.”


“If I was in his position, I’d probably do the same.  I understand.  It’s a natural reaction for a high testosterone alpha male like your dad.”


“I guess you’re right.”


“But what’s also right is us, at least to see each other again under normal circumstances, because—”


“But I can’t.  You know my dad.”


“I know him very well.  And I know he’s slow to adapt to change, as am I.  We’re two old dudes and we’re not getting any younger.  Adapt or die is the motto, right?”


“I guess so.”


“And all three of us need to adapt, if we’re going to survive this craziness.”


“But that’s just it, there is no craziness.  There can never be.”


“Because of your dad, or because it’s what you want too?”


“Because of…”  There’s no denying it.  It is what I want too.  It’s not that I know exactly, but I do know that I want to at least see him again…find out where this can go.


“Just tell me you don’t want it and I’ll leave you alone.  I’ll never bother you again.”


I wasn’t even about to pretend.  I wasn’t used to this level of forwardness.  Sure, from my dad I was, but not from any guy who was ever interested in me, or a guy I was interested in.  I was so used to playing games, and to a certain extend I was becoming more conscious of just how many games were being played and how they were played.  Unfortunately it was normal for people my age, even though I had a great distain for it.  But I was never fully aware of how many games were being played between the sexes until I was spoken to with such radical honesty.  Something about it made me just fall right in line and be honest and direct as well.


“I won’t tell you that, because it’s not what I want either.  I want to see you again.”  The words felt empowering and refreshing.  Why couldn’t everything be this simple, this straightforward?


“Good, because as much as your father is a brother to me, this is your life we’re talking about, and you have to make the decisions that will effect you.  I’d never pursue you if I wasn’t 100% sure.  There’s just too much to risk, but I’d risk everything by not pursuing you…because I am 100% sure.  I want another chance with you, and I know that chance is going to lead to another, and another, and another.”


“That sounds a little cocky to me.”


“Confidence.  There’s a fine line between the two, but a world of difference.  I’ll never take you for granted, but I’m sure that once you get more time with me, and me with you, that you’ll see how perfect the two of us can fit together.”


“But what about you?”


“I already know.”