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Greenville Alien Mail Order Brides - Complete Edition - Box Set Anthology by V. Vaughn (27)


“What do you think about starting off the wedding show with ours?” asks Logan. Over the past few days, we’ve settled into a comfortable routine of work, excursions in the city, and making out on the couch, followed by cards. We live together as if we’ve been roommates for years.

I glance at the array of papers spread out over the coffee table. Logan is creating a business plan that includes me hosting a show about cooking, one for crafts, and another for home decorating. The rest of the network programming will include everything from coupon clipping to home repairs, and I’m overwhelmed by it all. “I don’t know. Do you mean we’d get married on TV?”

“That would be the final show at the end of the season. I want you to walk the viewer through planning the perfect wedding.”

“You realize we have to get married before you can officially start work.” One of Lexi’s requirements to keep the aliens from going crazy in a world full of women is that they have to get married before securing a job.

“We can do the legal version at the town hall.” Logan reaches for my hand, and when I give it to him, he tugs me onto his lap. “You should have the wedding you’ve always dreamed of, even if we’ll already be married.”

His breath tickles my neck and sends a shiver of desire down my spine, but I’m concerned about his idea. I turn to face him. “It’s true. I always dreamed of a fancy wedding.” I smile as I think about the scrapbook I kept as a girl with all my ideas. “And it might also be true that I know what I want right down to the wedding favors, but I’m not sure I’d like to share that with the world--and all of Eroscia--to watch.

“Eliza, you’re going to have to get used to being famous. We can have a private side to our life, but part of what is going to make this business a success is you.” He nuzzles my neck. “Gorgeous, talented, smart you.”

“I’m not cut out for this.” My heart rate increases as I think about speaking in public. “You see the way I get embarrassed all the time.”

Logan begins to flutter kisses along my neck. “Um-hm, I like the way you heat up for me.” He works his way up toward my mouth, and I forget what the topic of discussion was as I get caught up in my sexy mate and the way he soothes me with his alien touch.

When we stop kissing, Logan says, “I have an agenda of what we need to do for the next few weeks. Would you look it over and tell me what you think?”

“Sure.” Keys click as he pulls up the document, and I read the first few days. “Wardrobe inspection?”

He shrugs. “It’s important you have the right look. I expect you’ll get sponsored by a department store at some point. Or…” His eyes widen with excitement. “Maybe we can get you a clothing line. We’ll need to make sure you portray a distinct style.”

I shake my head at him. “Your brain never stops, does it?”

“Nope. I can see it now.” He waves his hand in the air as if he’s reading my name lights. “Eliza Grady Designs, dressing the stay-at-home Mom with style.”

I hit his arm before I stand up. “Stop. I’m not a trend-setter.”

“Not yet, but you will be.” Logan grabs my hand and pulls me between his legs. He grips my hips and says, “But first we need to get married, Eliza. I know this is fast, but almost five hundred matches have been made, and all of the ones over ninety percent compatible are still together.” I recall he said his father ran the beta side for Eroscia, and he likely had access to the numbers. “I love you, Eliza. Will you be my wife?”

I gaze down at Logan who didn’t want to come here to be with me any more than I wanted him to. But we were immediately attracted to each other and willing to try. And it only took days until I was head-over-heels in love with my alien. The odds are in favor of us working out. On paper, he wants everything I do, and now he wants us to work together doing the very thing I love most. But most of all, I know in my heart we’re meant to be together.

I nod, and Logan jumps up to lift me into his arms as he whoops. “I’m going to make you the happiest earth girl there ever was. Fame, fortune, and family. Just you wait and see.”

When he sets me down I ask, “When should we go?”

“I can be ready in an hour.”

I grin. “What? You need that much time to do your hair?”

“Very funny. I am going to wear something nice, though. Go get ready, my beautiful bride.” His smile gets big as mischief twinkles in his eyes. “We’re not playing cards tonight.”

After spending time with a man who makes me feel adored, I’m able to flirt back. “Whatever will we do?” I turn to saunter away and let out a yelp when he slaps me on the bottom.

Even though I know the only people who will see me besides Logan are a town official and some admin employee, since he plans to dress up, I will too. I put on a cream skirt and fitted jacket I have for fundraising events that I’m required to attend for my job at the museum. Once I’m ready, I wait for Logan in the living room. He appears in dress slacks and a button-down shirt that must have been tailored, because it fits him in a way that emphasizes his broad shoulders tapering down to a narrow waist. “Wow. You dress up those clothes well.”

Logan smooths out his shirt. “Thanks.” He steps toward me and scans my body with his gaze. “You look amazing too.” He holds out his arm for me. “Let’s go get hitched.” I tilt my head at him, questioning his phrase, and he says, “Beverly Hillbillies. And I should add, you are way hotter than Ellie Mae.”

I chuckle as we walk out the door.

The town hall isn’t a long walk, but I don’t think I’d be nervous even if it were. Each step we take is moving me in the right direction. I tilt my face up to the sun, and it’s warm on my skin as my heart soars like a bird. I’m going to secure a future with the man that will be the father of my children and my partner in life. As we approach the municipal building, I notice a camera crew and wonder if someone famous has gone to court today.

“Logan!” A young woman with purple streaks in her hair comes toward us. “I’m set up around the corner.”

“Ashley,” he says. “This is Eliza.”

She smiles at me. “It’s so great to meet you, C’mon, let’s get you two camera ready.” She turns and begins to walk away.

I ask, “What is she talking about?”

“Make up. We’ll be washed out on camera if we don’t use it.”

“Wait. What?” My soaring heart lands with a thump.

“This is going to be great footage for our show.” We walk to the alley between two brick buildings, and I see a director’s chair and a folding table covered in makeup containers. “I though we might open with the plain legal wedding that will look pale in comparison to the affair you create for viewers over the season.”

“Oh.” I frown as Ashley motions for me to sit. The chair creaks as I lower myself in it. “I wish I’d known we were going to film our wedding today.”

“It would have made you nervous, and you’d have spent more than an hour figuring out what to wear, Eliza.”

He’s right, I would have fretted over what to put on knowing it was going to be captured for an eternity on TV. “I suppose.”

“Trust me, honey, the more normal you are, the more your fans will love you.”

I close my eyes as Ashley swipes a soft makeup brush over my face. “Right.” I do trust Logan, and I’m sure he knows what he’s doing. I take a deep breath and prepare myself for my first time on camera. “Of course.”

The nerves in my stomach are a mix of fear and excitement, because this is a new experience out of my comfort zone, but it’s one I want as part of my new life with Logan. I reach my hand out to him, and he takes it and squeezes my fingers. “This is the beginning of your adventure, my love.”

I gaze into the mirror Ashley holds before me and notice the polished look she created. My lips are a natural shade of red and there’s a blush on my cheeks as if I’m the girl next door. But I’m going to be so much more after I launch a career as the homemaking queen. I glance at Logan and let myself be mesmerized by the warmth of his eyes. His love wraps around my heart, and I smile. I recall the detailed business plan and all of my groom’s grand ideas. “This is our adventure. I wouldn’t want to do it with anyone but you, Logan.”